ROMANCE: Sleeping With The Sheikh (Billionaire Alpha Male Sheikh Romance) (New Adult Forbidden Series Short Stories) (19 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: Sleeping With The Sheikh (Billionaire Alpha Male Sheikh Romance) (New Adult Forbidden Series Short Stories)
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"It's April Cosden," she whispered. "And my birthday is in July, not November."


A smile bloomed across Byron's lips, first sweet, then snarky.

"You're really bad at this Witness Protection bit, you know that? You're not supposed to tell anyone your old identity."

"I have a feeling you'll keep it a secret," she whispered back. The smile on Byron's face sweetened again, and he drew her chin back to him. Their lips met again, the kiss perfect. When it broke he dismounted from the bike and took her hand in his.

"I think you can bank on that," he agreed. Together they traveled to the elevator, and amongst a flurry of passion they rose back to the loft. When the doors opened, Byron took her by the hand and led her to the bedroom. April knew now she would not be sleeping in it alone.

Shoes kicked off, Byron slid the jacket down her arms and let his fingers trail over her skin. His touch sent a shiver down April's spine. In turn, she lifted his shirt up and over his head to reveal his toned chest. Defined abs, pecs, and biceps awaited her. The tattoos rose along each arm to the shoulder and capped there; Byron's chest was unmarred by ink. April let her fingers trail along it, savoring how hard he was. In contrast to her warm, soft body, Byron felt like a perfect fit.

One by one their garments met the bedroom floor, and they took turns appreciating the other. When they were stripped, Byron lowered April upon the mattress and kissed her deeply again. The stirring between his legs let her know that he found her attractive and desirable, and April's heat told her that this was not too soon. They'd been brought together for a reason, and she wanted to share this most intimate part of herself with him.

His fingers touched her in ways she'd never been touched before. Each caress was sure and skilled, and April reached pleasures yet to be explored. Those calloused hands traveled across her full, plump breasts and the sensitive buds that topped them. They worshipped her, left her gasping for more. Their lips kissed and brushed, Byron teasing her until she could take it no more. Then his hand dipped south, and April moaned quiet and lofty.


"Byron," she breathed, feeling her heat spread and pulse. How she wanted him. This bad boy had everything to offer her, and if she could bring joy into his life, she'd stand by him no matter what.

The finger twirled around her pulsing bud, leaving her painfully slick. Beneath his touch April twisted and arched, but it wasn't until she begged him for more that Byron moved into position between her legs.

A slight pressure was all she felt before they were joined. Byron moved inside of her as though they'd been made for each other, the coupling smooth and wonderful. Each of his movements sent sparks of pleasure burning through her, stretching from her depths up to her chest to root in her soul. April moaned louder now, rising to meet his rhythm. Byron's firm manhood filled her entirely and hit her in just the right way to curl her toes and tease the air from her lungs.

"You're so beautiful," he uttered, voice low and dripping with seduction. "I can't believe that you happened to me."

After years of not being good enough because of her weight and only attracting the interest of men who were bad for her, April had finally found someone she could be proud to call her own. A real man, unafraid of her curves and her attitude. A man who wasn't afraid to be his own person.

When the first fluttering of release gripped her, April rose up against him and pressed him close. Byron's breathing quickened as he realized what was going on, and she felt his motions grow more frantic. As she released, so too did he. The warmth of his seed flooded her, and April settled down against the mattress to catch her breath. Byron had been fantastic, the best she'd ever had.

As his body softened, Byron retreated slowly and then laid beside her. With care he drew April into his arms and nuzzled into the crook of her neck, pressing a sweet, possessive kiss there.

"From here on out," he whispered to her, "I'm going to do everything in my power to protect you. You're too special for me to lose, April Cosden. We'll see every one of those scum behind bars."

April closed her eyes, letting the afterglow of release wash over her. In that moment everything felt still and perfect, and the masculine smell of Byron's body mixed with the scent of leather that seemed to always cling to his skin set her at ease. This was her new reality. This was her new home.

"Well, at least we won't have to act too hard at being boyfriend and girlfriend," she said with a little laugh. And Byron laughed, too. For as long as she could she wanted to keep hearing that sound.

An unusual solution to an unusual problem it was, but April knew she couldn't be happier anywhere else. Byron had taught her that taking risks and stepping beyond what was comfortable was how to truly live, and by his side April had a whole lot of living to do.








Alissa had worked in Miguel’s law office for about a year before he even noticed that she existed. There were several lawyers at the office and each of them had their own secretaries. Alissa was a receptionist that had worked part time over the previous summer and had been hired on full time right after she had finished high school.

She knew how lucky she was to have gotten such an awesome job and knew that she owed it to the school. Alissa had went through an internship program that was offered at the school, it had been Miguel’s first year taking part in the program because it had become harder and harder for him to find employees that would actually stay. He had decided it was better to take his chances with an internship, getting free work instead of having to pay to train people that would not stay.

Alissa was more than happy when she was offered a full time job after graduation. She would still be able to attend college in the fall in the evening hours and she was making a great income. She knew she was making at least double what her friends from high school were making and that made her proud. More importantly, it got her out of her parents' house.

Alissa had grown up fairly poor. She had lived in a rundown trailer in the worst part of town. She had been made fun of all through school because of where she lived and how she dressed. She had never even been to the dentist as a child and as sad as it is to say, that was one of the things she was most excited about. Her new job offered dental care. She had always done her best to take care of herself even though she was poor. She spent a lot of time focusing on her teeth, making sure they looked as good as possible. She counted herself lucky that she had naturally straight teeth and a beautiful smile.

As she was growing up she remembered getting sick frequently and not being able to go to the doctor. Roaches crawling across the floor and up the walls were one of her worst memories. There were times when she knew she could not even put her plate on a table because if she did roaches would get on her food. Her mother had never been much of a housekeeper and even though she had refused to work while Alissa was growing up she still did not keep their trailer clean.

There were times when Alissa would have to wade through a mountain of dirty laundry just to get to her bedroom, there were times when she was not able to take a bath because the bathroom was so messy and even times when there was no food in the house. In the middle of all of this Alissa’s parents refused to get any help claiming that they had too much pride.

As Alissa waited for her first real pay check she dreamed of having a place of her own that was clean, where the cabinets were full of food, where the laundry and dishes never piled up. A place that she could be proud of. Her boss, Megan had told her that as soon as she got her own place to let her know and she would throw an office housewarming party for her.

Megan knew all too well how Alissa had grown up. She used to be friends with Alissa’s mother and they used to spend a lot of time together. That was until Alissa’s mother began sleeping all day and not taking care of her home. Megan could not stand to see Alissa raised that way so she just quit coming around. It broke her heart, but she did not know what else she could do for Alissa and she was glad that Alissa would finally be getting out of what she called “that mess.”

It was Friday afternoon and Alissa sat at her desk finishing up her work for the week. She wanted to make sure everything was perfect so that she would have a good start the following week. She did not want to worry about anything that she had forgotten to do over the weekend so she checked and double checked her work.

She made sure she had sent all of the messages to the people they needed to go to, she ensured all of the appointments had been booked and that she had returned all of the calls she needed to. She made sure that her desk was perfectly clean and tidy as well.

As Alissa was busying herself with her work a shadow fell on her desk. She looked up and saw Miguel standing in front of her.

“Oh,” Alissa said, startled, “you scared me. Can I help you?”

“I hear congratulations are in order,” he said with a smile, then handed her check to her.

Alissa looked at him a bit confused not knowing what he was talking about.

“I understand that you will be getting a place of your own with this check,” he said seeing her confusion.

Alissa smiled, “I can hope,” she said quietly.

“You know,” Miguel continued, “I know a lot of property owners who are looking for a good renter. I might be able to put in a good word for her.” Alissa swore that he winked as he spoke but brushed it off as her own imagination.

“That would be wonderful,” she said, her eyes lighting up with hope.

“Let me know if you need any furniture too,” he continued, “I have a lot of connections.”

She could tell that he was trying to brag about himself, but it only made her smile. She was just happy to be holding the check in her hand. It was the key to a new life for her.

“I will,” Alissa said, smiling at Miguel, “Honestly, I will take all of the help I can get.”

Miguel smiled and tapped on her desk as he walked away, “We’ll have to get together and see what we can do.”

Alissa turned and looked at Miguel as he walked down the hallway. His pinstriped suit looked amazing on him and he walked with such confidence. Alissa lowered her head as she wondered if he would treat her the same way if he knew where she came from.

She had heard about the type of man Miguel was. He was not only an experienced attorney, he was loaded and he only associated with those who were loaded. Alissa had heard that he used to like to ‘slum it’ as the secretaries called it and date girls that were not as wealthy as he was but she was sure that was only a rumor. Looking at him she could tell that he could have any woman he wanted. He had a way of dominating the entire room, demanding all of the attention without even having to say a word. He was the type of man that Alissa had always dreamed of.

She shook her head as she looked down at her check. He was way out of her reach and she knew it. Instead of focusing on the fact that she would never have a man like Miguel she instead chose to focus on her check. Her parents had not idea that she was getting paid, she had told them that she was still doing the internship and she was not going to let them know she had money.

They had experienced amazing windfalls when Alissa was a child, 100 thousand dollars here, 50 thousand there. The same thing happened every time, they would get the money and go on a crazy shopping spree. Within a few months the family was broke and back to eating hotdogs for dinner while her dad tried to sell off the stuff they had bought with the money they had.

Alissa had never known what it was like to live in a real house and that was her goal. She had already contacted a few realty agencies so that she could look at houses that were up for rent. She was going to open a bank account right after work to make sure her parents never found out about the money, then as soon as she found the right place she was going to move in.

Excitement filled her body as she thought about her goals. Her future was filled with all of the possibilities that she could ever imagine and all she had to do was to decide what she really wanted. Alissa watched the last minute of work tick by and then headed out the door with her check in hand. She quickly walked over to the bank and opened up her very first checking account. She was full of pride when she walked out of the bank that day knowing that she was taking the steps she needed to change her future.

Alissa walked home that evening just as she did every other evening. She had never been able to get a car like the other girls when she went to school. Her family could not afford it and it always broke her heart a little when she would see girls getting beautiful cars as gifts from their parents. It was okay with her, though, she knew that she would earn her car and she would love it even more just because she had worked for it.

Alissa’s future seemed bright as she walked home. As she approached her families run down trailer darkness and gloom covered her once again. She was always so happy to get away and could not wait until the next morning when she was supposed to meet the real estate agent. Alissa took a deep breath and headed to the home she had grown up in wishing she could just burn it down.

That night she ate with her family and for the first time it was difficult. She knew that she had her check in her new bank account and it took everything she had not to just leave and go purchase real food. She knew she could not however, because she would be following in her parents' footsteps if she wasted her money and that was something she refused to do.

As they ate dinner that night she began to feel bad for her parents for the first time in her life. Her father looked much older to her, she could see what years of hard physical labor had done to him. She could see the sadness in her mother’s eyes and felt a bit of guilt knowing that she was going to be leaving them in the mess they had created.

Just as every other night Alissa could remember she fell asleep listening to her parents scream at each other. She was thankful that she did not have a younger brother or sister to worry about and as she fell asleep, she wondered what it would be like to sleep in a home that was quiet.

The next morning Alissa awoke before her parents. She quickly dressed and made her way out the front door. She had a meeting with the real estate agent at 7:30 that morning and did not want to be late. She had planned on visiting several rentals and really wanted to find her new home.

Alissa had agreed to meet the agent at her office and the two of them were going to ride to the various rental units. She knew that it did not look good to the agent that she did not have a car and was embarrassed when she had to explain her situation. It seemed like almost everyone in town already knew who she was and how she had grown up, but it was always hard for her to tell people. What was harder was the way people looked at her. Always with pity in their eyes, telling her how sorry they were for her or that they wished there was something they could do. All she wanted was for someone to give her a fair shot. To not judge her because of her past and to not look at her as if she were a neglected puppy.

She could not wait for the day when she did not have to talk about her past. When she could bring people to her home and not have to worry about bugs crawling across their shoes. Alissa had never dated because of the way she was raised. It had impacted every part of her life. She had chosen not to date because she had not been able to shower on a regular basis when she was growing up. It was difficult to take a shower in a bathroom that was filled with laundry and no clean towels to dry off on. Most of the time there wasn’t even hot water and Alissa hated cold showers.

She knew if she ever let anyone get close to her when she was in high school that it would have only given them an open door to tell everyone how she lived. That was what high school was about after all, making fun of those who were less fortunate. She had very few friends and none of them had known about her home life. They had never come over to her house, she always stayed at theirs and she never let them drive her home.

As she approached the realty office, she wondered what it would be like to have friends over and even imagined what it would be like to have a boyfriend or just to date. As she saw the real estate agent, she smiled knowing that her future was within her reach.

“Hello,” the real estate agent said, “My name is Cara, Mr. Santos called and informed me that you were a very important client.”

“Mr. Santos?” Alissa asked, confused.

“Um,” Cara looked at her, “maybe you know him better as Miguel. He is the owner of the real estate office. He is the attorney you work for, correct?”

“Oh,” Alissa replied, smiling, “Yes Miguel is my boss.”

“Well then,” Cara said, walking over to her car, “let’s get started.”

Alissa smiled as she walked to the passenger door of Cara’s car. She had no idea why Miguel had called and talked to Cara about her, but it made her feel special in a way. For the first time in her life she felt respected and it felt good.

As they pulled up to the first house, Alissa looked at Cara confused. This house was far too nice for her to afford. She had told Cara on the phone that she only wanted something cheap like an apartment but this was a small house that had its own yard. The house was a light shade of blue with white trim. The deck was painted white and there were flower gardens all around the house and deck.

Cara just smiled at Alissa as she got out of her car. Quickly Alissa opened her car door and followed, “I’m sorry, but I must not have been clear, there is no way that I can afford this house. I really am looking for something much cheaper.”

“Oh,” Cara said, shaking her head in disappointment, “But this house is on the low end of the price range you gave me.” She winked at Alissa as Alissa stared at her in amazement. “Are you sure you don’t want to have a look around? I mean the other houses we have in your price range are not nearly as nice and this one would even leave you with extra money left over.”

Alissa could not believe what she was hearing. She nodded to Cara and followed her up the stairs to the front door. It was a simple white door with a peep hole and a silver knocker. Alissa knew that she would feel safe behind it if she lived in that house. She was already starting to fall in love with the house, dreaming of flowers she could plant in the gardens and how beautiful an old white rocker would look on the front porch.

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