Rock Star Romance: Dan (Contemporary New Adult Rockstar Bad Boy Romance) (Hard Rock Star Series Book 4) (16 page)

BOOK: Rock Star Romance: Dan (Contemporary New Adult Rockstar Bad Boy Romance) (Hard Rock Star Series Book 4)
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Damian crossed to one
of the stalls along the wall and took a blanket from where it was draped over
the gate. He carried it over to the hay and spread it out beside her, and then
reached for her hand.

Nixie rested her
fingers across his palm and let Damian pull her to her feet with a hard enough
tug that her breasts crushed into his chest and her breath caught in her throat.

"Where are all
the animals?" she asked.

She felt his hand come
to the zipper at the back of her dress and start to ease it down.

"In a different
barn. It's just us."

The zipper went all
the way to the bottom of the dress, allowing him to release it into two pieces
and peel it away from her. He groaned when he saw her black mesh bra, matching
panties, and the garter belt holding up her fishnets. She had worn the lingerie
hoping it would make her feel better about herself as she faced down the embarrassment
of being in the same bar as the party earlier, but she was much happier with
the function they were serving now as Damian lowered to his knees in front of
her and buried his face between her breasts.

His tongue slid across
her skin and Nixie gasped, arching her back slightly to press into the feeling.
The air in the barn was still cool and the contrast with his warm, damp breath
along the middle of her soft stomach as he eased his way down made her shiver.
Damian dipped the tip of his tongue into her navel, working his way gradually
down her body as his fingers moved to the buckles on her shoes to release them
and pull the heels off of her feet.

His mouth had come to
the waistband of her garter belt and he traced it with the tip of his tongue as
he unhooked the garters from the tops of her hose and eased the belt down her
hips and onto the ground. Hooking his fingers in the tops of the thigh highs,
he rolled them down her legs and let them join the rest of her clothing.

She felt his breath on
her core and suddenly his mouth closed on the front of her panties, sucking on
her gently through the mesh fabric. He continued the tender torment as his
hands ran up her back to the fastening of her bra. With a single flick of his
fingers it opened and she moved her arms to let it fall away from her body.
Suddenly she was in nothing but the scrap of her panties and Damian hadn't even
taken off his boots.

"Hold on,
cowboy," she said, easing his head away from her so that he looked up at
her, "Aren't you going to take anything off?"

He smiled at her and
let his hands travel down her body, moving slowly as if luxuriating in all of
her soft curves and swells. His head shook from side to side and he dipped
forward to kiss her stomach again.

"I want to see
all of you," he said, his voice low and raspy with arousal.

"I want to see
all of you, too."

He guided her back,
crawling forward with her a few steps before pushing her so that she tumbled
down onto the blanket.

"Me first."

"You certainly
are spoiled," she said teasingly as he crawled forward until he hovered
over her.

"I'm an only
child," he said.

"So you don't
share very well?"

He got a devilish
glint in his eye and bit his bottom lip.

"Oh, I share
extremely well," he said, sitting back on his knees and taking the sides
of her panties in his fingers, "especially with my very favorite

Nixie felt him pull
the last of her clothing off of her and toss it away, leaving her completely
bare in front of him and craving him like she had never craved anything in her

"How do you like
to play?" she asked.

Damian growled low in
his throat and flipped her onto her stomach. Nixie gasped and looked back over
her shoulder to watch him lick from the small of her back up to the base of her
neck as he used one hand to part her thighs and push her leg up so her knee
bent and tucked up against her side. He moved his body down and a second later
she felt his tongue flick across her core, teasing through the folds to bring
her taut, sensitive nub forward.

Nixie buried her face
in the blanket to muffle her cries and Damian continued, swirling his tongue
along her until her hips bucked involuntarily against his mouth. His teeth
nipped at her thigh before his tongue delved into her, wrenching a scream from
her chest. She heard the sound of a belt buckle being released and boots
hitting the floor. Her hips rolled as Damian continued to lick and suck her,
bringing her so close to the edge that she was gasping for breath when she felt
him move away from her.

A moan poured from her
lips as one hand pressed into her thigh and the tip of his erection stroked
against her, nudging her closer to climax. She pressed her hips back, trying to
will him to enter her, and he complied, sinking into her in one smooth thrust.

Nixie was so enraptured
with the feeling of being filled so completely that she barely noticed the
shift in the blanket beneath her as someone came to kneel in front of her. She
gasped as a hand slipped under her chest and lifted her so that she came up on
her hands. Damian was on his knees in front of her, his fully engorged cock
standing out from his unzipped fly.

Her head snapped
around to look over her shoulder and she saw Remy behind her, his hips rolling
slowly to sink into her deeper with each stroke. Nixie pulled herself up onto
her knees so that she leaned back against Remy and turned her head to kiss him.
The kiss seemed to spur him on and his pace increased. Without taking her mouth
from Remy's, Nixie reached forward for Damian.

When she felt the
fabric of his shirt touch her hand, she turned to him and started unbuttoning
the buttons, keeping her back arched so that Remy stayed deep inside her.

"I told you that
I share very well," Damian said as she pushed his shirt off of his

"Good boy,"
she said breathlessly, pulling him forward into a kiss.

Nixie wrapped her hand
around Damian's erection and began to stroke him to match Remy's rhythm,
reaching back with her free hand to hold onto Remy's thigh. She could felt
Damian's hands pushing his pants away and soon she had both beautiful cowboys
naked and pressed close to her.

Damian rested his
hands on her hips and drew her forward toward him. She gave herself over to
them, allowing them to move her as they wanted to. He eased her away from Remy
so that he withdrew from her body.

"Lay down,"
he whispered.

Nixie settled onto her
hip and lay back, letting Remy guide her so that her head rested on his thigh
where it connected with his hip. Damian parted her thighs and draped them over
his own, lifting her hips up so that he plunged into her. Nixie cried out and
he replied with a harder thrust, causing her to arch higher.

Remy's hand came to
the side of her face and he stroked her cheek for a few seconds before guiding
her head to the side toward his erection. She opened her mouth and let it glide
against his length, her tongue tracing the veins and ridges until she reached
the head. Grasping the base of his shaft with one hand, she lifted her head
enough to slide him in across her tongue. He tucked his hand behind her head to
support it as she let his cock slip out of her mouth so that she could continue
licking around the head and back down. Like she had with Damian, she grasped
Remy's shaft tightly and mimicked Damian's thrusts so that the three of them moved
in the same rhythm together.

Remy leaned down to
kiss her as he slid his hand down over one breast, along her stomach, and to
the apex of her thighs. His fingers slipped over her peak and she drew in a
breath, her head falling away from his for a moment before she lifted it again
to kiss him with greater intensity.

As if they had
choreographed it, both men suddenly moved. Damian withdrew from her and moved
to her side while Remy held her head up off his lap and eased himself around to
her other side. She felt him push gently on her shoulder so that she curled
over onto her hip and he tucked forward to mold his body to hers. Remy's hand
came between her knees and he pulled her top leg up and back so that it draped
over his, allowing him to enter her again.

This new position
afforded Damian an unobstructed view of her and he watched hungrily for a few
seconds before leading her head toward him so that she took his shaft in her
mouth. Nixie whimpered, nearly overwhelmed by the pure, unrelenting pleasure of
both men worshipping her body and allowing her to worship theirs. The harder
Remy thrust into her, the hungrier she became and she soothed that hunger by
sucking Damian deeper into her mouth, swirling her tongue around the tip of his
erection and gathering the drops of salty-sweet fluid that formed there.

It was the perfect
balance, an extraordinary sense of completeness and fulfillment she had never
experienced. Remy's hand cupped her breast, both kneading into it and using it
for leverage as he pounded into her. She reached back to grab his hip, keeping
them tightly connected in a way that allowed him to increase his speed and
pressure. Damian completed the circle, letting his hand trail down her stomach
before his fingertips touched her swollen bud, applying just enough pressure
that within seconds she crashed into an all-consuming climax.

Her body shuddered
with the tremors that rocked through her and she opened her mouth further,
allowing Damian to thrust into her throat several deep times before his body
tightened and he growled with release. At the same second Remy grunted and bit
down into her shoulder to muffle his own sounds as he spilled into her. Nixie
moaned as the boys filled her, both clutching at her and gasping for breath as
she swallowed deeply to pull Damian in further and milked Remy with the final
tremors of her climax.

Finally the three
collapsed onto the blanket together and Nixie entangled herself in both of her
boys, cuddling back into Remy's body while draping an arm and a leg over Damian.
She kissed both of them and they nuzzled her, their hands stroking tenderly
along her body as they all cooled and relaxed.

"So how many
times have you done that before?" she asked when she finally felt like she
could speak again.

Damian replied and she felt Remy shake his head in confirmation.


Remy kissed her


"Are you going to
do it again?"

"With you?"
Remy asked.

Nixie nodded and saw
Damian grin, those craving-inducing eyes flickering to Remy over her shoulder
and then back to her.

he said, leaning forward to kiss her.



A week later, Nixie
sat on her usual stool, watching Patrick try to master a pink and blue
princess-themed cocktail that she felt was way too complicated considering it
contained so many different types of liquor the person drinking it would have
no idea what it looked like after one sip.

"A literal roll
in the hay?" he asked, dropping a cherry down into the drink and creating
a murky-looking blend of colors. "Dammit."

Nixie murmured her affirmation and took a long sip of the far-less complex
drink in front of her.

"How much tequila
did you have exactly?"

Nixie laughed.

"Two shots. Trust
me, I was fully cognizant of everything that was happening." She sighed,

Patrick started to say
something, then looked down sharply, dropping several more cherries into the
drink with quick succession. Nixie felt a kiss come to either side of her neck
and reached up with both hands to touch Damian and Remy's faces.

"Hi, boys,"
she said happily.

Remy climbed up onto
the stool beside her and Damian patted her hip until she got up and let him sit
down so he could pull her down to sit between his legs.

"Did you have a
good ride, gentlemen?" Patrick asked and both of the guys laughed. Patrick
reddened and struggled to come up with more words, "I mean on your horses.
Your horses! You are cowboys, right? I mean… that's what cowboys do. You
ride…horses. I'm going on break."

They were still
laughing as Patrick scurried away from the bar. Nixie intertwined her fingers
with Remy's and turned to kiss Damian on the cheek, nestling back against him

"Hi, Nixie."

A familiar voice broke
the comfortable, happy moment. She turned to see Bryan standing a few feet

Bryan," she said icily.

She held Remy's hand a
little tighter and felt Damian tighten his grip on her protectively.

"I see you still
come here on Friday nights," he said awkwardly.

As if you didn't
know that and didn't come here the last two weeks expressly for that reason.

Friday," she confirmed.

Bryan reddened
slightly and he shifted uncomfortably.

"Yeah," he
said, "I heard. I wanted to say I'm sorry about the whole party thing last
week. I should have picked a better place. Um, speaking of that… can I talk to
you for a minute?"

Nixie stared at him
blankly. For the first time, she really felt nothing for him. There was no
sadness, no anger, no frustration. She honestly hadn't thought about him for a
single second in the last week and it was an amazing feeling.

"Go ahead.

Bryan shifted again,
his expression becoming more and more agitated with each passing second. She
could see his eyes jumping back and forth between her hips tucked between
Damian's thighs and her hand holding Remy's.

"I've been
thinking a lot about everything that happened and I…Do we really have to talk
about this right here?"

Nixie nodded.

"Yes. I'm done
doing things on your terms, Bryan. If you want to talk to me, it's going to be
right here, right now."

He gave a deep sigh.

"Fine," he
said, "The day after the party I found out that Angela has been sleeping
with my best man."

Nixie fought to
withhold the triumphant laugh that was building in her chest.

"That's so sad
for you," she said, trying to sound as genuine as possible.

"Yeah, well, it
got me thinking. Maybe I was too quick about everything. I just got so wrapped
up that I made a really stupid decision ending things with you the way I did
and maybe we could have another chance."

Both of the men
holding her tensed, but Nixie rubbed their hard, jeans-covered thighs
soothingly, her body already tingling at the thought of how those thighs felt
without the jeans covering them. She gave each a deep, connecting kiss before
turning back to Bryan with a smile

"I'm sorry, Bryan,
but that's just not going to happen. You see, while you thought you were
celebrating finding 'the one', I was absolutely celebrating finding my




BOOK: Rock Star Romance: Dan (Contemporary New Adult Rockstar Bad Boy Romance) (Hard Rock Star Series Book 4)
3.46Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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