ROMANCE: MENAGE ROMANCE: Tapped and Taken by Two (Pregnancy Sports MMA UFC Fighter Romance) (Alpha Male Romance) (43 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: MENAGE ROMANCE: Tapped and Taken by Two (Pregnancy Sports MMA UFC Fighter Romance) (Alpha Male Romance)
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He pulled out and came on her bare breasts with a happy grunt.

“I guess that takes care of that then,” Mac said with a strange look in his eyes. There was something animalistic about it and Ruby felt a little tense from it, but let it go as quickly as the feeling came. Ruby lay back on the hood of the car a little sore and mostly just happy. She would go for a ride with Mac any time to get away from the boredom of this town if this is what would happen.

After a few moments, Mac started to pull up his pants and the need to pee drove Ruby up from the hood of the car. She excused herself, and slipped into the nearby woods not even bothering to put on any of her clothes just yet. It always felt good to her to be outside and naked when she got the chance to. As she relieved herself, she heard a snuffling grunt. A pig? No, that was stupid, she was in the Montana woods in the dark.

A bear!

Branches cracked and she heard the snorting sound again. She wanted to cry out for Mac, but on the off chance the thing hadn’t seen where she was, she didn’t want to call attention to herself.

Call attention to myself? What am I thinking?

Ruby knew that the bear could more than likely just smell her from a mile away. She pretty much every human bodily fluid on her or near her now that a bear could use to find her with its sensitive sense of smell.

The thing seemed to be moving away from her in the dark though, and towards Mac and the car. She wished she hadn’t left her clothes over by the car. She felt extremely naked and exposed crouching behind a bush. A mosquito hummed in her ear and she slapped at it, then froze, not wanting to draw the bear. Now the mosquito buzzed in her other ear.

Trying her best to be stealthy, she crept towards where the car was parked. She could see lighter colored piles around the left front tire. Her clothes. Oh, crap, there was her bra, caught on one of the windshield wipers. Mac stood by the driver’s side door, his pants already on, tugging his t-shirt over his head.

From here, Ruby couldn’t tell if he had seen the bear yet or not. Nope, he definitely had. He seemed super nervous, glancing around.

The grizzly charged the car.

Ruby brought a hand to her mouth, unsure at first of what she was seeing. Mac got in his car, fired up the engine, illuminating the charging bear—and naked Ruby behind it—with his headlights. He threw the car into reverse, and it tore away into the night. As the car reversed before she was blinded by the lights, she saw her bra riding away with him.

That didn’t matter, as a bear stood between her and her clothes.

It chased the car a little ways, then turned back to face the woods, where she tried to hide herself behind a small tree. Now she wished she were a size 0.

It stood up on its hind legs, roared in her direction, then turned and ambled away.

Ruby waited for it to come back, her heart pounding so loud it must sound like a bass drum. Once she was sure it was gone, she scurried out and retrieved her panties, jeans, and tank top. Ruby did not have the kind of tits for no bra under her silky shirt. Then the temperature started to drop. She squared her shoulders and prepared to walk back to town. It was only a few miles, she checked her phone. She would probably be home before morning. Mac got a whole lot less hot when he was fleeing danger, leaving her to deal with a long walk. A long walk with a bear and no bra. She looked around and shivered.

She could call her uncle, but she would never hear the end of it. He would probably send her back to her parents’ house, which she guessed was now in two places, either her mom’s or dad’s…it was weird to think when she got home they wouldn’t have the same house. She shoved the thought aside as she kept walking. It was what she wanted anyway. Anything had to be better than what it was like when she left. She hadn’t gone far when she heard the rumble of an engine in the distance. She could hitchhike…that wouldn’t be so bad.

As the car grew closer, she realized it was a powerful, loud engine, a sports or muscle car. When the car came into view, the bright white of Travis’ Chevelle glowed in the moonlight. His headlights blinded her, and she shielded her eyes against them as he pulled up beside her.

“Ruby?” His gaze lingered on her untethered breasts, much longer than they had at the bar earlier.

“How about a lift into town?” Ruby said this knowing she was going to get an I told you so from Travis.

“I thought you were out with Mac tonight.” Travis said the word “Mac” like it was a curse. “I can smell him all over you.”

What a weird thing to say?

“Get in, I’m happy to give you a lift.”

She did, though she was super self-conscious to be reeking of sex apparently.

“I’m glad you’re okay,” he said, turning the big car around.

“Why wouldn’t I be okay?”

“Because you’re wandering around in the woods by yourself in the middle of the night. What happened?”

“I had to pee, I went off into the woods, and a bear came. Mac got freaked out and drove off.”

Travis chuckled.

“What’s so funny?”

“I told you he’s an asshole.”

“He must be really afraid of bears or something.”

Travis laughed out loud this time.

“What? You’re being super weird. What are you doing out here this time of night?”

“Out for a drive, I couldn’t sleep.”

“Were you checking up on me?” Ruby wasn’t sure how she felt about that. On the one hand, it was flattering to have a super-hot guy into her. On the other hand, she didn’t need to be watched like a child. She could have gotten herself home if he hadn’t picked her up. Unless the bear ate her. She wondered if it was still out there somewhere.

“Aren’t you glad I did?”

“Well yes. I mean No!”

“Do you want to get out and walk?”

Ruby pondered saying yes to prove a point, but it was late, and dark, and the bear was still out there somewhere.

“I told you when I saw you at the bar, I don’t like him. He’s dangerous. Didn’t he prove my point for me?”

“I guess.”

“You guess? It’s a long way back to town.”

They drove in silence for a bit.

“So you screwed him?” Travis asked.

Ruby opened her mouth. Closed it again.

"Oh, you don't have to say anything. I wasn't asking. You screwed him."


"Bad idea. You shouldn’t have done that. He should have known better himself.”

"Says you?"

"Says me."

"Who says you get to say who should screw who so screw you?"

Travis laughed. "You can screw me anytime."

“I thought you said you were dangerous, too."

"Oh, I am."

"But not as dangerous as Mac?"

"I would never leave you in the path of a charging bear."

“That’s probably what all the boys say to get into a girls pants out here I bet.”

"Cross my heart, hope to die.” Travis paused for a moment though, “Is that what Mac said to get into yours?”

For whatever reason, maybe because it was the middle of the night, she believed the first part of what he said, but the last part made her laugh and hit him in the shoulder.

“Hey, fuck you smart ass.”

Travis laughed, but kept his eyes on the road and one hand on the wheel while he tried to block her punches, which were stronger than he expected.

"You want me to take you home, or you want to hang out for a while?"

"I can hang for a bit." It was a little after two. Technically her curfew was one, but her uncle and aunt went to bed pretty early and didn't really notice when she came home. As long as she was there to get to work on time, they didn't dig too hard about what she did after hours.

"Where do you want to go?" Travis asked.

"I'm new to town. I have no idea where to go at two in the morning. Back home we used to go to Denny's or Walmart."

"Yeah, no Denny's here, and the nearest Walmart is like an hour away. Pretty sure they're not 24/7."

"So what do you do for fun at 2am?"

"I have some ideas." Travis gunned the engine on the big car, and pushed it down the dark country road. In no time, they were back in town, having covered a distance that would have taken her a very long time to walk. He drove through the little strip, quiet now after the bars closed at one thirty. He headed out of town in the other direction, and turned down a dirt road. Headlights splashed a little house—a log cabin—with a big garage.

"Where are we?"

"My house. Come on in."

Travis' house? Travis lived in a house? Most of the people her own age lived with their parents or in super crummy apartments.

"Do you have roommates?"

"Nope. Just me."

"Wow." Property was cheaper out here, she knew, but his own house? Crazy. Where did Mac live, she wondered.

Stepping outside the car, she heard the gurgle of rushing water. In the low light she could see a stream behind the cabin.

Travis unlocked the door and showed her inside. He flicked on a light switch, which illuminated a pair of lamps. It was a loft, the bedroom up above, looking out over the living room. There was a huge fireplace, and leather furniture. A huge Nirvana poster covered one wall, but in the large frame he had it in it looked classy instead of dorm room chic. He obviously really liked that band.

The kitchen sat in the back under the loft, all black appliances. This was, like, a real house, and not just some cobbled together furniture picked up from Craigslist. Ruby was impressed.

"Do you have a TV?"

"Nope. Never had much use for one."


"Yeah, I have one, but it's mostly for work. I like being outside. I like working on cars."

Travis gestured for her to sit on the couch. "Can I get you something to drink?"

"Water would be good, thanks." Once she sat, Ruby realized how tired she was. Travis came back with a glass of water. The water out here tasted better than anything she'd ever tasted, most of the houses had wells straight from the ground. Against her better judgement, she was starting to like a few things about rural life. Mac used to be one for a brief moment, but now Travis was quickly taking that position over.

Travis dropped beside her on the cushy leather sofa, and his weight caused her to sink into him. She didn't pull away. He looped an arm over her shoulders and she snuggled into him.

"You're a cool girl, Ruby." Travis seemed conflicted all the sudden.

"You okay?" She asked.

"I couldn't possibly be better," he said, “which is why I have every reason not to, but I’m still gonna do this,” and he kissed her.

It was impossible not to contrast the kiss with Mac’s from earlier in the evening (though technically, she supposed, it had been the day before). Travis seemed more confident, but to take it easier. His kisses were gentle, not at all rushed.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, and pulled herself onto his lap. He guided her there with strong arms.

"I love the way you feel on top of me," he said. She couldn’t help but grin down at him.

She parted her lips, welcoming his tongue into her mouth. Gentle, cautious exploring at first, the kisses gradually intensified, tongues darting at one another, teeth slightly clacking together awkwardly. There was nothing overly smooth or forced about the kiss. “Real” was the only word Ruby had for what was happening with that kiss. He kissed her neck, hungrily nipping and sucking at her skin. She was going to have hickies, she could feel it, but she didn't care. She threw her head back and moaned.

He kissed down her collarbone, up to her ear, where his hot breath gave her goosebumps and made her shiver. He pushed her hair back so he could have better access to her neck.

"So two guys in one do that a lot?" He wasn't judging, sounded curious.

She laughed. "Never. Well, not before tonight."

The idea of having him thrilled her, and she kissed him with renewed fervor. He playfully shoved her down on the couch, and crawled on top of her. She felt a hardness in his pants, and ground her hips against him. He moaned and tugged down the neckline of her shirt, popping her breasts free.

"No bra, I like that."

She didn't mention it was left tucked in the windshield wiper of Mac's car as he fled the bear in terror.

He pinched her nipples in his fingers, and she cried out with pleasure. Her cries seemed to excite Travis.

She reached for the lump in his jeans, and kneaded the hardness behind the fabric. He ground into her hands, burying his face between her breasts and letting out his breaths in deep huffing breaths. God, he was so excited for her. Ruby worked Travis’ belt free, and unbuttoned his pants. She tugged down the zipper, and pulled at his jeans. He helped her take them off, and drop them to the floor. His erection tented his boxers.

She pulled at the bulge there, kneading it and teasing it. She brought her lips to the cotton fabric, and blew her hot breath on him. He moaned, thrusting at her face.

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