ROMANCE: SHIFTER: Shifter to the Max Collection (Dragon, Bear, Wolf and Panther Shifter Romances) (Paranormal Fantasy Romance Collection) (30 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: SHIFTER: Shifter to the Max Collection (Dragon, Bear, Wolf and Panther Shifter Romances) (Paranormal Fantasy Romance Collection)
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Chapter Six


The following days continued on much the same way. George and Matt discussed strategies about how to save Alisa, Alisa spent time with the help, and Alisa and Matt would have a few stolen moments to converse with one another in private. Despite everything, it was actually kind of nice. She stopped bringing up her guilt, and Matt stopped talking about how everything was alright even though it truly wasn’t. They talked about stupid little things—their favorite movies, favorite songs, their dreams, their past love life—

“Sounds like a tool,” Matt grumbled after she had told him about her most recent ex-boyfriend, Todd.

Alisa chortled. “Well, he was no better than that Tanya of yours. At least he never tried to bite my head off.”

“Yeah…some dragon shifters can be dangerously kinky.”

She laughed harder, her heart warmed at the sight of Matt grinning at her. He was becoming so easy to be around, she actually got butterfly flutters whenever she saw his large frame approaching.

They were in the hallway, leaning against the wall between some weird-looking statues, yet it was one of the most sincerely romantic moments of her life. All those kinds of moments in the past had occurred in a bar, in bed, or in some sleazy alleyway. But, Matt was different from guys like Todd. Better.

She was about to tell him as much when an ungodly roar shook through the mansion—through the walls. Alisa leaped as if burned, Matt immediately hovered over her.

“Where is he?” a monstrous voice roared. “Where is that treacherous bastard? Matt!”

Alisa swore and clung to Matt’s arms. “Is that Charles?”

“No,” Matt said, clearly more irritated than frightened. “It’s my other brother, Ryan.”

She clawed into his biceps and sneered at him. “How many siblings do you have?!”

“Just the three.”

Another roar shook the mansion.

Matt huffed and shook his head. “His bark is worse than his bite.”

is shaking the foundation.”

“Just stay hidden for now. I’ll go talk to him.” He pulled himself out of her grip and strode down the hall.

Alisa reached out for him before snapping her hands back to herself. There was no point in trying to talk Matt out of anything once he set his mind to it. Plus, he seemed confident enough that he could handle this other sibling of his.


As quietly as she could, Alisa followed in Matt’s direction. Her palms chilled over, her entire body quivered with each silent step she took. Deep down, she knew she would be useless to Matt if he actually did need help, but that didn’t mean she would abandon him. Not now, not ever.

Roars and growls rumbled through the air, but they no longer made the mansion quake. Alisa breathed easier, for this had to be a good sign.

The closer she got, the more distinct the sounds were. Soon, she was able to make out voices.

“He’s our father!” a new voice shouted. Ryan, no doubt. “Disowned or not—disgraced or not—you do not beat up an old man and abandon him in the middle of a desert.”

“He was going to murder an innocent,” Matt growled.

“That is the law, Matthew.”

“It is not right.”

Another roar erupted from that room, followed by some incoherent grumblings. “And what of you?” Ryan spat. “You support him?!”

“I’m not going to cast him out,” George said. “Regardless of whether or not I agree with his actions, Matt is our brother and—”

“Oh please,” Ryan said. “You with your mansion full of humans. You’re as soft for them as Matt is.”

“I am not fond of killing; that is true.”

“Unbelievable! Unbelievable! I can’t believe I am related to either one of you heathens. Your views are so convoluted, they’re entirely insane.”

Alisa pressed herself against the wall in the hallway, and slid stealthily over towards the doorway. As they continued to argue, she held her breath and v-e-r-y gently pushed the door open—just to garner a peek.

The treacherous door squeaked loudly.

All three dragon shifters snapped their attention to her.

She recoiled in panic and embarrassment. She swallowed hard and glanced at each man in turn; she didn’t know what else to do at this point, other than wish the floor would swallow her.

Much to her surprise, as the men stared back at her, their anger seemed to dissipate.

Ryan tilted his head back and sighed. “So…she’s the innocent?”

Matt nodded.

Ryan glanced at her again, and then back at Matt. “Fine. What you did was still inappropriate, but fine. I guess I can understand somewhat. Even though it goes against the clan and everything we have been raised to honor and—”

“We get it, Ryan,” Matt said, nearly groaning.

“Just saying. You’re a treacherous ass.”

“And you’re just an ass.”

George held up his hands and stepped between his brothers. “Alright, alright, enough. Matt, tell your side of the story and let everyone stay calm and be patient.”

Alisa took this opportunity to back away from the door and hurry down the hallway. Her face red, she pressed her fingertips to her lips and tried to erase her undignified intrusion from her mind. At the very least, her interruption seemed to bring a bit of peace to the sibling squabble. She took comfort in that.


In the bedroom she had chosen for herself, Alisa paced. She hugged herself tightly, but her mind seemed to be racing too quickly to comprehend any of her own frantic thoughts. Occasionally, she wondered if she had actually fixed anything back there. After all, she had basically just announced her presence to Ryan, who may want to kill her in his father’s name.

Plus, Matt had told her to stay hidden. She’d let him down. She—

Alisa stopped and clenched her teeth. No, she would not regret going after Matt. That was one of the few good things she ever did in her life, even if it did end in a stupid way.


Squeaking, she spun around to the door. Matt stood there, his brow furrowed. “You okay?”

“No, still not okay,” she said, quickly walking up to him. “What happened? What did Ryan say?”

“You mean you didn’t stay long enough to eavesdrop on the rest of the conversation?”

“Obviously not,” she responded shamelessly

Matt hummed at that, his face unreadable. “Ryan is on the same page as George. He won’t interfere, but he does not officially support. Like I said, he likes to shout more than act. We’re fine.”

“Yeah, until your dad or some other dragon comes over here and eats me.”

Matt rolled his eyes. “Alisa—”

“It’s true. It’s your people’s rule.”

“They’re not
people. Anymore.”

“Yeah, well, I’m still not worth all this trouble.” Scared as she was, she couldn’t deny this truth. The guilt—the continuous guilt—wouldn’t let her. Anguish clutched her torso and made her eyes sting. “Matt, let’s face it; you can’t keep fighting off every obstacle that comes my way just to protect me. Eventually, you’re going to lose, and then I’m going to have to face this by myself, anyway.”

“I’m not going to lose,” he growled, eyes flashing.

“What if you do? I mean, your father must be back in the city, right? How else would Ryan have known you left him in Nevada?”

Matt remained quiet, his expression conveying nothing but his silence revealing everything.

Alisa shook her head and backed away. “No, okay? Just no. I cannot be the reason you die. No one even cares about me—not really. No one’s going to miss me when I’m gone, so what’s the point?” Tears poured from her eyes and she turned away to hide them. Loneliness, abandonment, rejection—it all made something in her chest break. She swallowed back an oncoming sob. “Look, Matt, you’re a good man, a noble man, and I know that’s why you’re doing all of this. But I’m not worth it. The world needs more good, noble men like you, and it needs less self-absorbed people like me. This…it’s probably for the best.” Conviction eased her pain a bit, and allowed her to hold her head a little higher. Determined, she turned to face Matt.

His hands grasped her arms, his face twisted in anger. “Do not say that. I don’t ever again want to hear you say that you’re not worth it.” He sighed and lowered his voice to a raspy growl as he closed his eyes and pressed his forehead against hers. “You are worth it. You’re worth everything to me. Everything.”

Shocked, Alisa stiffened and then froze before him. He lifted his face from hers to stare into her stunned eyes for a few seconds before his mouth crashed over hers, one hand sliding through her hair and holding the back of her head while his other arm wrapped around her waist pulling her tight against him. His kiss felt so passionate, so needy. Repeatedly, his tongue swiped over her mouth   —sometimes even coming underneath her upper lip.

Heat spiked through her. Moaning, she parted her lips and gave his tongue the access it had been asking for. The second she tasted him, she shuddered and grabbed his shoulders to keep herself steady.

When he pulled away, she couldn’t stop herself from leaning after him. Her heart pounded hard, arousal rushed through her. He fit so perfectly against her—held her perfectly, tasted perfectly—she needed more.

“I care about you,” he growled, inches away from her mouth. He exhaled shakily. “Protecting you isn’t me being the hero. It’s me being selfish. Because I don’t care about the other shifters, and I don’t care about the obstacles that are going to come our way. I want you. I wanted you back then and I want you now, more than I’ve ever wanted anything.”

Her chest ached gloriously, her wide eyes locked with his. He wanted her. He truly wanted someone like her. No, not someone like her- her. Not knowing what to say to such a wonderful, miraculous revelation, she grabbed his face and kissed him again, harder.

He growled and tightened his grip on her, his tongue once again delving past her lips. He ran his hand up her back and cradled her head.

Alisa gasped as he gently tilted her head back so that he could angle his kisses in different ways.

She didn’t remember moving, but somehow, she ended up falling back on the bed. Matt was quick to hover over her, his lips trailing butterfly kisses down her jaw and neck. He growled, making her shudder with delight. When he came to the cleavage of her shirt, he hesitated, his eyes flicking to hers.

She whined impatiently and tugged down her shirt. “Take me, Matt. Please.”

He smirked devilishly. “You want me, too?”

“God, yes.”

He grabbed her blouse and tore it apart in a matter of seconds.

She would have screamed in shock—in protest—if she wasn’t so incredibly turned on by his strength and his desperation. She began to tug at the waistband of her sweats, only to have him tear apart that garment, too.

“I’ll buy you new things,” he said when she gave him a somewhat sour look. “I’ll buy whatever the hell you want.”

“You’re making me sound like a prostitute.”

His eyes darkened, as did his cheeks. Then he mauled her with his mouth, kissing her lips, her jaw, her neck, her cleavage—he tore away her bra and nipped her breast.

She gasped and arched into his teeth. Her eyes roaming him as much as she could, she tugged at his clothes. She pulled as hard as she could, but she couldn’t call upon super dragon-strength whenever she wanted. She growled with frustration, only to shudder when he clamped his lips around her nipple. Her hands fell from his shoulders and slapped against the bed, as his mouth sucked her nipple hard.

“God, Matt,” Alisa gasped out, quivering. She gyrated against him. “I’ve wanted you for so long, too, and this feels amazing.”

His teeth grazed her nipple before sucking and licking his way over to her other nipple. He bit it and twisted it with his teeth.

Heat zapped through her, the tender flesh between her legs moistening. She spread her legs wider, aching—needing. She rubbed herself against him as much as she could while he continued to suck and twist her nipple.

“Matt, touch me,” she begged. “Please, please, touch me.”

He ripped off her panties, the cool air rushing against her hot, moist folds. He lightly bit the lower half of her breast while one of his hands trailed down her side, and over her thigh. Slowly, he raised himself a little higher to look at her. His eyes were so intense—full of so many emotions—that it made her squirm.

“Precious,” he said, his thumb running over her inner thigh. “So precious. How could you or anyone else ever think otherwise?”

Alisa gave him a watery smile. “Matt…”

He smiled back. Then he lowered his face between her legs, his breath tickling her clit.

Alisa gasped—nearly cried out—and clawed into the covers. “Matt?”

He ran his tongue over her clit, and then down between her folds where he inserted it between her pussy lips before licking his way back up to her clit.

It was sloppy—it was fast—it was making her so hot and heavy she could barely think straight. It was as if he was desperate to taste every inch of her.

BOOK: ROMANCE: SHIFTER: Shifter to the Max Collection (Dragon, Bear, Wolf and Panther Shifter Romances) (Paranormal Fantasy Romance Collection)
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