ROMANCE: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: At His Request (Bad Boy Alpha Billionaire Romance) (New Adult Contemporary Alpha Male Romance) (5 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: At His Request (Bad Boy Alpha Billionaire Romance) (New Adult Contemporary Alpha Male Romance)
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Chapter 3

The speech in D.C. went off flawlessly and there was a really good turnout. I was hoping to get some time to do more than sit on the sidelines, but the fundraiser was in Colorado and after another flight we were put in a hotel for the night. I had to get ready for the event, paying more attention to my appearance than I was used to. I would have liked to have said that it was because of what the Senator had said about the businessmen, but I knew that I had one in mind when I got dressed.

George Billings was not my type, in any sense of the word, but it was hard not to see those dark eyes and think of anything else. I had only brought two gowns with me and one was borrowed from a friend. I chose the red one because of an article I’d read about the color red and how it affected men. They were easier to deal with than the wives that would be there, so I didn’t dress for them.

There was a car out front when I got downstairs and the Senator was waiting for me. “My, my Maggie. You clean up nice.”

“Thank you Sir.”

I waited for him to slide over, but when he did, it wasn’t far enough. Our legs touched slightly, making me uncomfortable. I wonder if he did that on purpose. By the look in his eyes, I knew that it was on purpose. Instead of staying where I was, I moved to the other row of seats facing him.

“So flighty Maggie. I have to ask a favour of you.”

“Yes?” I had a feeling I was going to like the favor as much as I liked the way he was looking at me just then. He had a needy look in his eyes that I was going to have to get used to.

“I want you to pay attention to George, make him feel welcome.”

I sighed and nodded my head. He wanted me to flirt with the man in hopes of getting more money for his campaign. I knew it was part of the job, making it easier for the Senator, but I wasn’t sure if being his fluffer was part of it.

“You are okay with this, aren’t you?”

“I don’t see the point of the request. By the looks of things, he has plenty of women around him that wear less and are a lot younger than I am. It seems that he wouldn’t take a second look this way.”

Steve shook his head that he didn’t agree. “You are beautiful Maggie. I don’t think anyone is going to care about the scantily-clad bimbos that come to these things. In that red dress, no one will compare.”

I thank him for his kind words, but it made me a little nervous. Had I chosen the wrong dress?

We talked about the speeches for the two stops the next day in Montana and South Dakota. There would be a different feel to the speeches because of who the audience would be. People there would not be interested in gun control or anything to do with higher taxes. What they wanted was to know how we were going to get the economy jumpstarted and I thought it was a great time to roll out the new tax plan that we’d been talking about. It streamlined the complicated tax process and although the percentage taxed would not change for most, the ease would save millions in accounting and tax fees in general.

“Are you sure that we are ready for it?”

“Yes. The economists have gone over it several times. It is a valid plan and there are no tweaks to be made. It’s time and I think Montana is the place to do it. They have some of the lowest unemployment rates in the nation, as well as more small business owners than anywhere else. They want to make tax time easier and I think you will get a great response.”

“I’m starting to think that we need you as a strategist instead of a writer Maggie.”

“Well with what you pay me Senator, you get my opinion for free. I am here because I believe in you Sir.”

“Please call me Steve, Maggie.”

“Steve, you shouldn’t be so timid. The polls say the voters like you for your strong opinions, so I think we should keep it going. You are what America needs.”

“I wish I was what you needed.”

I ignored his comment when the car stopped. I got out and went towards the huge house in front of me. It was going to be harder than I thought to put the Senator off. He was getting emboldened and it was the first time I worried about how long I would be there as the writer.

He called to me and I waited for him. Steve slipped my hand into the crook of his arm. I tried to smile as if it were nothing, but paired with the claimed look in his eyes, I knew that I was going to have a problem on my hands with him.

“Senator Johnson, so good to see you. Welcome.”

I looked up at the deep voice and my breath stopped in my throat. It was George and he looked far better in person than he did in the pictures. His large frame towered over us both and his dark eyes swept over my body, seeming to have missed nothing.

The two men shook hands, but soon the billionaire’s gaze was locked with mine. “George, I would like you to meet my speech writer, Maggie Reynolds.”

“So you wrote the speech in D.C.?”

“Yes Sir, did you like it?”

“Like it? I loved it. It had such conviction.”

He took my arm to lead me in, leaving the Senator to himself on the stairs. “That speech was what I was thinking. Our country has turned into some kind of Socialist country and it is time to get back to what we know.”

“What we know? And what is that Sir?”

“Call me George, Maggie. Our country was founded on the idea that anyone can make it. That is capitalism and there is no room for socialist thinking.”

“Well we need some safeguards that came from that line of thinking, but yes I would agree that we have fallen to the wayside on our policies.”

“How long have you been with Steve?”

“I started working for him a month out of college, so about the time he put his name in the hat. I’d been watching him for a while and I think he will be the next one.”

“I do too. It seems we have a lot in common Maggie.” He had steered my to a bar that was set up, a young man behind it waiting for his order as he ignored the rest of the party goers. “What can I get for you Maggie?”

I wondered why he kept saying my name like that. It sounded practically seductive and I tried to ignore the way his arm held me to him. He was holding me as if I were his and though my body reacted appropriately, my mind told me to get as far away from him as possible. He was even more dangerous than the Senator.

“I don’t drink Sir, but thank you anyways.”

He looked puzzled like I had just told him that I grow horns out of my head on the weekends. “I’ve never met a college student that doesn’t drink.”

“Well I am not in college anymore and it is easier to just not drink at work events.”

“This isn’t work Maggie. We are here to have a good time, celebrate the Senators bid by the Republican party. Today is a big day and I think it deserves a little champagne, don’t you think?”

“Not really, but indulge. I have to speak to a few people. Thanks for your kind words Mr. Billings.”

I was walking away and looked back to see him still watching me. The dress was definitely doing its job, but when I turned back I ran right into another older man that I didn’t recognize. His wine spilled over the front of my dress and I cursed.

“I am sorry Sir. I wasn’t looking where I was going.”

He waved me off and handed me his napkin. I was mortified and started up the stairs to find a bathroom to clean myself off. I hoped that no one else saw me run into the man, but of course George was following me up the stairs.

“Here let me take you to the bathroom up here. I think soda might take it out.”

He held up the crystal glass with the clear liquid and I thanked him, wishing he had not seen my blunder. He was definitely more dangerous than the Senator and when he looked at me in such a way, I was finding it hard to remember to breathe.


Chapter 4

“I don’t think it is going to come out. You are about an eight, yes?”

I nodded, not wanting to know how he knew that or why he asked. “Come in here and I will see if there is something in that size for you.”

The idea of wearing one of his lovers clothes was somehow a little better than walking around with a large stain on my dress, but not that much more palatable. “I am sure the women you entertain are about a size 0, so I doubt it.”

“Feisty aren’t you? Well I like that. I happen to not discriminate on size.”

“I bet.”

“What? I find all women beautiful.”

He left me in the bathroom stunned and I couldn’t help but like the way he said it. While he was gone, I tried to steady my nerves, wondering why he was having such an effect on me. I knew he was a womanizer and a man that was used to getting what he wanted. I shouldn’t have liked the idea of being something he desired, but I really did.

When he came back in the bathroom, I saw him in the mirror. I was sneaking a cigarette, blowing the smoke into the exhaust. I slid back off the marble sink and smiled. He had a dress in his hand, far nicer than the one I had on and when he held it up, it looked like it would fit.

“Would you like help with it? The back has a lot of little fasteners. If I remember correctly, you will.”

I didn’t want to think about what that meant. Probably that he had taken it off of another woman, but I didn’t want to think about it. As he got closer, I felt smaller, he really was massive.

“Thank you Sir. If you could just turn around, I will change real quick.”

His eyes tell me that he didn’t want to turn around, but he did and I was thankful for that. It was strange changing in a bathroom with a man I hardly knew. What was worse was that all I could think about was some of the pictures of him shirtless I had seen on the internet. For a business mogul, he certainly hadn’t let himself get soft and even in his suit I could see the hard lines of his muscles underneath.

“Are you finished?”

I hadn’t even started yet. “Wait a minute. I haven’t even gotten this off yet.”

“Do you need help?”

I giggled a little. “So helpful, but no. I think I can handle this part.”

I pulled it up over my head and touched the white silk of the dress that he had brought to me. It was soft to the touch and I knew it would feel amazing on my skin. Looking up I saw his wide back and remembered that I was supposed to be getting dressed.

Slipping it on, I was surprised at how well it fit, hugging all of my curves. It was almost see through and while I wanted to be angry about it, I couldn’t, it felt too good on my bare skin. I said I was done, pulling the dress over my shoulders and looking down at the tile as he turned back around. I could feel him moving closer, his breath on the back of my neck as I tried not to shiver. Did he realize how good that felt? He couldn’t and my eyes looked up to meet his through the mirror.

I felt his fingers play with the expose back and I shivered, the dress not hiding the hardening of my nipples. The buttons took forever and I was breathing a little faster when he was done. Our eyes met through the mirror again and I could feel his breath on my neck. George moved a little closer till his hard body pressed against mine. I closed my eyes for a moment, loving the way he felt.

When I felt his lips on my shoulder, I realized what I was doing and how I wasn’t supposed to be up there with him. Men like him were hard to say no to, but it was necessary to keep my sanity.

“Thanks George, but I should be going.”

His lips moved to my ear. “Why don’t you stay up here with me for a while?”

I turned around and I was still pinned between him and the sink. “Thanks, but I should be getting back.”

He didn’t move and that made me nervous. George was just so big and he looked so good, I didn’t want to have to repeat myself, afraid that his nearness would change my mind. I looked down and he finally moved away. “Of course Maggie. I don’t know what came over me.”

I waved him off like it meant nothing and started towards the bathroom door. “I will have this sent back to you after this evening.”

“Please, keep it. It looks far better on you. Matches that red hair beautifully.”

Nodding with red cheeks, I cursed my pale skin and hoped that he didn’t see the heat rising in my face. Getting back down the stairs, I noticed extra attention and I knew it was the dress that was thin enough to be a night gown. My nipples were hard and even through my bra, it was clear I was turned on. Having George follow me down the stairs didn’t help any and then Steve caught my eye, calling me over to meet some people.

The names and faces were a blur and I caught myself trying to find George throughout the evening. He took off up the stairs with a couple women and I had to remind myself of who he was and who I was. I was just a political writer and he was poised to be the richest man in the country soon. That moment we shared would not be repeated, but it was sweet nonetheless.


“Sorry Sir. What was that?”

Senator Johnson gave me a funny look and then I straightened up and shook hands with another donor. He too liked the speech and told me that it was why he had decided to back Johnson. “Those words really went to my heart.”

“Thank you Sir. It is all Senator Johnson though. He has a vision that I think all of us believe in.”

“It’s true. I was the only resume she sent out. So there had to have been a reason for it.”

I smiled at him and nodded. “There was Senator. You are going to be a great leader. Now gentlemen, if you would excuse me I think I see someone here that I haven’t seen in years.”

I walked away and didn’t look back. I didn’t see the look of lust in Steve’s eyes, though I didn’t have to. His glare was so strong that I actually felt it from behind. He was going to be a problem, I just didn’t know yet how much of one he would really be.

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