RodeHard (7 page)

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Authors: lauren Fraser

BOOK: RodeHard
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“Your sister didn’t get any land on her twenty-first?”

“God no. The ol’ man would never have done that.” He
absently drew a pattern in the blanket with his finger as he talked. “Anyways,
she had the land but even with that my dad wouldn’t give her any money to fund
her little hobby as he called it…” He paused.

His dad sounded like such a jerk. Good thing she’d never met
him or she’d have had a few things to say to the chauvinistic asshole. “So?”

Justin looked up, blushed and looked down again. Kat’s heart
clenched when she saw the color on his cheeks. God, how could she not
completely fall for a guy who loved his sister as much as Justin did?

“So, she needed capital to make the business a success. I
joined the circuit to get that for her, for us, for our family.”

“And she started her business.”

He raised his head. “Yeah. Man, you should have seen her.
She had people lining up right off the bat. My old man was pissed.” He laughed.

“Pissed, why?”

“Because she was earning her own money, and she was busy
doing her own thing.” He shook his head. “A man shouldn’t have to hire
strangers to come into his house to cook and clean when he has a daughter who
can do the work.” Justin made his voice gritty in what she had to assume was an
imitation of his dad.

“Oh he did not say that.”

“Sure did. A woman’s place is in the kitchen, didn’t you
know?” His eyes twinkled with amusement.

“Fuck that,” she muttered.

Justin laughed. “No wonder you and Dee get along so well.
Anyway, when my dad died, I quit the circuit, came home and took over the
ranching side of things, so Dee could focus on her training. Dunc and Kasey
came with me to work since they were tired of traveling around all the time.”

“Have you made changes to the ranch since you took over?”

“Yeah, like I said, Dee and I dreamed big, that’s why I
still do some bull riding and stuff to earn some extra cash.”

“I thought you just did that for fun.”

“That too, but there’re some damn good purses up for grabs.
The money goes a long way. That’s kind of why the guys and I still do the rodeo
thing when the mood strikes.”

“Does the mood strike often?”

“Not as often as it used to,” he replied.

“How’s the purse at the one at Madison Square Garden?”

“It’s decent, why?”

“Just wondering if you ever make it to New York.” If he did
then maybe things didn’t have to completely end for good when she had to leave.

“You never know.” He shifted and moved closer to her, his
lips an inch away from hers.

“Hold that thought,” she said and stood. Kat grabbed her
jeans and slid them on.

“What are you doing?” Justin sat up and stared at her,
confusion etched across the lines of his face.

Heat rose up her cheeks. God, this was embarrassing. “I just
have to take care of business.”

“Okay. But why are you getting dressed?”

“Well I’m not just going to go wandering around naked.”

“Where are you wandering to?”

“I don’t know. Someplace where you can’t see me.”

Justin rolled his eyes. “I will never understand the way a
woman’s mind works. I’m glad I’m a guy.”

“Me too,” Kat replied.

Justin laughed. “Get going and hurry back.”

Chapter Eight


Kat readjusted her clothes. Sometimes it sucked being a
woman. A guy could just whip it out wherever he was while she’d had to tromp
halfway across the state to ensure she had some privacy to do her business.

She stepped out from behind the rock cropping and grimaced.
Crap, it all looked exactly the same. What the hell had she been thinking
wandering so far away? There wasn’t an inch of her body the man hadn’t seen.
Would it really have been such a big deal if he’d seen her squatting in the
Yeah, it would.

She wandered past a few rocks looking for something familiar
and faintly heard voices off in the distance. Following the sound, she rounded
a boulder and stopped dead in her tracks.

Sweet mother of god, she knew she should look away but she
was unable to pull her eyes off the sight in front of her.

Kasey and Duncan, naked and aroused, stood a hairsbreadth
away from each other. Their hair dripping from their own dip in the water,
their clothes lay in a pile on the ground beside them. As she watched, Duncan
gripped Kasey’s hips and pulled him against his body and into a searing, hungry
kiss. Kasey shifted his stance and Duncan moved his hips in a circular motion so
their cocks rubbed together. When they broke apart, she could see the rapid
rise and fall of their chests.

They were spectacular. There was a hungry desperation to
their touch but as they stood looking at each other she could see the
connection and caring between the two men from her spot several yards away. An
intensity hummed through the air that spoke of something so much deeper than a
mindless fuck. They had a connection she’d never experienced with anyone,
except maybe Justin.

As she watched, Duncan ran his tongue along Kasey’s chest.
Kasey’s hands wove into Dunc’s sun-streaked hair. The muscles in Kase’s arms
flexed as if he was guiding Duncan’s movements lower. She heard the low,
masculine chuckle that rumbled and could only guess that the sound came from
Duncan as he spun Kasey around and both men dropped to their knees on the pile
of clothing. Duncan reached around and gripped Kasey’s cock in his hand and
muttered something Kat couldn’t quite hear. Kasey’s head dropped back against
his shoulder.

Kat looked around. What the hell was wrong with her that she
couldn’t take her eyes off them? She knew she should leave and not watch but
she couldn’t help herself. The sight of the two men wrapped around each other,
tongues battling for supremacy, was the hottest thing she’d ever seen. She
leaned against the side of the rock. Needing to ease the ache between her legs,
she slid her hand down the front of her jeans. Her panties were soaking wet
just from watching them. Eyes wide open, glued to the scene in front of her,
she dipped her finger inside herself and bit back a groan. A warm hand encased
her hip and she jumped, the hand covering her mouth the only thing that kept
her scream from being heard.

“Shh, it’s just me,” Justin whispered against her ear. The feel
of his hot breath against her skin sent a shiver racing through her, coating
her finger with arousal.

Justin glanced at the couple in front of them, then back at
Kat and wrinkled his nose. “That works for you?”

She watched Kasey as he ran his tongue along the shaft of
Duncan’s cock, Dunc’s hands fisted in Kasey’s hair and his head tipped back,
exposing the long line of his throat.

Afraid that if she spoke Kasey and Duncan would hear her,
she nodded in response. Heat blazed across her face. She could only imagine
what Justin must be thinking about her.

Justin grabbed her wrist and pulled her hand from her pants
and sucked the digit inside. “Damn, Kat, you’re fuckin’ soaked.” His chest
rumbled quiet and low, a warning as he swooped in, his mouth hot, demanding on
her lips as he pressed her back against the rock.

He gripped the waist of her jeans and shoved them down only
to have them get hung up on her boots. God, she wanted him inside her. Right
now. Too impatient to wait for him, she spun out of his arms and placed her
hands on the edge of the boulder and pressed her ass out against his cock,
leaving no question as to what she wanted.

She opened her eyes and could just see Kasey and Duncan from
their hidden location. Kasey on his hands and knees with Duncan poised behind
him, working him hard. She gasped as another wave of arousal shot through her.

“Fuck me, Jus,” she whispered hoarsely and wiggled her hips.
He stuck his finger in her back pocket and pulled out the condom she’d
mentioned earlier. She heard the sound of a wrapper ripping then finally he
placed his cock against her pussy. Her head dropped forward and she pressed
against him, needing him buried inside her.

“Impatient, aren’t you?” The low whispered growl vibrated
against her spine. “Let’s just see if you like to be ridden as hard as you’re
asking for.”

He wrapped his hand around her braid and pulled her head
back, forcing her ass to push farther away from the rock. God, she loved having
her hair pulled, the way that Justin controlled her movements using her hair
like reins. He thrust into her in one long, hard, deep thrust and she bit back
her moan. His thick cock filled her completely. She rested an elbow on the rock
to hold herself up and reached between her legs to flick her finger against her

Kat turned her head and watched Duncan and Kasey as Justin
pounded into her. She would never have thought watching someone having sex
would turn her on so damn much. Hell, she didn’t even like to watch porn, but
something about the primal, raw need between the two men was hotter than
anything she’d ever seen. What would it feel like to be able to join in? To
have all that hot male arousal focused on her?

Justin’s teeth bit into her neck. He left his head buried
there, not watching the display in front of them but focused completely on her.
His fingers bit into her hips as he thrust. Kat bit her lower lip to keep
herself quiet as the intensity of her orgasm tore through her. The last thing
she wanted was Kasey and Duncan hearing her. Biting back her moans of pleasure
as her orgasm started to build, she dropped her head against the rocks, her
eyes glazed, no longer able to focus on watching the other two men as she
concentrated on what Justin was doing to her body. The orgasm that tore through
her seemed to go on and on. If it wasn’t for the rock beneath her elbow she
would have collapsed under its intensity. Justin thrust into her several more
times then she felt his body shudder behind her as he came.

* * * * *

After adjusting himself back into his jeans, Justin watched
Kat fix her own clothing. Half of her hair stuck out of her braid from his firm
grasp. He winced, wondering if maybe he’d been a little rougher with her than
he should have been. But finding her masturbating had instantly made him hard.
Watching Kasey and Duncan didn’t do anything for him, but when he’d touched her
pussy and found it dripping wet… That had more than worked for him.

He glanced over at his two friends. He’d known for some time
now that Kasey and Duncan liked to hook up occasionally. He honestly hadn’t
expected them to take off and fuck, but now that he thought about it, it kind
of made sense. Hell, they’d left to give him some privacy with Kat, it only
made sense that they’d take advantage of the opportunity.

Not wanting to be caught watching them, Justin grabbed Kat’s
hand and pulled her back toward their earlier picnic. Once they were away from
earshot, he turned to her.

“So, turns out there’s a lot more to you than meets the

Her cheeks burned red and she looked briefly at him then her
eyes focused on something toward the mountain. “Yeah, about that…umm…I’m not
really even sure what to say. I’m kind of embarrassed that you caught me…well,
masturbating while I watched them after I made such a big deal about them
seeing me skinny-dip.” She laughed nervously.

He stepped toward her and cupped the back of her neck.
“Don’t be. You’ve got nothing to be ashamed of. If it works for you, it works
for you. No shame in that.” He pressed his lips against hers and whispered,
“Besides, it was hotter than shit seeing you like that, so I’m sure not

She peeked up at him. “Really?”

Even just thinking about it now turned him on. What he’d
really like was to see her spread out on his bed naked, with her hand between
her legs touching herself until she came, his cock in her mouth and his friends
each sampling her body as well. Just the idea made him hot and if she gave him
a couple of minutes he’d show her exactly how much it turned him on. “Yeah.”

Kat held his gaze, her eyes darkened as she looked at him.
“I’m glad you found me though. It was so much better with the real thing rather
than the fantasy.”

He placed his hand on her hip and pulled her against him.
“Oh yeah, so what exactly were you fantasizing about?”

She blushed again. Justin raised an eyebrow at her. Just
what was that look about, he wondered.

“Were you picturing yourself in one of their places?” he

“No…not really.” She licked her bottom lip. “Honestly, what
ended up happening was pretty much the fantasy. I’ve never really watched
someone have sex before and it kind of surprised me how hot it was.” Her tongue
dipped out again. “Having you touching me just made it that much better.”

He nipped her earlobe and sucked it inside his mouth,
enjoying the way she sagged against him and shivered. She was always so damn
responsive. “So you didn’t wish that you were sandwiched between them and all
that attention was focused on you?” he whispered.

Kat dropped her head against his chest. “N-no,” she


She shook her head weakly.

“But the idea turns you on?” he asked.

She didn’t meet his eye but she nodded.

He shifted so her legs were on either side of his thigh as
he pulled her tighter against him and cupped her ass. “And what if I was there
too? Would you like that? All three of us focused completely on you. Playing
with your nipples, your pussy, your ass.”

She groaned loudly and rubbed her pussy against his thigh,
riding his leg. He eased his hand down the back of her jeans and cupped her

“Come on, you know you want to,” he said.

She looked around. “What would people think?”

He laughed. “Umm…look around, Kat. Not a lot of people out
here to see.” He waved his arm out toward the wide open spaces surrounding
them. Mountains on one side, open fields on the other. “How the hell would
anyone know what we did out here? Do you think anyone actually knows that Dunc
and Kase fuck each other?”

She shrugged. “Don’t they?”

“Fuck no. Cowboy code isn’t really all that forgiving of guy
on guy. It’s not done, and if it is, it’s sure as shit not talked about.”

“But why?”

“I don’t know.” He shrugged. “It just isn’t.”

She glanced toward the mountains they had just come from.
“If they’re a couple what makes you think they’d even be interested in being
with us?”

Justin snorted. “It’s not really an ‘us’ being offered here,
darlin’, it’s just you. I’m cool with Dunc and Kase swinging both ways, but I
don’t.” He ran his eyes down her body, taking in the curve of her waist and her
ample breasts. “Believe me, they’re interested—they’re just waiting for me to
give them a chance.”

She wiped her palms against her jeans. “So they’re bi or

“Or something.” He ran his hand through his hair. Shit, he
didn’t really want to talk about his friends having sex with each other. “You
saw them leaving with that girl at the dance. They’ve done the whole threesome
thing before, you know that.” He thought back to the day they’d all met Kat and
the way his friends had been eyeing her up. When he’d mentioned the
possibility, they’d practically stampeded him to pack their bags. Oh hell yeah
they’d be all over the chance to be with her.

He ignored the little niggle of doubt that asked him if he
knew what he was doing and pushed on. “Look, we’re miles from anyone else.
We’re staying up here in the line shack tonight anyway so why don’t we just
enjoy what the night can bring. You know what happens on the range stays on the
range.” He waggled his eyebrows at her.

Kat’s brow furrowed as she looked at him. “So how would this
work? Would I fuck you all? Or would they fuck each other and you’d fuck me?”

He groaned. God, typical woman, talking things to death. Her
nipples pressed tightly against her top as her chest rose rapidly. Clearly the
idea turned her on. Why not just go with it?

“I don’t know. I can’t imagine them fucking each other since
they don’t do that with other people watching.” He laughed. “Well, normally.”

Her eyes darkened as she looked at him. “Do you think they
would if we asked?”

He rubbed his hand over his face and groaned. “Jesus, I
don’t know. Do you really need them to?” Christ, it was one thing to know his
friends did that, or even to see it out of the corner of his eye from a
distance. It was a whole other thing to have it happening while you were all in
bed together.

“Never mind,” Kat said.

Stepping toward her, he wrapped his arm around her waist.
“Why don’t we play it by ear. I’ll let them know you’re up for them joining us
tonight and we’ll see how things go.” He kissed her lips and she trembled
against him. Damn, she was so hot and ready for anything. He’d never met a
woman he was so sexually compatible with. Too bad their relationship had such a
short shelf life. “What do you say?”

“You sure you’d be cool with them joining us?” she asked.

He frowned at her. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

Kat shrugged. “I don’t know, in theory it always sounds
good, but I’d imagine it could get kind of messy.”

“Relax, Kat, we’ve all done this before.”

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