Rock Star Romance: Dan (Contemporary New Adult Rockstar Bad Boy Romance) (Hard Rock Star Series Book 4) (43 page)

BOOK: Rock Star Romance: Dan (Contemporary New Adult Rockstar Bad Boy Romance) (Hard Rock Star Series Book 4)
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Ben watched Daphne sleep, curled up in Dov’s bed,
still fully naked. He smiled wryly to himself; they had so thoroughly gotten
the woman off that she had blacked out, slipping into a deep doze wedged
between his and Dov’s bodies, right there in the woods. “We should take her
somewhere comfortable,” Dov had suggested, and Ben had agreed. There was a
great deal more for them to explain to her once she came to.

“Do you think we should be—worried? Concerned?”
Ben glanced away from Daphne to look at his friend. They had gathered up
Daphne’s clothes, carrying her through the woods with the preternatural
strength that their dual natures afforded them, but they hadn’t bothered to
re-dress her, or themselves.

“That depends on how she feels about all this when
she wakes up,” Dov said, leaning back in his chair. “If she freaks…” he cringed

“If she freaks, we’ll have to tell Sasha.”

“We’ll have to tell Sasha anyway,” Dov pointed
out. “Have you noticed anything, Ben?” Dov raised an eyebrow and Ben frowned in
thought, wondering what his friend was referring to. All at once it occurred to
him; he could
Daphne—a little bit, not as clearly as he could feel
the mind of his best friend, or one of the other members of the Nita clan, but
the sense was there all the same. Ben opened his mind more thoroughly, seeking
the small, faint coil of thought. He sensed warmth, satisfaction, tingling
pleasure—pleasure that wasn’t just his, but was Daphne’s.

“Oh, shit,” Ben said. “She’s bonded to us
already?” Dov chuckled.

“Well you have to admit it was pretty intense out
there,” he pointed out. “So…,” Dov took a deep breath and exhaled. “We need to
explain to Sasha that we’re sharing a mate. I’m sure we can’t be the first
bears in history to do that.”

“Are you willing to share her?” Ben felt a flicker
of something like jealousy; it hadn’t bothered him to share Daphne with Dov as
a fling—but could he really share her as a mate? Did he have a choice, if Dov
was also hearing and sensing her thoughts?

“After what just happened in the woods? If she’s
willing, I’m willing. And brother, I’m feeling like this is one willing
female.” Ben snorted.

Before he could pursue the subject any further,
Daphne stirred on the bed, and Ben felt the shift in her mental signature as
she awakened. After a few moments, she opened her eyes, glancing around in
confusion. “Where am I?” she asked, frowning in thought. Her gaze fell on Ben
and color flooded into Daphne’s cheeks. “Oh god, that wasn’t a dream, was it?”

Maybe a wet dream.
Ben bit back a laugh at
the thought that Dov projected. Daphne’s eyes widened again and she turned from
looking at Ben to look at Dov, the color draining from her face. “You—that—that
was your…oh god. Not only are you bear-men, but telepaths too?” Ben pressed his
lips together; Daphne probably wouldn’t appreciate his amusement.

“Only with members of our clan,” Dov told her
gently. Ben watched as his clan-brother crossed the room, approaching the bed
slowly and then sinking down only a few feet away from Daphne. “What happened,
in the forest out there,” Dov said, gesturing idly towards the woods. “We
bonded with you. We weren’t expecting it—but it happened.”

“We’d like you to meet the rest of our clan,” Ben
told Daphne. “We’d like to present you as our mate.”

“Wait—wait. So I’m…both of you guys’ mate?” Daphne
blinked, glancing from Ben to Dov in deepening confusion.
You can hear my
thoughts too, right?
Ben raised an eyebrow as he sent the thought to
Daphne. She nodded.

If I can hear their thoughts then—oh god! You
guys can hear me right now?
Dov snickered, and Ben fought back another

“Hear you, feel you… yep. You’re bonded to us.”

Daphne groaned, burying her face in her hands.

“It’s not a bad thing,” Ben said, rising and
joining the other two on the bed. “I know you can still remember how good the
sex was just a little while ago. I can feel it in your mind. You can have that
whenever you want it.” He grinned, gently pulling her hands away from her face.
“In fact, one of the great things about being with a couple of bears like me
and Dov is that whenever you want sex, we’ll want sex. Automatic reaction.”

Ben felt his words take effect in Daphne’s mind;
she had awakened with a lingering sense of arousal, her pheromones as well as
her mind showing signs that as satisfied as she had been with their tryst, her
body still wanted more. Now he felt the pulse of her lust intensifying as
pictures flitted across her mind: different ways that she could be with both
men at the same time, different positions, different acts. “We could do all
those things, and then invent some more,” Dov said, obviously receiving the
same images.

“Oh, god,” Daphne said again, throwing herself
back against the bed as she blushed a deep red.

“You’ll find we don’t really have much shame,” Ben
told her with a grin. “We’re part animals, after all.” Ben leaned in close to
her, brushing his lips against her ear. “We can even do that thing you’re
thinking about right now,” he murmured lowly. Daphne’s eyes widened as she
looked at him, and in spite of her lingering embarrassment, Ben could feel her
arousal intensifying at the thought.

“Definitely,” Dov said, glancing at him. “I want
front this time, though.” Ben chuckled. He reached out, running his hands all
over Daphne’s body slowly, caressing and teasing her. Ben pulled Daphne’s face
towards his and kissed her hungrily; he was already feeling the heat flowing
through him, a mixture of regular mating need and the feelings he was receiving
from both Dov and Daphne’s minds. He pulled back, giving his clan-brother the
opportunity to taste their mate’s lips, and glanced around the cabin in search
of something to make the idea Daphne had thought of a reality.

Ben climbed out of the bed quickly, even as Dov
went into action, moving and shifting around, pulling Daphne down on top of him
as he leaned back against the headboard. Ben took in the sight of Daphne
straddling his clan brother’s hips, Dov’s hands resting at her soft waist as
she rocked back and forth on top of him, rubbing herself against his swiftly
hardening cock. Just the sight of them together was enough to complete Ben’s
arousal as he located a bottle of massage oil and clutched it firmly in hand.

Daphne’s moan filled the air, and Ben received a
backwash of impressions from her and Dov both: the slick, wet feeling of her
pussy, the full feeling as Dov’s cock filled her up inch by inch, slowly
pushing past the resistance of her body. He climbed back into the bed, moving
closer to the two, taking up his position behind Daphne as she began to ride
his best friend in achingly slow movements. Ben let his hands trail all over
her body, caressing and exploring her curves; if he and Dov were able to
convince her to stay with them, Ben thought that he would never tire of
exploring her delicious body, but if they didn’t, he should take every
opportunity she granted. Slowly he worked his way down to the curve of her ass,
kneading the plump flesh there, carefully trailing his fingertips along her
cleft. Ben kissed along her shoulders, pulling Daphne’s hair lightly aside to
nuzzle the base of her neck as he opened the bottle of massage oil and
carefully dripped some onto his fingers.

Daphne let out a half-whimpering moan as Ben began
to swirl his fingertips against her tight pucker, pressing lightly. He knew
from her thoughts that she’d never done this before—but he also knew that she
was eager to try it, at least with the two men she was with. Ben slowly,
steadily teased her, coaxing her body to relax, coaxing her to accept the
penetration as Daphne continued to move on top of Dov, taking his cock deeper
and deeper inside of her. Ben could feel her pleasure mounting, and knew that
none of them would last very long—he sent a private request to his best friend
to slow down, just enough to let them all get what they needed.

Ben worked Daphne’s tight pucker, sliding first
one and then two fingers inside of her, spreading the oil thoroughly and
wriggling along the tight, flexing muscles. He felt her ambivalent desire, felt
her gradually giving into the strange pleasure his touches were giving her. He
stretched her as carefully as he could, knowing that he needed to prepare her,
but knowing that it was not something that could be rushed. When he finally
thought that she was fully ready, he withdrew his fingers, pouring a little
more of the oil into his hand and applying it to his throbbing, aching cock.

Ben pushed Daphne gently forward, positioning
himself behind her. He spread her ass cheeks, and pressed the tip of his cock
against her, hesitating only a moment before he thrust his hips. He sank into
her slowly—achingly slowly—filling her up from behind as Dov continued to
thrust up inside of her, and Ben groaned, a bear-like growl rising up in him,
as their mutual pleasure washed through his mind. He moved inside of her,
starting as slow as his impatient desire would allow and then gaining speed,
his hands wandering, colliding with Dov’s all over Daphne’s body. The three of
them moved together in a rhythm that none of them could resist, and Ben’s
pleasure mounted faster and faster as Daphne’s tight muscles flexed around him,
as he caught the sensations she was feeling: the thrill, the excitement, the
deliciously full feeling.

Ben was never certain which one of them reached
orgasm first—but as Daphne’s muscles fluttered around him in erratic spasms,
her moans and Dov’s filling his ears, he could hold back no longer and groaned
out his pleasure as he came, buried deep inside of her. After a few moments
that felt like an hour, Ben sagged against his mate and clan-brother, utterly
spent, pleasure and satisfaction crackling through his body. As Daphne’s breath
gradually slowed, he felt the acceptance in her mind. “Yeah, okay,” she said,
panting slightly as she squirmed free of her position between the two men. She
flashed them both a mischievous grin. “I think I can definitely do this.”



Mated By The Dragon


“Ms. Bancroft, why are you always so cold?”

April looked up from the ever-changing
constellation of dates and appointments and blinked at her boss, Mads Durkheim.
“What? I’m not cold.”

“How many layers are you wearing?”


“Does that include the blanket?”

She looked down at the afghan her grandmother had
knitted for her over twenty years ago. It was the perfect size for her lap and
she took it everywhere with her. It might be strange for a grown woman to have
a security blanket, but she
, in fact, always cold.

“No. I sit under that vent, and it’s always on.”

He held his hand up to the vent. “It feels fine to
me. Here, feel how warm I am.” He turned, swinging his bare arm in front of her
face so she could touch him, as instructed. She registered the heat—against her
cold fingers he felt like a living fire—but that wasn’t all she noticed. His
smooth skin covered thick muscle, and the tendons twitched under her brief
touch. She pulled her hand away quickly.

“You’re very…” She swallowed the rasp out of her
voice. “Warm.”

“And your fingers are like ice! You really are
cold, aren’t you? Here, let me show you something.”

He leaned over her to reach for the computer
mouse, minimizing her screen and double clicking on another icon. Misty, the
woman who had trained her to be Mads’ personal assistant, had warned that that
program accessed the climate control for the entire building. “Never touch
that,” she’d said. “He’s

“Look, just drag this here. Then you can adjust
the temperature.” He demonstrated by raising it from 67 degrees to a more
toasty and tolerable 78. “Better?”

Better? How could she even begin to notice when
the scent of his skin was filling her head? Her boss was a very attractive
man—a fact she had done her best to ignore in the eight weeks since he hired
her as his personal assistant—and he smelled very, very good. He wasn’t quite
touching her back, but she could still feel the heat coming from his body, and
if she leaned back just a little—less than an inch—she would feel the solid
muscle of his chest.


She glanced upward to meet his golden-green eyes
and had to look away just as quickly. “Much better, thank you. But won’t it be
too hot for you?”

“No, my office is set to my personal preference.”
He straightened and the heat disappeared—much to her disappointment.
“Reschedule all my meetings for the next three days.”


“Yes, I’m going to Los Angeles.”

April frowned and checked the calendar. “On

“Yes, and you’ll be accompanying me.  We’ll be
flying out tomorrow morning.”

“Yes, sir.”

“I’ll be forwarding the itinerary. Make sure to
pack a cocktail dress. We’ll be going to at least one event.”

A cocktail dress? She didn’t even
dress, much less one for an event in Los Angeles. Her mind raced for an
excuse—any excuse—to get her out of the affair, if not the whole trip, but she
came up with nothing. There was nothing holding her in town, and she couldn’t
explain to him that girls her size didn’t have cocktail dresses lying around.
At least he paid her well enough to go buy one.

“And April?”


“One more thing.” He leaned in close—so close that
she could see the strands of golden-blond hair in his beard and eyebrows—and
flared his nostrils. “What is that scent?”


“What are you wearing? I was thinking of buying a
new scent for my....mother.”

“It’s just my body wash. Or maybe the orange I had
for breakfast?”

The corner of his mouth lifted. “Well, it’s an
intoxicating combination.” He straightened again, and she hoped he didn’t
notice the sudden flush on her cheeks or the way her pulse quickened. Her body
betrayed her every time he stood within touching distance.  Apparently she
needed more than eight weeks to get that under control. “I’m going to the club,
I’ll be back this afternoon.”

“Would you like me to forward your messages?”

“Only if it’s urgent.”

She didn’t release her breath until the door
closed behind him.  Turning her attention back to the calendar, she tried to
forget the texture of his skin, the smell of sandalwood and pine that always
surrounded him, the color of his eyes—green with the brightest flecks of gold. She
tried to forget everything except the task at hand—the
at hand. Mads was a very busy man, and his schedule was a careful balancing act
surprise meetings taking them out of town. 

The thought of going out of town made her stomach
flutter. He’d warned her at the beginning of her interview that the job would
require frequent travel. She’d quickly assured him that travel would not be a
problem—she didn’t even have a plant in her small apartment. But this was the
first trip since he hired her. How long would they be gone? What should she
pack? Where were they going? Would they be alone together?

“That doesn’t matter,” she muttered, squaring her
shoulders. She had a job to do. Three days of meetings were not going to
reschedule themselves.

BOOK: Rock Star Romance: Dan (Contemporary New Adult Rockstar Bad Boy Romance) (Hard Rock Star Series Book 4)
12.87Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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