Rockefeller – Controlling the Game (36 page)

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Authors: Jacob Nordangård

Tags: #Samhällsvetenskap

BOOK: Rockefeller – Controlling the Game
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The Omega Point

The development of Teilhard de Chardin's transhuman Ultrahuman and the journey towards the Omega Point is now being pushed with an increasing intensity, with alluring promises of “immortality” in a technological “heavenly kingdom” under the watchful eye of a Digital God (AI). The question is who really understands its meaning and what this mystical event will mean for the survival of mankind?

We are faced with difficult choices and it is up to each individual to accept or reject this future as our ultimate destiny. It is my belief that this alchemical quest to transform the world and mankind in order to achieve lasting peace, harmony, and balance, is based on false premises. True harmony cannot be achieved if lies, manipulation, and control are part of the recipe.

The path towards becoming a better person is something uniquely individual and cannot be applied to humanity as a whole. It is not possible to take shortcuts with the help of technology and become a godlike super-human. Real human development can only be achieved through the personal experiences, challenges, and lessons we all face during the course of our lives, through the hard work of acquiring true knowledge, maturity, and wisdom. Only we ourselves are responsible for building and caring for the temple.

Isn't it time to save our humanity and to stop listening to these false prophets and self-appointed “planetary custodians”?

For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open. (Mark 4:22)



Some even believe we [the Rockefeller family] are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure—One World, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it. (David Rockefeller, Memoirs, 2003)

The Divestment

So what happened after the family’s smaller foundation, Rockefeller Family Fund, in March 2016 announced that they would divest from all fossil energy holdings and sell their shares in Exxon Mobil after pointing out how corrupt and irresponsible the family's old crown jewel was?

In Januari 2016, RFF had held a secret meeting in Manhattan green NGOs (including Bill McKibben from discussing how to establish in the public’s mind that their old crown jewel Exxon was,

…a corrupt institution that has pushed humanity (and all creation) towards climate chaos and grave harm.

In July 2016, it was announced that Rockefeller Financial Services Inc. had bought up 43,568 shares in Exxon Mobil Corporation during the second quarter of 2016, thereby increasing its holding by 4.2%. As a result, the company had a total of 1,074,179 shares in Exxon Mobil Corporation worth $100,983,568. Additionally, they continued to increase their holdings in oil companies such as Chevron, BP, ConocoPhilips, and Cabot Oil. The various organisations within the family empire apparently had very different priorities! It all, however, appears to have been a carefully planned and coordinated campaign, executed with the blessings of the family office at One Rockefeller Plaza. The chairman of the 5600 Operating Committee for the Rockefeller Family, Peter O’Neill, was also a member of the Board of Directors of RBF, Winrock International, and chaired the Rockefeller Family Fund's Finance Committee.
He was thus deeply involved in the Rockefeller's divestment initiative. As Director of Rockefeller Financial Services and a member of its Finance Committee, he was also responsible for expanding its holdings in the “corrupt institution" Exxon Mobil.

At the end of 2017, these ambitions were expanded when Rockefeller Financial merged with Viking Global Investors, forming the company Rockefeller Capital Management with Wall Street superstar Greg Fleming as CEO. The goal was to grow from $18.3 billion to $100 billion within five years. As of on June 30, 2018, more than 8% of the holdings was invested in the energy sector and oil companies such as BP, ConocoPhilips, ExxonMobil, Chevron, Cabot Oil & Gas, Royal Dutch Shell, and Total.

Given that we fight climate change, to us, investing in fossil fuels is somewhat akin to a cancer-fighting foundation investing in tobacco. (Justin Rockefeller, RBF)

So, how much were high morals worth in the world of the Rockefellers? With one hand – the one appearing in the media – they would divest “for the future of climate and the planet" while the other hand continued to expand their holdings in fossil energy. In addition, ExxonMobil, Chevron, BP and Total continued as members and donors to the Council on Foreign Relations (which received $25 million from David Rockefeller at his death).

There were also family members still working within the oil industry who did not support the public actions against their old company. David Junior's daughter Ariana Rockefeller said the campaign was “deeply misguided."
This opinion, however, did not prevent her from distributing money to climate marches as a board member of the David Rockefeller Fund.

The Mitsubishi Deal

From 1989 to 1991, the family, under David's leadership, sold 80% of the shares in Rockefeller Group Inc. to Japanese Mitsubishi for $1.3 billion as ownership was no longer “in the Rockefeller family interest." This gave $800 million after tax to the family's “1934 Trust."

Four years earlier, David and the Rockefeller family had created the company Rockefeller Center Properties Inc., with David as chairman, which lent 1.3 billion of raised share capital for investments in Rockefeller Center. The Rockefeller Group, with Mitsubishi as new owner, was to repay the loan with rent revenues from the Rockefeller Center. A year later, the overheated property market crashed, resulting in dwindling revenues from Rockefeller Center
After the Rockefeller family refused to assist with capital in this crisis, in May 1995, Mitsubishi withheld a mortgage of $20 million and was forced to hand over the Rockefeller Center to its creditor, Rockefeller Center Properties Inc. The chairman of Rockefeller's family trust, William Bowen, stated coldly that, “We were willing to do more than our pro rata share, but the terms of that additional investment had to make business sense.”

Mitsubishi was then forced, through a clause in the original agreement, to purchase the remaining 20% of the Rockefeller Group from the Rockefeller family in 1997, adding an extra $160 million to the family fortune
After the loan defaulted, Rockefeller Properties Inc. was near bankruptcy. David then gathered a new ownership group (including Gianni Agnelli) who bought Rockefeller Properties Inc. for $306 million and settled the debt to the shareholders. Then, in 2000, the Rockefeller Center billion was sold to Jerry Spreyer for $1.85. David Rockefeller personally made $45 million on the deal, tripling his investment in four years.
David had clearly inherited his grandfather John D. Rockefeller's talent as a ruthless businessman.

David’s Passing and Legacy

On March 20, 2017, David Rockefeller, 101 years old, passed away. He had helped to change the world in a way that few others have done in world history. Valerie Rockefeller wrote in RBF's annual report,

The entire Rockefeller family mourns the passing of our Uncle David, who has guided the family as a whole and shaped our individual work in philanthropy, all the while carrying himself with a sense of humility that will endure in us and our work.

His longtime friend Henry Kissinger also praised his life achievements:

When David Rockefeller left us, all over the world, lives became emptier. Over the decades, we had come to think of David as a custodian of our aspirations, who would see to it that basic issues affecting freedom and governance, health and art would be appropriately defined and attended to.

In David's 1941 dissertation,
Unused Resources and Economic Waste,
he had discussed what motivated businessmen and argued that entrepreneurship was not just about maximising profit, an opportunity to satisfy man’s creativity, power-seeking, and gambling instincts. It also had a higher meaning.

In other words, part of the joy of business is achieving what one has set out to do, accomplishing goals that are important, and building something that has permanence and value beyond itself. (David Rockefeller, Memoirs, 2003)

In the case of David and the Rockefeller Family it was all about “conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated political and economic structure – a unified world.”

The long-term pursuit of power and dominance in a technocratic world system of central planning would continued after his death, with the aim set for 2020 and the implementation of the Paris Agreement in order to create the posthuman Utopia. In the
Rockefeller Panel Reports
(1961), the Rockefeller brothers had written that they “could not escape the task that history had assigned” to them – a task that meant “helping to shape a new world order in all its dimensions.”

Now, this assignment was left to a new generation both within and outside the family – especially the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum – to bring to fruition.

The Pension Funds Campaign

On March 13, 2018, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund donated $70,000 to the Greenpeace Fund and their Swedish divestment project. Three months later, Greenpeace Sweden initiated an activist campaign against one of the largest pension funds in Sweden (with a total investment capital of more than SEK 1.404 billion) demanding that it would divest its holdings in fossil energy. This was part of a global effort in which RBF worked with organizations such as and Greenpeace to persuade pension funds and other institutions around the world to create “a fossil-free world."

RBF had also become early members of the Divest-Invest Philanthropy (created by Wallace Global Fund).
As of July 2020, 1,246 organizations have joined this global network, with a staggering $14,1 trillion in assets. The question is, who will acquire these huge holdings in the world’s most important commodity? Oil is still the bloodstream of the globalised economy which the Rockefeller family has helped create.

World Economic Forum Partners with United Nations

In June 2019, World Economic Forum and United Nations signed a strategic partnership “to accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” with an attached digital agenda to “meet the needs of the Fourth Industrial Revolution”.
This partnership was then manifested in WEFs report
Unlocking Technology for the Global Goals
, issued for the Davos Summit in January 2020, which outlines in detail how technocratic technologies are to be used to solve each of the seventeen Sustainability Goals.

The 2020 Corona Crisis

Only a few of months into the new decade, the crisis occurred that was to kickstart the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the implementation of the UN Global Goals. Just like when the climate threat entered the global political arena in the 1980s, following the Tjernobyl disaster and the threat of a nuclear holocaust, this new threat was also an invisible enemy. This time, however, it was not CO
or radioactivity but a coronavirus, COVID-19. 

As soon as the World Health Organisation (WHO) on March 11, 2020 upgraded the contagion to a global pandemic, governments around the world reacted with drastic authoritarian measures of varying degrees of swiftness and severity. Marshal Law was declared, borders were closed, gatherings were banned or limited, and some countries ordered partial or total curfews.
Some countries used cellphone data to track potential carriers, and drones to inform or disperse crowds. People advised or ordered to stay at home were suddenly forced to do most
of their schooling, work, business meetings, shopping, and social gatherings online. As the economy took a nose dive and the stock market collapsed, the smart surveillance technology was rolled out
en masse
over the world.

What happened was very similar to the scenario “Lock Step” in Rockefeller Foundation’s report
Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development
, written in 2010 with the objective of investigating,

“what new or existing technologies could be leveraged to improve the capacity of individuals, communities, and systems to respond to major changes, or what technologies could improve the lives of vulnerable populations around the world”.

These same scenarios were also predicted by the World Economic Forum working groups and in Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s search for solutions for how pandemics can be managed through public–private partnership, as exemplified in the Event 201 Pandemic Exercise in October 2019, hosted by The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with World Economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Meanwhile, the Rockefeller-funded organisation ID2020 Alliance, had been working on a global digital ID, necessary for shopping, travelling, handling finances, storing medical data, and interacting with authorities. Partners included Microsoft, Accenture, and GAVI – the Vaccine Alliance.
Big Tech was now teaming up with Big Pharma for mutual profit.

Never letting a good crisis go to waste, the Club of Rome also pointed to COVID-19 as a golden opportunity to usher in the high-tech Green Deal.

The COVID-19 crisis shows us that it is possible to make transformational changes overnight. We have suddenly entered a different world with a different economy. Governments are rushing to protect their citizens medically and economically in the short term. But there is also a strong business case for using this crisis to usher in global systemic change.

In their view it was the same agenda. The world would never be the same.

What if a small group of world leaders were to conclude that the principal risk to the Earth comes from the actions of the rich countries?... In order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialised civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about? (Maurice Strong, 1992)

The Great Reset

For the World Economic Forum, the COVID-19 crisis was the perfect trigger event to implement the long-hatched grandiose plan for a global technocracy, with Big Tech coming to the “rescue”. In June 2020, WEF chairman Klaus Schwab, backed up by luminaries such as Prince Charles and UN General Secretary Antonio Guterres, Microsoft president Brad Smith, Mastercard CEO Ajaypal Singh Banga, and IMF director Kristalina Georgieva, declared the need for a Great Reset.

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