ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Werewolf Rider (MC Shifter Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance Short Stories) (83 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Werewolf Rider (MC Shifter Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance Short Stories)
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              “We are going to try Jeff. We have people out everywhere. There are still some boarders and skiers missing up top. This storm took everyone by surprise, and it looks like another one will be here in an hour or so. We may still be able to get someone up there, but I would suggest you dig out what you can because if you get a lot more snow up their you don't want the extra build up if you can avoid it. How are you with supplies Jeff? We can move you up the list of the most needy. Say the word,” the voice finished. Jeff glanced at her and opened his mouth to answer, and she shook her head grabbing his arm. Chelsea did not know why she was suddenly so adamant about this, other than it just seemed the right thing to do.

              “We can make it Jeff. If others need help more, let them be helped. We have food and blankets and can find a way to survive, right?” she asked. He had a sudden look in his eyes, like the night before. She still did not completely understand it, but it was gentle and caring.

              “Hello Jeff, you there?” Came the voice over the radio. Jeff put a hand on hers and nodded.

              “Ok dispatch, we can survive. Plenty of food so if need be we can make it fine. Help the ones who are out in the cold first,” he told them. The dispatcher sounded relieved.

              “Ok Jeff, thanks man. We are swamped with many missing people. Do you have fuel for the generator?” dispatch asked.

              “Yes, plenty to last he night if need be. By tomorrow though we are really going to need you guys.” Jeff said.

              “Oh you will have us by then you two. Take care and if we can be we will be there. If not today we will be there tomorrow morning first thing!” they signed off. They looked at each other.

              “I don't know many people who would do what you did Chelsea. You are an amazing person and I am going to live up to your confidence in me,” he leaned down and kissed her.

              “So I should probably start finding shovels and do my part. You are teaching me things Chelsea that I have never considered. Thanks for that,” he reached out and squeezed her shoulder in appreciation. She watched him going down that back hall to look for tools. He was not really the same man whom she had met a few days earlier. She tried to think about how it would be to be with him full time. Then she reminded herself that she was on the rebound from a hard bounce. Whatever happened she had to remember that. Guys changed so fast he may not be the same when they got out of the cabin. In either case she decided she needed to hold up her end and started digging around for something to eat. Once she finished finding something to cook she went down the hall. She had not been down there before but when she went out the door she saw him rearranging tools.

              “Find what we need?” she asked. He smiled and nodded.

              “Yep, I can start digging us out. I am gonna get my ski clothes first. It is cold out there ya know,” he said.

              “How about something to eat first. We are going to need the energy. Can we use the power to cook?”

              “Yes, we have more than enough fuel to keep the place going. Breakfast sounds good, need any help?” he asked.

              “Sure if you want. I saw some canned juice that sounds good,” they went back to the kitchen. They started breakfast then changed their clothes into what they had on the previous day. She noticed his glance when she came out of the bathroom. She had put her turtle neck and jeans. It was snug and had dried, shrinking up some. So it was tight, showing off her assets. She put her hair into a pony tail and helped cook breakfast.

              After breakfast they started in to digging them out from the front porch. She put on her ski boots because it was all they had. She hated those boots, they were heavy and a pain to clamp tight. She ended up leaving to top snaps undone since she was not going far. The snow was higher than her head and it was scary to her to see this wall of snow towering over her. What Jeff decided to do was knock down the front section and then crawl up and through it to push it down. Otherwise there was no place to put the snow they shoveled. Once he made some headway she was able to help. It was hard work and her hands were sweating in her gloves and very uncomfortable. She un-zipped her short jacket to help her cool down. After a while they began to hurt, and she realized she was developing blisters. Since her new ski jacket only came to her waist, it slid up as she worked, as did her turtle neck sweater. She did not notice the problem before she got snow and water on her bare middle. She did not complain and kept going despite feeling colder due to it. Chelsea wanted to make sure she did her part. This was team effort in her mind. They cleared the front area, and then shoveled around the house to make room for snow to slide off the roof and not pile higher. The snow started coming down again, and they decided to quit. Her hands hurt and she was beginning to shiver. She turned to head back along the front of the cabin and she heard a faint whoosh and a bunch of snow slid off the roof and landed in front of her.

              “That was close,” she told Jeff who was waiting be the front door. He grinned and then looked up. His eyes widened and he started moving forward shouting for her to move. Chelsea looked up in time to take a full load of snow in the face and she went down. She could feel more and more snow landing on top of her and realized she could not breathe. She panicked and began trying to push her way out, but the snow was heavy and she could barely move. She felt like she was in a freezer without air and she in inadvertently opened her mouth in desperation for air and took in a mouthful of ice cold snow that she began choking on. She stared to see red spots and her lungs felt like they would explode when she all of the suddenly felt air on her face.

              “Jesus, Chelsea, easy girl, easy. Let me get you out of there. Just breathe, just breathe,” Jeff told her. She could hear the desperation in his voice. She got a breath down and began choking and coughing. Jeff had her uncovered quickly and cradled her as she coughed and got her breath back. He scooped her up and carried her into the cabin, kicking the door shut behind them. He took her over to the fireplace and got her wrapped in blankets.

              “You are soaking wet Chelsea. We need to get you in some hot water to bring your core temperature up,” he declared to her. He helped her up, but now that she had her breath back she was feeling a little better. Still freezing but better.

              “I can take a shower Jeff. That will do it. I wouldn't mind some soup or something hot when I get out though if you could,” she said. She could tell he badly wanted to help her, but she did not like feeling helpless and wanted to take care of herself as much as she could.

              “Ok I can take care of the soup. You need to get warm. The soup will be waiting when you get out,” he said.

              He escorted her to the shower and made sure she had everything she needed and went to do the soup. Chelsea undressed shivering and realized all of her clothes were soaked. She cursed herself for not securing her boots better because even her feet were cold now. She got into the shower and her limbs and face tingled almost to the point of pain as the hot water poured over her body. Within a few minutes though she felt better and her shivering stopped. It felt like a luxury and she was very glad for Jeff. He had saved her several times over the past two days and she could feel her attraction to him strengthening. It felt stronger than it had with her ex, Joseph, and she did not know what to do about it. As she washed her air she tried to push the whole idea away but it was hard to do. There had not once been a sign of selfishness in him since this happened. Since he had made that stupid joke she had got mad about two nights earlier. As she pondered this she began feeling almost euphoric in the warmth and steam. She lost track of time trying to clear the confusion of how she thought about Jeff. She heard the door open.

              “You ok Chelsea?” Jeff asked, concerned. She smiled. Her body was tingling and flushed at the sound of his voice.

              “I am fine, I feel much better. Thank you Jeff. You have been very kind to me. Especially since you could probably use the shower too, “she said.

              “I can wait until after lunch. The soup is on low and will keep if you need more time,” he offered.

              “You shouldn't have to wait though. You could shower now?” she questioned without thinking. “There is room for two,” she was a little shocked at her offer, but her body’s response and euphoric feeling was calling the shots.

              “Are you sure Chelsea? I know it has been a rough two days,” he said hesitantly. Jeff being a gentleman always made her want to giggle.

              “Is has been rough on us both, your presence would be welcome,...”

              It was only a minute before he was naked and stepping into the shower with her. She helped him scrub down eagerly and they were soon giggling and embracing each other. Maybe it was the fear and uncertainty of being stranded, she thought to herself. It was just that look in his eyes and sound of his voice that drew her in and she had no resistance. They kissed and he began moving his lips down to her throat and she sighed happily. His lips and tongue made their way lower to her breasts and she arched her back in pure enjoyment and need. She was becoming dizzy in reaction to his touch as she gripped his shoulder. It was not long before his lips wandered to her belly and the below causing her to gasp and squeal in her rising passion. His tongue performed a kind of magic that had her body stiffen as an orgasm rocked her world. Her legs felt weak as he stood back up with his arms around her and she could feel his hot, stiff shaft of glory rubbing against her waist. Ready to fulfill her raging desires. It came over her stronger than before and she was trembling as he lifted her up in his strong arms and she was pressed against his muscular chest like a safe haven for her soul. As he entered her opening to bliss she cried out with him, in a union that was all encompassing. The shared explosion once again sank deep into her in a way that she vaguely was aware would never go away. When it passed they were leaning against each other as hot water streamed over their naked, sated bodies.

              They dried off and dressed. He had found some long underwear for her as well as a robe. He made sure she was bundled up before they went out into the main room of the cabin. He served her soup and cheese with crackers. By the end of the meal she felt disassociated with the world around her. Everything looked brighter yet distant somehow. Jeff was more than just concerned for her as she shivered despite the layered clothing.

              “Ok Chelsea the past few days are really hitting you hard. I think you are going to need a nap,” he told her gently. She shook her head.

              “I don't understand why I am getting sick?” she said. She could hear the childlike cry in her voice and it was then she realized she may really be sick.

              “You were wet and cold yesterday, you got soaked today. The shock and fear can really slam our immunities. Don't worry though. I will take care of you until we get out of here,” he told her firmly.

              “I know you will, I know you care...”she did not understand where those words came from and gave a gasp as he picked her up and began carrying her upstairs to the loft.

              'What....Jeff...” she asked confused.

              “Heat rises darling. The loft is the warmest place in the cabin. Trust me, you are going to be fine,” he said. The fear in his voice was evident. But she felt like she was in a fog as he placed her on a bed and covered her with multiple blankets. He turned on a lamp on the bedside table. It was not bright, just enough so it did not hurt her eyes. She blinked up at him and thanked him.

              “You are welcome beautiful Chelsea. It is my pleasure that I can help. I am not used to being of use to anyone and it feels good. I just wish we had different circumstances to get to know one another. I am going to go grab some aspirin and some water. Then you are going to need to sleep,” he told her.

              Chelsea nodded as he left and she could faintly hear his feet thumping down the stairs. He was so sweet she thought. She wondered why he had never felt useful to anyone. It was a sad thought and she was glad that if they had to go through something like this, that he could gain a knowledge of his real worth. That thought seemed to become foggy and fade as she began drifting off to sleep. She blinked and looked up when she heard him come back up. She took the aspirin and drank the water. He sat with her until she faded into oblivion, dreamless and deep.

              She awoke several times that day and he was there both times. He looked tired and stressed and she wished she could help him but she did not seem to have any strength. She felt drained of all energy. He fed her more soup for dinner and sat holding her hand. It was a greater comfort than she had ever had from anyone other than her mother. It was different coming from Jeff. As she looked up at his concerned features she realized what that look in his eyes was. He was in love with her. It should have been a surprise, but it wasn't. She felt like it had been obvious and she had been avoiding it for selfish reasons. Reasons based in fear. After Joseph she had retreated into denial and fear. She had not wanted to be hurt again. Now though, it seemed like that was unimportant. After the last few days she was realizing what she could be missing in her life if she did not risk at least a little. Considering the risk they had been in from physical harm, a little risk in her emotional being seemed like a small price to pay for what good could come of it.

              “What are you thinking?” Jeff asked her. She smiled weakly.

              “Just that I think I love you too,” she said softly. His eyes widened and then he closed them.

              “I wondered if that was what I was feeling. I have never been in love before this. I was always told I would know when it happened but I was not sure at first,” he said hesitantly.

              “What made you sure?” she asked.

              “I find myself trying to be the best man I can be. Ever since I met you I became aware that I could be more,” he said as if trying to understand himself.

              “I think you always were a good man. Sometimes people need to find this stuff out on their own. If this adventure gave you that knowledge than I am glad we are going through it. For both of our sakes,” she told him honestly. He smiled slightly and sighed.

              “I will remind you of that when you protest an idea I have for skiing in the future. Maybe you are right though. I dunno, I just wish if I was going to get this lesson it would have been less harsh for you,” he answered.

              “What about our parents?' she asked on a sudden thought. He shrugged.

              “I do not know that we have to tell them. At least not right away. Honestly it is kind of obvious we are not related. I am the whitest man you are ever going to meet,” he declared grinning. They both laughed and hers turned into a cough that was heavier than she expected. Jeff immediately got her more water. He also found some cough and flu medicine in the first aid cabinet. It made her drowsy and she soon fell asleep. She dreamed of them both.

              They made love on a picnic blanket next to a mountain lake. It was a beautiful summer’s day and they were happy. When they were done she turned to get the wine bottle and when she turned back he was gone. Dark clouds were forming on the horizon and speeding across the sky towards her. She cried out for him, afraid she had lost him. Soon darkness covered the lake and a heavy snowfall started to fall! What, she thought in her dream. There can't be any snow. She felt cold in her bikini as it snowed so fast she was almost instantly up to her waist in it. She cried out for Jeff again as the snow level grew until it was covering her. She was being buried alive again and she tried to find Jeff, had to find Jeff. She began crying because it was not fair that she should gain so much only to lose it all. Then she heard something...she strained to hear it and when she finally did her eyes opened and Jeff was leaning over her in bed.

              “I am here Chelsea, right her, it was just a dream sweet heart, easy does it...” he said gently. She cried and hugged him. He came to save her even in her dreams. That was something Joseph never would have done she was sure, she thought in her dizziness. Whatever her plans had been before this weekend, she knew what they were now. Whatever the consequences she was going to stick with this man. No one had ever cared as much as he did. Once she was settled he got up to go downstairs.

              “No...don't please...can you stay a little while?” she asked him tremulously.

              “Sure Chelsea, whatever you need,” he told her. He sat on the edge of the bed and held her hand. Stroking her brow and murmuring his support. When she fell asleep this time she did not dream.




Chapter Five- Holding On


Chelsea awoke slowly and stretched. She was not feeling the ache anymore and her mind seemed clearer. Her memory of the previous day was foggy, but she did remember it and smiled. She looked around and saw it was day. Light filtered through the snow on the skylight. She was glad she felt better although was very weak. She heard movement downstairs and sat up. Her breath could be seen in the air. Uh oh she thought. She immediately got dressed and wrapped herself in a blanket before going downstairs. Jeff came rushing to the stair when he came out of the kitchen.

              “Damn, sorry, I was hoping to make it back up in time. Are you ok, should you be up?” he said in a rush. Chelsea took his hand.

              “I feel much better. I don't think I will be running any marathons. Did the generator go?” she asked. He shook his head.

              “Not yet. I am looking for spare parts right now, most emergency stations keep those. We still have enough fuel though, I just have to get it running. I just woke up a little while ago, I meant to be up earlier but...” he shrugged embarrassed.

              “Don't worry. You have exhausted yourself taking care of me, if you needed sleep, you needed sleep. What can I do?” she asked.

              “Uhm, how about getting the fire going good and hot. I don't know how long before I can have the generator going. It may until afternoon before anyone gets here. There has been a cold snap and several emergency all-terrain vehicles were in a wreck coming up the mountain. Everything is frozen and cold now according to the dispatchers. Fortunately there are a huge amount of volunteers so someone will get here!” he sounded like he was forcing himself to be optimistic. She went along and started on the fire. She could see he was nervous and so was she. It was not good news. She reminded herself they had plenty of food, blankets, firewood and every essential they would need.

              Jeff went back to work on the generator and she went into the kitchen and got a pot full of water and the instant coffee she had seen in the cupboard. She got the water placed on a little rack next to the fire, presumably for this sort of cooking then went for cups. She bundled back up amazed at her weak she felt. She was glad though her head was clear and she felt better otherwise. Whatever fever she had was gone, burnt out of her hopefully. She did not want a relapse. Jeff came back in after a half hour or so.

              “I think I have it ready to go. I just want to shut off non-essential things. We need to conserve as much of the fuel as we can,” he explained.

              “I agree. Would you like some coffee?” she asked and help up the boiling water and a cup.

              “You are a life saver and brilliant. I would love some coffee. Thank you,” he told her honestly. They sipped the hot bitter liquid in front of the fire for a few minutes.

              “I was thinking of shutting everything down except the hot water heater and the cabins heat, although we should keep that low. Enough to warm but not overdo it. We can eat, or cook over the fire. We have a huge storage of wood for the fire. What do you think darling?” he asked.

              “I think I agree and I love hearing you call me darling sweetheart,” she replied. He hugged her and got up to go get the generator going again. It was not long before it was running. She sighed in relief. It lasted for about 15 minutes and it went out again. After another half hour of cursing over it Jeff came to a conclusion.

              “It is done. There is nothing more I can do for the damn thing. It was not meant to go for days on end. Shit! OK, it is not the end of the world. We still have the fire and food so if we take it easy and just wait for the rescuers we should be ok,” he finished.

              Chelsea was a little disappointed. She wanted a shower. Getting cleaned up always made her feel better. They heated up some canned chili on the fire, and ate that with some slightly stale bread. She was surprised it tasted so good. She had to keep blowing her nose but she decided if that was the worse it got she was fantastic. Then she had a thought.

              “You know I was hoping for a shower. I know we have to conserve and all so how would you like to join me? The insulation on the heater should have kept the water hot shouldn't it,” she tried to play innocent but he wasn't buying it.

              “I can't believe I am saying this but are you sure Chelsea? You had a rough night and I know you are feeling better, but you still are weak, I can see it,” he pointed out. She nodded.

              “I am getting used to you being courteous, but it might energize me too. No way to know until we try. And a shower does always make me feel better,” she said. So they went for a shower.

              “How does the cabin get water?” she asked as she turned on the shower.

              “There is a cistern up in the hills. It has hundreds of gallons of rain water and snow melt. We are not going to run out of water,” he told her. They stripped and got into the shower together. After washing themselves thoroughly she could not help running her hands down to between his legs. He jumped when she did it. Then as he had done for her she lowered herself down, kissing his chest, then his stomach, and finally his hardening sign of his desire. She got him going until he was ready to explode, but by then so was she. Chelsea stood up and pressed against him and he lifted her up with his hands under her rear. She wrapped her legs around him and then positioned his member for the entrance they both were primed for. When he delved into her ready womanhood they both went off like Fourth of July fireworks, hot and fast. Gasping the crying out their mutual pleasure. She was spent, but invigorated as well. It was a strange thing but she reveled in it, and them.

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