ROMANCE: MY ALIEN KING: Scifi Alien Invasion Abduction Contemporary Romance (Paranormal Fantasy BBW Alien Contact Anthologies & Collections Book 1) (78 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: MY ALIEN KING: Scifi Alien Invasion Abduction Contemporary Romance (Paranormal Fantasy BBW Alien Contact Anthologies & Collections Book 1)
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“Alright, alright. That’s a good enough reason to go out in my book. I’m here with some buddies. We all ride together and go out every other Friday for some fun.” He said, lifting his glass in the direction of the biker gang behind her. Denise glance over her shoulder again and noticed that the mysterious man wasn’t staring at her any more but his body was still positioned toward her while he was engaged in a conversation with his friend. She had the distinct feeling that while he wasn’t watching her now, he was still acutely aware of her. She smiled a little and turned back to Darren. Whatever game the mysterious man was playing she kind of liked it. It wasn’t quite cat and mouse, but it felt like a game of chicken to see who would break first.

“That sounds like fun. Do you guys come here often?” She asked. She loved to people watch and a biker gang of their likes had never stood out to her before. Darren shook his head and took a long sip from his drink.

“No, we tend to ride around and stop wherever seems convenient. But I’m glad we stopped here tonight.” He said, sliding his hand along her arm suggestively. Denise looked down at his hand and took a step back. Gone was the polite conversation and out came the desperate drunken fool.
Bridesmaid must have shot him down and now he’s going for plan B.
She thought bitterly. She was actually enjoying his company and then he had to go and do that.

“It’s a great bar, I hope you guys have fun. I should be getting back to my friends. Thanks again for the drink.” She said, backing away and heading toward her friends, ignoring his protests. Jennifer eyed her with an amused look and Gerald just shook his head when she returned.

“I thought you said you couldn’t take a guy with a man-bun seriously?” He asked with mock anger. Denise laughed and nodded.

“Hence the reason I have returned to you. He was a nice kid, I only indulged him because he bought my drink.” Denise explained. Gerald laughed.

“And don’t worry, your cheesy pick-up lines are better than the boring conversation starter he had.” Denise said. Gerald smiled cheekily at her.

“See, I told you!” he said proudly. Denise laughed and turned to Jennifer who was poking her in her side discretely.

“Yes?” She asked her friend. Jennifer looked over her shoulder at the mysterious man and back to Denise.

“Why didn’t you talk to him? He obviously wants you to.” Jennifer said, tilting her head in his direction. Denise smiled and looked up at him, meeting his eyes again.

“Because I want him to make the first move.” She said, her confidence building with his continuous attention. As if he heard her, he smiled at her and turned back to his friend. The timing seemed a little strange but Denise shrugged it off as coincidence. There was no way he could have heard her across a crowded, noisy bar like this. Jennifer snorted in derision.

“Alright. All I’m saying is, I wouldn’t play any games waiting for Mr. Gorgeous. He’s shown interest, go pounce on that before someone else does.” Jennifer advised. A twinge of fear clenched Denise’s stomach. She hadn’t thought about that. How could it not have occurred to her that his attention might be fleeting as soon as one of the other women in this bar caught his eye? Her interactions with Darren should have reminded her how unusual it was for a man to give
his attention for more of the night. Denise groaned and looked over Jennifer’s shoulder to try and find the mysterious man. Jennifer was right, she’s had her fun and she should end the game before she loses her opportunity.

Her eyes scanned the crowd of bikers but she couldn’t find him. Panic began to set in and she stood on her tip toes to try and get a better vantage point but he was gone. She looked back at Jennifer sadly and her friend gave her a sympathetic smile.

“I guess you were right. That sucks.” Denise said dejectedly. Jennifer rubbed her back comfortingly and sighed.

“It’s his loss, he should have had the balls to come up to you in the first place. Do you want another drink?” She asked, looking down at Denise’s almost finished glass. Denise shook her head and downed the last of her rum and diet coke.

“No, thanks. I think I’m just going to head home. I’m suddenly very tired and want to be somewhere quiet.” She said. Jennifer nodded and took her empty glass, stacking it with her own.

“Sure. See you tomorrow for yoga?” She asked. Denise groaned and checked her phone for the time. It was already one o’clock in the morning and their usual yoga class was at nine.

“No, I’m pretty sure I’m just going to sleep in tomorrow.” She said with a laugh. Jennifer smiled at her and shrugged.

“That’s a good idea. I might follow your lead. How about I call you if I decide to go to a later class?” She offered. Denise nodded and tapped Gerald on the shoulder.

“That sounds great, Jen.” She told her friend, giving her a hug. “See you later Gerald, I’m heading out.” She said turning toward her other friend once she had his attention. Gerald groaned and gave her a hug good-bye.

“Why? That’s so lame! Was it man-bun?” He asked teasingly. Denise laughed and shook her head.

“Nope. It’s the late hour and exhaustion. Have a good night!” Denise called out, waving to their other two friends and heading toward the door. Once she stepped out of the bar and into the cool, night air she suddenly felt much more tired than she had before. Her shoulders slumped and she ran a hand through her wavy, light brown hair. Her hair was cropped just above her shoulders and tonight was one of the nights she wished it was just a bit longer so she could pull it up and out of her face.

“Calling it a night so soon?” A familiar voice said as the door to the bar opened and closed behind her. Denise resisted the urge to groan and gave Darren a forced smile as he came to stand next to her.

“Well, they’ll be having last call here soon so I don’t think it’s all that early.” She chuckled, moving away from the door toward her car. She was more than sober enough to drive, she had had a buzz earlier but now she was just tired and wanted to get home. Darren lit up a cigarette and fell into step beside her. Denise rolled her eyes and attempted to pick-up her pace.

“Is it that time already? Amazing how time flies when you’re in the company of a beautiful woman.” Darren said, giving her a sidelong look and smiling at her suggestively. Denise gave another forced smile that looked more like her lips being pressed together than a smile and turned away from him, focusing on the street ahead of her.

“Thanks. Well, I’m heading home. Have a good night.” She said as flippantly as she could. Darren took a step in front of her and blocked her path, raising his eyebrows at her.

“Is that a suggestion? I don’t usually like my women so forward, but it works for you.” He said, taking a puff on his cigarette. Denise allowed all pretense at politeness drop and glared at him. She could see her car just over his shoulder and didn’t feel like indulging him anymore.

“No, it wasn’t a suggestion. Excuse me, I’m going home…
” She emphasized, pushing past him. She got another step forward before he blocked her path again. Her glare hardened but it didn’t seem to faze him.

“Whoa, there. I was just joking. No need to get rude. We were just having some fun.” He said, still not letting her get past him. Denise pressed her lips together again and crossed her arms defensively over her chest.

“Fine. Have a good rest of your night.” She said, forcing her tone to sounds somewhat pleasant. Darren grinned at her but didn’t move out of her way. She took a step to the side and he blocked her again.

“Listen, I don’t know what kind of ‘fun’ you’re having but I’m over it. Please move.” She said sternly. Darren flicked his cigarette away and grinned at her. Denise felt a shiver crawl down her spine and she was suddenly aware that even though her car seemed close, it was nowhere near close enough for her comfort.

“How about a goodnight kiss first?” Darren suggested, leaning in toward her. Denise took a step back and leaned away from him.

“No. Get out of my way, I’m leaving.” She said, her voice sharp leaving no room for misinterpretation. Darren frowned and reached out for her, grabbing her upper arm.

“All I’m asking for is a kiss. There’s nothing wrong with that.” He said. Denise could smell the alcohol on his breath mixed with cigarette smoke and wanted to gag.

“There is something wrong with it if I don’t want to give it to you.” She said, trying to pull her arm out of his grasp. His scowl deepened and his grip tightened around her arm.

“You’re being very rude and I don’t know why. Weren’t we having a good time earlier?” He asked. Denise tugged her arm again and managed to get his grip to loosen a little.

“Earlier, yes. Now, not so much. Let me go.” She said, shoving both her hands on his shoulders. He was drunk enough that her shove threw him off balance, but not enough for him to lose his hold of her.

“Let her go, Darren.” A sharp voice said behind her. Denise watched as Darren’s eyes widened and he immediately dropped her arm. Denise took a step back and he held up his hands defensively. She glanced over her shoulder and her breath caught as she took in the sight of the mysterious man who had been staring at her all night looking very angry, very tall, and

“Sorry, Eric. No need to get upset, it was just a misunderstanding.” Darren said, taking a step away from Denise and moving to the side so that he was no longer blocking her path. Denise scoffed at him but one look into the cold, green eyes glaring at Darren made her hold her tongue. Eric glared at Darren and took a step toward him.

“It didn’t look like a misunderstanding to me. From where I’m standing, it seemed like the lady to you to let her go and you refused. That seems pretty cut and dry to me.” Eric said, his tone menacing. Darren’s eyes widened in panic and he took another step back.

“I-I’m sorry. I’ve had too much to drink.” Darren said, lamely. Eric glared at him and pointed to a car that was parked on the curb beside them, still running. Denise frowned at it in confusion. She hadn’t heard the car pull up, let alone someone get out. Either her senses were failing her or Eric was very good at being stealthy.

“Get in the car.” Eric commanded. Darren didn’t argue, he scurried to the car and climbed into the backseat without question. Eric watched him and made sure that he wasn’t about to fight him anymore before turning to Denise.

“I’m so sorry for my cousin’s behavior. Are you alright?” He asked, taking a small step toward her.
Aside from the fact my heart is pounding so hard it might leap out of my chest or give me a heart attack I’m fine!
She thought sarcastically. She gave a single nod.

“Yeah, fine. Thank you for showing up when you did, I appreciate it.” She said, swallowing the panic that had pumped excess amounts of adrenaline into her veins. Eric nodded and held out his hand.

“This wasn’t how I had wanted to meet you, but here we are. I’m Eric.” He said, his tone no longer containing the same edge it had when he was dealing with Darren. Denise took his hand and shook it. Her body was starting to shake a little as shock was setting in and she knew that she needed to leave and get home before she had a panic attack there on the street.

“Denise. I’m sorry, I have to go. Thank you again for your help.” She said, spinning around.

“Wait! May I walk you to your car? I’d like to make sure you get there safely.” He offered. Denise glanced over to Darren who was watching the exchange with wide eyes from the backseat. She nodded silently and waited for Eric to fall into step beside her. She briskly led the way to her car, not knowing what to say nor caring if anything was said. She had been wanting to talk to him all night, but now that she had the chance her mind was swirling too much to even concentrate on him. He waited for her to unlock her car before he broke the silence.

“It was wonderful meeting you, Denise, I’m sorry it was under these circumstances. I was really enjoying our game back at the bar, though. May I take you to dinner tomorrow?” He asked politely. Denise’s eyes widened and her breath quickened.
This night has gone from weird, to bad, to downright upside down.
She thought to herself.

“Why?” She blurted out. She closed her eyes for a moment and silently berated herself for sounding like an idiot in front of the nicest, most gorgeous men she’d ever met. Eric chuckled and shoved his hands in his pockets.

“Because I’d like to get to know you.” He said simply. Denise’s eyebrows shot up in shock and she didn’t know what to say.
Say “yes” you idiot,
a little voice at the back of her mind told her.

“Okay.” She said, lamely. She reached into her purse and jotted down her number on an old gum wrapper. Eric grinned at her as he accepted it and bowed his head to her respectfully.

“I’ll give you a call tomorrow, then. Have a good night and get home safely.” He said, turning and walking back to his car. Denise shook her head in disbelief and climbed into her own car. What just happened?


Eric closed the car door behind him and waited for Denise to pull out and head home before he put his own car in gear. He hated being the designated driver, but for once he was glad of it. If he hadn’t returned from dropping his brother off at that moment, who knows what Darren might have done and what lines he might have crossed. Eric looked in the rearview mirror at his cowering cousin and glared at him.

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