ROMANCE: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Tiger Tamed (Tiger Shifter BBW Pregnancy Romance) (Contemporary Paranormal Alpha Male Romance) (3 page)

Read ROMANCE: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Tiger Tamed (Tiger Shifter BBW Pregnancy Romance) (Contemporary Paranormal Alpha Male Romance) Online

Authors: Ava Frost

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Paranormal, #Vampires, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Angels, #Demons & Devils, #Ghosts, #Psychics, #Witches & Wizards

BOOK: ROMANCE: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Tiger Tamed (Tiger Shifter BBW Pregnancy Romance) (Contemporary Paranormal Alpha Male Romance)
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Orgasm raced through me wildly, causing my heart to pound and my pulse to ring in my ears. I screamed, my buttocks clenched, and with a last flurry of sensation the feeling dissolved, leaving me dizzy and content, yet immediately eager for the main event.

He pulled his lips gently away from those of my vagina, and then began to climb up on top of me, his body looking tremendous in his current state of dominance, and my eyes once again fixated on the series of black, striped tattoos slashing along his torso.

I shrieked, as much with surprise as pleasure, when he hoisted my legs up, spreading them apart and pushing my ankles up close to my ears. It made it pleasantly hard to breathe, and I smiled as he held his arms there, holding them in place. He climbed up onto me, sliding his shaft a few times up and down against my wet, open vagina. Then he gently placed his engorged tip against my opening, and I bit my teeth, bracing myself for him.

He pushed his way inside me, and I breathed in deep as he made his way along. Inch after inch of that immense, veiny penis became buried deep inside my body, sliding inside to the point that his balls were pressed up against my vulva, and I was filled so deeply with his hugeness that I felt on the verge of bursting.

He held steadily for several seconds, his nostrils flaring, building up the anticipation as I lay there beneath him. Then, slowly, he began to grind his pelvis back out of me, his dick grinding up against my folds as he extricated himself, then he pushed forward again, slamming hard back into me.

I moaned, and steadily he began to pump, to thrust, to fuck me. Faster and faster, drilling deeper and deeper, my frenzied breathing continuing to amplify as he hurled his body deep into my tight folds. He stretched me out, slamming repeatedly down, his buttocks clenching and unclenching as he pounded my tight pussy, beginning to grunt, and to actually roar as he annihilated me, our wet genitals clapping wildly together.

“Oh God, oh God, oh fuck, fuck, fuck!” I moaned, trembling all over, and at last he hurled himself into me a final time, holding himself in place deep inside my body.

Once more, he proceeded to ejaculate inside me, his load somehow even hotter, thicker, more intense this time despite having just unloaded inside my mouth. Pulse after pulse of his masculine essence came shooting through me, and an orgasm even more devastating than the first was set off bursting through my pelvis. My spine arched up from the bed, my toes curled, and the room seemed to spin in circles around me as I came harder than ever, struggling to breathe, and certain, somehow, that this man would be the end of me.

Finally he pulled himself back out of me, the sensations dissipated, and the two of us collapsed, sweaty, exhausted and happy as hell.

It occurred to me just then that this had been precisely what I needed to regain my hope in life, and to continue on living after the fallout with Trevor.


Chapter 3


Blaine and I had sex several more times throughout the course of the night, the man seemingly insatiable, and the next morning he seemed remiss to let me leave. As much as I'd wanted to keep emotions out of our night of passion together, it was clear that the two of us nonetheless shared an intense emotional connection, beyond just the sexual level, as tremendous as that had been in itself. We'd talked for hours in between our wild bouts of depraved, animalistic intercourse, and I'd gotten to feel quite affectionate toward him in the time since we'd met. There seemed to be something beneath his surface that gave him an air of mystery and danger, which was irrationally appealing to me, and I just couldn't bring it upon myself to sever our connection so quickly after it had been formed.

I agreed to see him again, with the condition that we keep things simple. A friends with benefits relationship for now, I proposed, rather than any sort of commitment. I'd just gotten out of a rather tumultuous relationship, and I wasn't in the mood to let myself be caught up in something toxic once more after I'd just gotten through extricating myself from such a situation.

It was agreed, then, and as I embarked on what would normally be considered the walk of shame from his place, I in fact felt giddy and lightheaded, the new chapter in my life starting out tremendously, and the future seeming bright for the first time in a very, very long while.




Over the course of the next few weeks, Blaine and I became more and more acquainted with one another, and I began to piece together more of a different side to my lover than what I'd originally been aware of. The positive attributes I'd noticed at first all still remained in place- he wasn't the same sort of deceitful and two-faced character that Trevor had eventually proven himself to be.

But there definitely was something of a bad boy demeanor about him. To me it seemed like he spent too much time with his rowdy group of friends, and perhaps didn't take the world as seriously as I did. He seemed to feel a sense of isolation from the rest of the world, like he didn't quite have the motivation to gel with mainstream society because he felt he'd been rejected from it. I couldn't even begin to speculate as to the motives for such a demeanor, it was simply my interpretation. And I resolved to keep this relationship as simple and as straightforward as possible, which meant not digging deeper into his personal matters than I had any honest right to.

His life choices were his to be made, and my choices were my own, and if there was one thing that Trevor had taught me, it was that that was the only real way a relationship could ever truly hope to function.

Aside from this slight hang-up about his character, what the two of us shared felt redeeming, almost magical for a while, and it might have gone on splendidly had it not been for a sudden and expected twist in the course of events.

One day, I discovered, much to my shock, that I was pregnant...

I couldn't believe it... I didn't believe it, at first. I was on birth control, and it seemed completely wrong for me to find myself knocked up after finally having escaped from my emotionally abusive ex's hold over me.

I put it out of my mind as long as I could, thinking that sooner or later my period would come back, and that having missed it had simply been a fluke as a result of the birth control hormones.

But at last, when I could no longer stand the agony of not knowing, I forced myself to take a pregnancy test, and to confirm the worst.

I was, in fact, pregnant. Very, very pregnant...

Scared as hell, I didn't know what on earth I should do, and admittedly I panicked a bit. Maybe the sensible thing to have done would have been to get in touch with the child's father, let him know what had happened, and try sensibly to discuss what options we had on the table, and how we should proceed from that point onward.

Yet, in spite of the fact that a part of me remained rational enough to know what I should do, there was a far more sentimental part of me that made me shirk away from taking that option. I kept trying to think about Blaine, to consider him as a father, and it was like I just couldn't imagine it. He seemed so wrong for the role, immersed as he always was in his brooding, bad boy behavior, hanging out with his cronies and doing very little in any way that could support me or the child growing inside me.

I needed real support right now, and as much as I might have been attracted to Blaine under different circumstances, I simply couldn't envision him stepping up and taking on the role he needed to play in my life.

As stupid as it was, as genuinely, deeply messed up as my mentality may have been in the matter, I found myself making a complete one-eighty now, resorting once more to a desperate hope than I should have known better than to subject myself to.

I picked up the phone, and I called Trevor...

I knew, even as I did it, that it was a foolish thing for me to do. If I was looking for “loving and supporting,” he seemed about the last source in the world to provide it. Yet in spite of myself, I had invested in him once a sense of security, as irrational as it may have been, and now that I desperately needed such a sense in my life's state of turmoil, I found myself crawling back to him on bended knee, begging for forgiveness.

I disgusted myself...

It took so much begging, so much making a fool out of myself, but eventually he'd accepted me back into his life. I'd told him I was pregnant, but in spite of myself I lied and told him that the child was his, and not that of some good time boy I'd met at a bar and who'd been the first person to bone me sense he and I split up. The timeline, of course, didn't fit perfectly, but I told him I was a bit further along in my pregnancy than I really was, so that it lined up more accurately with the date on which he and I had last had sex.

And so, there I was, back into my old life again. My belly swelling, and my future once again in Trevor's hands, to be clutched tightly and done with whatever the hell he happened to see fit.

God was I miserable... I tried to tell myself that the situation would get better, that I could make it through this, and that I was doing this for the sake of the child growing inside me. Yet Trevor, all the while, treated me worse than ever before, feeling as though he had more of a right to than ever, now that I was his, now that he owned me, in his opinion. His baby inside me gave him that right, he thought, and I fell into submission once again- not so much because I believed him in this matter anymore, but because I felt I had no other option.

He no longer had any reservations whatsoever about treating me poorly, and for the first time the abuse became physical. Not that he hit me, or anything like that, but he shoved me around a lot, and intentionally ran into me if he happened to be walking past me, then cursed at me for having gotten in his way.

I grinned and bore it, miserable all the while, and dreaming of Blaine as I lay beside Trevor in bed, my hand on my swollen stomach, and the future seeming bleak.

And then one day, we just happened to run into Blaine on the street.

Trevor had been treating me in his characteristically harsh fashion that day, shoving me around despite my clearly delicate state, and Blaine's attention had been caught, before he realized who it was.

All the breath seemed to drain out of me at the sight of him, his visage like that of an angel as he stood there before me, and yet I knew there was no way in hell that any of this could end any way but badly.

“Oh my God...” he said at the sight of me, and his eyes fell to my swollen belly, to which my hand promptly flew as though to protect the fetus inside.

“Who the hell are you?” asked Trevor, instantly turning to the stranger with hatred in his eyes. Blaine's eyes then fell to Trevor's hand, wrapped tightly, abusively around my arm, his nails digging into my skin.

“Get your fucking hands off of her...” snarled Blaine, through gritted teeth, and I tried to think of a way to diffuse this situation, to stop the oncoming explosion of violence, but there seemed to be no recourse I could take.

“What did you say to me?” asked Trevor, and he released my arm, though only to trudge up straight to Blaine, their faces inches apart, and the moment of truth looming. “You know my girlfriend, do ya, you piece of shit?”

“Yeah... We shared a bed for a while,” said Blaine, clearly trying to instigate the first blow and have an excuse to fight back.

Trevor became irate, trembling all over with rage as he turned to look at me, and he spat at me, beginning to charge in my direction, “You little whore... You fucking slut!”

I shrieked, as Blaine grabbed his shoulder trying to stop him, and Trevor swung violently around punching him squarely in the face. A fight began to break out, with Blaine seeming to hold back as Trevor swung and swung and swung at him, and God, did I wish that he would retaliate... That he would show some of the strength that I knew him to possess, and strike back as blow upon blow rained down upon his head.

And then something incredible happened...

I stared, wide eyed, as Blaine's body began to twist. To distort. The skeletal structure began to reorient itself, a pelt of orange fur bled out across his skin, and the only thing that remained the same about him as before was the series of sharp black stripes painted across his body.

Blaine, much to my surprise, was a tiger shifter.

Snarling and baring his teeth at him, Trevor quickly scrambled backwards, falling on his ass on the sidewalk, and struggling to crawl away. Blaine roared at him there on the pavement, and as soon as he could manage it on his unstable legs he hopped up, hurrying to run off. The beast, not having quite forgiven him for the way he'd treated me, hurled a massive paw forward and sent his claws digging through Trevor's back, scratching up his flesh through his clothes, and leaving a series of bloody red marks cut deep across his skin.

From there, Trevor rushed off like a bat out of hell, and though the tiger roared after him, he did not follow in pursuit, but watched as he disappeared into the distance.

Nearly the instant he was gone from sight, Blaine turned to me, and my blood ran cold. I couldn't move, my muscles all tensed, as the beast stalked up hungrily to me, looking at me with his familiar predatory gaze.

Just when I thought I was about to meet my end, Blaine stopped, standing before me. He leapt up onto his haunches, and the tiger reduced itself back into a human, naked and luscious to behold, the only constant, again, the series of black stripes painted across his body.

I was gasping, wheezing for breath, but as the seconds of Blaine staring at me rolled by, I couldn't help but lunge forward, and wrap my arms tightly around him. I sobbed into his shoulder, and loved the warmth of his naked flesh up against me, making me feel secure and safe for the first time in months.

“I'm sorry...” he said, like he was the one in all of this who needed to be apologizing. “I'm sorry I didn't tell you what I really am before... I thought... I didn't think you would understand... I thought you would run, and then you disappeared, and stopped answering my texts and calls... I... I... And you're pregnant,” he said, having just suddenly realized this among his desire to explain himself to me.

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