ROMANCE: SHAPESHIFTER ROMANCE: Dragon Baller's Bride (Dragon Shifter Alpha Male Romance) (Paranormal Romantic Suspense) (31 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: SHAPESHIFTER ROMANCE: Dragon Baller's Bride (Dragon Shifter Alpha Male Romance) (Paranormal Romantic Suspense)
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Chapter Three

mily knew
it had been a bad idea to go with the guys, but she had never had so much fun in her life. She had gotten to know the other guys fairly well and they had a lot of fun creating their designs on the wall, until they heard sirens. Justin had grabbed her hand and they had made a run for it, running through alleys and in directions she had never been in before. Now, on the couch above Mark’s shop, Josh was laughing along with them as they all tried to catch their breath.

“I should ask why you three have been running but I have a feeling I won’t like it. Should I be worried cops will show up at my doorstep?”
“No, we’re fine,” Justin laughed, pulling Emily into his side. Emily didn’t miss the smile that Mark sent in Justin direction and she had a feeling it was because he was smiling and laughing the way he was.

“Hmm. Emily, I was hoping you’d be a better influence on those two boys. Troublemakers. Are you staying for dinner?”

“I don’t want to impose,” Emily started but Mark held up his hand.

“I wouldn’t ask if you were imposing. Stay, I’d love to get to know the girl Justin won’t stop talking about,” Mark said as he turned and walked to the kitchen.

Emily looked at Justin with a raised eyebrow and he had the grace to flush slightly. “You talk about me?”

“I talk about a lot of people, but yes, I have talked about you. There was something about you that intrigued me.”

“If you say so. I hope its good things because you don’t want to see me if I find out it wasn’t good.”

Josh started laughing and they both looked at him as he raised his hands. “You found exactly the right woman for you,” he grinned. “I like a woman who stands up to her man and tells it how it is. Emily, if he turns out to be a jerk, I’m available.”

Emily looked him up and down as if appraising him, before shaking her head. She didn’t notice Mark watching from the doorway in amusement. “Not interested. There’s just not enough of you,” she said, looking at his crotch as if indicating that was what she meant. Apparently Justin found that hilarious as he was now doubled over laughing, before pulling her closer to him.

“I love you. Marry me? Anyone who can put that look on his face is worth keeping.”

Emily smiled back at him before giving him a once over. “Who said I’d be with you? You’re very confident.”

Mark now laughed from the doorway, shaking his head at her. “Stop riling them up young lady, I’d have a riot on my hands if you kept it up. You are welcome here anytime, it’s good for them. Dinner is ready, boys, go wash up.”

Justin and Josh immediately got up and pushed each other out of the way on the way to the bathroom, while Emily got up and smiled at Mark. “It’s good to keep them on their toes. I appreciate you letting me stay for dinner.”

“I’ve been told you don’t have anything except leftover Chinese at your apartment. Get some groceries tomorrow, alright?”

“I will,” Emily smiled. “I planned to do that today but I slept longer than intended.”

“Just making sure you take care of yourself. If you become part of Justin’s life you become part of mine. Do you like lasagna?”

“Love it,” Emily smiled, feeling touched that Mark clearly truly cared about the people around him. It was also very clear that he hadn’t always walked the right path of life, which she suspected was why he could relate so well to people like Justin and Josh.

“I think they are done in the bathroom. I’m sure after what you lot were up to you’d like to wash your hands,” Mark said before turning back to the kitchen to finish putting things on the table. Emily knew it was a suggestion, but she had to admit it was a good one as she looked down at her hands and saw some paint stains on them. She chuckled, knowing that Mark knew exactly what they had been up to and hadn’t said anything.

“He doesn’t care as long as we don’t get caught,” Justin whispered before pointing towards a door on the other side of the living room. “The bathroom is through that door. I’ll make sure those two don’t eat everything before you get to the table.”

“That’s usually you who does that,” Josh said as he slapped Justin on the back in passing. Emily laughed as they both started towards the kitchen, with Justin shoving Josh, and turned towards the bathroom to wash her hands. She was glad they cleaned fairly easily, but then again she assumed the soap they used would have to do that considering they worked on cars all day. When she returned to the kitchen, everyone was waiting for her and Josh immediately stood up. “What would you like to drink?”

“Anything is fine, thank you,” Emily said as she sat down in her seat. “Trying to impress me to get me to reconsider?”

“Absolutely. Is it working?”

“Not yet but keep trying.”

“We have water and coke.”

“Coke please,” Emily smiled, winking at Mark as Josh turned back to the fridge and got her a drink. “Now if you had sweet tea you’d make an even better impression.”

Mark was clearly trying to hold back his laughter as he shook his head at her. “You are too good for these boys. Now I’ll have to watch them fight over figuring out what that is and how to get it.”

“I know what it is,” Justin grinned. “And I will be making it. Next time, expect to find sweet tea. Two cups of sugar?”

“Is there any other way?” Emily asked, trying to sound offended.

“Absolutely not. Consider it done.”

“Alright, I don’t know how to make that,” Josh said, putting a coke in front of Emily and returning to his seat. “But I’ll let you get food first?”

“You would be doing that anyway,” Emily said confidently and she reached for the serving spoon. “Right Mark?”

“Absolutely right. Ladies first.”

Once Emily had served herself her eyes widened as the rest of the food disappeared on the other plates, with all three guys loading their plates full. She was glad she got to go first, as there would not have been anything left. She started eating and smiled at how good everything was. Banter continued between Josh and Justin, while Mark and Emily shared the occasional amused look. Once they were done, Mark guided her towards the living room. “Boys, I expect the kitchen spotless before you join us.”

“Oh come on!” Justin complained, looking at all the dirty dishes. Emily had already seen there was no dishwasher and she knew lasagna left messy dishes.

“Problem?” Mark asked with a raised eyebrow.

“No sir,” Josh quickly replied, silencing Justin with a look. Emily looked hesitant but Mark guided her to the living room.

“It’s their job, always has been. Might I start by saying thank you? I know he’s not completely back to himself yet, but I have not seen him joke around with Josh like that for a long time, and he hasn’t laughed like that either. Even if nothing happens between you two, you will be a great friend in his life. Mind if I ask how you ended up here?”

“Trouble with the law one too many times so I needed a change of pace, and a place where not everyone knew before giving me a shot. It wasn’t easy and I just started my job this week so hopefully it will get better.”

“You’ll find that many of the guys, and some girls that come through this shop have been in the same situation. If you ever need someone to talk to, or need help finding another job when your employer isn’t as open to your past as you thought, don’t hesitate to come to me. You are no longer alone in this city, and we all need help at some point.”

“Thank you,” Emily smiled shyly. “Justin told you about my apartment didn’t he?”

“He did and I’m not sure I’m happy about you living there alone. If I had space here I’d have you move in but I don’t. Please be careful, it really isn’t a good part of town. I’m sure you can stand up to anyone if you needed to, but if you ever need to go somewhere else, just come knocking. If need be I have a couch. Deal?”

“Deal. I’m not used to asking for help or having anyone offer.”

Mark nodded, as if he had expected that. “And that is fine. You’ll learn that not everyone is bad. So what are your intentions with Justin?”

“I don’t know. He’s really nice and we have fun together, but I don’t know if I’m ready to date, and he clearly isn’t. I also will never date another guy who drinks too much again. I had that go bad once before and will never do it again. The first time he drinks too much he will find me gone faster than he can sober up. I don’t mind flirting with the law and causing general trouble, and will likely join in with that, but drunkenness and straight up criminal behavior is not acceptable.”

“I’ve been trying,” Mark said quietly. “Which I’m sure you know. I’m hoping you will have better luck than me. Just so you know, if I have to bail you out I will not care that you are a girl.”

“You would bail me out?” Emily asked, sounding shocked as she had always had to rely on bail bonds to get out.

“Absolutely. And then make it very obvious how I feel about it.”

“Nobody has ever bailed me out before,” Emily said softly. She couldn’t quite believe he would do that for her, when she had barely met him.

“Everyone should have someone in their life. You are not alone anymore. I also have no doubt Justin and Josh would bail you out if they weren’t in there with you, just so I wouldn’t find out.”

Emily laughed and glanced in the direction of the kitchen, where sounds of splashing and soft talking were heard. “You might have a point. Josh seems a good influence on Justin.”

Mark smiled as he also looked in their direction. “He is. He’s about ten years older than Justin, and he lived with me for nearly six years. He’s helped introduce Justin to LA, and there were times when Justin just needed to go out and let loose and Josh has been there for those times. He still works in the shop as well.”

“Your shop came recommended when my car broke down. It seemed everyone knew about you.”

“True. Most people who have been around here long enough know that I would never try to make them get a repair they don’t really need and they know we deliver quality work. I feel it will bring in more customers than to lie to our customers and getting them to pay for things they don’t need, and often can’t afford.”

“I knew my car wasn’t salvageable, but I held out hope. At least it made it all the way here before dying, that helped,” Emily said with a slight shrug. She knew she didn’t really need a car at the moment, and she was just glad she had made it to LA.

“I’m surprised it did to be honest. That car should have died years ago.”

“Talking cars?” Justin asked as he fell down on the couch next to Emily.

“My car to be specific,” Emily smiled. “And how it was a sad excuse for a car. So since you are apparently an expert at cleaning, want to clean my apartment?”

“I’m in no way an expert,” Justin laughed. “But dishes I can do. Which you don’t have.”

“You don’t have dishes?” Josh asked in surprise.

“I have one set, which is enough for one person. I do intend to get more but for now I don’t have them,” Emily said, dreading that one of them would start giving her things.

“I feel like I need to look at this apartment and see what else you are missing,” Mark said seriously. “Did you really just have a bed?”

“Yes and none of you are giving me anything else,” Emily said, crossing her arms and glaring at the three men. Mark raised an eyebrow and Josh was looking between Mark and Emily.

“What did I say about helping?” Mark asked.

“No,” Emily said as she stood up and started towards the door. Mark stopped her before she could walk out, and looked her in the eye.

“Don’t be embarrassed. I won’t force you, but I can help you with anything you need even if you pay something small for it.”

“I’m fine,” Emily said back stubbornly, not sure why she was protesting so much when they were just trying to be nice. “I have to get home.”

“Justin, Josh, walk her back please. It’s dark out. We need to do inventory when you get back.”

Justin and Josh both got up easily and walked out with Emily, both of them looking at her in hesitation to make sure she wasn’t going to snap at them. She saw the looks but ignored it, fighting with her own feelings. She wanted to be part of this group, which seemed very tight knit but at the same time she didn’t want to make herself more vulnerable by opening up to them. She also wanted nothing more than to end up in Justin’s bed, and she was fairly certain Mark would object to that.

“Emily?” Justin asked, sounding unsure.

“I’m fine, just not used to everyone being so nice. I also really want to kiss you.” Emily almost hid away in her arms at being so forward, not believing that she had really said that out loud.

“Good, because I want to kiss you too,” Justin said. They stopped and Emily looked up at Justin, who gently leaned down as they kissed. She thought it was the gentlest kiss she had ever had, which neither of them let go until Josh cleared his throat.

“As touching as this is, we need to get you home and we need to get back to the shop to help Mark.”

Justin smacked Josh on the arm, but he took Emily’s hand before continuing to walk towards her apartment. “Let me take you to dinner tomorrow,” he said as they got to her building, walking up the stairs.

“Okay,” Emily agreed easily. She didn’t want to hold back any longer, and if it didn’t work it didn’t work but she wanted to give it all she had. She didn’t want to be alone any more, and she hoped that after a year of grieving he was finally over the devastating loss he had apparently had.

Chapter Four

inner had been
everything Emily had hoped for and then some, and as they walked down the street in the cool evening air, she relished feeling his arm around her shoulder as they walked arm in arm. She wasn’t sure where they were going, but she didn’t really care as she felt comfortable around Justin. They had talked comfortably all evening and she didn’t want it to end. “Mark is out for the night, he won’t be back until late. Want to head back and just hang out where it’s a bit warmer?” Justin asked.

“Sure,” Emily smiled. She hoped they would do more than just hang out, but that would require Mark to truly stay away. The last thing she wanted was to get caught by Mark.

As the streets became a little more familiar, she started walking a little bit faster, knowing that soon they would be inside. She had put on a dress and heels and her feet were getting tired from all the walking, and her legs were starting to get cold. Apparently Justin took the hint as he sped up a little bit as well and soon they were inside, getting comfortable on the couch. Emily kicked off her heels and put her feet up on the couch as she snuggled into Justin’s side, while his arm tightened around her. “Much better,” Emily sighed and Justin chuckled.

“Don’t ever feel you have to wear those shoes for me. You are sexy in anything.”

“Well thank you,” Emily said with a smile. “But they make me feel good.”

Justin didn’t respond but his hand slid up her thigh and under her skirt and she had absolutely no intention of stopping him. She leaned her head up and he leaned down to kiss her as his hand had reached her inner thigh, sliding up and sending shivers down her spine. She knew she was likely already dripping wet, and as she turned slightly to lean into the kiss she saw he was already hard. Justin stopped and pulled his hand back, smiled at her pout and pulled her up off the couch. “My bed is more comfortable.”

Emily followed him into his room and he closed the door behind him, before pulling her close again and continuing to kiss her. His hand went up under her dress and grabbed her butt, giving it a light slap which caused her to giggle. Soon his hands reached for the hem of her dress and pulled it up and over her head, leaving her standing there in nothing but her panties as she had not put on a bra. Apparently Justin approved as he let out a moan, much to her delight, and took one of her breasts in his hand and letting his thumb run over her nipple. She quickly pulled his shirt up over his head, moaning herself at the sight of his muscular chest that was littered with tattoos. One day she’d find out what each meant but right now she just wanted to run her hands over it and feel it. She did exactly that before running them down and undoing his jeans.

In one swift movement she pushed them down his legs, his boxers going down with them, and returned to kissing him back. His hands returned to her butt, pushing her close to him and she felt his erection pressing into her belly. She wanted him and she wanted him bad, and when he pulled back to look at her for approval, she nodded almost eagerly. He slid his hands into her panties and slid them down her legs, kissing a trail down her belly as he kneeled down to take them off completely. He kissed just above her clit and she almost buckled under the sensation. He took his opportunity and pushed her down onto his bed, where she almost involuntarily had her legs fall open.

Justin kneeled in between them and leaned forward to return to kissing her. She felt him nudge at her entrance and she spread her legs a little bit wider, which had him sliding in smoothly. She moaned at feeling his full length fill her, and suddenly his gentle demeanor was gone and he started moving in hard, fast thrusts. She loved it a bit rougher and he was definitely doing that. She wrapped her legs around his back, which allowed him to get deeper and soon she felt herself get close to her release. She didn’t want to come so soon, but when his mouth moved to her breast and his tongue started running around her nipple she screamed her release as she exploded around him, feeling him continuing to move as he found his own release minutes later.

He slipped out of her before falling down next to her on the bed, both of them panting hard at what had turned into quick sex, though they both knew they had wanted to take it slower. Emily knew that when the situation was right, the passion would not let her take it slow and she wanted it fast and hard, and she was glad he was the same way. Justin pulled the covers over both of them, and she felt her eyes starting to close as exhaustion took over. She had to go back to work the following morning but for now she could relax in Justin’s arms.

They must have both fallen asleep at some point because a loud thumping on Justin’s door woke them both up, looking startled at one another. “Justin, I’m back.”

“Coming,” Justin replied as they both scrambled out of bed and threw their clothes back on. Emily looked at Justin in worry but he just smiled at her and kissed her. “It’s fine, he won’t say anything.”

As they both came out of the bedroom, Mark just looked at them both before nodding towards the clock. “You should walk her back, it’s getting late and you both have work tomorrow.”

Emily looked at the clock and quickly put her shoes back on. “Good idea, I really do need to get home. You don’t have to walk me back.”

“Nice try,” Justin said as he put his shoes on as well and followed her out the door. As they walked to her apartment, he once again had his arm around her. “I’d like to make this official, and call you my girlfriend if that is alright by you?”

“If you think you are ready, I’d really like that,” Emily smiled.

“There is something I must tell you though, so would you mind if I came over tomorrow evening?”

“That’s fine, I’ll be home around five thirty.”

“I’ll be there at six,” Justin said before kissing her goodnight at her front door. Emily wondered what it was that he had to tell her, but she couldn’t imagine it being anything she couldn’t live with. She was fairly certain if it was, she would have noticed something by now and since she hadn’t, she thought she’d be fine. She couldn’t believe he had actually asked her to be his girlfriend, and the thought made her smile as she got ready for bed that night. She had someone to share her life with, and she couldn’t be happier.

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