ROMANCE: The Bad Boy Meeting (42 page)

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My knee touched something for a second.

I gasped pulling away from him. I looked down behind me. “Crap!” I slid off the desk and down beside my phone. I took a deep breath as I reached down and picked it up. “Oh thank god.” It was still intact. And still recording. A blush touched my cheeks.  Thank god he’d whispered the part about wanting to kiss me.  I turned the recorded off and forced myself to face Justin.

A soft blush had touched his cheeks. “I don’t even know your name.”

“Danika.” I held my hand out to him. He took it and lifted it towards his lips. A feathery soft kiss landed on the back of my hand.

“It is a pleasure to meet you.” He looked me up and down. “Danika, would you allow me to take you home?”

My eyes widened. He wanted to take me home?
I am supposed to get an inside scoop on what its life to fuck a werewolf….
But honestly…. I wasn’t sure I’d be able to write about it. Normally I had no issue writing about my sexual encounters but this… him, I wanted to keep to myself.


Chapter 2


The cab ride back to my place was hell. He wanted to hold my hand.

My heart was racing. His hand was the last thing on my mind and not the first thing I wanted to hold. I’d made my choice. I wasn’t going to tell him about my job and I wasn’t going to tell my job about him. It all sounded like such a good idea, why hadn’t it been the first thing to pop into my mind?

The cab slowed down in front of my house and I pulled my wallet out. I grabbed a bill large enough to pay for the cab ride, handed it to the diver and was out of the cab in a matter of seconds. By the time Justin was out of the cab I was unlocking my door. I slipped the key back into my pocket and pushed my front door open. I stole a glance at him. “You’re going to come in, right?” I didn’t realize how dry my mouth was until I tried to speak.

“If you’d like me to.”

“I would.”

His eyes were almost glowing as his hands wrapped around me and he guided me into living room. I took his hand in mine and lead the way towards my bedroom. I wasn’t going to waste any time with offering him a drink. I wanted him now.

He was only too happy to enter my small bedroom. If I’d known someone was going to be coming home with me I would have cleaned but I doubted Justin cared.

I turned to face him as his arms wrapped around my hips and pulled me close. Our lips crashed together as his hands roamed over my body, grabbing my ass and squeezing gently. A moan escaped me. I pulled myself closer to him, my fingers tracing over every detail of his muscular chest. My lips pulled away from his as my teeth grazed his lower lip gently. He let out a deep breath, his eyes rolling back as I let go of his lip and made my way down his neck. My lips touched every inch of his skin that they could reach, feathery soft nips fallowed. His fingers dug into my skin as he pushed himself against me letting me feel the full extent of what I was doing to him.

I pulled away just enough to slip my hand between us. And grab him softly. I massaged the budge in the front of his pants as he thrust towards me. I moaned feeling his warm body against me as we fell down onto the bed. His fingers left my butt and tangled into my hair pulling me away from his neck and back to his lips.

His kiss was aggressive; a growl escaped him as he nipped my lower lip. My moan grew louder. I matched his aggression until he pulled away from me. He took a deep breath and pushed himself off the bed. I sat up my mouth open and about to ask what was going on. He just grinned as he pulled his shirt over his head. “Fuck.” I muttered staring at his chest. My eyes traced every muscle I could see. He looked like Greek God. I reached out to touch him. My hands traced over his smooth skin, over his chest and over his abs. lower, lower, lower.

My hands came to a stop at his jeans. Jeans I’d hardly even noticed. I stared at his growing erection as I undid the belt and fumbled with the button on his jeans.

He chuckled softly after I still hadn’t gotten them undone in 30 seconds. He took my hands in his and guided them to the hem of my shirt. I took that as my sign to take my shirt off, only I didn’t want that to get in the way of me watching him. I managed to do it without missing him place his hands on the button of his jeans and get them undone in under a second. He pulled his pants and his boxers down around his ankles and stepped out of them before regarding me with a stare that made my blood boil. He stepped closer to me, knelt down on the bed and grabbed my legs. My eyes fixated on his cock. Hard and ready to fuck me. I swallowed at the thought of it inside me. It was enough to make me want to come right then and there. He lifted my leg towards his lips.

His first kiss was on the uppermost part of my thigh. I gasped, my eyes rolling back. He placed another one on my tight, just slightly higher, then another and another. I moaned; my eyes locked on his every movement. His hand slipped under my other thigh he rested my leg over his shoulder and his head lowered towards my pussy.

I gasped as his tongue touched my panties. Hot and wet against the fabric. He pushed them aside and I felt his tongue slip through my folds. Hot against my flesh.

I moaned, my eyes rolling back and my nails digging into the bedding. “Oh fuck.” I arched towards him as his tongue slipped into me easily and back out. He slipped up to my clit. I gasped as the tip of his tongue touched me, circling me. My moans grew louder and louder. His lips circled my clit and pulled it into his mouth. I gasped arching.

No one had ever done that to me before.

Then it was all over. He pulled away grinning. I opened my mouth to protest but he leaned towards me. He pushed my bra out of the way, my breasts fit perfectly in his hands as he played with them, massaging them gently at first and getting a little harder. I moaned. My hips arched towards the air, brushed against his cock and sent shivers down my spine. I reached out and touched myself, just for a second, rubbing my clit faster. Faster and faster.
I could feel it coming. I wasn’t allowed to orgasm yet. I reached out, my fingers wrapping around his cock. 

Justin gasped as I rubbed him, making sure his head touched my folds. He pulled away from me gasping for breath.

I stared at him.
He was looking around the room for something. “They’re in my dresser. Top drawer on the left.” A blush touched my cheeks as I remembered I was sending him into my sex drawer.

I watched as he made his way over there, pulled it open and eyed the contents. “I didn’t realize… you had such a wide range of interests.” He reached in and grabbed something before turning back to me. My cheeks burned as a grin spread over his lips. “Maybe next time we can play with some of those toys.”

Next time? There was going to be a next time?
Oh yes please.
But I couldn’t bring myself to speak as I watched him rip into the condom wrapper and pull it out. He held his cock in one hand as the other slid the condom down his thick length. I pulled him down onto the bed, spread my legs and silently begged him to come closer.

It must have worked because he lowered himself to me completely. I gasped feeling him push into me gently. My hips rose to meet his thrust and lowered as he pulled away. He reached out and took my hand. His lips touched my neck softly I moaned as he pushed into me again, harder.

“Oh fuck.” I moaned. “It feels so good.”

And it did. To feel his cock pushing into me, faster and harder with every thrust. It was almost enough to send me over the edge right now. My moans grew louder as his teeth grazed my neck, making their way towards my earlobe. He nibbled gently on it.

“Oh god.” My eyes rolled back.

He pushed into me faster and faster. Harder and harder. It felt so damn good.

My fingers traced over his back gently, my nails digging into his skin. He let out his own sound of pleasure, something close to a growl as his hands settled above my head, the one still holding my hand. Our fingers intertwined. He squeezed my hand gently; still nibbling my ear lobe he pulled away and placed a kiss on my cheek. “You’re fucking beautiful.” His hot breath touched my neck. My senses were in over drive as he slammed into me again and again. Harder and faster but his words were the part that sent me over the edge.

His lips moved back to my neck, gentle kisses added to my pleasure. My free hand reached down between my legs. I touched my clit. I gasped rubbing myself.

“Justin,” I moaned. “I’m so close. Fuck me harder, please.”

Justin obliged. He pushed into me harder and harder. A small scream passed through my lips as my eyes rolled back. Everything went a fuzzy black as my nails dug into him. “Oh fuck. Yes, yes, yes.” My hips rose to meet his thrust as pleasure overwhelmed my body. My orgasm hit me as he slammed into me again. My fingers tightened around his hand as another scream escaped me. I gasped for breath, pleasure spreading to every part of my body. He slammed against me letting out a growl. Again. Harder.

He slammed into me as his fingers tightened around my hand. I forced my eyes to open, blinked twice before everything came into focus and stared at the man on top of me. His eyes were closed as he sat there, no longer moving, gasping for breath. After a second his eyes snapped open and he stared down at me. His lips lowered to mine as he slid out of me and pushed himself off the bed.

“There is a garbage can in the bathroom.” I pointed to the door that led to the bathroom. He nodded weakly as he slipped the condom off and padded towards the bathroom. He dropped the condom into the garbage and closed the door behind him. I stared blankly at the door. My mind hazy and my body still surging with pleasure. Should I invite him to stay the night?
This was probably just a hookup for him. I’m sure he has his pick of women.
Then why would he have picked me?


I stared at myself in the mirror. Why couldn’t I be human? It would be so much easier if I were human.

It’s not that werewolves fell in love with everyone they slept with, I was sure of that by now, but we… we had a tendency to get attached. It’s the pack thing. Once we find someone we like we want them to be part of the pack.
There is no way she’s looking for something long term.
That isn’t what anyone was looking for from a werewolf these days. I mentally shook myself.

I hated the fact that we were the latest sex craze but there was nothing I could do about it. I took a deep breath and made my way back into the bedroom. She was already wrapped in a black fuzzy robe when I emerged. She was standing over her dresser.

“I um… I wasn’t sure if you’d want to stay the night. I have some of my ex-boyfriends sweat pants if you’d like?”

She’s inviting me to stay the night. My mind raced. I should say no. I should get away from attachment before I had a chance to get even more attached. “I’m fine with my jeans.” I said reaching down and grabbing them. I slipped into them.
Then I can leave.
I told myself but I knew it was a lie.

“Alright.” She padded back to the bed and dropped down staring up at me. Her eyes locked on mine. “Can I ask you a couple more personal questions? Not for the interview… just for me.”

For her I already felt like I would do anything. “Of course.”

“What’s it like? Being a werewolf I mean.”

“It’s…. not much different than being human.” I paused as I dropped down onto the bed. “It’s… it’s like being human but having… I don’t want to say a disorder or having anger issues but that’s almost what it’s like. Like one minuet you are totally fine and then it’s the smallest thing that sets you off.” I looked away not wanting to see her reaction to it. “It’s about learning to control yourself more than anything.”

“Were you human before?”

“Yes.” I stole a glance at her and saw her eyes widen but she didn’t ask how it happened and for that I was thankful. I reached out and took her hand. “So, you’re a writer?”


“You must enjoy it.”

“I do… for the most part.” Her tone told me there was something she wasn’t telling me but I didn’t ask her about it. Just like she hasn’t asked what happened to me. Instead I pulled her into my arms and we lay down; cuddling close to one another I held her close to me, taking deep breaths of her scent.

Chapter 3


I rolled over as I felt him move under me. Was it sunrise already. I looked up, squinting at the sun light. “Are you leaving already?” I tried not to sound disappointed.

“Yea, sorry but I’ve got some stuff to deal with at the club.” He paused staring at me as he slipped into his muscle shirt. “Can I maybe see you some time?”

“Of course.” I managed to spit out.

“Perfect. It will work best for me if it is during the week. Weekends get really busy at the club.”

“Right. That sounds perfect.” It was the reason I hadn’t gone to the club on the weekend. I wanted enough space to be able to sit.

Justin leaned forwards and kissed me. “I’ll see you later.”

I got the feeling it was a promise.

I sat up and watched as he left the bedroom. I slipped out of bed as I heard the door open and close. I padded into the kitchen, put on a pot of coffee and dropped down at the small table I kept in the kitchen. Like most days it was cluttered with my lap top as well as other writing research, a half empty bottle of water and candy wrappers. Hey, a writer’s lifestyle isn’t anywhere near as glamourous as you think it is. Even more so if they work from home like I do.

As soon as the coffee was ready I jumped to my feet, made myself a cup and drained it in a matter of seconds. I let out a deep breath and l closed my eyes. More than anything I just wanted to go back to sleep. But that wasn’t an option. Instead I put the coffee cup down and made my way towards the bathroom for a quick shower.

The shower did me good. I washed my body and my hair and just came out of it feeling ten times better than I had when I went in. I even felt like I could pass for awake.

I was just emerging from the bathroom, wrapped in a fuzzy black robe and my hair tied in a messy bun, when my phone rang. I snatched it up before even looking at the number. My heart skipped a beat prying it was Justin.


“Hey, Danika,” My editor actually sounded happy for once. “I just got the recording you send me.

“Great! What do you think?” It was gold, I knew that much.

“It’s great! I can’t put into words how great it is. It’s going to be a best seller for sure. I’m going to give it to Stacy.” My jaw dropped as I processed her words. “And you, I’m still waiting for that article on what it was like to have sex with a werewolf. Have it in my inbox before noon, alright? Great work last night.”


“You did great work last night but I’m still waiting for the article.” She said it as if I was an idiot.

I took a deep breath scowling. My mind raced to process this but it wasn’t working fast enough.

“But… I sent in the article. I know it’s not what we’d talked about but I have a good article there, better than it would be if I talked about having sex with werewolves,” Not that I wanted to admit I had to her otherwise I’d be stuck writing about it for the rest of my life. “The article fits with me. I can run it under my column-”

“No you can’t.”

“Why not?!”  I’d busted my balls for this company and now that I had the chance to move up a peg they were keeping me where I was. They were giving my work to someone else. Someone who didn’t deserve it.

“Because I make the choices around here Danika. We need an article on what it was like to sleep with him. Stacy can run the interview and we can cross promote them. Then everyone is happy.”

I wasn’t but I got the feeling that didn’t matter. “But Stacy didn’t
the interview.” I protested.

“Danika, you know how this stuff works. People reading your sex collomn won’t care about an interview with him unless it is related to sex. Now if you can get that-”

“I’m not getting that!”

“Well then it goes to Stacy.” There was a short pause. “Remember what this could do for your career Danika.” She reminded me, but it sounded more like a threat than a reminder. “This could get you the kind of jobs you really want. This could move you up in the company. Think about how pleased Nathan,” Our CEO. “Will be with this. Now I’ve got important stuff I need to talk care of. I look forward to that article.”

I swallowed as she hung up the phone. What choice did I have?

I could feel the tears welling up in the corners of my eye. My vision went blurry as I dropped down onto the floor and gasped for breath. No. Crying wasn’t going to get me anywhere.

I needed to talk to him about it. I tried. I called the bar, but they said he wasn’t there so I went myself to be sure. And they were right. I needed to get this handed in before noon or I was getting fired so I wrote it. I wrote it not knowing what I was going to do with it.

“I can’t do it.” I was on the edge of tears again. I stared down at the document. 

“So don’t.”

“But if I don’t then I’m going to get fired.”

“Well,” Carly paused on the other end of the phone. “I guess you have to ask yourself if this guy is worth your job.”

“I’ve been busting my ass for years at that stupid job. I haven’t even been able to make enough to pay off my stupid student loans. I can’t afford to get fired. I can hardly afford to live with the job.”

“So you’re going to do it?”

“Yes…” No I couldn’t. My gut filled with dread as guilt overwhelmed me at the thought of it “No…. I don’t know.” I finally confessed. I pulled my email open and opened a new message to my editor. I attached the document and began typing the subject. I took a deep breath trying to calm my shaking hands.

“You have two hours to decide.”

“I know….” I took a deep breath. “I’d better let you go.”

I hung up my phone and stared down at my computer. If I didn’t send it in I would lose my job, I was sure of it. Karen hadn’t come out and said it outright but last week a writer got fired for not making the
edits. They had an abundance of writers wanting to work for them. I was expendable and if I didn’t sign the contract saying they could use that interview they wouldn’t legally be able to.  But if I didn’t sign that contract… I didn’t know what I’d do.
I’d have to move. I could never afford this place on my own…. And I’ll have to find another job, maybe two.


I sat there thinking about her. I couldn’t stop thinking about her. All I wanted was for this day to end so I could pick up a pizza and head back over there. We could watch movies and have sex and not worry about leaving the house. Hell, maybe I’d stop by the house and pick up some pajamas so I didn’t have to sleep in my jeans again.

Sam sat across from me in front of her computer. She was our social media person. Truthfully I had no clue how to deal with any of that. I wasn’t even that good with the press, mostly why I didn’t do interviews in the beginning and now, well now that I’d become famous for not doing them, I was more than willing to keep that.  Sam was also my second in command.

“We’re not going to be able to go for a run this full moon.” I stated staring down at the calendar. There was no way we could close the club on a Friday night. Even more so because people would be there to see if we were going to turn in front of them.

“I think we should try to do it for the Monday.”

“You mean just close the club all of Monday?” She nodded. “I like the idea. We’d lose some money but I doubt we’d make much on a Monday as is.” We all needed a break every now and then to go for a run as a pack. “I’ll see what the others say.”

“I spoke to Matt and Ken about it. They both sounded like they could make it work.”

I smirked. “Sam, I don’t know what I would do without you.”

A blush touched her lips. “You’d be fine without me and we both know it.” Sam scowled.  “I didn’t know we did an interview about the club.”

“Yea, last night with that girl.”

“No. This isn’t the one I saw you with last night.” Her jaw dropped. “Oh my god. I knew I recognised her from somewhere.”

“What do you mean?” I perked up. How could there be an interview with me that I didn’t know about. Sam clicked on a couple things. She turned to face the computer towards me.

There she was. On the right side of the screen, her blonde hair flowing over her shoulder. I scowled as I leaned towards the screen. “Sex blogger?” I couldn’t believe it.

“Yup.” Sam nodded she pulled the computer away from me for a second before turning it back to face me. Her last post. Dated two days ago.

So, we all know that since werewolves came out to us it’s been all the rage and I’ve been thinking that it’s about time I see if any of the statements about, hem, their abilities are accurate. So tomorrow night I’m going to hit one of the hottest werewolf bars in town with a couple of my good friends. We’re going to get the inside scoop from ladies who have actually taken a roll in the hay with these paranormal hunks and see what they say- and if you, and me, are lucky I’ll be able to give you a first-hand experience about if werewolves really do “
do it better”.

I stopped reading. Her words going through my head again and again and again. She’s a sex blogger. She was here to see what it was like to sleep with a werewolf?
And I fell for it. I fell for her.
I pushed myself up from the table.

“Hey!” Sam called after me as I stormed from the room. “Sorry man but you should know!”

She was right. I had a right to know. I just would have expected Danika to tell me the truth. I don’t know why I expected it. It wasn’t like we were together. It wasn’t like she had the same feelings that I had.

My fist connected with one of the walls, drywall falling down around me as I let out a growl of frustration. Now my sexual activity was going to be all over the internet. Everyone was going to be able to read it and eventually someone would realize it was me.
If she even tries to hide my name.
She might not even bother. I’d met writers before who would do anything to get their name known, even if that meant hurting someone else. For all I knew she could be like that.

I shoved the staff door open. Everyone in the club, which was only the staff right now, turned to look at me.

“Hey, did Sam tell you some girl called for you?” Nathan piped up.

I turned to look at him and saw the six foot man practically shrink.  “I’m going out.” I muttered as I pulled my keys from my pocket.

I honestly don’t remember the drive to her place. I remember getting out of the car and marching towards her door. I didn’t bother knocking before trying to open it. It opened without an issue but even if a chain was on I probably would have been able to open it. The wolf wanted to take over. It wanted to break free from the cage I kept it in.

Danika gasped looking up from her computer, her cheeks slick with tears. She jumped to her feet. “Wh… what are you doing here?”

I stared at her, my heart softening a little. The wolf wanted to take her into his arms and make her feel better. He wanted to make her feel safe, but he also wanted to lunge at her. I froze where I was, refusing either of those things to happen.

“How could you lie to me?” I snapped.

She glanced from me to the door then back at me. She stood and walked past me, she smelt like strawberries and vanilla. I turned my head as she closed the door.

“What are you talking about?” She snapped crossing her arms over her chest. Her eyes locked on mine.

“How could you lie to me?”

“I didn’t lie to you!”

“Really? Because I don’t remember you telling me you’re a sex blogger.” Her cheeks turned a deep shade of red.


I felt my cheeks burn. “How… I…”

He glanced down at my computer. “Is that what you’re working on? The details about last night?” Before could bring myself to say anything he stormed over to my computer and grabbed it. I closed my eyes, wishing there was something I could do to change what he was about to see. His eyes widened and his jaw fell open.

As he turned to look at me his face softened. “You…”

“I was told I either had to write about our night or find a new job.” I said flatly. “I picked the later.”

I don’t know why. It had been stupid to pick some guy I hardly knew over the job I’d been working towards for years but I just couldn’t bring myself to write it. I tried, I really did but I found the email to my boss telling her I was quitting to be a hell of a lot easier to write then writing about our night last night.

Justin lay the laptop down on the couch; he closed the distance between me and him and pulled me into his arms. “I’m sorry.” He whispered. “I’m so sorry. I read your blog post about going a bar and how you were going to blog about it and then I saw the interview we did under someone else’s name and…. And I just couldn’t process it.” He held me tightly. I scowled pulling away from him.

“And you couldn’t just come over and talk to me about it?”

A weak smile spread over his face. “I have control issues. Controlling the wolf isn’t always easy and when you add in an emotion that makes most people unstable…. It just doesn’t end well. I’m sorry Danika. What can I do to make it up to you?”

I mulled it over. There were a few things I could think of, but one stood out more than anything else. “Well, you could take me out to a real dinner for starters.” I reached out and took his hand in mine. “And maybe next time you’re mad at me we actually talk it out?”

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