ROMANCE: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: Completely Obsessed (Bad boy Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult and College Contemporary Romance) (170 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: Completely Obsessed (Bad boy Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult and College Contemporary Romance)
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Marcus felt the tip of Simon's cock press up against his quivering bottom. He was momentarily mortified, but the sensations were just too great for him to ignore.


He knew it was going to hurt but he wanted it. Simon started slow, but once he felt the head of his hard cock perfectly inside, he pushed forward and thrust every inch of himself into Marcus' tight ass.


Marcus moaned.


Teresa opened her eyes and saw the change in Marcus' expression as Simon penetrated him. She was held down by the weight of two strong men, contained by the natural violence of their union. She loved it.


Marcus grabbed Teresa's hand and held her, pinning her lower as Simon's thrusts guided his; fucking him as he fucked her. Simon was giving the couple what they wanted: a fresh and even start.


Simon struck Marcus in the ass and grabbed his hair as he shoved his cock further into him. The pulsations, both inside and out, were all too much for Marcus to bear- he knew it was going to happen, but he was held in a perpetual state of pre-orgasm.


Teresa buckled her hips and thirsted upwards, feeling her orgasm on the verge of burning right through her. She let out a moan and not a moment later, her orgasm erupted. Her pussy swelled so tightly around Marcus' cock that she felt the pop of his orgasm as he let out a final moan, deep and long.


Simon picked up the pace, thrusting even harder into Marcus now as he felt his own orgasm break through; filling Marcus with his seed as Marcus spilled his into Teresa's sore, yet satisfied cunt.


They had cum in perfect succession and it left all three of them feeling absolutely exhausted.


Marcus was the first, collapsing into Teresa as his cock slipped out of her pussy. Teresa took him into her arms and received him. Simon tumbled down next; a pop resounding as he pulled his cock out of Marcus' ass. He fell between the two of them and within moments, the mountain of tangled bodies fell fast asleep.




Teresa didn't know what time it was, but with the way the sky looked outside her window, she knew that it was somewhere close to sunrise. It was a beautiful view. The dark blue of the evening gave way to a gentle shade of pale as streaks of sunlight broke through whatever was left of the night, capping off the blue with a touch of magenta.


Simon left. She didn't even notice he was gone until she woke up.


Teresa closed her eyes and turned over sideways, getting herself comfy as she positioned her head above the pillow.


"Hey," Marcus said. "You're awake."


Marcus rolled over to her side of the bed and wrapped his arm around her. He kissed her on the shoulder and held her tight.


Teresa held his arms and snuggled herself into his body.


Marcus kissed her softly and hushed. "We got through it."


"We did," Teresa whispered as she kissed his arm.


For whatever it was, Marcus and Teresa were finally even. In fact, if she didn't think so herself, they hadn't been this even in a long time. Simon made good on his word, he made things right.


He made things perfectly right.






Bad Boy Heat



I sat back in my chair and looked around the club. Beside me Evan blew out a sigh. I knew how he felt. Even the shadowed corners of the room held no surprises tonight.

It maybe wouldn’t be so bad if this was the first night that happened, or even the fourth or fifth. But it seemed like more often than not we would leave alone. Together, but alone.

My suit began to feel tight, my patience growing thin. It wasn’t too long ago that I would race here from the office to relieve some stress and go home satisfied. I needed that, to feel wore out in the best way.

The public rooms beyond the attractions offered in the main room would give me a sample of the best kink this place had to offer, but it was the private rooms that I was more interested in. The ones in which I could release a need that being a voyeur would never satisfy.

Movement caught my eye, drawn to the bar on the far side. A group was moving away from the bar, moving toward the empty table beside us. Without thought I assessed them. Two women, one man. Not together romantically judging by the one woman hanging off of the man’s arm and the other lagging a step behind.

The couple was loud, intimate, but the other one, the one following behind them was interesting. She carried herself with a confidence that I liked, but her eyes discreetly darting eyes belied her anxiety. Her innocence.

She was beautiful with her long legs exposed, her blond hair curving down her back, and an elegance that couldn’t be bought. My body, the primal part of me, was giving me the go ahead, but the logical part of me knew that going after a vanilla girl was rarely worth the hassle.

Chancing a glace to my side I could tell Evan was interested. He always was. I wasn’t too sure, though. We’d been with her type before, the kind that was looking for a new experience, a break from her usual party scene. Being someone’s experiment lost its appeal long ago.

“You see what I’m seeing?” Evan asked as they crossed the floor in our direction.

“I see her. And I’d leave her alone if I were you.”

The answering smirk on his face told me he wasn’t convinced.

Her friend’s razor vision turned to Evan, sensing his stare like a predator. In a less than subtle nudge, she got the attention of the object of Evan’s stare. Who in turn ignored Evan and her loud friend. It wasn’t until the three of them gathered at the table next to ours did she chance a look our way. It was brief, but enough to see the trepidation there. Picking up a vanilla girl was one thing, but a vanilla who wasn’t even here to put herself out there was something else altogether.

None of that seemed to deter Evan. He never got too wrapped up in the details. As much as he wanted to find a woman that would stick with us longer than a night he was happy enough to take what came his way and worry about the rest in the morning.

I wish the same could be said about myself. No matter how much I tried to adopt his attitude, I found myself caring too much about those details. The details were the difference between something and nothing.

None of that stopped Evan from reciprocating the conversation that her loud friend had struck up.

“Slow night, isn’t it?” She asked.

“We were thinking the same thing.” Evan said.

“I’m Jamie. This is Patrick.” She said indicating the bored looking man beside her. “And this is my friend Maddie.”

She met our eyes, nodded her head with a modest smile. So proper, so pleasing. It tugged at my dominant side, made me curious to see how subservient she could be despite my reservations.

“Short for Madeleine?” I asked, preferring the way that sounded, the feminine roll of it across my tongue.

“Yes. But no one ever calls me that.” She said with a hint of a real smile on her pink lips. “I didn’t get your names.”

“Alex, and this is Evan.”

“Clearly the more handsome of the two.” Evan said, his easy going nature had a way of putting people at ease.

She smiled for real this time, her spine relaxing into the back of her chair a little more, nerves already starting to dissipate. I could think back to my first time at the club where everything was new and a little intimidating.

It seemed almost otherworldly until you spoke to them and they were just your average stock broker or lawyer or CEO out for a good time. Like I was. Like maybe she was.

With the reflected crystal light shining on her skin I could convince myself to assume she was. A lady doesn’t come to an establishment such as this completely naive to what’s offered here. At the baseline there has to be a hint of interest. A desire to learn more.

I let the conversation drift around me. And while Evan’s charm worked its magic I watched Madeleine unwind a bit, her smile coming freely now. It was a beautiful smile. But when her friend announced that they were going to take in the public rooms, the tension slid back up her body like steel in her spine.

“Watching isn’t your kink?” I asked.

Her eyes cut to me, searching for a political answer. When none came she finally puffed out a defeated breath and admitted, “No, I guess not.”

“Mine either.” Without breaking eye contact with her I said to the other two in her party, “Go on ahead. Madeleine can stay here with us.”

With a tentative glance our way and a minute’s hesitation, she gave a small nod to her friend. Compliance. Jamie quirked her face in a kind of smile and moved in to peck her on each cheek before taking Patrick’s arm and heading across the room to the darkened hallway ahead, leaving just the three of us.

“So, if watching other people scene isn’t your kink, what is?” Evan asked.

She took a sip of her drink, taking a moment to think. “I’m not sure I have one.”

“Bullshit.” Evan said, shaking his head at her and flashing his easy smile. “Everyone has a kink.”

“Maybe within your circles.” She said, “But not mine.”

“Or maybe you just haven’t explored all the possibilities.” I said.

Madeleine turned her eyes to me, the playful smile slipped from her lips. She licked them, no doubt realizing that maybe this wasn’t the place to be joking about kink. That maybe she wasn’t as safe with us as she had thought. She was probably right.

“Maybe so.” She said, sipping at her drink again.

“Well there’s no time like the present to find out, and that’s one challenge I just can’t turn down.” Evan said, sitting back in his own chair and stretching his long legs ahead of him.

“Let’s see, we’ve already determined that you’re not a voyeur, and if I had to guess you’re probably not much of an exhibitionist.”

She wrinkled her nose, “No, I can’t see myself being into that one.”

“Good girl. Me either. Ever do any role play? Bondage? Been spanked?” Evan rattled them off and I watched her for a reaction, good or bad.

“No, I can’t say that I’ve done any of those.” She shook her head as she spoke, sending her golden hair dancing along her shoulders. “I don’t seem very exciting, do I?”

“There’s a difference between having done something and wanting to do it.” I said, needing to know where she stood before we went any further. “Given the opportunity would you want to?”

The pause.

That single detail, the hesitation before her answer, was all I needed to know. I didn’t have to even wait for the words.

“Finish your drink, Madeleine. I’m not sure what your friend has shown you is doing this place justice.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means, gorgeous, that we’re going to show you around this treasure trove of excitement.” Evan said, leaning into her. “And maybe by the time we’re done you’ll have discovered something that you do like.”

“Like a tour?” She asked.

“Right.” He smiled. “Like a tour.”

She took one last sip and set the glass down on her table. She looked from him to me and nodded her head once.

“Okay. Lead the way.”

Evan stood and offered her his arm. I followed behind them, happy to let Evan lead us in a slow circle of the room, pointing out the shows on display. The raised platforms throughout the room each showed an illuminated scene, each one a mild version of what someone could expect when they ventured further into the club.

I watched her eyes move slowly over the scenes, watched Evan lean in close to her ear as he talked. I watched her wet her lips with her tongue and shutter against his touch.

Once we had wound our way to the other side of the room Evan paused.

“So far so good? See anything you like?” He asked.

Madeleine shrugged. “It’s not that I don’t like it, it’s more like I don’t understand.” She said, licking those cherry lips again.

“What don’t you understand, gorgeous?”

“Well, take that woman over there.” She said nodding towards a petite woman with a blunt haircut. She was naked save for the long tail she wore and matching ears on her head. “I can appreciate that everyone views sexuality differently, but I just can’t see the turn on of being on display like that.

Or her.” She said, indicating a woman on display in the center of the room. The rings hanging from her leather corset were looped into the straps coming up from her platform, shackling her in place and limiting her movements while she danced to the slow beat of the music.

“There’s something very liberating about standing in a room full of your peers, doing something that makes you feel good, something that not everyone in your life might understand, and not being judged in any way. Some people get off on the freedom of it. And there’s a whole lot more people who get off doing the same thing just not so publicly, being on display for their chosen partner only.”

She turned her aqua eyes up to him. “Like you?”

Evan smiled, letting that hang between us unanswered. He took her arm again and moved towards the hallways taking us deeper into the club.

“Now I know you weren’t too interested in seeing what this hallway had to offer,” He said, pointing to the public viewing rooms, “but perhaps you would be willing to give it a try now?”

Madeleine looked from Evan to me with an interest that wasn’t there before, then gave a nod. We made our way down the hallway, stopping to watch each scene for a short time before moving on. We offered a few comments or explanations, but mostly let her set the pace and take it all in.

Near the end of the hallway we came to stand before a window showing us a scene with a woman bonded, her master flogging her. It was an intense scene and Madeleine turned away and back towards us.

“What about this? How can you tell me there’s pleasure in this?” She spoke softly but her mistrust was clear. That would never do.

I gently turned her back around, wanting her to look again. My body caged her in from behind and I leaned over her shoulder, whispering against her ear.

“Look at that woman, Madeleine. She is at her most vulnerable right now, completely at her master’s mercy. Yet does she look afraid?” Madeleine shook her head. “That’s right. She has given her complete trust to him. Can you imagine such a freedom?

To know with such certainty that someone knows your limits and will respect them. Not many people can say they trust their partner that much, but she can. That is a bond that has been built over a long period of time. No one jumps in to that with both feet.”

“How does one jump in?” Her voice was breathy, almost inaudible. But I heard it, and I felt her shoulders easing back, brushing against my chest.

“It’s very subtle really.” I said against the shell of her ear, while my hand settled on her waist. “A small command, a gentle tug, a light spank. Small tokens of trust.”

She had moved back into me further, her body was warm against mine. I could see her chest rising and falling now. Those all-important details. Evan met my eyes from beside us, a silent acknowledgement passing. An agreement.

He took her hands, drawing her away from the scene. “There’s really only one area of the club we haven’t been to, but we’ll only go there if you say so.”

“What’s that?”

“The private rooms.” She let go a shaky breath, but let him go on. “If you truly want to experience what it’s like to let go and to trust that’s the place to do it.”

I stepped away from her, my body cooling from the missing warmth her body provided, moving so I could see her face. “But we won’t force you. It has to be something you consent to on your own.”

Madeleine drew in a breath and I found myself holding mine as well. She looked back to the couple in the room, eyes rapt. Just when I was sure she going to back out she squared her shoulders and turned back to us.

“Okay.” She said.

Evan smiled and offered her his arm again, leading her back toward the main room while I went ahead to make the arrangements. The echo of her heels behind me on the polished floor hurried my movements. I was suddenly grateful that it had been a slow night because in a matter of minutes we found ourselves behind the heavy maroon colored door and in the quiet of the private room.

With the door closed and the lights dim I could feel her thinking again. If there was a time to back out it was now, faced with the reality of what was to come. The room itself wasn’t intimidating, deep purples balanced with white, a crystal chandelier hanging above the bed. Anything more adventurous was tastefully inconspicuous. But still I felt her thinking.

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