Road To Whatever (Perfect For Me Book 1)

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Authors: Blue Saffire

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Fiction, #African American, #Adult, #Erotic, #Interracial, #Music, #Band, #Melody, #Secrets, #Needs, #Singer, #Stage, #Short, #Force

BOOK: Road To Whatever (Perfect For Me Book 1)
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Perfect For Me

Road to Whatever



Blue Saffire























Copyright © 2014 Blue Saffire

All rights reserved.

ISBN: 1-941924-90-5

ISBN-13: 978-1-941924-90-7












We love to love but it is rare to find real love.




Perfect For Me

Road to Whatever



Blue Saffire











just want a shower and a few hours of sleep and I’ll be ready to handle the disaster that tonight is going to be.
At least that is my thought before I push into my place and find my dad sitting at the breakfast bar. I groan inwardly and think about turning around to leave.

“About time you showed up,” I hear my father’s voice boom. I roll my eyes and step in the door, closing it behind me. This is not what I need this morning. I have been avoiding my dad for weeks now.

According to Nolan Chaney, Sr., I need to get my life in order and come work for him. I’ve had enough of the talk we are about to have. I could probably recite every word he is about to say before he says it, I’ve heard it so many times already.

“Hey, Dad,” I murmur, rubbing my palms over my eyes. At least I don’t have a hangover. Although, I can’t wait to shower off the smell of last night’s groupie. By the look on dad’s face I’ll be stuck reeking for a while.

“Nolan, when are you going to grow up and start showing that you can act responsible?” Dad is starting in right away today. Great.

“I wasn’t aware I wasn’t acting responsible,” I grumble as I head for the refrigerator for something to wash away my cotton mouth. I feel like I’ve been chewing on sawdust.

Dad snorts and folds his arms over his chest as he watches my every move. “You know, I gave you a break when you were in high school. I figured you were young and all the girls and the partying was just your way of enjoying being a teenage boy. Not to mention not having your mother around. That made things more difficult for all of us, but I figured you were taking it the hardest so I let it slide.

“Then there was college and the way you threw away your football scholarship. I didn’t give you a hard time about that either. You were just so angry at everything. I figured if you wanted to come home and go to school I would just make that happen for you. I even thought that it was best when you seemed to be doing so well.

“For Pete’s sake, you graduated at the top of your class, Nolan. I don’t understand what happened. What are you doing with your life?”

It’s my turn to snort. You would think that I rob banks for a living listening to my dad. Judging by the look on his face I’m starting to think he may actually believe that. I laugh to myself because I know he is just getting warmed up right now.

“Dad we both know what I am doing with my life. It hasn’t changed from the last time we had this conversation.” I start my search for something to eat because I know it’s best to get ready for the long haul. “Want an omelet,” I offer.

“No Nolan, I don’t want an omelet. I had breakfast with Mandy. I want answers from you that make sense and detail an actual future, Son. This band thing would have been fine when you were in high school, as a hobby to fill your time, but you are twenty-five now. You have responsibilities and two younger siblings. This …this craziness you are going through has them right in the middle of it and I can’t have that Son.”

“Dad, the band is not craziness. If you would come to just one of our shows you would know this. As for Mandy and Chris they are both adults and can make up their own minds about what they want to do. Football, school, hell even the girls were things I thought would make me happy, make me normal, or at least make you happy.

“But now the music, the band, that’s what makes me feel like I can be happy and I feel something… I don’t know, Dad. I feel like I’m on the verge of finding the perfect note and I can’t just quit now. I can’t just turn away; we are so close to what we all have been working so hard for. The band is my family. I can’t turn my back on my family to go sit in some office, Dad. I won’t do it.”

This has to be the most I have said to my father about the band, ever. It’s too early for this. I’m usually more prepared to ignore his efforts. I guess that was a part of his plan. Dad is nothing less than strategic. He is here to really make a point this morning and I really don’t need this. I already have so much on my plate concerning the band.

“Nolan,” my father sighs. “I know that the band means a lot to you, but you have to think about your future and your brother and sister’s futures as well. This can’t continue this way. The problem with you Nolan, is you lack vision, Son. You see everything from one side and one side only. Nothing changes with you unless you decide to focus on one new single detail. That’s why you let football go and that is why you fail to see that I have told you the band can still be a part of your life, just come and work with me to insure a future.”

“That’s the kettle speaking loud and clear,” I grumble.

“Fine Nolan, if that is what you believe then you leave me no choice. I spoke with Mandy and she believes that this summer is going to be a turning point for this whole band thing. I will give you ‘til the end of the summer, Nolan. If you don’t take this band to the next level by then I’m pulling all support unless you come to work for me.”

“Dad, you can’t be serious,” I rumble. This is an empty threat toward me. I have a trust that I aged into this year. My brother will come into part of his as well next year.

“Yes, son, I am very serious. I can’t have this band destroy my entire family and since you seem to be the ring leader and your brother and sister listen to you. I have no choice,” my father sighs. “I want the best for you all, Son. This pains me more than you know.”

“I guess we’ll all just have to make it on our own,” I hiss defiantly.

“Easy for you to say Nolan, Mandy has a mortgage on her house to think about just like you and Chris do. You guys may figure something out but your sister likes the comfort I provide her,” he says smugly.

“Damn it Dad. I have enough on my plate right now,” I growl.

“Nolan, I am still your father and you will respect me as such. I want to see you in the office more before this tour thing starts. Wendy will be calling you with some appointments I’m requesting your presence at,” Dad finishes as he stands. He rounds the counter and pulls me into a hug.

“Your mother would want more for you, Nolan. Find a nice young lady. Start a career. Start a family. You’re so smart, Son.”

I just hug him back. I don’t have the heart too argue when he brings mom into it. That is a wound I try not to let anyone know is still there. I just let the anger well on the inside as I hug the man who just added the one last nail to the coffin I am trying to ignore.

I have to save my band. I have to find the perfect female lead and get my band to pull off the best summer tour ever. My stomach is churning because for the first time ever I don’t know if I’m going to pull out on the winning side.


I roll my eyes at my sister for the millionth time tonight. She has finally talked me into letting her friend audition for the band. We have been looking for a female lead singer that will give us a little edge for months now, with no promise in sight. I wasn’t so sure about letting one of Mandy’s friends into the band since Mandy has already proved to be a pain in the butt, although she is a great manager. 

My brother Chris, or Crush, as he is known to the fans and the band, said I should give this girl a chance. Something in the smirk on his face told me I would regret this, but I am getting anxious that we will never find the right girl. A buddy of Crush’s promised Mandy that if we could find a girl to add to the group he’d pull some strings for us. Not that the guys are not great, but Sam feels we need a little something extra so we are not like the other bands out there.

I for one don’t want to be just the next boy band, so I don’t see the harm in the suggestion. I may be the lead singer, but I am not a stage hog. It may be cool to sing a few duets and add some more ballads. Still I am already super nervous that my little sis and bro are about to stick a knife in me with this girl.

I adore Mandy but she can get something stuck in her head and drive everyone crazy until she gets her way. Sometimes I am happy that I am five years older than she is. I don’t have to put up with half of her hair brain ideas. At the same time she is one of the smartest nineteen year olds I have ever met. Mandy is ambitious. It can drive me crazy, but it also makes me admire her.

“She’ll be here in a few, I promise,” Mandy chimes as she reads her text messages.

“She better be,” I grumble. “I can’t believe I let you talk me into this. She hasn’t come to one practice. If she sucks I’m cutting her set short. I mean it, Mandy.”

“She’ll be great. You guys know the music to her song and she knows all of you guys’ stuff. I promise it is going to be great,” Mandy chimes; as she looks past me her eyes light up.

I turn to see what she is so excited about and see a petite girl that just walked into the bar with a tall guy at her back. She looks like the smallest thing ever standing in front of him. I totally understand his protective stance. The place isn’t packed yet. It is still sort of early, but as small as she is, it just makes you want to make sure she is safe.

She is wearing combat boots with glittery shoelaces, tight blue jeans that show off her curvy hips and legs and a black corset that’s pushing her breasts up in a very inviting way.

When I notice the straps to her backpack I want to run over and tell her she has the wrong place. My eyes travel to her face that is scanning the room looking for something or someone. I have been with Chris to a club about a mile down that has an open mic night for hip hop. It is a cool place and I am sure that’s where she is heading. That is until her eyes meet my table and a smile turns up the corners of her mouth.

“Kitty, Kitty,” Mandy squeals and waves the girl over.

The tall guy steps further into the bar out of the shadows and wraps an arm around her as they start forward toward us. My heart sinks immediately, Mandy has screwed me. I have got to find a lead singer in the next two weeks. I don’t have time for this. I am going to kill her. There is no way I am going to work for my dad.

Mandy hops off her bar stool, runs around me and hugs her friend. As they hug and bounce in each other’s embrace I groan at the disaster this night is about to be. I need a rocker chick, not the next Nicki Minaj or Beyoncé. Mandy pulls back to check out her friend’s outfit and frowns.

“Damn you’re short,” Mandy mutters. “What’s with the boots?”

Kitty looks down and giggles. “Don’t worry. I brought my shoes, I just forgot to change them. Linc needed to borrow my ride so he brought me over,” Kitty smiles as she turns to the tall guy.

I’m six foot four so this guy has to be six one or something. He has brown eyes that look hard and intimidating until he looks at Kitty. That’s when I noticed his eyes go all soft. His messy blonde hair has bad boy model written all over him. It is a look the band and I are familiar with because he looks like he could fit into the band easily and give me a run for my money when it comes to bagging chicks. My own hair is a slightly longer curly brown version of his.

Normally I would shrug a thought like that off. I don’t have trouble getting ladies at all and I welcome a little competition, but looking at the girl that just walked in with him, and totally twisted up my night, makes me want to send this dude packing. I am stunned by the feeling. Kitty is not even my type. I like leggy blondes with big fake tits.

Kitty’s tits are definitely nice but I am sure they are real and her hair is brown with purple streaks. It is long, falling over her shoulders and down her back. My fingers are itching to run through it to know what it feels like.
where did that come from

I shake my head to clear it and watch the guy, which must be Linc, pull what looks to be six inch heels out of the bag he is holding and hand them to Kitty. They are all sparkly and glittery like her shoe laces, but those shoelaces do not give me half of the dirty thoughts that are running through my head now.

Kitty holds onto Mandy as she steps into the heels. I watch as Kitty sways her hips back and forth and turns around for Mandy with a smile on her face. “Better?” Kitty beams.

“Much,” Mandy laughs and smacks Kitty on her ass.

“Hey,” Linc rumbles from beside Kitty. “I wish I could stay babe but I have to go. I’ll be late. I’ll bring your ride to Mandy’s in the morning and you can drop me to pick mine up. Is that cool?”

“Sure, thanks. Take care of my baby.”

“Promise,” he croons with a smile as he bends to kiss the top of her head. “Call me if you need me, babe.” Linc looks around the table at the band and gives what I take as a warning glare. He only nods at Chris as Chris takes Kitty’s bag from him.

I chuckle to myself. Who is this guy? Does he think he can take us all? From the look on his face he would try. Kitty just smiles up at him and waves her goodbye. Something in the gesture makes me wonder if he is really her boyfriend the way I think he is.

If he is her boyfriend I don’t see what could be so important to him that he couldn’t stay to see his girl try out for a new gig.
Unless she is worse than I think.
I push that thought aside as Mandy pulls Kitty over to me and I get my first real up close look at the vixen that has already turned my night on its head.

Kitty is gorgeous. Her full lips are painted with purple lip gloss, making any man with blood in his body wonder what those lips would feel like wrapped around him. Her catlike eyes are the strangest shade of violet framed by long lush lashes and she has the cutest little nose. She really looks like a little kitten.

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