Romance: Bad Boy Romance: Rough Play - A British Football Romance (Alpha Male Romance) (New Adult Sports Romance) (11 page)

BOOK: Romance: Bad Boy Romance: Rough Play - A British Football Romance (Alpha Male Romance) (New Adult Sports Romance)
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''She'd feel a lot better impaled on me, that's for sure.''

''You're a disgrace.'' Dima laughed.

''I love women. You know that.''

''Have you ever fucked a woman more than once?' Dima asked.

Igor had to think. '', I
don't think so

''Mother fucker, look,'' Igor exclaimed as the camera panned around the room full of journalists. ''Murat Hyka. Did you see him?''

''No,'' Dima said

''Right under their noses. I'm
make a call,'' Igor said.

''Not to the cops. No way.''

''But that fat Albanian ass-hole was sitting among the journalists. I bet he's got something to do with it. I hate that bastard. He's a dog. Have you forgotten what he did to us?''


''That woman, what's her name? Cassy. She's in a heap of trouble if Murat Hyka has got anything to do with this.'' Igor jumped up from the sofa
and stretched
his considerable frame. He was well over six feet and a solid mass of muscle. ''He's got half the police in his pocket. They'll never bring charges.''

''So why do you care?'' Dima said.

and she looks very upset. I want to help her.''

''You're fucking mad. Would you go to war with Murat Hyka, just to get into her panties?''

Igor looked at his brother. ''Yes, I think I would. Come on
Dima; he
's a
and so are all the guys who work for him.
This is
a good
chance to eradicate him once and for all.''



Cassy badly needed fresh air. She'd been sitting inside with a police liaison
officer for
and she felt stifled by the atmosphere. Her phone calls were
being monitored
in case the kidnappers rang.

Outside she walked past her parked Mercedes and noticed a piece of paper under the wiper. She picked it up.

me; it
's about your brother. Don't involve the cops.


Cassy looked around nervously to make sure nobody had seen her. She walked across the lawn, stood behind a tree, and took out her cellphone.

''Cassy Solomon, what do you know about my brother?''

''I think
he's being held by a group of Albanians

''Who are you?''

''My name is Igor Ivanovich. I'm a real estate developer.''

''And what makes you think
he's being held by Albanians

''I saw the press conference. There was a man I know in the audience. He's an Albanian criminal. Did you know that Albania's are well known for cutting off the ears of their victims?'' Cassy felt nauseous as the image of the severed ear came to mind. ''If you put those two things together, I think you're talking about an Albanian gang.''

''So what is this man's name?''

''You don't need to know. All I can tell you is that the cops will never solve this because he's got all the top cops in his pocket. They all get huge sums of money from him to turn a blind eye to his activities.''

''So what do you suggest I do?''

''Meet me. I will explain what we are going to do. Okay?''

''But I don't understand why you are doing this? What business is it of yours?'' Cassy said.

''Because I hate the mother fucker. He's the worst person God ever made.''

''I'm not sure. How do I know you are who you say?''

''Tell you what. Why don't we meet a Grand Central, in the middle of rush hour? There will be thousands of people around. That way you'll feel safe.''



Cassy waited at Chirping Chicken in Grand Central. She'd never seen him
but when he walked into the
she knew it was him. On the phone, he'd spoken with a Russian
and  the
man that came into the restaurant looked Russian. Not only did he look Russian but he was also
extremely good
looking. Tall, well build cropped black hair,  a fine boned Slavic face, and the deepest blue eyes.

He was even more impressed with Cassy than he had been when he'd seen her on TV. She was wonderfully beautiful with green eyes, long dark hair, and the softest
looking skin

''You know I shouldn't be here. If the cops knew they'd probably charge me with something,'' she said anxiously.

''Fuck the cops. They won't help you. They haven't got the balls to fight Murat Hyka.''

''And you have?'' she asked slightly sarcastically.

''Yes. My brother and I have got a score to settle with him.''

''You told me you are a real estate dealer,''

''Listen, we buy and sell apartment buildings in New York and London. I came to America when I was eighteen, seeking my fortune. I have done a lot of bad shit, but now we're trying to stay above the law. I'm
get your brother back and put an end to this ass-hole, okay.''

''And what do you want in return?,'' Cassy said.

''I don't want money. If I bring Michael home to you, I want you. Your debt will be one night with me.''

Cassy looked at him as if he'd gone mad. ''You are joking right?''

''No, I'm not. One night for your brother. That's all.''

''Thanks but I don't play with my virtue. No get the hell away from me.''

When Cassy got
she rang Judy's dad who was a sergeant at NYPD. She asked him to do a check on Murat Hyka and Igor Ivanovich. Later, he told her Murat was an Albanian
with suspected links to drug trafficking and protection. His information on
Igor was
that he was a Russian real estate dealer with interests in New York and London. She was surprised to learn his net worth was over three billion dollars. His record was clean, although he had been taken in for questioning a few times regarding threatening behavior on public officials and bankers.



''Are you Michael?'' Igor asked. Michael nodded and put his hands back over his ears.  ''It's okay. I've come to take you back to Cassy.'' Michaels' eyes lit up at the sound of her name.

''Bad. Bad,'' he said as he looked at the two men on the floor, both of them with their necks broken.

''Come on Igor, hurry up. Untie him and let's get out of here,'' Dima said. He looked up the cellar stairs to the sunlight, waiting for more men to appear. He gripped his gun more tightly, peering to see if there were any moving shadows.

Igor pulled Michael along with him as they climbed the cellar steps and arrived in the kitchen of the seedy detached house in Queens. Dima looked at the other two men they had immobilized. One of the laying face down in a pool of blood on the kitchen floor, the other slumped across the kitchen table, his head turned at a grotesque angle.

Dima reversed the car out of the driveway and drove away from the house where Michael had
been held

''You know we're going to have to finish what we started don't you?'' Dima said. ''We're going to have to go after Hyka. When he finds out we've done this, he'll come for us.''

''Don't worry. We can handle that little prick,'' Igor said

Michael began to scream. It was high pitched and
very loud
. ''It's okay.'' Igor put his arm around Michael. ''Michael we're taking you home. To Cassy.'' Michael was silent again.

Dima drove slowly across the city. The last thing he wanted to do was get pulled by the cops for speeding with Michael in the back of the car. When they arrived at Pearlington Avenue, Michael began to recognize the houses.

''Home,'' he said in the manner of a small child.

''Yes. Home,'' Igor said. ''Pull up here, any closer to the house and they may see us.'' Dima pulled up on the quiet road three hundred yards away from the Solomon residence. ''Okay Michael. Go home.'' Igor opened the car door and watched as Michael began to walk as fast as he could towards the house he shared with Cassy.

When  Michael reached the security guard at the gate, Igor and Dima gave a sigh of relief as the guard put his arm around Michael and took him through the gate.

Cassy was sitting at her desk in front of the window of what used to be her father's study. As she read emails of sympathy about Michael's kidnapping, something outside caught her eye.
glanced up and screamed. She rushed out of the room, down a corridor and
the hallway. The front door almost came off its
hinges; such
was the force with which she threw it open.

''Michael,'' she cried. ''Oh my God Michael.'' She almost knocked him
his feet in her enthusiasm to hug him. She noticed both his ears were intact. ''How did you get here?'' she asked.

''Nice men,'' Michael said.

The police officer who was at the house to monitor phone calls came out and scratched his head. ''In all my years I've never seen anything like this before,'' he said.

That evening after the doctor had checked Michael's health and declared him well, Cassy rang the number.

''Was it you?'' she asked after Igor had answered.

''Yes. But no cops. Just be glad you've got Michael back.''

''Thank you. I don't know what to......''

''Listen to me. We had to be heavy handed to get Michael out. In all probability, Hyka will turn violent and seek revenge. You need to take Michael to a safe place.''


''I have a house in London. I'll send a car at seven in the morning.''


''Is this yours?'' Cassy asked as she looked across from the limousine to the private jet. Igor nodded.

''We'll be in London before you know it. Is Michael okay with planes?''

''He's flown before. I don't think it will be a problem.''

''Found me,'' Michael said as he looked at Igor.

''Yes. We found you,'' Igor said with a grin on his face.

In London, Cassy couldn't believe how large the house was. It was just outside the city in a leafy suburb. Because of the time difference, they'd arrived in the
and it was just getting dark, but Cassy could see enough of the property to know that Igor was a very wealthy man.

''He's fast asleep,'' Cassy said when she came back downstairs. ''You've given Michael a lovely room.''

''The best in the house. In the morning, he'll be able to see the horses running around in the fields if he looks out of his window.''

Cassy sat on a huge sofa in the middle of
the sitting
room and looked at Igor. What had brought him to be so kind to them? He didn't seem to want anything, but that could change, she thought. The police had asked a thousand questions about how Michael had suddenly arrived home, but she'd told them she didn't know how. Maybe the kidnappers had gotten cold feet she'd suggested. She'd told the cops she was going to London for a few days to rest.

''Why? Why did you do this for us?''

''Do you honestly want to know?'' he asked as he handed her a glass of wine.


''Because I'm a sucker for a beautiful woman. I saw you on TV and saw how fucking upset you were. And I thought maybe I could get inside your panties.''

''You are
strange, do you know that?'' she said. ''Why go to all that trouble just to get me into bed.''

''Well, put it this way. If I just turned up on your doorstep and demanded to fuck you, what would you have said?''

''I would have called the cops.''

''Jesus Cassy. You're going to have to learn that the cops are ass-holes. They are all on the take.''

''In Russia maybe. But not in America.''

''You are so naive.
Anyway. What about
you and me
now? Will you fuck me or not?''

Cassy sipped her wine and looked at him. She
was sorely tempted
. The mix of danger and kindness which oozed from him was proving to be a very powerful aphrodisiac. What harm could it do? He was
and it had been a long time since she'd had sex. Michael was safe, and Igor seemed to be protecting her. Maybe she owed him, she thought. What harm could it do?

''So what did you like about me when you saw me on TV?'' she asked.

''All of you.''

''Come here,'' she said.

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