ROMANCE: MY ALIEN KING: Scifi Alien Invasion Abduction Contemporary Romance (Paranormal Fantasy BBW Alien Contact Anthologies & Collections Book 1) (89 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: MY ALIEN KING: Scifi Alien Invasion Abduction Contemporary Romance (Paranormal Fantasy BBW Alien Contact Anthologies & Collections Book 1)
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Maximillian (Max to his friends) was thoroughly amused—and intrigued.

From the moment that Jill had stepped into that elevator he had been intrigued. She had a sort of vulnerability that had stiffened his cock, and as she had been forced closer to him and the heady scent of her hair—roses and lilies—had filled his nose he had grown even more intrigued. Her body was lean and sharply angled, just the way he liked a woman to be. Her face was a marvel of bone structure and clear skin.

He’d not meant to kiss her, but now that he had he knew that he was in big trouble. Jill was passionate under the cool exterior she projected. He could sense the depths of that passion and he had no doubt that it burned as darkly as his own, even if she didn’t know it yet.
because he intended to have her, and to teach her a few things about desire while he was at it.

Of course, there was the issue of her working for the company. That could be problematic. Sexual harassment lawsuits weren’t something he wanted to get hit with by any means, so he would have to be very careful to make sure she was as interested in him as he was in her. Of course, if that kiss was any indication, she absolutely was.

He whistled as he walked down the hallway toward his office. It had been a long time since he’d met a woman who got under his skin, and Jill had done just that—and done it so quickly that it was slightly unsettling, but also very exciting.

Too exciting, perhaps. In fact, he could be risking a lot more than he was comfortable with.

Unlike his business partners, Max was
thoughtful and cautious than he seemed. He had made his money carefully, and he had done it with careful planning. He left the gambling up to the others. They had the stomach and stamina for the crazy big business deals, while he had the ability to handle things in a long-term and more cautious way. His way put plenty of money into the coffers, more than any other partner. His plans and schemes were based not on gut instinct or hunches, but on solid and reliable research.

So he would research her.

His lips canted upward as he considered just how he could research the lovely new employee, and how much fun that ‘research’ would be.


The day passed in a haze of meetings, quick drawings, lots of frustration and plenty of interesting ideas and exhilaration. Jill was both tired and electrified by the work, and after that last meeting she went back to her office and threw herself into work, drawing quickly and running estimates on the new design, which she had to admit held a lot of promise even if she didn’t like the way that Max had added his own designs without so much as a by-your-leave.

“Still at it?”

She looked up as Max’s voice floated into the room. He stood near the door, his lean hip just touching the frame. She said, “Yes, but I am almost finished now. I just wanted ot get a few more things done.”

“You do know it is nearly eight?”

Was it? She glanced at her watch and was shocked to see that it was indeed. She said, “Oh, I must have lost track of time.”

“Everyone else has long since headed home, you know.”

She said, “You’re still here. You must be something of a workaholic too.”

He came closer. His cologne had faded over the day, but that smell that was uniquely his was still present. She breathed it in as he moved until he was standing right beside her desk. She stood and said, “I suppose we need to talk about that… um… thing in the conference room.”

His eyes glowed with amusement. “The thing?”

Her cheeks reddened. “That kiss.”

“Oh, that. I suppose we could talk about it if you wanted to.”

She fought back the angry word and said, as evenly as possible, “Yes. I will admit I kissed you back, but I have to say that that was probably very foolish and it won’t happen again.”

“Because you don’t want it to?”

She did want to kiss him again, and she had a feeling that he knew it. She cleared her throat and said, “We work together. That sort of thing is probably not wise.”

“True. But you evaded my question, and quite neatly, too. Should I ask it again?”

She shook her head. “No, you shouldn’t. It doesn’t matter if I want you to kiss me or not, or if I want you to kiss me or not—”

“I would say it matters a great deal.” His voice was low and husky.

“Why?” Her voice was a shaky whisper.

“Because I definitely want to kiss you, but if you don’t want me to then I will abstain from kissing you.”

She licked her dry lips. Her eyes went to his mouth. His body, powerful and magnetic, drew her eyes, and they slid along every curve until they stopped at the front of his slacks. The outline of his cock, thick and long, was very visible, and desire swelled up and swept away her inhibitions. She said, “I’d like it very much, but I don’t think it’s smart.”

“I think you need a lesson in how to be more decisive.”

The words, low and laced with intent, made a slow shiver steal down her spine. She said, “Really? What kind of lesson could you give me on that?”

She knew she was asking for trouble.
was trouble. Kissing him, and anything beyond it, was extremely dangerous. He was hot—scaldingly, mind-blowingly hot—and he had a way of looking at her that made her whole body respond in ways she wasn’t used to.

He said, “Like this.”

He dragged her into his arms. She went willingly. His lips met hers again, and the shivers running along her body grew even more violent. Her toes curled inside her sedate pumps. Her breasts met his chest and flattened.  Her hands went to his shoulder. The muscles bunched and flowed beneath her fingers, and as his tongue moved around hers her core filled with heat and then began to drip juices, sticky and thick, into her panties. Heat blossomed inside her lower belly then radiated outward and upward. Her skin felt too tight on her bones; the clothes she wore felt far too constricting. She wanted to take them off and get a little air on her skin. And his hands, too. She definitely wanted his hands on her flesh. All over it, and inside her body.

His hands went to her skirt and he lifted it, exposing her panties to the cool air circulating around the room as well as his hot gaze. Jill went down over her desk, her feet sliding along the floor as she tried to figure out what had just happened.

His hand spanned across her panties. His fingers stroked the material tightly encasing her rounded ass cheeks. More fluids met the ones already in her panties and she gasped as he swept his hand upward over her pert full cheeks, then pulled it away.

When his hand came back it came down hard, right on her right ass cheek. Her whimper was indignant and shocked but also laden with excitement. Had he just spanked her?

He had!

And then he did it again. He cupped his hand so that there was a slight hollow in his palm, a hollow that alone went untouched. The skin around it, however, stung viciously below her panties.

“Ow! What the hell!?”

He said, “I want you to tell me, decisively, if you like this or not.”

Did she like it? Confused and desperate, her body aching with desire and her core clenching and throbbing, she could only say, “I don’t know.”

“Well now, that is not very decisive, is it?”

His hand cracked down again. She shot toward the edge of an orgasm, something that startled her so much she almost didn’t hear him repeat himself. When she realized that she was supposed to speak, she got out, “I do like it! Ow!” as he laid yet another hard smack on her ass.

Her skin reddened and tingled. Her fingers clutched at the desk and she lifted her ass higher in the air, the soaked front of the panties rubbing against her stiff clit in a maddening way.

He began to alternate the blows. Some were light and others heavy. He used just his fingers for some spanks and his whole hand for others. Her whimpers grew louder and longer as her labia, slick with fluids, were rubbed by the occasional yanks on her panties that he tossed in between blows.

Was he going to fuck her? She hoped so, but she didn’t know and she was too shy to ask for that. But it didn’t matter. Her clit pounded and throbbed as she came. A long gush of fluid filled her panties and she collapsed on top of her desk, her feet kicking wildly in the air.

Max helped her to her feet. She stared at him. His chiseled lips parted slightly, and he said, “Tell me again that you want to kiss me.”

“I want to kiss you,” she said in a hoarse voice.

He nodded. “Good.”

Then he walked out.

She stared after him, her mouth hanging agape. He had just spanked her in the most delightful way possible, made her admit that she wanted to kiss him, and left, all without kissing her? What kind of man did that?

The kind that had just done it. A dangerously sexy man with plenty of power and wealth and no compunction about going after exactly what he wanted, which—at the moment anyway—seemed to be her.

She grabbed her bag and ran.


Later that night, seated on her sofa with an ice pack under her bottom, Jill considered her options. She could quit. She could also keep showing up and being a part of what was undeniably the most powerful corporation in the country, despite its youth. She could tell Max she didn’t want anything to do with him too, and that was probably her best bet. That spanking had scared her, and not because of the pain it had delivered. Because of the pleasure she had felt from it and during it. What kind of freak liked that stuff?’

Her kind of freak apparently. How could that even be possible? She had never found sex to be all that exciting before, and maybe it was just the novelty of that spanking that had done it, had sent her spinning into the most powerful orgasm of her entire life. Or was there an even simpler, and yet more sinister, explanation? Was it possible that she had found sex boring simply because nobody had ever spanked her?

Either way, she was in way over her head. Max was too hot, too rich, too powerful, and way too capable of making her body respond to his with just a touch. She definitely needed to find the brake pedal and apply it. Hard.

Hard and fast.

Naturally, that thought just made her even more excited. It brought up an image of him making love to her in just that way, and with a little more spanking and maybe even some hair pulling tossed in for good measure.

That was so hot that the temptation to masturbate rose up, and she only barely managed to stay right where she was with her legs firmly closed.

Determination filled her. She was going to resist him, no matter what it took. She was not going to give in at all. She was going to go to work and do her job and she was not—repeat,
—going to do Max.


Not even once.


Days passed. Max kept his distance and Jill was confused and a little irritated. Why wasn’t he trying to get her to let him spank her again? Had he decided he didn’t want to? Her own resolve to not let him touch her had crumbled long since, and the more he didn’t touch her the more she wanted him to.

It occurred to her, finally, that that might be exactly how he wanted things. He played his hand however he felt like it, and he probably assumed that she was going to play right along.

Boy, was he wrong. Every day that went by she wanted him more and more, but with each day that went by she was also way more determined not to give in to him either.

The end of the week loomed up and she was exhausted in a good way from work, and in a bad way from all the crazy thoughts in her head, all of which centered around Max, spankings, sex, spankings and sex with Max, and so forth.

She worked late that evening, keeping her head down toward her drawings. It was thrilling to see her design, modified by Max, slowly starting to come to life. She could start building the model for the investors meeting first thing Monday as long as Max approved her final blueprints, and she was sure that he would. They were great, the very best thing she had ever done.

“Working late again?”

Her head jerked up. Max stood in the middle of her office, his black suit fitted to his body like an expensive glove. She glowered at him. He probably thought she had stayed late in the hopes that he would do just what he had done—come walking into her office.

“Yes.” She bent her head back to her drawings, knowing the gesture was both rude and dismissive. Two could play the cold-shoulder game, as far as she was concerned.

He walked up to her desk, on the opposite side, and looked down at the paper spread across her desk. “Nice, that’s very good. I see you considered the carbon footprint when you planned this wing of it as well; that’s great.”

“Isn’t that the real purpose of this building? To put sustainable energy at the forefront of corporate business, not by selling green energy, but by using it?”

His smile was genuine. “It is. How are the estimates on those new and improved solar panels coming along?”

She tapped a finger on the desk. “They are still coming in higher than you would like. If you are adamant about buying from the US, it is going to cost you more.”

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