Rogue Dragon (11 page)

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Authors: Kassanna

BOOK: Rogue Dragon
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The young gargoyle had to realize that Manx had no intention of hurting anyone. Hell, he didn’t have the strength to walk most of the time. He wiped a hand down his face and stared at the iron stove, he couldn’t even pull enough fire to light it.

He’d made a monumental mistake by going to Drago. Now that bastard wouldn’t stop until he got his hands on the clan’s jewels. Max dragged a hand over his heart. All he been trying to do was protect his daughter from some rogue dragon that might try to claim her. Although he’d taught her what she needed to know, he hadn’t taught her everything about their ways. Now it seemed in his ignorance and absence that’s exactly what happened.

“Do you need help, Manx the Supreme?”

Manx glanced over his shoulder and raised his coffee pot. “Trying to make some coffee.” He snorted. “It’s one of the rare things humans got right. And it’s just Manx now. I haven’t been supreme in a long while. Care to start the fire for me?”

He watched the younger dragon move easily though the cluttered room. The man who claimed his daughter threw a few pieces of wood into the stove’s belly, and then lifted the insert on the top to start the fire. He wiped his hands down the jeans he wore, and Manx briefly wondered where he’d found the clothing. “What clan are you?” No time like the present to get the niceties out the way.

“Kavinkovy Clan. I am Kirill.”

“I haven’t heard that clan name in a couple hundred years. They were treacherous fighters and honorable dragons.” Manx filled the pot with water and set it on the stovetop.

“There are very few of my kin left.” Kirill took a seat in one of the two chairs at the table and met his gaze. “I claimed Synda under dragon law.”

As Manx stared at Kirill and the set of his jaw, it dawned on him that this was true bond. Kirill hadn’t taken her because she was one of the scarce female dragons, or because he figured out she was the daughter of Manx the Supreme. No, her soul had called to his. Manx dropped his head forward and thanked the fire goddess. Synda might have mated a rogue, but it was a worthy claim to an admirable dragon. “I’m not disputing that, Kirill. Like any father, I just want to make sure she’ll be safe after I’m gone.”

Kirill studied him as he reached for the pot to pour the water into his coffee pot. “I will eliminate any threat to her or our bond.”

Manx snickered. “Is that how my house got torn up?”

“A stupid merman. I have never understood the need for their species.” Kirill waved his hand in dismissal. “I have a question of my own. How are you still alive?”

“You’re assuming I’m mated?” Manx asked and continued when Kiril didn’t respond. “It’s simple. I love my daughter. Her mother was my life and when she died, I wanted to crawl behind her but I had this tiny babe and no one to look after her. I asked myself what would Shalla do? So I stayed, and let me tell you, it’s been an uphill battle every day.”

The door flew open and the wind whistled through the room. Timur appeared in the door covered in snow. “It’s picking up out there. A storm is definitely brewing.”

Kirill ignored the gargoyle. “Another question. How was Synda born?”Timur piped up. “Oh, now we are getting to the good parts?”

The rusty bark that came from Manx had them staring at him. “I was a little concerned about that, too, when I found out Shalla was pregnant. Synda was born, she didn’t hatch.”

Timur slapped Kirill on the back. “See? You were worried for nothing.”

Kirill growled.

Timur pulled his hand back and leaned against the cabinet, staring at both men. “We have bigger problems.”

Manx poured the black brew into a cup and took a sip. “Spit it out, boy, my days are numbered.”

Kirill cocked a brow.

Timur combed his fingers through his hair. “There is a possibility I was followed.”

“Is there a secret lair you can take Synda to, Manx?” Kirill’s clipped tones became all business.

“You take my daughter somewhere and keep her safe. I’m not leaving. If Drago comes it’s because of me, so it will end with me.”

“Synda would never forgive me if I allowed something to happen to you.”

“Last time I checked, she was my daughter and I was her father, so I think what I say goes.”

Kirill narrowed his eyes. “Other than the obvious, why does Drago suddenly want you so bad?”

Manx put his mug down. “I guess I forgot to mention. I have the Y Ddraig Goch jewels.

Timur burst out laughing. “Epic.”

* * * *

Synda paced the length of her room. Resolved she could face her dad, she reached for the doorknob when the door sprang open. Manx stood in the doorway. He looked smaller than she remembered, and last time she’d seen him, his face was smoother. She studied her father and took in how frail he now appeared. Synda blurted out the words that had been chasing themselves in her mind and plopped down on the bed. “I’m sorry, Daddy.”

He stepped into the room and lifted his lips in a half smile. “Nothing to be apologetic for, sweetheart, it was bound to happen. You are a beautiful dragon.”

She covered her mouth to keep from snorting. “You mean, for a half breed.”

“Halves, wholes, what’s the difference? You have dragon blood in your veins, and that makes you no less amazing.” He sat down beside her.

“He won, Daddy. His claim is valid.” She leaned over and placed her head on his shoulder.

“I know. I saw the mark and more body parts than I care to remember.” Manx petted his daughter’s hair, pushing it away from her face. “You look more like your mother every day.”

“I wish I could have met her.”

“Your mother was phenomenal, just like you. No matter what happens, never forget I love you.” His shoulders shook from the force of the cough.

Synda lifted her head to watch Manx. “Daddy?”

Kirill hovered outside the doorway. “Manx, your friends, the mermen, are here.”

She swiveled her head, her gaze darting between Manx and Kirill. “What’s going on?”

Manx sighed. “Honey, I called Tucker and Assan up to take you into town. I’ve done some things, and now I need to clean them up.”

She heard Kirill mutter, “That’s an understatement.”

“Talk to me, Daddy, maybe I can help.” Synda tried to keep the panic welling up through her at bay.

“Human laws do not apply here, Synda,” Kirill interrupted.

She snapped at Kirill, while staring at Manx, “I wasn’t talking to you, was I?”

Manx stood. “Your
is right, and I would feel better if I knew you were safe.”

The little room got increasingly smaller as Timur shouldered his way into the group. “I don’t want to piss on anyone’s parade, but the sun will be up soon. If we are going to move, we need to move now.”

Synda crossed her arms. “Fuck that, I’m not budging.”

Kirill’s accent thickened. “You will move or I will move you.”

Manx leaned over and kissed his daughters cheek. “Who am I to get in domestic disputes?” He glanced at Kirill and patted his arm as he passed him. “Good luck,” he muttered, before pushing Timur out into the hallway with both hands.

Synda pressed her lips together.

Slaa dast
, I cannot help your father if I am worried about you.” Kirill leaned on the doorjamb and crossed his arms.

“Don’t you dare ‘sweetness’ me! Tell me what the hell is happening, or I will sit here until kingdom come.”

He sighed. “If I tell you, will you leave?


“As I explained earlier, your father is Manx the Supreme. Basically, the Dragonrex, ruler of all the clans. As king, he was the keeper of the Y Ddraig Goch. I’m sure you’ve heard the human tales of dragons hoarding great wealth?”

She nodded. “Yes.”

“That much is true, except as ruler it is he who holds the Supreme title and is keeper of the riches. As long as a dragon holds the gems, he is ruler of the nation. Now, a challenge can be issued at any time, and as a king, it must be accepted. If the current ruler loses, he is shunned and must release the wealth to our new king. Your father was Manx the Supreme for over five thousand years and no one ever beat him. He accumulated wealth beyond anybody’s dreams then he disappeared.” Kirill stopped.

Synda went over what Kirill had told her, rubbing her palms on her thighs as the puzzle pieces from her childhood clicked in place. “So my dad is King of the Dragon nation and he…oh…he met my mom. But if no one could beat him, then why would he disappear?”

Kirill moved to sit next to her on the bed. “Your mother was human. I imagine he was trying to protect her, then you, but that is a question you need to ask him. In the meantime, his brother, your uncle, assumed the position of pseudo ruler. When his son defeated him in a Malice Battle, your cousin Drago took up the mantel. However, they tried to rule by intimidation, and most clans have gone their own ways. Where we were once powerful and the fodder for legends, we now sit in chaos. Without the wealth to back them up, the clans are just like any other with a touch of crazy sitting in a position of leadership.”

“Okay. So what does that have to do with me?”

“Your father went to Drago to buy your protection should anything happen to him, and now that your cousin knows you exist. You are a threat he needs to eliminate.”

She rubbed her temple. “Exactly what was Dad going to buy my protection with?”

“The gems he’s hoarded for well over a millennia.”

“Let me get this straight. My dad went to my cracked cousin, who didn’t know I existed, to ask him to protect me, and in return he would give him a king’s ransom. Now, that crazy cousin knows about me and still wants the riches, but also wants me dead.”

“That pretty much covers it.’

“And you couldn’t tell me all this because you were the one sent to kill me?”

He rubbed the back of his neck. “That was before…”

“Before what? ’Cause trust me, at the rate you’re going it will be a few years before you get any more of this

“Can we talk about this another time, say, after I get you to a safe place?”

“I said maybe, and I’ve changed my mind. If you’re determined to fight, then I will be fighting right next to you.” She lifted her chin.

Az dyear zhee vat sa oo kra saav eets a
” The words fell rapidly from his lips.

“Speak English!”

Timur yelled, his voice carrying up the stairs. “As entertaining as I am finding this conversation, we still have the little issue of sunrise. Can we move it along, please?”

Synda arched a brow and held Kirill’s stare. A thin stream of smoke spiraled from his nose. He flexed his hands and stood. She could see determination set in his eyes and scooted farther in on the bed. Kirill grabbed her by the wrist and yanked her up against him. Before she could protest, he threw her over his shoulder.

He planted a hand on the small of her back as she wiggled. “Watch your head,
Slaa dast
.” Kirill proceed into the hallway and down the stairs, with her pounding on his back and kicking her legs.

Chapter Eleven

Everyone was in the kitchen, Manx and his old friend talking quietly in a corner. Timur and Assan sat at the table, waiting. Timur looked up when Kirill entered the room with Synda.

“It took you long enough. I don’t want to be vulnerable and stuck in an unfamiliar place at sunrise.” He rose from his seat.

“I had to convince Synda to leave.” He smacked her ass when she wiggled. “Manx are you ready?”

The old man broke away from his friend. “Yes. Tucker will hide Synda and Assan will guard her.” He stood behind the younger merman and squeezed his shoulders.

Assan glanced up at him and smirked. Kirill stomped forward and Timur stepped into his path and shook his head. Synda started bouncing on his shoulder and kneeing his chest. “Put me down, Kirill.”

He slid her off his body and she huffed when her feet hit the floor. She glanced around and nodded at Tucker. He smiled brightly in response. She spun around and faced Kirill.

Synda leaned in, placing a hand over his heart. “I will get you back for this.”

Kirill snorted. “I look forward to it, mate.”

Timur opened the kitchen door and the wind howled as it whipped through the exit. Manx walked over to the coats hooked on the wall and picked up a lime green one. He wrapped it around Synda when she stepped up to him. Manx zipped up the coat and held the lapels around her face in a tight white-knuckle grip. He dropped his forehead to hers.

“You are a beautiful and amazing dragon, and the only regrets I have are that your mother never had the chance to meet you and I won’t get to see when you come into your own.” Manx kissed her temple. “Never doubt or forget that I love you.” He released her.

Synda snatched up his hand and squeezed it. “I’ll see you later, Daddy.”

“Of course.” He offered her up a watery smile.

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