ROMANCE: Sleeping With The Sheikh (Billionaire Alpha Male Sheikh Romance) (New Adult Forbidden Series Short Stories) (34 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: Sleeping With The Sheikh (Billionaire Alpha Male Sheikh Romance) (New Adult Forbidden Series Short Stories)
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Cressly cleared his throat, certain they had forgotten he was in the room. “Thanks for your help Skylar. I’ll double check with Ryder and call you in the morning. Let me walk you out.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Hunter held his hand up, “I’ll walk her out.”

Cressly nodded warily and watched them walk away. When he heard the elevator bell, he called Mimi and took the ads up to Ryder for review. Something strange was going on, but he didn’t know what it was and had no desire to insert himself into the middle of it.

Chapter 3

As skeptical as she was about her date with Hunter, Skylar was impressed with the restaurant he’d chosen. It was a new traditional French restaurant, lined with rustic café chairs and tables alongside small wooden picnic tables. It was beautiful and quaint, but the smells coming from the kitchen were heavenly. She stood and waited for the hostess to acknowledge her. The woman looked up with a phony smile and a raised eyebrow, which she guessed passed for a question in her world. “I’m meeting someone, reservations for Cross at eight.”

The underweight blonde scanned the list and gave a curt nod. “Right this way.”

Skylar followed her to a small table for two where Hunter had already been seated. He stood and waved when he saw her, looking like he’d stepped off the pages of a fashion magazine. “Hunter, good to see you.”

He stepped back and eyed her up and down several times, a slow smile crawled across his face. “Skylar, you look good enough to eat.”

She rolled her eyes. “Oh boy.”

He laughed. “Too much?”

Skylar held her thumb and forefinger about an inch apart. “Just a little.” She looked around the restaurant and couples sipping wine and quietly flirting. “This place is amazing, great choice.”

“Thanks,” his eyes held a predatory gaze. “I’m glad you decided to go out with me tonight.”

“Oh yeah? Why?” She laughed at confusion that crossed his face. Women probably didn’t really care why he asked them out, as long as he did.

“Mostly because you’re hot.”

She laughed at his honesty. “Alright. Anything else?”

Hunter leaned in close, giving her a good look at his gorgeous green eyes. “That is yet to be seen.”

A beautiful waitress with long brown hair approached the table. “Good evening, my name is Tammy and I’ll be your server tonight. Can I start you with a drink?” Her gaze never left Hunter’s face and he ate it up, flirting shamelessly with her.

“I’ll have a gin martini. Dirty.” The girl nodded but she seemed incapable of pulling her gaze from Hunter.

“I’ll have your best scotch, Tammy.”

“You got it. I’ll be back soon,” she promised and put a little extra sway in her hips when she walked away.

“Someone has a fan,” she teased even though she was a little disappointed that he’d flirted so openly with her.


She shook her head. “Why should I be jealous?” Hunter wasn’t hers and she had a feeling he would never belong to just one woman.

“Because you want me all to yourself?”

She laughed at the way he batted his eyelashes at her. “You’re a funny guy, Hunter.” She was about to say more but Tammy returned with their drinks and took their orders. Skylar watched them flirt a bit more before she sauntered away and she knew already, accepting this date had been a mistake. “Tell me Hunter, what do you do when you aren’t working?”

The smile that split his face made him look a work of art. “I love extreme sports and whenever I have time, I fly off to ice climb, BASE jump, white water rafting, surfing you name it. I love the rush of conquering nature.” He sipped his scotch with great satisfaction. “I’ll be ice climbing in Norway this winter.”

She nodded, mildly interested in what he was saying but mesmerized by his enthusiasm. Dismay quickly set in when she realized he wouldn’t ask about her interests. “You do love a rush, don’t you?”

“I do! When I’m not traveling for extreme sports I indulge in cars, mostly fast cars. I have all the quality sports cars, Porsche, Lamborghini, Corvette and I just bought a Formula One car.”

Their food had arrived and Skylar had never been more grateful. Conversation was stilted and boring and she was ready to go home. There would be no more attempts at conversation on her part. He wasn’t interested and she didn’t need to waste her breath. The only sounds she made were a few moans while she finished off her torte. “That was delicious.”

“Can I ask you a question?”

“Sure go ahead.”

“Are you a real redhead?”

Her brows wrinkled in confusion. “I don’t dye my hair if that’s what you’re asking.”

He leered at her and she grew nervous. “I’m eager to find out for myself, Skylar. Will I? I’ve heard good things about redheads in the sack.”

His words sank in. “Okay Hunter, time to go.”

His eyes widened. “Let’s go.”

Before she could tell him he’d misunderstood he was out of his chair and in search of Tammy. Oh well, she thought and stood to gather her purse and jacket. She had nearly made it to her car when Hunter caught up with her. She turned at his voice. “Thanks for dinner Hunter, the food was delicious.”

“And the rest of it?”

She nodded. “It’s been interesting.” Hunter leaned and cut off the rest of her words by shoving his tongue down her throat. His kiss was too wet and too aggressive for her taste and she pushed him back. “Jeez Hunter, read a room!”

“I thought we were on the same page, babe.”

“No. We’re not. I’m not sleeping with you.”

Realizing his mistake, Hunter stepped back apologetically. He was not deterred thought. “Sorry Skylar, you’re just so hot I guess I lost my mind for a moment. Can we start over, please?”

She knew she would regret it but she nodded her agreement. “Fine.”

“Great, let’s go out again on Saturday night?”

“Sure.” What’s the worst that could happen?




Ryder stood behind his desk, looking out over the city as rained drenched everything in sight. The grey sky combined with the grey concrete made everything look lifeless, vacant. He loved the rain though and he spent a few minutes just enjoying the monotony of each drop falling from the sky. It had been more than week since he’d seen Skylar and he felt about as happy and the dreary landscape beyond his office window. He’d probably handled the entire situation badly, but no one had ever accused him of having good people skills.

“Ryder, Lyla Peterson is on the line,” Mimi interrupted his thoughts over their shared intercom.

He pulled himself away from the rain reluctantly and picked up the phone. “Lyla, so good to hear from you.” Lyla was President of a private school organization that oversaw more than 60 schools across the U.S. and Canada. Their focus was on students with learning disabilities, autism and any other obstacles to traditional learning. He’d tried to get her on the phone for weeks.

“Ryder, I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to get back to you. We’ve just opened a school in Connecticut and the homeschool parents are being difficult.”

That was a new one. “Why?”

“Because a dozen of their students have been enrolled at New Day and they don’t like it. They’re terrified I’ll be teaching evolution and sex ed,” she laughed but it was more frustrated than humorous. “Listen Ryder, I’m interested in your services but I don’t want a pre-existing program. I want you to create a few programs specific to the needs of our students.”

A smile spread across his face. This was the next step in growing Edu-Tech and Lyla had jumpstarted the process with her request. “That is wonderful to hear. I can send Hunter to you to get the information we’ll need and he can answer any questions you might have. He’s my brother and in charge of Business Development.”

Lyla scoffed. “No offense, Ryder, but no thank you. The last thing I need is some handsome charmer who’ll charm me before I get what I need. I’ve seen your brother and while I’m sure he gets the job done, I need the CEO.”

He nodded, respecting her honesty. “Okay then. Let me check with Mimi and see when I can fit in a trip to California.” He shot off an email to Mimi while he spoke and noticed Hunter at the door. “I’ll have Mimi call you as soon as we have a few days open, probably next week sometime.” They said their goodbyes and ended the call. He took a moment to enjoy the good news before his brother would inevitably ruin it.

“Stealing my job, Ryder?”

“Not at all. This isn’t something you can really do and she requested the CEO.”

Arms crossed defiantly, Hunter tilted his chin up. “What exactly is it that I can’t do, Ryder because just a week ago you were singing my praises.”

Here we go, he thought as exhaustion began to set in. “She wants custom made software and since I’m the one with the programming background she asked for me. Is that a problem?”

Hunter rolled his eyes. “I guess not. So I went out with Skylar a few nights ago. Cold fish.”

His jaw clenched but his face was blank. “And why do I care about this?”

“It’s called conversation Ryder, it’s how humans interact.” Something was up with him, but Hunter didn’t know what.

“Thanks for the lesson but I have work to do.”

Hunter grunted. “Of course you do. Never time to sit and talk with your brother, or is it that Mr. CEO is too important?” He taunted him because he hated that Ryder was so dismissive.

“You want me to ask about your, what, one thousandth conquest? Why? Go find someone else to brag to.” He didn’t want to hear one detail of Hunter’s night with Skylar. He wasn’t sure he could sit through it without bloodying his brother’s perfect face.

Hunter looked closely at the strain around his eyes and his clenched jaw. He suspected Ryder might be angry or jealous, but it didn’t make sense. Everyone knew Ryder didn’t date and he didn’t mess around with anyone involved with the company. “Fine, whatever. You know Ryder, one day you’re going to wake up and find yourself completely alone.”

“Your point?” At Hunter’s silence, he scoffed. “Oh right, you want to be my friend? Give it up Hunter, I know you can stand me.”

Hunter was stunned. He thought their competition was friendly and fun, he never realized Ryder thought he didn’t like him. “You’re my brother, of course I can stand you.”

“Is that why you’re so quick to tell people we’re step brothers?” He didn’t know what Hunter’s angle was, but he knew there was one. Then he stilled. Had Skylar told him about their last meeting? He looked closely at his brother’s face, looking for any trace that he knew.

“It’s the truth, we are.”

“Right. Is that all?”

“I wanted to ask your advice about something. I have another date with Skylar and I thought you might know why she’s not feeling me.”

“Why would I kno--, oh I see. She told you. Well I don’t know a damn thing about the woman and certain don’t know what she likes or dislikes.”

“Told me what?” Hunter leaned forward, fear washed over him at the thought he had missed something important. “What, Ryder?”

“Nothing, it’s irrelevant. I really can’t help you Hunter, you’re the charming one so…charm her.”

A cold chill crept up his back and Hunter didn’t know why or what to do about it. “Fine Ryder, sorry to have bothered you.”

“It’s no bother,” he said sincerely. “I just don’t have any answers. Sorry.” Hunter nodded and stood, raking a hand through his hair and walking away. “Hunter,” he called after his brother. “Sometimes you can be too charming, try to tone it down with her.”

He gave a sad smile and said, “Thanks, Ry.” He turned and practically ran into Mimi on his way out. “Hey Mimi,” he stopped and took in her beautiful face, full of pain once again.

“Hunter.” She ignored him and stepped inside Ryder’s office. “So Lyla Peterson, that’s good news.”


“I’ve blocked out three days at the end of next week.”

“Great thanks Mimi.”

“So you gave him advice. On how to woo the woman that you want for yourself. Are you up for a saint aware or something?”

He glared at her. “Why shouldn’t I help him? She didn’t even want to go out with me so it doesn’t matter how I feel.” Ryder had never been blind to his brother’s charms and the way women fell at his feet, but this was the first time it had hurt. It was a physical ache he could not escape no matter what he did. Every time he tried to block it out, all he could see was her face contorted in horror and it all came back again.

“Yeah well that doesn’t mean you need to help him. He doesn’t need your help and if the situation was reversed, he wouldn’t help you.”

“I don’t know that and neither do you. Hunter isn’t a bad guy Mimi, he just doesn’t like me.”

“Or me.”


“Don’t be Ryder. I’m not.”

“Liar,” he smiled.


Hunter stood outside his brother’s office, gutted by what he’d heard. Ryder had asked Skylar out and she turned him down, yet he’d still helped Hunter. Mimi was right, he wouldn’t have done something as selfless as that. But Ryder had because there was no reason for him not to. He felt like a jerk, more because Ryder thought he didn’t like him. That was his biggest regret. Well, that and Mimi. He tiptoed quietly down the hall and took the elevator to his office.




As Skylar sat at a deep red booth inside the trendy Tapas bar and restaurant, she was already regretting she’d ever agreed to this date. Hunter had walked in the door ten minutes ago and still hadn’t made it over to where she sat…waiting for him. He flirted with the busty hostess with the sexy olive skin for a few minutes, before he winked and moved on to the busty bartender with the pink streaks in her blonde hair. They did a shot together, then another and then she whispered something in his ear that made him laugh so hard he had to wipe tears from his eyes. She watched him chat with a short man who she pegged as the owner or manager. They ogled a waitress in tight black pants as she slid between them carrying two pitchers of sangria.

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