Read Rodeo Secrets Online

Authors: Ursula Istrati

Tags: #gay cowboy, #rodeo sex, #voyeurism, #gay anal fucking, #gay cowboy erotica, #public sex, #gay blowjob erotica, #gay erotica, #malemale, #rodeo, #erotica adult, #anal play, #erotica, #oral sex, #gay adult erotica

Rodeo Secrets

BOOK: Rodeo Secrets
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Ursula Istrati



Ursula Istrati


Copyright 2012 by Ursula Istrati


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Charlie watched from the bleachers as the cowgirls rode the barrel races. The afternoon was hot and dry, and the dust of the arena was getting kicked into the air by the horses. Charlie leaned back, with a beer in his hand, relaxing in the sunshine. He loved it when the rodeo was in town. It was by far the most interesting thing that happened around these parts in the summertime.

He looked around at the crowd. It was mostly families, lots of people from out of town that drove all the way out here to go to their first rodeo. He took a swig of beer from his bottle, and looked back at the arena floor. The clown was running around now, putting on his little show for the kids.

He glanced across at the pens, at all the cowboys getting ready for their turn to win the purse today. They were sweaty and rough, leaning on the fences and relishing the brief break they had from the action of the day.

One cowboy in particular stood apart from the others. He didn’t seem to be interested in joking around with the other guys. He was more intent on staring at the fighting bull in the pen nearby. That must be the bull he’s got, Charlie thought to himself. That’s one of those bulls that you have to be nervous about. You could have a great ride, and score a lot of points, or you could get seriously injured.

It had been a tough rodeo so far this week. There was no clear winner yet, and a lot of disqualifications. Charlie knew the cowboy was figuring out his odds of winning the purse with that bull.

He took another drink of his beer and stood up, walking to the end of his bleacher row. He looked back at the cowboy again, letting his eyes rove up and down his body, leaning back against the rails. Charlie felt his cock stiffen in his jeans.

It was easy this time of year, when cowboys came through town. Charlie knew he could always find a good fuck. It was always best when the cowboy had won some prize money, when they had a thrilling performance, because they would be all pumped up on adrenaline, smelling of sweat and animals. And there was nothing he loved more than letting a cowboy have a victory ride on top of him. He loved how rough cowboys could be, and he was happy to oblige them. He’d even do a bit of bucking for them.

Charlie walked around the edge of the arena, towards the area reserved for the riders. He walked up to the gate blocking out the audiences, and gazed hungrily at the men. He looked towards the lone cowboy he had been eyeing, and saw him staring back at him. He was very dark looking, with his black hat down low, casting a shadow over his eyes. Charlie kept his gaze as he chugged the rest of his beer, licking the last drop off of his lips. He knew the routine, how to give the signal that he was willing. The dark cowboy tipped his hat at him, and he nodded back.

Suddenly there was a lot of bustling movement in the pen as the bull riders were getting ready to start up. Charlie’s cowboy disappeared in the crowd, so Charlie walked back to the railing to watch from there. He climbed up a couple rungs of the metal barricade, to get a better view. He saw the black hat of his cowboy mounted on one of the bulls in the bucking chute.

The audience’s cheering got hushed as the chute opened and the dark cowboy’s bull leapt into the arena, bucking like mad. Time slowed, as everyone focused on the movement of the bull and rider. The bull bucked left and the cowboy held on. He seemed to float in the air a few times and was really handling the bull with style, with his free arm raised above his shoulder. Charlie held his breath until he heard the buzzer announcing that the 8-second time was up. His cowboy had stayed on one of the worst bulls of the day, and performed perfectly.

The cowboy bailed out; jumping off the bull and landing solidly on his feet, as the rodeo clown distracted the bull and jumped into a barrel for safety. The crowd’s cheers rose up as the announcer came on the loudspeaker, giving the cowboy a score of 91. That was the best score of this rodeo so far, Charlie thought to himself. He saw the cowboy look up at the crowd with a huge smile on his face and wave. He knew he had just won the $1,000 purse for Bull Riding that day. He had lucked out, getting that bull. The other cowboys wouldn’t be able to pull off a higher score.

The cowboy walked to the side of the arena and climbed over the railing. He was congratulated by all the guys, slapped on the back and cheered. He looked back over his shoulder at where Charlie was standing, watching him.

Charlie saw the look of fierce hunger in his eyes, and felt his cock strain against his jeans. The cowboy walked towards him slowly, keeping eye contact the whole time.

“Let’s go grab a beer at the tent,” the cowboy said.

Charlie simply nodded in response and turned to walk towards the tent, careful to walk far enough in front that they didn’t raise any suspicion, but also giving the cowboy a clear view of his shapely ass.

When they got to the beer tent, Charlie bought a round and carried them back to where the cowboy was standing in the corner.

“Cheers to your ride,” Charlie said.

“Thanks,” the cowboy said gruffly.

“You got a name I can call you?”

“Name’s John.”

“Well, it’s nice to meet you John. Where abouts are ya from?” asked Charlie.

“I’m from Butte, Montana.”

“How long ya been a rodeo cowboy?”

“I haven’t been on the rodeo circuit for long, but my family’s ranch has been getting pretty rundown, so I thought I’d try to earn some extra cash.”

“You certainly did that today,” Charlie said, as he leaned closer. He was dying to initiate more contact with John, but he didn’t want to push him too fast, so he tried to wait for John to make the move.

“How bout you? You from around here?” John asked.

“Ya, I live down the road there a little ways.”

“Seems like a pretty quiet little town. Is there much to do around here?”

“Not much to do, besides wait for the rodeo to come through each year,” Charlie replied.

“You’re a fan, then, eh?”

“Well, I find it’s a good place to meet people,” Charlie said, with a wink.

John looked around the tent, hoping no one was close enough to overhear their conversation. This sort of thing was quite common on the rodeo circuit, but cowboys didn’t like to be completely public about it either.

Charlie took a swig of beer, and let his tongue linger on the lip of the bottle. He was looking up and down the length of John’s body, imagining it pressed against him. He adjusted his stance to ease the pressure on his erection, and he saw John’s gaze drop to his crotch.

“Do you know of someplace we could go, that’s a bit more private?” John asked.

“I have a place in mind.”

“Is it close? I don’t want to have to wait.”

“It’s close,” Charlie replied, as he reached out and took John’s empty bottle, brushing his fingers against John’s hand.  

He dropped the bottles on the bar, and walked out of the tent, knowing that John would be following at a distance. He walked towards the back of the grandstand bleachers. There were boarded walls up around the base of the bleachers, but Charlie knew of a gap in the boards. He slipped between the makeshift walls, underneath the bleachers. It was open above, under the benches, so there was enough light to see. Charlie walked in a ways, and turned to watch as John climbed through the gap.

“How cozy,” John said as he chuckled, looking around at the framework of the bleachers. He ducked his head under a beam, as he walked towards Charlie.

John let the rush of his win today take over, now that he was out of view of the crowd. He felt the adrenaline coursing through his body still. He stalked closer to Charlie, with a hungry predatory expression on his face.

“We have to be quick, people don’t usually come down here, but they might,” Charlie said.

Charlie was leaning against a support post, watching John stalk towards him. He felt like an animal caged in a pen, being appraised like a prize piece of meat. And he loved it. He knew John could see the bulge in his jeans, and he pressed his hand against it, rubbing against his cock as John watched.

As John reached Charlie, he grabbed him roughly and took his mouth in his, forcing his tongue into Charlie’s hot mouth. The kiss was hard and unforgiving. When Charlie moaned, John bit his lower lip.

Charlie pushed him back aggressively, and he saw the passion rise in John’s eyes. Charlie looked down at his erection showing through his jeans, and then looked back up at John. He reached down and started unbuttoning his shirt.

“I want you to watch,” Charlie said.

They could hear the crowd cheering above them in the bleachers, and the thrill of the audience added to their own excitement. They knew they could be discovered at any moment, all someone had to do was look down under the bleacher seats and they’d be found out.

Charlie took off his shirt, and John was suddenly upon him again. He couldn’t keep his hands off his lean muscular body. Charlie’s muscles rippled at his touch, and Charlie shivered in pleasure. John forced his mouth against Charlie’s, grasping his body tightly against his. He laced his fingers through Charlie’s hair and pulled his head back, away from his kiss.

“Suck my cock,” John ordered, as he unzipped his jeans and pulled his dick out. He was hard and erect, as he pushed Charlie down to his knees.

Charlie eagerly complied, taking his throbbing shaft into his mouth, as deep as he could. He felt the head of his cock press the back of his throat and he gagged. He had his hands on John’s hips, as John thrust back and forth. Charlie could taste his dried sweat, mixed with the beads of moisture seeping out of his cock. His tongue circled the ridge around the head. He moved one hand to the base of the shaft, gripping it tightly, sliding his hand up and down.

Charlie relished the taste of the cock in his mouth. He loved how hard it was, and how it filled his mouth. It was so arousing to him, the thought of his hard bodied cowboy, a real manly man, fucking his mouth.

John bit back a moan. He couldn’t afford to make too much noise, in case someone above them heard. He still had an image to uphold.

Charlie pulled John’s cock out of his mouth, and dipped his head lower, running his tongue along the seam between his testicles. He took one testicle in his mouth and sucked gently, as he massaged the other, and then slid one finger back along the soft fleshy area behind the testes. He licked and kissed along the length of John’s shaft, sliding his tongue around the head, drawing out the pleasure.

John gasped as Charlie sucked his whole cock back into his mouth. He bucked his hips, thrusting himself deeper down Charlie’s throat, gripping his hair and holding his head firmly in place.

John yanked Charlie’s head back roughly, and pulled him up to his feet. He started unbuttoning Charlie’s jeans, and pushed them down to the ground, exposing Charlie’s erection. He lightly brushed his fingers across Charlie’s arousal, sending shivers through him.

“I want you,” Charlie whispered breathlessly, with his body tensed in anticipation of the next touch.

John thrust his tongue into Charlie’s mouth, in a deep kiss, as he rubbed his hands up and down Charlie’s chest, reaching around and grabbing his ass.

“Turn around for me,” John said.

Charlie did as he was asked, turning to face the wood support pillar. Charlie could smell the dusty wood, as he leaned into the post. He could feel John’s stare against his back, and he thrust his hips back provocatively, showing off his ass.

They heard a loud rumble above them, as people began stomping their feet on the bleachers, cheering loudly for the event going on. John and Charlie both looked up, in surprise.

“We better hurry,” Charlie said.

“Shh, don’t worry,” John replied, as he caressed his hands down along Charlie’s spine. “We’ll take as long as we need to.”

He grasped Charlie’s round ass cheeks in both hands, massaging them firmly. Charlie squirmed under his hands, arching his back to lift his ass higher, as he wrapped his arms around the wood beam for support.

Charlie gasped in excitement as he felt John’s hot breath against his back. John’s lips pressed against his lower back and his mouth moved lower. He inhaled the masculine musk scent coming off of Charlie’s body. He smelled of hot sweat and dust.

As John lowered himself to his knees, he rubbed Charlie’s ass, spreading the cheeks apart with his fingers. John’s tongue darted out, licking up Charlie’s crack. Charlie moaned and tensed his body. John circled his tongue around his hole, slicking around it as he massaged his ass. With one hand, he reached around Charlie, and grabbed his cock, pumping it in his fist as he slid his tongue inside.

BOOK: Rodeo Secrets
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