Rocked by the Billionaire (6 page)

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Authors: Lola Swain

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Rocked by the Billionaire
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Devon pulled his mouth off my ass and told me to face him. He scooted back on the bed and stretched out on his back.

“Climb on, love,” he said as he stroked his big cock, “I want to look at your beautiful face while you ride me.”

I slid up Devon's body and straddled his muscular thighs in front of his cock.

“I want to watch you jack your cock for a bit,” I said.

I slid my wet pussy up and down Devon’s thighs as he looked into my eyes while he slowly stroked his cock from his base, up the shaft, to the head.

“Rub your pussy, love.”

I spread my legs wider and tensed my stomach muscles as I leaned back so I could give Devon a nice view of my pussy. My hand slid back and forth quickly against my dripping wet skin and I pressed down on the hood covering my clit with my palm.

“I don't think I've ever seen anything more beautiful, Lexi,” Devon said as he stroked his cock while he watched me rub my pussy.

I stared at Devon's cock while I rubbed myself faster. I looked at him and he smiled.

“Are you gonna cum?”

“Yes,” I said as I felt my orgasm building.

“Get on this cock now,” he said as he held the base of his cock.

I lifted up on my knees and positioned myself over the head of Devon’s cock. I spread my legs wide and lowered myself onto him. The head of his cock parted my pussy lips and as I moved down onto him, I felt as if I was stretched as wide as I could stretch. Midway down Devon’s shaft he grabbed my waist and pulled me down onto him while he thrust his hips up.

“Fuck!” I said as Devon's cock impaled my pussy.

“Fuck, indeed,” he said.

I bounced up and down on my knees, matching Devon’s deep thrusts. Devon reached up and grabbed my tits as we fucked like a couple of starving beasts. I braced my arms behind me on the bed and Devon yanked the hood covering my clit. Devon jacked my clit like he jacked his cock as he fucked me hard. I looked down at him and smiled as I felt the tingle intensify in my lower back and shoot under to my pussy.

“I'm gonna cum,” I squealed as my orgasm exploded.

The muscles inside my pussy clamped down around Devon's cock and he dug his fingers into my hips. He lifted me up and down on his cock and bent his knees and planted his feet onto the bed.

“Holy fuck!” Devon said as he arched his back as he came.

Devon lifted me off the bed and bounced up and down on his ass as he pumped his cum into me. I fell forward onto his chest and buried my face into the side of his neck. We lay there together and tried to catch our breath.

“That was--”

“Incredible,” I said.

“Yes,” he said and chuckled, “incredible.”

Devon stayed inside me and kissed my neck and face. I came up on my elbows and stared at him.

“This was...unexpected,” I said.

“Well, I didn't plan it either,” he said and circled his arms around my waist.

“Can I ask you something?” I said and kissed his chest.

“Yes, anything. But look at me when you do.”

I looked into his eyes and I knew at that moment that Devon never lied.

“Why do you like me?”

“What?” He said and smiled. “Isn't it obvious? You are exquisite.”

“But you fuck all kinds of beautiful women.”

“I thought they are horrid whores, according to you?”

“But they are, regrettably,
, horrid whores. I’m serious, Devon, I want to know why you like me. Like enough to fuck me more than once or twice. I mean, aren't I flawed in your eyes. Because of--”

“Aiden? Don't be ridiculous. Sure, it may seem odd to some, but I have a different life. You were raised in a different life as well.”

“So, we get each other?”

“I like to think so. I’ve always had a big crush on you, Lexi.”

“You did? I always thought you had a thing for Lucia,” I said and sat up on his cock.

“Me? No way. Lucia doesn't need anyone.”

“Are you saying that I'm needy?”

Devon reached up toward my face and tucked a piece of damp hair behind my ear.

“No. What I'm saying is that I look into your eyes and I want to keep you safe. Is that a satisfactory answer?”

“That is the best answer.”

“I want you to get the answers you're looking for here and meet me in Spain. Will you do that?”

“Yes,” I said and kissed his cheek, “I will do that.”

Devon and I slept and sometime a bit before dawn, the front desk rang the room and told him his limo was waiting to take him to the airport. I helped him pack and walked down to the lobby with him to say goodbye.

“So,” I said as I hugged him at the limo, “next week?”

“Yes, next week. We will do Madrid and fuck like rabbits. It'll be a blast.”

“Yes, rabbits and Madrid sound like a blast. I'm glad I ran into you yesterday, Devon. Funny what a difference a day makes.”

“I'm glad I ran into you too. I'll call you when I get back to Dublin.”

I watched Devon's limo drive away as the sun started crawling up the sky in between the buildings in the city. I love Manhattan and at that moment, more so.

I decided to take the earliest flight available back to Europe. There was no reason to stick around New York any longer than I had to. I decided I would surprise Devon by going to Ireland as soon as I got back to Europe.

“That's what I’ll do,” I said to myself as I waited for the elevator, “I’ll fly to Dublin.”

As incredibly unexpected as everything that happened on this entire trip was, the very last thing I expected was coming face to face with Aiden as the elevator doors opened.


Revenge: A Dish Best Served Hot


We looked at each other and I lost the contest because I could not hold his stare any longer and looked down at my shoes.

“Get in,” he said.


“Get in,” he said and took a step toward me.

I don't know why at that moment I felt nervous and defensive. It was he who should have been shitting bricks.

I walked into the elevator and he grabbed my arm and looked at the elevator operator.

“Leave us,” he said.

“Sir?” The elevator operator said.

“I said, leave us. I have my key.”

“Sir, we're not supposed to--”

Aiden stepped around the man and put his key into the panel that operated the elevator to the penthouse.

“See, we have it under control. Thank you,” Aiden said and handed the man a $50.00 bill.

The man walked off the elevator shaking his head and Aiden turned the key in the panel and the elevator doors closed.

“Before you start,” I said barely able to look at him, “I want--”

“Start what?” He said and walked toward me. “Why are you backing away from me?”

“Where is your girlfriend, Aiden?” I said.

“Oh, her? She was in Philly last night. She'll be back this afternoon.”

Oh, her
?” I said. “What the fuck, Aiden? Do you know how I felt when I called and she introduced herself to me?”

“When did you call?” he said and grabbed the back of my neck. “Stay still, you!”

“The day before yesterday!” I said and tried to back away from him. “I called the room after you didn’t call me back and
answered the phone. Told me all about herself.”

Aiden grabbed my arm and pulled me into his body. He looked down at me and brushed my hair away from my face.

“That is...unfortunate,” he said and smiled. “But what's done is done. I’ll make it up to you when I get you into my bed. You look beautiful, by the way. Disheveled a touch, but beautiful nonetheless.”

“I am not going anywhere near your bed,” I said and pushed him away.

“Yes, you are, Lexi.”

“Aiden, you have a girlfriend now. Fuck her.”

“Yes, I do. But I have to admit, she's not as delicious as my beautiful daughter,” he said and grabbed my shoulders and pushed me against the mirrored wall.

Déjà vu notwithstanding, the truth was, as much as he should have disgusted me, I was incredibly attracted to him at that moment. Until he said--

“So, we will do what we've always done, I will fuck my beautiful little girl in private while I maintain my public persona with Raven,” he said and tugged on my earlobe with his lips.

“Wait! What?”

“Come on, Lexi, you know the score. I just cannot go around in public with you.”

“Me? What's wrong with me? Excuse me for stating the obvious, Aiden, but Raven is a porn star. You're saying she is better for your public image than I am?”

“She wasn't my stepdaughter.”

“Give me a break,” I said and walked to the other side of the elevator. “You hurt me!”

“I'm about to hurt you a lot more, but you like that, don’t you?” He said and winked. “Why do you keep walking away from me?”

“Can you seriously not see why I'm upset?”

“Well,” he said and sighed, “yesterday, I suppose I would be able to see why you'd be upset at the discovery that I have a, well, Raven. But today...isn’t it a different story?”

“I don’t--”

Aiden pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and held it up in front of my face.

“Read the screen,” he said.

It was a text from Devon, sent the night before:
Dude, just want to let you know Lexi is here with me and she is staying with me

I looked at him over his phone and he winked.

“Cat got your tongue? Ah, here we are,” Aiden said as the elevator stopped and the doors opened.

“I am not going anywhere with you,” I said and leaned against the elevator wall.

Aiden cocked his head and stared at me.

“Why not?”

“Because you broke my fucking heart, that's why not! Do you have any idea how I felt about you? How I have
felt about you?”

“But last night changed things, no?” Aiden said and tapped on his cell phone. “Now, we're even. Come on. Enough of this.”

“No,” I said and pressed the button to close the elevator door.

“Okay fine, I’m not upset in the least about this thing with Devon. I understand that you were upset. Actually, if you think about it, it’s a good thing. Devon will be our cover.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Well, everyone will think you’re Devon’s girl and it will give us a chance to be together without arousing Raven’s suspicions. She is one jealous bitch, Lexi,” Aiden said and laughed. “You wouldn’t believe it.”

“I don’t believe this, Aiden,” I said and slammed my finger against the elevator button. “What the fuck is wrong with this thing?”

“I disabled it. Now get out before maintenance comes,” Aiden said and grabbed my arm.

I dug my heels into the floor and he tugged on my arm.

“You want to play hard to get, Lex? Fine.”

Aiden grabbed me and picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

“What the fuck are you doing?” I said as I kicked him in the kidneys.

“Calm down,” he said as he carried me from the elevator into the foyer of his suite. “I told you, you were coming with me.”

Aiden placed me on the couch in the living room of the penthouse and walked to the bar.

“What do you want to drink?”

“Nothing,” I said and crossed my arms over my chest.

“It is a bit early, but scotch it is.”

Aiden put a couple of ice cubes into two stocky rocks glasses and filled them each with scotch. He walked toward me and smiled.

“Have I told you how good you look to me?” he said and held out a glass.

“Have I told you that I don’t want a drink?”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” he said and grabbed my hand. “Drink.”

Aiden pulled a large leather ottoman over in front of the couch and sat down in front of me. He took a drink of his scotch and pushed my glass to my mouth and tipped it up.

“That’s a good girl,” he said, “get a nice drink into you.”

Scotch poured out of my mouth and ran down my chin. I pushed the glass away from my lips.

“I don’t want a drink.”

“What do you want then?” Aiden said and inched the ottoman toward me.

“I want to go home.”

“Fine,” he said and sighed, “go.”

I stood from the couch and maneuvered around his legs.

“Do not!” he said. “I am telling you right now, Lexi, if you leave this room, you will be a very sorry little girl.”

I hung my head and turned to face him.

“I’m already sorry, Aiden.”

“Then come here,” he said as he stood from the ottoman.

“You crushed me,” I said and shook my head. “I flew all the way from London to tell you that. When I got here yesterday, I felt destroyed.”

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