Romance: Young Adult Romance: The Perfect Game (A Highschool Football Romance) (Bad Boy Nerd New Adult Romance) (57 page)

BOOK: Romance: Young Adult Romance: The Perfect Game (A Highschool Football Romance) (Bad Boy Nerd New Adult Romance)
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“Do you understand now,” asked Lance.

Liana could only nod her head.  Lance walked to the next student, and she cursed herself for not even talking to him. 
He probably thinks I’m stupid. 
The rest of the period she spent regretting her failed interaction with him, and her only solace was
that he
would be back the next day. 


Chapter 2

“So how has your day been going so far,” asked Jamal.

was caught
off guard.  She hadn’t even thought about her boyfriend all day, for the only thing she could think of was Lance.  “It has been going pretty good so far, I guess,” she replied with insouciance, hoping that the conversation would die out soon. 

“Oh, ok, well that is cool.  Mine has been pretty good.  You know that test I didn’t study for, well I got my grade back and…”

Liana cut him off in her mind, blocking out what he was saying. 
she didn’t find him to be insufferable, but right now she felt like he was a
prepubescent obnoxious
twerp prattling on about the inane minutia of high school life. 
wanted more than that.  She wanted Lance. 
One day I will tell Jamal how I
feel.  Or one day he will just snap and leave me. 
She didn’t care either way.

When lunch finished, Jamal got up, expecting Liana to walk with him to his next class as she always did.  She followed tradition, not wanting to deal with any drama so that her mind could engage in unfettered reverie.  They walked through the halls together, and Liana realized that her path would pass
her first period, and she hoped to get another glimpse of Lance. 
She said to herself. 
That name, it is short, poetic, firm, strong
my obsession. 
Liana realized that Jamal had asked her a question.

“Excuse me, what did you ask me?”

“Is there something on your mind, you have been ignoring me all day,” said Jamal.

“…well yes, I am just thinking about the Christmas party this weekend.

“Oh ya, the masquerade ball, that should be a lot of fun.  I have my mask picked out already, do you have yours?” asked Jamal.

“Ya, it is a simple one,” replied Liana.

“Sometimes those are the best ones.  Do you want to get there early?” Asked Jamal.

“I am not sure if…”

Liana saw Lance walking through the hall towards his class.  His hair seemed to flow
as he moved, with the freedom and ease of a young movie star, but with the
organization of a CEO.  He had it all.  Their eyes met.  Liana looked away. 
Did he notice me? 
She felt insecure.  He probably had just looked her way, she reasoned.  There is no way we just had a moment, she concluded.

“You are not sure if...what?” asked Jamal.

“Oh...I’m not sure if I want to be there early or later.  Sometimes a dramatic entrance is the best you know.  But I will let you know of course,” said Liana with a smile, trying her best to remedy the awkward situation. 

“Well let’s figure out what we want to do so we can plan,” said Jamal.

“I just don’t know...okay,” replied Liana

whatever,” said Jamal as he
continued on
to class without her.  Liana was left standing alone.  She had wanted her boyfriend to stop being so talkative and needy, and how she had what she wanted. 
Does getting
what you
want always
suck?”  No, it sure doesn’t.  I know something that I want that will not be a disappointment.


Chapter 3


Oh Lance, Lance, you are just too much for me.

I will show you
love and affection.  I will show you the stars and moon.  Come into my chamber, in here true pleasure awaits.  Take my hand, in here we shall enjoy the fruit of consummation. 
let no law, or authority, or anything else come between us.  Let us be together tonight, and forever more. 


Liana hit her alarm clock again.  She laid in bed, trying to remember her dream.  It came back to her.  Now her nondescript
love interest had a face.  Instead of just a hero or a prince or
a dashing
man, her dreams were filled with Lance. 
He must embody everything I have ever wanted.  He is my knight in shining armor.
  Liana wrote it in her journal.  She spent a few more moments thinking
him, and what he must
be like
.  She got ready and then went downstairs.

Liana had a few more minutes before she had to leave, and poured herself some cereal. 

“Are you excited for the school Christmas dance this weekend,” asked her mother.

“Yes, super excited, I have my red dress picked out
and it is hanging up in my room just waiting for the night,” said Liana.

“Good, I am so happy for you. 
You are going to have so much fun.
  When I was your
I wasn’t as bold as you are.  I would never dance in front of people,” said her mother.

“Really, and do you regret that,” asked Liana.

“Why of course I do.  You will see, when you get
mostly regret the things that
don’t do, the things that you miss
out on
.  I missed out on a lot of fun nights and a lot of great guys.”

“What would you have done differently?”

“Oh, well I can tell you that the biggest hurdle you are going to face when you are younger is caring about what other people think.  You want me to tell you the craziest thing you will ever hear?  I
didn’t date certain people strictly because I
was concerned
with how others would view me and that relationship.  Do you know how stupid that is?  I don’t even talk to anybody from high school anymore.  So why would it matter what any of my dumb friends from high school think?  It is just plain nonsense.  You have to do what is right for you.”

Liana carefully considered the
and thought how they would apply to her present situation.  “I understand, I am glad I am someone like you to tell me these things.  I have to go now.  I hope you have a good day, mother.”

“Bye, now, and remember, don’t worry about what anyone else thinks.”

Liana drove to school that morning in deep consideration of the words of her mother. 
I don’t know exactly how to apply what she is saying.  But I will remember
because one day it will make sense and I will know what to do.

That day Liana walked to class looking
on the outside.  She had spent hours the night before picking out the perfect outfit. 
did not want to look too overtly promiscuous, lest Lance
not take
her seriously.  She also did not want to be too modest or else she feared
of opportunity to impress her new teacher.  She decided on a cute white blouse, with a small black skirt.  Liana had a trick up her
though.  She was wearing a tiny lace black thong.  The only way that Lance would be able to see it, and nobody else, would be if she sat in the exact right way while Lance was in the exact right position at the front of the class.  Liana spent a lot of time practicing in front of her mirror at home.  The trick, she thought, was making it look casual, natural, and most of all not planned.  The hope was that Lance would notice her sexuality, and begin to see her in a whole new light.

Lance was standing outside again, greeting everyone as they walked in.

“Good morning,” said Lance.

This time, Liana had the courage to reply, “Good morning.”

Liana felt proud that she had managed to make audible noises, and she thought she
.  She sat
her desk, and slouched down ever so slightly and moved her butt forward just like she had practiced. 

“Today we are going to be talking more about Romeo and Juliet, and also a little bit about Guinevere and
” said Lance as he diagrammed the story on the board. 
He needs to turn around and notice me,
thought Liana, as she spread her legs the appropriate amount to make sure he could get a good look without anyone else
her display. 

Lance focused on the board.  “The most important themes of both of these stories as we talked about earlier is that of forbidden love.  They are

He trailed off slightly when he turned and saw Liana.

lovers, that have uncrossed their stars, or I mean want to or...  Let me start over,” he said looking flustered.

It worked
how Liana had planned it.  Now she closed her legs, for she wanted to see if Lance would keep checking for another glimpse.  She didn’t
to give him everything so soon and so easy.

“Ok, so that is the gist of the drama as it unfolds,” he said, intermittently looking down towards Liana’s crotch.  “So open up your books and start working out some of the questions.  I will give you thirty minutes, and whatever you finish you will be turning in at the end of the period.”

wants some more,
thought Liana.  She felt like she was going to burst with excitement. Lance sat down at his desk, looking flustered.  He fiddled around with a pen, clicking it over and over, seeming to be preoccupied.  He looked over at Liana.  Their eyes met again,
but, this time,
longer than the day before.  Liana looked back down at her book. 
This time,
it was for sure real.  But anybody can make eye contact, it doesn’t mean anything. 

Suddenly Lance spoke, “If anybody has any questions on the problems, you can come up
and I will give you assistance.”

Was this a test, was he trying to see if I will go up there. 
It didn’t seem like a coincidence to Liana.  The day before he had gone up to the students to help, now he was offering for them to come to him, and right after they had made eye contact. 
I am overthinking this. 
Nobody got up to ask for help.  It felt like an awkward silence of Liana.  Nobody was moving, nobody was talking, nothing.  Lance sat at his desk, seemingly absorbed by his work on the computer. Liana sat at her desk,
absorbed by her schoolwork.  But, Liana knew that wasn’t true for either of them. 
We are both waiting this out, seeing who will make the next move, who will budge. 

Liana decided to be
and raised her hand to ask for help.  Lance saw her hand, and then looked right at her.  Their eyes met again, but this time neither broke their gaze. Liana’s heart rate skyrocketed. 
Could any other students see what was happening?  Wasn’t he worried about his job?
She felt
but also relaxed and calm.  Lance got out of his chair, and without breaking eye contact walked towards her.  He was fixated,
, like a predator approaching his prey.  Liana felt small as he approached, nervous; like she was insignificant compared to him.  But then when he reached her desk, and she could feel his warmth and approval in his voice, she felt validated, like everything in life made sense.  He explained the questions with grace and charm and surety.   Liana cherished his presence, and when she looked up at him felt herself become almost hypnotized by his eyes.  They were
, refulgent, and brilliant.  He smiled, and it sent a scintillating thrill through her entire body.  He put his hand on her
before he went back to his desk.  Liana closed her eyes. 
His touch, so perfect, so pure, and yet so utterly sensual. 
Liana rolled her shoulders back, trying to capture forever the feeling in her body that his touch evoked.  The bell rang, Liana paid it no mind, for she was not eager to leave. 
slowly packed up her
and turned in her assignment.  She looked back before she walked out the door, and Lance was looking right at
as if to
any doubt from her mind that he noticed her and wanted her.

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