Rock Rod 3 (5 page)

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Authors: Sylvie

BOOK: Rock Rod 3
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Unable to argue with that, Alex shucks his clothes. It's still weird getting undressed in front of Cory, but since she's touched his butthole he figures he might as well get over it. And she never looks at him in a way that makes him uncomfortable. So that's nice.

Peter pats the black exam table. In a tight white shirt and skinny jeans, he doesn't look like a doctor. At all. But it still sends a weird thrill through Alex. He'd never admit it to anyone, but he's always liked being examined. All the light, exploring touches give him shivers. Usually they don't give his dick shivers, but this time, his dick twitches promisingly and grows heavier against his thigh.

"Just rest back." Peter adjusts the table so it has a very slight incline. He flips out a pair of weird foot rests and guides Alex to stick his feet in them. They're covered with those purple and gold bags that Crown Royal bottles come in. Peter catches Alex staring at them. "It's to keep the metal from feeling cold on your bare feet," he says, grinning.

Cory wheels the tripod over and starts fussing with the camera. She leans over the table, handing Peter a small digital camcorder. "Don't get bodily fluids on it, please."

Alex looks up at Peter. He feels really vulnerable like this with his feet in the footrests. Even though his knees are still pressed together because he's not quite ready to show Assinator 3000 where to hammer home.

"Hey," Peter says softly, touching his face. "You don't have to do anything you don't want to. And we'll stop if you don't like it."

"I know," Alex says, his voice wobbling.

"You wanna suck my cock?" Peter asks, like it's the most normal thing in the world to say to someone who's starting to shiver all over with anxiety.

But the weirdest thing happens: It immediately makes Alex feel a lot better. Because yes. Yes, he wants Peter's cock in his mouth. He nods.

Peter unzips his jeans and works his dick out. It's long and flushed, and it thuds against Alex's parted lips, feeling solid and hot. Alex twists his body to get a better angle and lets Peter feed him his cockhead. For one delicious moment, it's still a little soft, and Alex sucks hard, feeling it give between his lips. He's rewarded with a burst of salty precum and a sweet sigh from Peter.

"Yeah, babe," Peter says. He's filming with one hand, angling the camera down at his dick and Alex's mouth. "Open more. There you go." He brushes his free hand at Alex's face and touches the corner of his mouth and takes his dick and guides it in shallow thrusts into Alex's mouth.

Busy sucking and tasting, Alex barely feels it when Cory gently opens his legs.

"Don't mind me," she says. Her gloved fingers spread lube up and down Alex's crack, warming it against his skin. There's nothing affectionate about her touch—it's all business. But he still moans, remembering why she's slicking him up in the first place. He's going to get fucked. Hard and fast.

"Yeah." Peter sighs out a happy sound, and his cock twitches and tightens in Alex's mouth. "There's my cockslut. You ready to get drilled, babe?"

Alex whines around Peter's cock, bobbing his head to make it faster. He isn't nervous anymore. Excited? Yes. So excited he's flushed and sweating already. His palms slide against the shiny black table and he slides down an inch, parting his knees more, wanting.


He looks up at Peter and their eyes meet and Alex nearly bites down because there's something startlingly romantic about Peter's tender gaze. It doesn't matter that he's actively sucking Peter off or that Cory's humming to herself while spreading lube all over him and into him. Alex is falling a little bit in love.

"You're gonna do great." Peter presses his lips together and stifles a low groan. "You feel so good." He touches Alex's cheek. "Ready?"

Alex nods, which isn't really nodding as much as sucking at Peter's cock with bobbing enthusiasm. Peter makes a mournful sound and pulls away. He gives his thick cock a few strokes like he's soothing it and turns off the camera.

"You got that one?" he asks Cory. She gives a thumbs up from behind the bigger camera on the tripod.

Left with nothing to do but wait, Alex strokes his dick gently, mostly teasing it. He doesn't want to tense up any more than he already is. He rubs his chest and belly, wondering how the hell he got so hot so fast. He's slick all over, sweating and panting.

Peter adjusts the machine for a moment, and then unlocks the rollers on the butcher block and slowly slides it until the soft-hard dildo nudges against Alex's body. Then he adjusts it once more, and the tip hits Alex's hole, glancing a little tease there.

"Oh boy." Alex exhales.

Peter laughs. "Yep. I'm going to insert it manually first, and then start it very slowly."

"That's the least sexy thing anyone's ever said about putting something in my butt."

"Are you sure about that?" Cory asks.

Okay, so maybe not the least sexy thing. But it's up there.

Alex immediately forgets that it isn't sexy, because the dildo is not tiny. He hisses, arching his back. His skin makes a sticky sound against the shiny table.

"You good?" Peter asks.

"Yes." Alex groans tightly. "I am good. Can you move it though?"

"It's going to move. Trust me."

Alex closes his eyes and waits, expecting to be turbo-skewered. His erection flags in his hand and he tries to coax it back, but all he can think about is what a horrible Final Destination death this will be if something goes wrong. College student impaled by imported sex robot named Assinator 3000. Or maybe it'll catch on fire. That would be even worse. Fuck.

"Alex." Peter massages him where his body's all tight around the intruding dildo. "Babe, exhale."

When Alex breathes out, the dildo starts to move. And it isn't punch-fast at all. It's slow and kneading. One long, gentle thrust in, and a slow, steady thrust out. And then again. Rhythmical. Like a wave pool. Relaxing.

"This isn't so bad," Alex says, opening his eyes.

"I hope not, because it's the lowest setting possible." Peter's dick brushes against Alex's thigh. He isn't going to have any issues at all with his erection staying fully engaged. "I'm going to increase the speed really slowly. I want you to tell me when it's enough, or tell me when it's too much. It backs down pretty quickly. Okay?"

"Got it." Alex doesn't have to ask him when it'll speed up. The motor gives a cheerful buzz and everything changes in an instant. The relaxing wave pool feeling gives way to a rumbling maelstrom. It's like a party on his prostate. "Oh."

"Yep." Peter plays with Alex's balls gently. "You look good. Nice and slick. Depth's okay?"

"Aye aye, captain," Alex says assuredly. Because all he can think of is a submarine sinking to deeper depths and maybe he's already losing his mind because fuckmachine. He hears Cory make a snort-laugh sound and doesn't care. Because fuckmachine.

"You're doing perfect." Peter's voice is low and crooning. "You can take more, can't you? You were made for this."

The fuckmachine whirs, louder now. And each quick thrust becomes more of a thud. A slap. Pleasure rolls through Alex so relentlessly that it almost hurts. It shatters up his spine and rumbles along his thighs, and he's hard again but he can't make his hands work. They're balled up into fists at his hips and he's holding his breath. It's so much.

"Breathe. Breathe."

He gusts out a breath and sucks it back in and whines. "That's good," he says tightly. "Right there."

"Almost full speed," Peter says softly. "Jesus, Alex. Take it. That's it, babe."

Every breath Alex takes becomes a soft whine or a sob. The dildo hits him where it counts, nailing that sweet spot without skipping a beat. He can hear it slapping at his skin. It burns with friction, painful but hot and furious. It's hard to see, but when he squints at Peter he sees him filming again, aiming the camera down between Alex's legs.

Peter jerks off with his other hand. He's into it.

Alex feels like a fucking rockstar. And then his orgasm starts to build and it scares the shit out of him because he's not even touching his cock, and it feels like he's exploding from the inside out. "Peter!" Fuck.

"Shh, shh. I know. Let it come. Ride it out. Ride it out, Alex."

"Hurts," Alex whines, feeling weird. Too full. It's so hard. It's so much. It's fast and it won't stop and it's almost more bad than good and then he's coming. And yelling out incoherent animal sounds.

It doesn't splash out of him, it drips down like a tiny volcano. He feels each tight pulse of his release working through him and pooling in little spills on his belly.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." He sounds insane. He doesn't care. "Fuck!"

"Sweet merciful step-sister of Jesus Christ," Cory says. "That just happened."

Alex is crying a little. His body grips the dildo too tightly, but it's okay. Because Peter has him. He's slowing it down. And in a few seconds it's back to the gentle wave pool, in and out, and then it grinds to a gentle stop. And that's it. It's gone.

And Alex feels empty.

"Peter," he whispers.

"Right here." Peter stands between his legs, rolling a condom on. He's wide-eyed and flushed. "Alex. Are you sore? Can I?" He looks like he doesn't even know where he is, and Alex knows exactly what he needs. He curls up and takes Peter's hand and helps guide his cock to his hole. His fingers only glance at the flesh there but he can tell he's gaping and swollen. It feels good. Like an awesome bruise from doing something really cool.

Peter sinks home gently and leans over him, finding Alex's mouth. It's barely even fucking, because he only snaps his hips forward a handful of times before he's coming in Alex.

"Peter." Alex whines softly. It’s all he can say. It’s all he wants.

"I’ve got you,” Peter says.




The big shower at Rock Rod already feels like a home away from home. Alex lets the wall hold him up. He watches Peter shower and he feels all fuzzy and stupid and a little bit like maybe they did something they shouldn't have. At least it was on camera and for a good cause and all that, and not like the kid in Willy Wonka running off and playing with shit he wasn't supposed to.

"You look so spaced out," Peter says.

"How do you know? You're blind as a bat."

"I'm blind as a bat and I can still tell you’re spaced out. You look like a sentient noodle."

Alex grins. "Probably pretty close to accurate." His legs are sore already in ways he never thought possible. He must have tensed them up more than he thought. Or it was the weird angle of those footrests. It doesn't matter. It's a good sore. And a good spaced out. And Peter is here being wet and very pretty.

Peter rinses the last of the shampoo out of his hair and kisses Alex.

"What base is fuckmachines?" Alex asks.

"Home run." Peter turns the kiss into a quick, nipping thing that almost wakes up Alex's incredibly worn out sex drive. "We're basically married now."

That shouldn't make Alex feel all squealy inside but it does. He smiles and pulls Peter against him and they stay like that, hugging and naked and wet, until the water runs cold.




Alex walks slowly up the school library stairs, conscious of the sound of each footstep. The warm silence around him is nothing like the symphony of body noises he's starting to get used to spending time at Rock Rod, and from watching amateur porn videos from his phone. Under the covers. In his dorm room.

Because he's still scared of using the school WiFi for things like trying to figure out what sounding and figging mean.

When he spots Peter at a big table in the corner, a huge grin spreads across his face. He feels like a golden retriever with his head stuck out a window, but he can't help it. At least until Peter glances up at him, barely nods, and looks back down at his tablet.

Is this going to be his Grease moment? Is Peter embarrassed to be seen with him? It's not like the library is crowded. And no one watching them would ever know that they only know each other because Alex answered a gay porn ad.

Damn it.

By the time Alex reaches the table, he's come up with a billion reasons why Peter is already tired of hanging out with him. He slides into the seat across from Peter and drops his backpack onto the carpet.


Peter glances up again. "Hey." His expression isn't quite glacial, but Alex's stomach still gives a cold, terribly lurch.


"Yes?" Peter glances at his tablet pointedly.

"Well. I mean, you could be playing Candy Crush, I don't know."

A tiny smile twitches at Peter's mouth, but it doesn't spread to his eyes. In fact, his eyes have dark circles underneath them.

Alex takes a slow breath. He wants to freak out and ask Peter why he's being distant, and if this means they're breaking up before they ever even got started, and if it means they won't do their next shoot for Miranda.

He wants to give in to the wave of impending despair. Because not seeing Peter anymore will crush him. He's comfortable being himself for the first time in his life and he feels so good with Peter. He feels good talking to him and laughing with him. He feels good kissing him and he trusts Peter when Peter touches him. It's all good. How can that be over already?

Peter eyes him expectantly, looking worried for some reason.

And that's the thing. Life isn't all about Alex even though it feels like it sometimes, especially when he's so excited about knowing exactly what he wants from guys. From one guy. From Peter.

But Peter looks tired and maybe it has nothing to do with Alex at all. Maybe Alex should calm the fuck down.

"Okay," Peter says. "You're freaking me out. Are you breaking up with me?"

Alex blinks.

Peter sighs and looks away. "Listen, you don't have to explain. I've heard a lot of explanations, and I get it."

"I'm not…." Alex rubs his face. "I was going to ask you the same thing because you look sad but then I realized maybe you look sad because you're sad, not because you hate me."

"I don't hate you."

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