Romance: Close Encounters Boxed Set Books 1 thru 6 ( New Adult and College Series Books 1 thru 6) (6 page)

BOOK: Romance: Close Encounters Boxed Set Books 1 thru 6 ( New Adult and College Series Books 1 thru 6)
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I have an hour until Ken arrives. I get in the shower and get dressed in something casually sexy. Kara and Lexi leave shortly thereafter and I straighten up the living room a little and grab a soda from the fridge and wait patiently for my first
Close Encounter
to arrive. He talks the talk, let’s see if he can walk the walk with me.

There’s a knock at the door at 6:00 sharp, he’s punctual, I’ll give him that. I take a deep breath and exhale before I get up to answer.

“Hi Ken, come on in,” I invite him in as I step back opening the front door wide.

“Hi Deena, how’s it going?”

“Good now that you’re here,” I say, suggestively holding his gaze. His eyes rake over my body, heating me up.

“Where are your roommates?” he asks, looking around as he walks into the living room and makes himself comfortable on the sofa.

“I managed to get rid of them all, would you like something to drink?” I ask, walking into the kitchen.

“Sure, what do you have?” he asks from the living room.

“We have beer, diet soda or…” I call out just as I feel a hand brush my hair away from the back of my neck and a soft kiss sends a shiver down my spine. My, he doesn’t waste anytime does he? I close the fridge door and tilt my head to the side and enjoy the tantalizing sensation before I turn to face him. He looks deep into my eyes and without another word his lips take mine in a searing, tongue searching kiss. His strong hands pull me tight against him and he’s already rock hard and ready. He starts to kiss down my neck and a hand reaches for my breast and starts to fondle and squeeze, then he pinches my hardened nipple through my t-shirt and bra.

“You’re so damn sexy, Deena,” he growls into my neck. I take his hand in mine and lead him towards my bedroom. I close the door and lay on my bed making it that easy for him to have his way with me. He covers my body with his immediately, taking me up on my invitation. He devours me with his passionate kisses. This guy can kiss. He pulls my t-shirt off and unhooks my bra just as quickly.

“God, you’ve got beautiful natural breasts,” he murmurs with a flick of his tongue on my hardening nipples. Ooo yes, he’s good with that tongue of his. Wonder if I will get to find out firsthand how good? He continues his assault on both nipples until I’m writhing beneath him and gasping in anticipation for what’s to come. He then slowly starts kissing and licking his way south of the border. He pulls down my leggings and I gently kick out of them. He buries his nose in my panties, then inhales.

“You smell so ripe and ready for me.” Whoa, that’s naughty and it turns me on even more. He then slides my panties off and lays a kiss on me up close and personal.

“You have a very talented tongue,” I gasp out breathlessly.

“That’s what they tell me. I aim to please,” he says coming up for air before he dives into my slick folds again.

“Ahh, ahh,” I let out, fisting the sheets as I shudder against his mouth. He takes the cue stands up and drops his jeans and steps out of them in lightning speed. He goes commando, I like that. Always ready for action I bet. His bod is perfection. Long and lean, all chiseled pecs and six pack abs. He’s now on me, mounting me.

“Hold on, can you grab a condom from my top desk drawer,” I point over to my desk.

“I like a girl who is prepared,” he says with a sly smile. He’s rock hard, sheathed and ready for action as he mounts me. Propped up on his elbows over me he sucks on each nipple before he slides deep into me. I spread my legs lifting my knees up and my hands reach down to squeeze those delectable buns of his. He starts pumping into me in a smooth rhythm; he’s good, very good.

“Mmm, you stroke me so good,” I murmur close to his ear. He says nothing as his breathing becomes ragged and he lets out steady groans as he pumps in and out.

“Flip over baby,” he says pulling out and getting on his knees. I like variety so I comply and face down on the mattress with my hips raised.

“Yeah, just like that,” he growls out, and he is on his knees behind me gripping my hips and pulling me onto him. Pants escape our lips with each thrust of pleasure. He picks up the pace and I can tell he’s getting close.

“Ahh, ahh, ahh,” he groans out as he releases into me with multiple twitches.“Ahh, that was good,” he sighs, crashing on his back onto my bed and then spoons me from behind. Lying on my side I peer over the bed and see the condom wrapper on the floor.

I would also love to get a picture as a souvenir. I think wickedly of how I can get away with it. Maybe I should just ask him point blank.

“You have the most amazing six pack abs I’ve ever seen. They really are eight packs,” I say admiringly, as I run my palms across them.

“Thanks, takes a lot of sit ups to get these,” he eats up the compliment.

“Can I take a picture of them? I promise it will just be the abs, nothing else,” I giggle.

“Sure, go ahead. But I want to see the photo after you take it to make sure there’s nothing incriminating. Let me put my jeans back on first.”

“Fair enough,” I agree as he puts his jeans on I pick up my cell phone off my desk.

“Lie back down on the bed,” I say. I angle the phone so I only see his abs and part of his glorious chest. He is quite the sight to behold. Click.

“Let me see it. Alright there is nothing distinguishable in this photo. You can keep it,” Ken says, granting me permission.

“You sound like an attorney. What are you majoring in?” I ask.

“I actually am thinking of becoming a lawyer. My Dad is a lawyer,” he says proudly.

“So you want to follow in his footsteps, that’s touching,” I say, and I mean it. He’s lucky he has a Dad, wish I did.

“How about that Pizza? We worked up quite an appetite,” Ken inquires, nuzzling into my ear. I sit up, finding my clothes and the wrapper. I finish getting dressed.

“What do you want on your Pizza?”

“I’m the works kind of guy,” he admits.

“Why am I not surprised? The works it is,” I agree, walking into the living room to call in the order and Ken gets comfortable on the sofa.

“What do you want to watch?” I ask, sitting down right next to him.

“Do you have cable? Let’s watch something naughty,” he says, pulling me close.

“As tempting as that sounds, the Pizza guy will be here soon,” I say, looking at him incredulously.

“Some other time then,” he says, rubbing my thigh, with a grin. We settle on watching something on Netflix, a Jason Bourne movie. We polish off the pizza and a couple of beers and finish watching the movie. I’m a cheap date.

Kara and Lexi come rolling in after their night out at the movies. They say hello to Ken and Kara eyes us suspiciously. I know she’s wondering if he was a
Close Encounter
and she would be right on that one.

“Hey, I’m going to head out. Do you want to come and sleep over?” Ken asks expectantly which catches me by surprise.

“I’m kind of tired, I’m just going to bed,” I reply.

“Alright,” he says, shrugging his shoulders. I walk him to the door and he pulls me close.

“I had a good time tonight,” he says, raising his eyebrows before kissing me.

“Me too,” I say, reaching around and squeezing his great buns.

“We’ll have to do this again soon.” And off he goes.

I start to clean up the living room by throwing away the Pizza box and the beer bottles. Kara and Lexi come out of their room.

“Coast is clear?” Kara says, looking around.

“Ken left,” I answer from the kitchen.

“So, was he
Close Encounter
worthy?” she asks.

“Oh yeah,” I emphasize.

“He definitely is hunk worthy, he had quite the body on him,” Kara remarks.

“He is on the water polo team,” I reply.

“Oh that explains it.”

“Hey sign-ups for Song Girl tryouts are tomorrow. Are either of you thinking of trying out?” I ask Kara and Lexi.

“I thought about it but I don’t know. I don’t think I’m busty enough to fill out those sweaters they wear,” Kara jokes.

“You definitely are. Just get yourself a padded push-up bra. That’s what I’m going to do,” I say reassuringly. They do seem to look for a certain package. The girls chosen always fill out the sweater nicely and have long flowing hair. I need to lose a few pounds before tryouts.

“You should come with me and sign-up tomorrow,” I say to Kara.

“Maybe I will, looks like a lot of fun,” Kara agrees.

“I’m going to sleep. I wonder if Clarissa will be back tonight.” I ask.

“I have no idea, maybe she’s getting some herself tonight,” Kara says.

“I sure hope so. You both need to work on your
Close Encounters
,” I remind them.



I wake up and Clarissa’s bed hasn’t been slept in. Girl got herself some! I go out into the kitchen and pour myself a bowl of cereal and sit at the dining table. Clarissa waltzes in shortly thereafter wearing last night’s dress.

“Doing the walk of shame?” I can’t resist giving her a hard time.

We both flash our souvenirs from last night’s
Close Encounters
and tally them up on the calendar. Kara seems a bit disgusted by us. Just wait until it happens for her, we need to get her a
Close Encounter
of her own. Maybe one of Ken’s roommates would be a good one for her. Then there’s Lexi, she is always on the phone with her ex…so I’ve given up on her.




Tryouts are today, Kara and I meet on the field where they’re being held. Over a hundred girls are here and I can tell competition will be fierce. Some will be weeded out immediately for not having the right look. I can tell which ones will not make the first cut. I wore a padded push up bra today just to be on the safe side. Next they will look at your legs. Are they long, lean and proportional to your body? I know they go for looks first; talent comes second. Most of these girls were definitely cheerleaders in High School. You wouldn’t dare tryout here if you weren’t.

They break us out into groups making it even more obvious who they will be cutting. I’m confident that I will make the first cut judging by the group they placed me in. We learn a jazz dance routine that we will have to perform in front of the panel of judges. It comes pretty easy to me, I’ve had years of Jazz Dance lessons. By the end of the afternoon, after everyone has performed in front of the judges, they release us and tell us they will be posting who made the cut down to 30 finalists online later tonight.

Kara and I walk back to the apartment and we’re starved. I get a text from Ken asking if I want to come over and hang out tonight. Yeah, I bet he wants to hang out.

Ken: Do you want to come over tonight?

Deena: I’m with Kara and we’re hungry.

Ken: Bring her too, we’ll pick up food from Manny’s.

Deena: Sounds good, get us two Carne Asada Burritos extra spicy.

Ken: Will do. I’ll give you extra spicy.

Deena: Alright bad boy, see you in a few.

“Come with me over to Ken’s tonight. But let’s stop at our place first and shower,” I tell Kara and she agrees. Once we’ve showered we head up to apartment 72 and the door is open.

“Hi guys,” we call out walking in.

Ken comes up and greets me with a kiss on the lips, which takes me by surprise. Interesting.

“Kara, this is my roommate Jake Morris, Jake this is Kara,” Ken being the gentleman introduces them. We all sit around their dining table.

“What took you so long to get here?” Ken asks.

“We just came back from Song Girl tryouts and wanted to shower before we came over,” I reply.

“Song Girl tryouts?” Ken questions with smirk.

“I have always dreamed of being a Song Girl and I’m determined to do whatever it takes,” I say with my head held high.

“Good for you girl,” Ken says, nodding his head.

“You too, Kara?” Jake asks Kara.

“I would love to be one, but the competition was fierce today. I doubt I will even make the cut,” Kara says dejectedly. But I know she doesn’t want it as much as I do.

“Don’t sell yourself short Kara, you never know,” I encourage her.

“We need to check online soon, they said they would post it online after 8:00,” Kara says excitedly. We finish dinner and judging by the way Ken is touching me every chance he gets, he’s looking for some dessert. I’m happy to oblige, but unfortunately this won’t count as a
Close Encounter
because it has to be with four different guys.

“Come on,” Ken says, meeting my eyes and reaching for my hand. He walks me to his bedroom and closes the door. We have another enjoyable session in a variety of positions and the earth moved twice. Great stress relief to say the least.

“I’m tired,” I murmur afterwards closing my eyes.

“All that cheerleading wore you out,” he teases me.

“And some other bedroom activity,” I say wickedly, tracing his lips with my finger. We end up falling asleep and when I wake up the time illuminating off his bedside alarm clock says 1:00 am. I get up slowly, not wanting to wake him and find my clothes scattered around his room. After getting dressed I stealthily creep out of his apartment and go down to my place. When I get in Clarissa is still up working on an English paper.

“Where have you been?” she asks, eyeing me up and down because of my disheveled look.

“I was up at Ken’s,” I remark.

“That’s twice now. What about your different guy every week pace?” she throws at me.

“Don’t worry about me, just worry about yourself. Goodnight,” I say with a laugh.

“Did you see Kara come home?” I ask Clarissa.

“No I haven’t,” she replies.

“I’m going to check her bed,” I giggle. We both peek in there and only see Lexi sleeping. Kara’s bed looks untouched. Hmm, interesting. Maybe she hooked up with Jake. Good, she needed to get herself some.

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