Rocky Mountain Hitched: Contemporary Western Romance (To Love Again Book 6) (11 page)

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Authors: Kate Fargo

Tags: #To Love Again Series - Book 6

BOOK: Rocky Mountain Hitched: Contemporary Western Romance (To Love Again Book 6)
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“Maybe later tonight, or tomorrow. The girls will be so pleased. Speaking of which,” she glanced toward her car, “I’d better say good night.”

“Good night,” he said, kissing her again. She shivered against him and he pulled back. “You know, as much as I can’t wait to get married, I’m also really looking forward to the honeymoon.”

She laughed and swatted his shoulder. “One track mind.”

“No, two tracks, but they feed into one near the end of the line.” He grinned. “Seriously, Isabel, sleep well and I’ll see you tomorrow.” He walked her to her car, opened the door so she could get in and said a quick good-night to Jenny and the girls. “See you all tomorrow.” He stood in place, waving good-bye until the red of the taillights blurred into the night. He jumped into the jeep and headed for the cabin. He couldn’t wipe the smile off his face.












“I think you look gorgeous, Mom,” Shelly said, twirling a strand of Isabel’s hair. “Your dress is perfect.”

“Thanks, Shelly,” Isabel said. “Where is Karin?”

“She went to get some things out of the car.”

“I need to talk to you girls,” she said, checking her hair again. She turned to Jenny. “What do you think?”

“Perfect.” She extended her hands, cupped together, and opened them. Nestled in her palms was a pair of antique diamond drop earrings. “I thought this would cover both the borrowed and the something old part. They were my grandmother’s.”

“They’re exquisite.” Isabel picked one up and held it to the light streaming in the window. “Thank you.” She put one on, then the other, and surveyed her reflection. “They’re perfect.”

“The minute we chose your dress, I knew these would work.”

Karin banged through the door, juggling a tray of coffee and a small bag. “Mom, you look incredible.” Crossing the room, she put the coffee down on the table and extended the bag to Isabel. “This is from me and Shelly.”

“Girls, you didn’t have to …” She pulled a baby blue garter, fringed with lace, from the bag. “Ah, I see.”

“Something new and something blue, Mom,” Shelly said. “Do you like it?”

“I do,” Isabel said, removing her shoe and sliding the garter up to her thigh. “Now I’m set. What time is it?”

“We have a few minutes,” Jenny said. “Want coffee?”

“Near this dress? Have we met?” Isabel laughed. “I’m too much of a klutz for coffee right now.”

“Water?” Shelly passed her a bottle from beside the ice bucket.

“Thanks. Look there’s something I want to say to you both before the ceremony—”

“We know, Mom. Tray won’t replace our father —”

“Not that we’ve had one recently anyway,” Karin shrugged.

“We’re happy for you, Mom,” Shelly said. “We’re glad you won’t be rattling around that house all on your own anymore.”

“You make it sound like I’m a hundred,” Isabel said. “Look, let’s be serious for a minute. If you have any reservations, now is the time to talk about them.”

“Nuh uh,” Karin said. “We’re delighted. I’m just sorry Tray doesn’t have any unmarried brothers.”

Isabel swatted at her. “You’re too young to be married. Let’s get you through university first.”

Shelly gathered up her purse and the box with Isabel’s hat. “We’ll wait for you in the car, okay?” She opened the door and Karin followed her into the hall.

“Great girls,” Jenny said, as the door closed behind them. “Any last minute fears you want to get out while we’re alone? Want to scream your panic into a pillow?” She shook a pillow at her from the bed.

Isabel shook her head. “It’s just…”


“I didn’t think I would marry again so soon. I mean, what do I really know about Tray?”


“No, I mean it. What if it’s just Chet all over again?”

“Why would it be? Look how gentle Tray is with you, how attentive—”

“You don’t think Chet was also charming and attentive in the beginning? He was practically Prince Charming.”

Jenny pulled a chair up in front of her and took her hands. “Isabel, take a breath. Do you want to marry Tray?”

She nodded. “I do.”

“And do you trust yourself to make the right decision?”

“I didn’t with Chet.”

“You were a baby when you married Chet. From what you’ve told me, your family pushed you into that marriage.”

“That’s true.” She glanced out the window, then plunged in. “I didn’t want to tell Tray last night, but, I think I saw Chet outside the hotel yesterday.”


“I’m not sure. Ever since he showed up at the brunch, I feel like I see him everywhere.”

“No wonder you were so on edge during the rehearsal.”

“I feel a little crazy,” she said. “He already had his say at the brunch, so why would he even bother showing up again?”

“I’m sure he won’t,” Jenny said.

“I still don’t understand why he bothered to come back at all. It’s been so long, why would he even care about what I’m doing?”

“Control. When you were married, the man was a total control freak. He could run around and cheat with other women, but I remember him being so possessive you could barely leave the house.”

“I could leave …”

“And suffer the verbal abuse later.” Jenny spit out her words. Her dislike of Chet had never been a secret. “Look,” she continued, “hopefully it’s just nerves. Ghosts of wedding past - something like that.”

Isabel grinned and checked the time. “Damn, I forgot to give the girls their gifts.”

“Do it in the car, just before we go in. What did you get them?”

“Diamond stud earrings.”


“And for you,” she said, reaching behind to the table, “I got this.”

“Issy, that wasn’t necessary.” She took the box Isabel extended.

“For my maid of honor? Oh, yes, it was. Today wouldn’t even be happening if you hadn’t encouraged me to go to the club that night. I’ll always be grateful.”

Jenny opened the lid and gasped. “It’s breathtaking” she said, picking up the fine gold chain with the teardrop ruby.”

“I thought you’d like it.”

Removing her necklace, she extended the ruby to Isabel. “Clasp it on for me?”

Isabel put it on for her and smiled while Jenny admired herself in the mirror. “I’m sorry Kip couldn’t make it today.”

“He wanted to be here, but he’s covering for the district supervisor this month.” She turned back to Isabel. “You sure you don’t need the pillow? Last chance.”

She laughed and hugged her. “You’re the best best friend in the whole world,” she said. “I hope you know how much I appreciate you.”

“Back at ya, girlfriend,” Jenny said. “Now let’s get this show on the road. I think there’s someone waiting for you.”





Tray leaned against the side of the house. Barry kept him company. From his vantage point, he could see the last-minute guests wandering in and taking chairs. The guitarist played softly in the corner of the tent. The morning had dawned clear without a cloud in the sky, but the tents were up. The weather could change at any minute.

The backyard had been transformed into a magical garden. The tents nestled among the trees, the gazebo with the altar was decked out with brilliant splashes of orange, yellow and red flowers. A pathway had been laid down to create an aisle between the chairs, and the tree trunks were wrapped with miniature lights. After dark, the whole area would be transformed again.


“Not so much,” Tray said. “Excited.”

“Good. Cold feet?”

“Me? Not a chance, but I’ll rest easier when I know Isabel is here.”

“You’re not thinking she won’t show up?”

“No,” he shook his head, remembering their last moments together last night. “No,” he said again. He shifted his weight and glanced at his watch. “I guess we still have a few minutes.”

“Uh, yep. Let me know when you want to go in. Where’s Michael?”

Tray lifted his chin in their direction. “Waiting over there with Jesse.”

Barry cleared his throat. “I have something to tell you, in case we don’t have a chance later on.”

“Good news?” Tray caught the twitch over Barry’s left eye.

“Absolutely. I’ve been offered a position on the force in Banff. As a detective.”

“That’s great,” Tray said, clapping him on the back. “That means you’re moving to Banff?”

“In about three weeks.”

“That’s quick.”

“They need me. I’ll go back and forth for a while until I decide what to do with the house.”

“How does Val feel about it?”

“She’s also making some changes. She was offered a part-time contract with Search and Rescue, and she’s going casual at the Emergency Department in the hospital.”

“You sly dog,” Tray said. “Moving to the mountains with your honey.”

“We’re not planning to live together, or anything. Just a fortunate coincidence on the timing.”

“I’ll bet,” he said. “Either way, congrats. So by the time I get back from my honeymoon, you’ll be out here.”

“Not completely, but yeah.”

Tray nodded. “I’m happy for you. Sounds like a good move.”

Behind them, Jesse and Michael approached. “Ann said it’s time. Your bride just pulled up in front.”

He nodded and they moved to the gazebo. Turning to face their guests, he took a deep breath. If he was a betting man, he never would have risked money on having a wedding so quickly. He felt like the luckiest man in the world.

The music changed to the wedding march. First Shelly, and then Karin, appeared around the side of the house and made their way down the aisle. Jenny followed, winking and nodding at friends. Tray watched, waiting for his bride to come around the corner. She’d chosen to walk down the aisle on her own, laughing at the notion that she needed to be given away.

He shifted. Jenny was already in place - shouldn’t Isabel have come out soon behind her? Catching Barry’s eye, he cocked his head. His best friend shrugged. All eyes were on the walkway that ran along the side of the house. At the corner, there was no movement. Tray looked over at Jenny, who shrugged. He heaved out a sigh, willing his mind to stop racing.

People shifted in their seats and his mother raised his eyebrows in question. He glanced again at Jenny, who nodded and left the gazebo, walking back the way she had come.




As Jenny approached the corner of the house, she heard Isabel arguing with a man. Walking faster, she rounded the side of the building and found her friend being pulled toward the front of the house.

“What’s going on here?” She grabbed Isabel’s other arm and found herself in a tug of war with Chet on the other end. “What are you doing here, Chet?”

Chet snarled at her. “I’m having a conversation with my wife before she marries college boy. It’s none of your business.”

Isabel’s face was bright red. Jenny had never seen her so livid.

“This stops now,” Jenny said, trying to keep her voice steady. “If you have something to say to Isabel, you can arrange to say it another time.”

“I don’t think so, Missy. You got in the middle of us when we were married, you’re not getting in the middle today.”

Isabel shook her head. “He’s drunk,” she whispered. “I’ll just calm him down.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Jenny said, seeing a look of triumph light Chet’s face.

“Stay out of it,” he said.

“Chet,” Isabel started. “Why are you here? Why now?”

“I want to know why you’re marrying this guy.”

“What do you care? You left me, remember? Four years ago - walked out without notice.”

“Yeah, well, it’s not a one way street,
Chapel. You said so in that interview — it takes two. We were married so young, we didn’t stand a chance.”

“What? That’s true, but it’s certainly not the reason our marriage fell apart.”

“Yeah, well …” He stumbled over a tree root but regained his balance.

“And look at you now. I see you twice in four years and both times you’re falling down drunk.”

“She already saw him?” Karin tugged at Jenny’s arm. She swiveled around.

“Oh, hon, your mother wouldn’t want you to see this.”

“She saw our father and didn’t tell us? When?”

“At the engagement brunch at Easter,” she explained. “Wave Barry over. Please.”

Karin nodded and stepped toward the corner, almost colliding with Tray.

Tray’s face darkened when he recognized Chet. He straightened to his full height and quickly closed the distance to reach Isabel’s side. “What the hell is going on here?”

“Ah, college boy, so glad you could join us.” Chet smirked.

“Get Barry,” Tray called to Jenny. She nodded, but Barry was already rounding the corner. In a few steps, he was between Tray and Barry, creating a physical wall with his body. He widened his stance and placed his hands on his hips.

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