ROMANCE: Badass Boss (Billionaire Alpha Bad Boy Romance) (Western Mail Order Bride Calendar Contemporary) (26 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: Badass Boss (Billionaire Alpha Bad Boy Romance) (Western Mail Order Bride Calendar Contemporary)
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Chapter 6



Misty enjoyed the rest of her holiday. Jonas had gotten her a new bonnet and some gloves. She appreciated that he even remembered to get her anything and he'd shown the right amount of gratitude over the journal and pens that she didn't feel completely stupid getting them for him.


“Misty, I have one more present for you,” Jonas told her as he walked her outside.


“What is it?” She asked him, looking curious as he led her to the back of the house to the barn.


“I know you haven't had time to go horseback riding, or learn how to ride, so I bought you a mare. She's a gentle old soul who's perfect for a beginner,” Jonas told her as he took her into the barn and stood in front of a small black horse that was lazily eating some hay out of a container attached to the barn wall.


“She's pretty,” Misty said and reached out to touch the horse gently. She petted the horse for a moment and then turned to look at Jonas. Their eyes met and he was looking at her hungrily and she gulped as he pressed her against the wall and kissed her hard. She touched him through his clothes and loosened his necktie and the buttons on his jacket so she could get her hands under his shirt to touch his skin.


Jonas hiked up her skirt, found her sweet spot, and started stroking her until his fingers were dripping with her excitement. Pushing her skirts even further up he pulled himself out of his pants and took her right there against the wall of the barn.


Misty's back was pressed into the wood and had one leg over Jonas's arm as he stood there, thrusting inside of her, their mouths melded together in a wild passionate kiss. It did not take long; she bit his lower lip gently and then screamed his name into his mouth as he made her cum. Her climax set him over the edge and he nearly collapsed against her, taking them both down to the ground.


After a few moments of catching their breath, they pulled apart and separated their clothes. Misty turned and swore she saw a shadow by the opening of the barn door, but it was as gone as soon as she turned her head to identify what she thought she saw.


“Everything okay?” Jonas asked her and helped her pull her skirts back down and dusted her off.


“Yes, that was... something else,” Misty said, blushing slightly. If someone had seen them, she let out a giggle. She was his wife, there was nothing wrong with a romantic interlude in the barn.


“When you're ready for lessons, you'll get them. But she's yours. Brush her, take the time to get acquainted with her. She needs a name,” Jonas told her and pressed a kiss to her temple and put his arm around her shoulders as they resumed looking at the horse.


“She reminds me of a Betty,” Misty said and grinned. “Betty the black horse.”


“I like it.” Jonas told her and then invited her to go on a walk to stretch their legs out before returning to the house.


They were silent for a while, their fingers laced together as they just walked. Misty appreciated that she could talk to him almost as much as they could just exist in each other's company without having to try to fill awkward silence with conversation. It was comfortable to just be around him. She enjoyed that.


As they headed back, she realized that she wanted a family with him. Her own family, not just raising the babies he'd already had, but having their own.


“I want a baby,” Misty told him, blurting it out before she could stop herself. “I mean, not today obviously, but down the road, I would like to have a baby with you Jonas. I know you already have children, but you're such a wonderful father and…”


Trailing off, Misty realized the house was on fire. Smoke was coming from the roof and she stopped talking as she looked at what was in front of them. Picking up her skirts, she started to run to the house, Jonas was fast on her heels.


The housekeeper, her son and his children were already outside, but his grandfather and Bradley were still missing.


“I need to go inside and search for my grandfather and Bradley. Stay back, keep the children safe,” Jonas barked at them as he took off his jacket and kissed Misty before going into the house to find his missing family members.


Misty stumbled back, shocked at the fire. Everything she owned was inside of his house, everything he and his family had worked for was in that house. It was the middle of winter, she didn't understand how something like this could happen. How did nobody notice the fire?


She nodded at the children and told them to stay put as she walked around the house to see if she could find Bradley or the eldest Elderwood hoping they'd gotten out before any damage. She knew inhaling smoke could be deadly, and she worried for Jonas.


Never seeing it coming, a lightening pain struck her on the back of the head and she whirled around and caught site of an evil smirk right before she blacked out and fell to the ground.

Chapter 7



Bradley splashed water in Misty's face to revive her. She had her wrists tied above her head to a bedpost and she was laying on a bed she didn't' recognize. She had a splitting headache and she was looking at a man she despised standing next to the bed who was holding a cup.


“Awake now?” He finally asked her, looking down at her.


“What did you do?” Misty asked him, suddenly realizing he must have started the fire. There's no way it could have been an accident. “Is Jonas okay, what about your grandfather?”


“Everyone is fine, relax. It was a superficial fire. I started it in the attic, and set it up in a way to get attention, but it was localized to one small area. By the time I even got you off the property, they'd gotten it mostly put out before too much damage had been done. No one was hurt, relax,” Bradley said and shook his head. “I am not a killer, and I wouldn't destroy the family home I'm hoping to live in someday.”


“You realize you're never going to get Jonas's job, or the family business?” Misty asked him, feeling incredulous at his audacity. “And you probably just cost yourself any family relationships you ever had with either of them if you harm me?”


“You humiliated me. You were sending me teasing glances, and taunting me and then in front of Jonas, you harmed me,” Bradley spit out, and then his face relaxed and he reached out to grope a breast. Misty cringed, feeling dirty that he was touching her. She tried to think of Jonas, and reassure herself that he's find her, and everything would be okay. But the way Bradley was looking at her, she wasn't sure it would be okay.


“Why would you want a woman who doesn't want you?” Misty asked him, her brows coming up as she asked him, unable to keep her opinions to herself. She should have been more scared of him, but honestly, he was pathetic and she almost felt sorry for him.


“You want me, you just don't know it yet,” he told her and reached out to touch her. She turned her head away trying to avoid his touch. Angry he grabbed her chin hard enough to leave a bruise on her cheek and forced her to turn her head back to look at him. “If you want me to untie you, you have to be nice to me.”


“Where are we?” Misty asked him, changing the subject. She hoped he'd give her some clue to where they were so Jonas might have some chance of finding them.


“It doesn't matter where we are,” Bradley told her giving her a funny look. “You'll want to be with me once you've had time to think about it.”


“Bradley, have you ever considered that maybe you need to find a better hobby in life then trying to chase after married women?” She asked him sighing, pulling on the bonds and giving up when it was clear she couldn't pull her way free.


“You are a fine hobby for me to have,” Bradley told her and then patted her leg. “I'll give you time to think about this. I have to go say goodbye to my grandfather and Jonas. I'm sure they'll just think you ran away.”


“You're delusional,” Misty called after him and gritted her teeth. If she could have crossed her arms and pouted, she would have. She was angry. If she got free, she was going to beat that man within an inch of his life.


Bradley left and she lay there for hours, thinking of all the ways she wanted to hurt and torture him. Jonas was probably worried sick and Bradley was going to go back to the house and pretend like everything was fine. She was seething and working on getting her hands free from the rope. She didn't know when he was going to get back. After a while, she managed to get the ropes loose enough she was able to get one hand free. She was able to use her free hand to work on the knots on the other one and after a while managed to get completely free of everything.


Sitting up on the bed she looked around for a weapon. She didn't know what she needed, but she knew she wouldn't wait for Bradley to come back and try to stop her from leaving. She founded a metal pitcher used for water and grabbed it. It was heavy and she dumped the water out, holding the weight of it in her hand. She realized she'd be able to use this if she had too, right upside Bradley's head.


Opening the door, she looked out of the door and looked into the empty space of grass and trees. She walked outside and clutched the pitcher to her chest. She looked around for a moments and saw the outline of a house in the distance. Realizing after a moment in shock that she was still on Jonas's property, she began to walk barefoot to the house and cut her foot on a sharp rock. Wincing she didn't stop, but she limped the rest of the way back.


She saw Jonas as she neared the house yelling at Bradley. Marching up to him, she walked up right behind Bradley and hit him in shoulder with the pitcher she held in her hand. It felt good, and when he turned to look at her she lifted the pitcher again and waved it at him. She tried to keep from hitting him again, despite wanting to bean him in the chin with it.


“You... you....” She sputtered as she dropped the pitcher and burst into tears.


“Misty, you're okay?” Jonas asked her as he curled her up in his arms and hugged her close. Glaring at Bradley over Misty's head, Grandfather Elderwood came out to see what was going on.


“Oh good, you found her,” he said as he walked over to them and looked at Bradley glaring at Jonas. “What's going on?”


“This... idiot…” Jonas sputtered, staring at his cousin and looked like he wanted to hit him.


“Misty, why don't you tell me what happened?” He ignored Jonas and Bradley who started yelling at each other. Jonas let go of Misty and hit his cousin in the chin. They started grappling with each other and ended up rolling around in the dirt. As their grandfather and Misty just stood there watching the two of them.


“He had me tied to a bed, in a cabin on the back of the property. He started the fire to take me. Bradley hit me with something, my head actually still hurts.” Misty glared at the men fighting on the ground.


“Enough you two, get up now,” Grandpa said and bent down and grabbed the collar of both men. “Quit embarrassing yourselves. Get up.”


“Bradley, you go inside and wait for me. You are leaving with me and if you so much as twitch a muscle, you are completely cut off.” Their grandfather watched Bradley huff and walk into the house.


“You seriously are just going to let him get away with assaulting my wife? If she hadn't managed to get loose, what damage do you think he would have done to her? To us, to our family?” Jonas raged, looking completely irrational.


“Jonas, take a deep breath.” His grandfather put a hand on his shoulder and looked at him. “I'm sorry I brought Bradley here. I was hoping if he saw how you doing well and being happy, that maybe he'd decide to change his life. It's clear that there's something seriously wrong with him, and when I get him back home... let's just say he won't be free to hurt other women for long.”


“You promise you won't bring him back here, because if you do I will kill him if I ever see him again.” Jonas swore, he wasn't usually a violent man, but seeing Misty barefoot and her in pain had him enraged on her behalf.


“I will get him out of your hair as fast as I can, take care of your wife. I'm sorry he did this to you Misty.”


“It's okay, he made bad choices, you couldn't have known he'd do something so stupid.” Misty told him and watched as the old man looked defeated and turned away to go back towards the house to finish packing to leave.


“I was worried sick when I thought something had happened to you Misty, first the fire, then you were gone, I was sick to my stomach with worry.” Jonas told her and grabbed her by the shoulders searching her face. “He didn't touch you did he, because if he did anything else, I'll just kill him.”


“No, he didn't... I don't know what he would have done to me had I not gotten away, but he didn't actually do anything to me besides steal me away and hit me on the bed.” Misty told him and touched his face and pressed a kiss to his lips trying to reassure him that she was okay.

“I love you Misty, I'm so sorry I didn't protect you better.” Jonas said shaking his head. “I knew I didn't trust Bradley, but I never thought he'd do something like this. I am so sorry.”


“It's not your fault. You didn't know he'd do this.” Misty told him and gave him a half smile. “I love you too, but we'll get past this. They are leaving.”


“I know, but I didn't realize how much you meant to me until I thought something bad had happened to you. It shouldn't have happened like this. I shouldn't have let Bradley stay here after what he did by your bedroom, I should have done something,” Jonas said, feeling guilty.


“Jonas, listen to me right now. You cannot protect me from every evil in this world. I know you feel responsible because he's your cousin, but you can't blame yourself for not knowing that he would do this,” Misty told him and hugged him tight. “I love you, I promise I don't blame you, or resent you. Just hold me for a moment.”


“How can you bounce back from something like that and act like everything's okay, I'm sitting here feeling like my stomach fell to my feet and my heart is beating so fast I feel like it is going to fly out of my chest,” Jonas told her.


“And we are okay. I'm okay. You will be okay. Just kiss me until you feel less... extremely,” Misty told him and pressed kisses to his lips between words to try to calm him. She winced as she shifted weight on her feet and realized she cut her foot on a rock and it hurt.


“What's wrong?” Jonas asked her, looking confused.


“My foot. I stepped on a sharp rock. I just need to clean it off and put a bandage on it. I'll be okay,” she told him and then gasped as he grabbed her and picked her up, sweeping her off her feet and carried her inside. “I can walk!”


“I know you can walk, but Misty, let me take care of you, that's what a husband is for, I want too. I know I seemed distant when you first got here, but the reality is I was scared to let you get close to me. I didn't want to get hurt. Loving you put me at risk, but I can see now that I already am in this for keeps,” Jonas said smiling and took her into his study to clean her foot.


“I think we are going to be okay Jonas, I do,” Misty said and let out a small chuckle. “Just fix my foot, and take me to bed.”


“I can do that,” Jonas told her. He got out his bottle of whiskey and cleaned her foot. He offered her a shot after to ease the sting of the cut. “It doesn't need stitches, I think you'll be okay.”


“Kiss me Jonas,” Misty told him after she choked down the shot of whiskey. He picked her up and put her on his desk, kissing her. They didn't leave the office for a while, but by the time they did, his grandfather and Bradley had left.


Jonas was unhappy about what had happened to Misty but it was over. He was going to focus on his family, focus on his relationship with Misty, and right now, focus on kissing her the way she was demanding.


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