Rock Me Gently (14 page)

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Authors: HK Carlton

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Rock Me Gently
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By the time he got to Westlake’s classroom he was out of breath. Luckily, none of the second class students had filed in yet. He stepped in and closed the door.

Westlake looked up. “Henry. Did you find Jill?”

“Yeah. She’s fine. I need to know if you’re still going after this other woman. The one here at school? As well as seeing Mrs Markham, er, Clarkson.”

“I’m not.”

“Because I didn’t mean to put that thought in your head by telling you to keep her in mind and that she was hot and all that. Jill’s mom doesn’t need to be jerked around again. If you’re just playing with her while you’re wheeling some other babe—”

“I’m not, Henry.”

“Because I’ll go over there and tell her myself exactly who you are and—”

“Henry! There is no one else.”


“It was always her. When I told the class that it was someone here at school, it was Lainey—Mrs Markham. I just wanted to throw everyone off because I knew that Jill was already taking some flak because someone saw us together at the coffee shop. But I met Lainey during Jill’s interview. And I’ve been tied up in knots ever since. I didn’t mean to upset Jill or have the whole school talking about us. I know that’s not what either of them need right now. But I have no intention of hurting her.”

“Yeah, must be a family trait. Jill’s got me all tied up in knots too.”

“You two talked?”

“Yeah, but we still need to do some more. But she told me what’s eating at her.”

“That’s good, Henry. I’m glad to hear it.”

“You’re not going to ask me what she said?”

“No, that’s between you and her.”

He nodded. “I gotta go.”

“Thanks for going after Jill.”

“No problem. Thanks for letting me.” He walked toward the door then turned back around. “She’s not too sure about you, Teach.”

“I know. She has her reasons. I get that. And she loves her mother and doesn’t want her to get hurt. But we all have that in common. I don’t want that either.”

“Boy, can we pick ‘em, eh, Dub? Couldn’t pick simple women. No. Gotta go for the complex ones.”

“I’ve come to the realization that the complex ones are the only ones that are worth it.”

“Yeah, and you’ve tried them all out, one at a time, to come to that realization. And when Mrs Markham finds that out, well, let’s just say I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes.”

“Well, hopefully by the time she finds out, she’ll be too into me to just turn her back on me. I’m not Jase West anymore.”

“Don’t you think it’d be better just to come clean with her upfront? Just be honest? She needs honesty now after all Markham put her through. Not to mention, you’re putting Jill in a helluva bad spot here, J-Dub. She knows who you are too and she doesn’t know what to do. Should she tell her mom and ruin what might be a good thing between you two or just wait and let it ride and hope she’s okay with it when she does find out?”

“She didn’t tell Lainey last night?”

Henry shook his head.

Jason let that sink in. “Yeah, I know you’re right. I guess that would be the right thing to do.”

“It would also show that you’re not Jase West anymore, that you have evolved.”

“You’re pretty smart, kid.”

Henry grinned, for the first time since he’d walked in. “Yeah, the ladies love an intelligent guy.”

The kids for second class started filing in. “Get outta here, I’ve got a class to teach.”

“Later, Teach.” Henry ran back down the hall and right out of the doors sprinting toward the parking lot.

Chapter Nine

Jason checked in at the office for any messages. It was three thirty and still not a word from Lainey. So if Jill hadn’t ratted him out why hadn’t she called? Had she changed her mind? She’d cooled off and realized she wasn’t ready?

Jason slammed the file cabinet on his way past, causing the ladies in the office to jump. “Sorry, ladies.”

Lainey was ready—more than ready. She was practically jumping him on the porch last night. So what the fuck had changed? Why hadn’t she called?

“Hey, ladies, got a phone book?”

They rushed to find it for him, bumping into one another in their haste.

Jase gave them a smile. “Thank you.”

Back in his classroom he threw it on his desk. He flipped through it. “Markham, Markham.”

“Nothing. Probably unlisted. What about Clarkson?”

“Nope. I’ll try the store.”

“H, I, J.” Jason ran his finger down the page. “There we go, Jillian’s Boutique.

Jason pulled out his cell and dialed.

“Jillian’s.” When Lainey answered he closed his eyes at the sound of her cheery voice. “Lainey speaking. How may I help you?”

“You could tell me why you didn’t call?”

“I was thinking the same thing about you. You said you would call me.”

“No, you were supposed to call me.”

“No, you said
can I call you later
? And I said yes.”

“I did? No, I couldn’t have, I don’t have your numbers.”

“I don’t have yours either.”

“You could have called the school.”

“I wouldn’t bother you at work, Mr Westlake. And you have access to Jill’s file if you needed contact numbers.”

“I cannot go into a student’s file for personal reasons.” He rolled his eyes heavenward. As if he hadn’t gone into her file once before. As if he hadn’t thought of looking in her file,

“Oh, then this is a personal call?”

“Lady, you are driving me insane. I’ve been going nuts all night long and all day wondering why you didn’t call.”

Lainey smiled. It was unbelievable how crazed he sounded. “You were supposed to call me.”

“Well, I probably did say it, but my mind was elsewhere. I apologize.”

“No need. I believe my mind was the same place as yours.”

“Do you have to rush home tonight for Jill?”

“Actually I just got a text from her about half an hour ago. She said she’s with Henry at his house and not to worry about her.”

“Then can I interest you in joining me for supper this evening?”

“What did you have in mind?”

“I’ll meet you at five.”

“All right.”


“See you then.”

She was about to hang up when his deep rasping voice intoned, “Lainey… I can’t wait.”

As she hung up she couldn’t help but grin like an idiot. Every time she thought of him, she felt warm and tingly all over. She had a permanent heaviness between her legs just in waiting anticipation of what could happen between them. She’d never experienced this kind of wild lust. Even when she and Thad had been teenagers she’d never experienced this incredible sexual need. When they’d first started having sex, she’d done it to please Thad and out of her own curiosity, of course. But it had hurt, and she hadn’t got anywhere near the same amount of pleasure out of it that he had seemed to. But it had got better as they’d got used to each other and older. Lainey finally realized that she could seek out some pleasure in the act too.

The phone rang again, pulling her from her reverie.

“Jillian’s. Lainey speaking. How may I help you?”

“Give me your cell number.”

“Don’t you ever say
?” she laughed, and rhymed off her cell number for Jason, then asked for his. She programmed it into her phone under Jase. That’s how he introduced himself to other people. But he hadn’t with her. She wondered why.

Jason couldn’t wait to get out of the school. In a much lighter mood, he returned the phone book. He headed straight to the grocery store. Lainey liked Italian and he knew how to make a mean spaghetti sauce.

Once home, he set the sauce to simmering then went for a shower.

At about four forty-five his cellphone chimed.

Running a little late. Sorry.

No problem,
he texted back. 
Meet me at my place when you’re ready?

K. Need your address,
she responded.

He texted it to her.

See you soon.

About a minute later she sent, 
I can’t wait either.

Jason smiled. He couldn’t remember ever being this excited about seeing a woman. He’d never even cooked for one before.

While he waited impatiently, he chilled some wine and set the table.

Half an hour later when he saw Lainey pull into his drive, his stomach leaped and so did other things. Dropping the pasta into the boiling pot, he then set the timer for nine minutes, and rushed to the door.

After she knocked he counted to ten so she wouldn’t know he was practically waiting at the door.

When he opened it and saw her standing there his heart pounded.

She smiled. “Hi.”

He yanked her inside. “Hello.” Then slid his hands into her hair and pulled her lips to his, while kicking the door shut. Half expecting timidity, to his delight she picked up just where she’d left off the day before—kissing him hungrily, raw and fierce. Straining to get closer she clutched at his hips. 

Jason cupped her backside and drew her against him, lifting her off her feet. He dropped his hips and thrust upward giving her a sample of what he wanted to do to her. Backing her against the door, holding her, he coaxed her legs around his hips. Full skirt and all, she wrapped her legs around him, using her muscles to cinch him closer. It felt so good his hardness pressing into her softness. An animalistic sound rumbled from his chest, followed by a delightful moan from Lainey. In an attempt to breathe, he ripped his mouth from hers.

“Now,” she cried. “Please, now!”

Jason stilled, his mind slow. She looked so fuckin’ good, her eyes pained with desire and need. With Lainey still clinging to him, he staggered over to the couch and lowered her onto her back. Frantically she went straight to his waistband struggling with the snap and zipper of his jeans. When she’d managed to get them undone she pushed at the denim. He grabbed the hem of her skirt and bunched it up around her waist. He leaned back enough so that he could look down at her—little white bikini type panties greeted him. He palmed the triangle between her legs, his thumb abrading the furrow, sliding up to circle her clit through the cotton. Crying out again, she arched her back and undulated her hips.

Jason gripped her panties and dragged them down her legs then tossed them carelessly aside. He looked down at her again. Her beautiful hairless pussy beckoned him. “Ahhh, fuck, Lainey!” he exclaimed at the sweet surprise, his cock throbbing painfully. He wanted to bury his face between her thighs, slide his tongue into her sweet wetness. He cupped his hands under her ass, lifting her slightly, tipping her forward, having every intention of licking her.

“I don’t need that. Please! I-need-to-feel-you-inside-me,” Lainey all but moaned incoherently running the whole sentence into one big word.

He didn’t need to be told again. But he didn’t have a condom on him. 

“Just give me a sec. Don’t move.”

Helplessly, she whimpered.

Jason sprinted for the stairs, taking them two at a time, holding his jeans up so he wouldn’t trip. He skidded into his bedroom and pulled a string of condoms out of the box in the drawer at his bedside. He pushed his boxers aside, before tearing one of the foil packets open with his teeth then rolling it on. As he would expect of one of his randy students he ran undignified, back down the stairs to the soft beautiful woman waiting for him. 

With her skirt still rucked up around her waist, she opened her arms to him. Stepping out of his jeans and boxers he joined her on the sofa then kneed her legs open wider. He ran his fingers between her pussy lips and groaned at the wet warmth he felt there. She was so ready for him. She scooched down the couch, getting closer as he guided his heat-seeking cock into her.

Lainey was disappointed to see the condom. Of course, it was the right thing. They barely knew each other and she knew absolutely nothing about his history. But she wanted to feel him. All of him. His skin in hers. The second he rubbed the throbbing tip of his cock through her slick cunt, she no longer cared. Pressure and deep penetration were all she craved. Her body was on fire.

Jason plunged forward burying himself to the hilt—at long last filling the bottomless fiery yearning he’d been stoking in her since they’d met. She opened her mouth on a silent moan of pleasure and relief.

As he looked down at her, he began to move. Lainey cupped each of his butt cheeks, encouraging his frantic pace. She splayed her legs wider giving him full access.

“Ahh, Lainey. God, you feel so good.”

Lainey was shocked at how amazing it felt. Generally she wasn’t able to come this way, needing clitoral stimulation to get there. But she was so close. His cock abraded just the right spot. Then sweet spasms began to build way deep down inside her. “Ohh, Jay-sonnnnn,” she moaned as one delectable wave of pleasure after another crashed over her.

Her pussy contracted around the base of his shaft, tightening and squeezing him, pulling him deeper. Constant overlapping tremors made her inner walls ripple enticingly. She felt so fuckin’ sweet. “Aww, Lainey, I’m comin’ already,” he confessed on a long quaking shudder. He ground into her until he felt himself losing substance.

Pulling out, he then eased down beside her. Her eyes were shining and bright. Something inside his chest squeezed at that look.

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