Authors: Oliver Anderson,Maddie Grace

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   ----Oliver Anderson & Maddie Grace











































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This ebook is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.









   New York! An intoxicating city where one could get lost in the midst of the excitement of Wall Street, the glitz of Broadway, and the serenity of Central Park. Where just about anything can happen, and it does.

And New York was the city Sherman Kingsbury chose to live and accomplish his dream. Kingsbury was a well-known self-made millionaire who owned a chain of cafes spread throughout the cities of New York and New Jersey.


    With his keen eye for business he was smart to realize that the heavily populated cities of New York with their booming businesses, overworked employees, and Wall Street Executives simply couldn’t do without coffee!  He knew from experience that coffee was the “fuel” that powered working individuals and helped them get through their day. And when the New Yorkers needed a coffee break, Kingsbury wanted to make sure they got their fill at
café. To achieve this, Kingsbury had a vision of establishing a string of cafes all over the Big Apple, especially in the commercial areas which teemed with offices and businesses.

Working tirelessly for years, Kingsbury finally accomplished his dream at the age of fifty-six, when he became the proud owner of thirty
upscale strategically located cafes which served several kinds of coffees, teas, delectable sandwiches, and plenty of other good stuff which could give Starbucks a run for their money.

New Yorkers loved the coffee and the ambience of Kingsbury’s cafes, and before he knew it, word of mouth had spread like wildfire about
his delicious fare and amazing coffees.

     His customers enjoyed quality entertainment – and the much needed relief – as they took a break from their busy days. And soon enough Kingsbury’s cafes became the most popular place for New Yorkers to take their coffee break.

Through sheer hard work, perseverance, and clever utilization of his creativity, Kingsbury had succeeded in realizing his vision – establishing a chain of cafes, which in turn made him remarkably wealthy, fulfilled and proud.

Kingsbury had everything a man could want from life. He had a kind, caring, and loving wife Sarah, with whom he had spent thirty years of his life. Kingsbury was crazy about his wife and simply adored her. Their life and love was one that most people longed for.  They had only one child, Grace—the apple of their eyes.

But as fate would have it, Sarah passed away at the age of forty-three, falling victim to a tragic car accident, leaving her broken-hearted husband and their fifteen year old daughter Grace behind to grieve after her.

Sherman Kingsbury was a man of great inner strength and he knew that even though he wanted to cry out in anguish for the loss of Sarah, he could not allow it to consume him.

He had to be strong, not only for his painstakingly established businesses and employees that relied on him, but also for his darling daughter Grace, so that she may not be too traumatized by the searing loss of her mother. For he had lost his wife and his teenaged daughter had lost her mother, someone she desperately loved and needed.


    From the very day Sarah passed away, Sherman Kingsbury became both, mother and father to Grace. His wife’s sudden and unanticipated death brought him even closer to his daughter, and Kingsbury left no stone unturned in raising his daughter exactly as his wife would have liked him to. He made sure he spent quality time with Grace each day, and provided her with the education, love and attention his beloved Sarah would have been proud of.

Sherman Kingsbury’s courage, resilience, and love prevailed over the tragedy. Grace was able to get over her mother’s tragic demise, and get on with life – thanks to her father’s steadfast and resolute efforts. Time passed, and eight years after Sarah’s death, Grace received her Masters of Business Administration from a prestigious school of management, and she joined her father’s business soon after.

    Kingsbury was more than glad to have his smart and able daughter help him out with his business. He enjoyed an exceptional rapport with his daughter and soon they became well-matched and like-minded business partners.  They worked in tandem forming an incredible synergy, which invariably culminated in (further) growth and profit.

Kingsbury soon realized that his daughter was much like him in business – sharp, creative, hardworking and smart.  She was quick to spot opportunities for growth and expansion, while being exceedingly prudent and frugal with the finances.

Within a couple of years of Grace joining her father’s business, Sherman Kingsbury’s company had grown exponentially, and so did his company’s profits.

Sherman Kingsbury’s net worth had trebled from fifteen million dollars to forty-five million dollars in less than two years due to Grace’s keen business sense and assiduous efforts. This made Kingsbury awfully proud of his daughter’s business acumen, and adept administrative skills.

But not all was glowing in Grace Kingsbury’s life. As successful as she was in business, Grace’s love life was as placid as a lake, neither exciting nor thriving. Although she had dated in the last few years, she never found anyone that fit the picture she had formed in her mind of a true and magical love. A love that would make her heart skip a beat; a love and a companionship in which she would feel a deep connection.  And although she was deeply involved in her father’s vast and flourishing business, Grace was suffering the pangs of loneliness from a loveless life.


    Ironically, it was Sherman Kingsbury who was the cause for her loneliness. Grace was so obsessed with her father’s enigmatic personality, that she wanted her man to be much like her father—smart, elegant, witty and wise. However the men she dated, although nice people simply waned in comparison with her father. And hence in spite of being remarkably beautiful, successful, and rich, Grace had no man to share her life with.  This made her feel utterly empty at times. 

    Her beauty was mesmerizing and turned many a head as she walked by!   She had soft wavy brown hair that adorned her shoulders. She had sharp features and high cheek bones – which she inherited from her mother.  Her complexion was pink and flawless, and she had dreamy violet colored eyes that were deep set and hypnotic. Her eyes sharply enhanced her beauty. Many women were jealous of her looks, but she was neither arrogant nor vain about her looks, her wealth, or achievements. In fact she was friendly, down-to-earth and humble. Humility came naturally to Grace due to the adroit teaching of her wise parents

“Grace, fewer things have caused a greater fall of man than pride. Remember always my daughter pride is a deadly emotion which often places itself between people and their goals. Be mindful of this truth always my child, throw pride out of your life, and replace it with humility and prudence” her wise father would teach her. 


   But paradoxically her attributes were now working against her. Grace was so utterly absorbed in her work that it didn’t leave her much time for a personal life. Besides, it was not easy for a girl of her beauty, affluence, and prowess to find a man who could complement her and not be suspect to taking advantage of her.

But Grace was not disheartened. She knew that time was on her side, she was barely twenty-five and a lifetime lay ahead of her. She was confident that eventually she would find a man who’d meet her expectations and capture her heart. But the future was still far away, and each day Grace found herself coming home to a painful silence, feeling extremely lonely. The agonizing silence increased as time went by, leaving Grace unbearably lonely.




    It was a beautiful fall day; the sun was shining and the reflection off the windows of the towering buildings nearby sparkled like diamonds. The magnificent view afforded Grace – who was at her office – an opportunity to forget her dreadful loneliness, which had threatened to engulf her existence, but provided the tranquility to admire the glorious splendor of New York’s early autumn landscape.

On this day however, barely a week after she had celebrated her twenty-fifth birthday, Grace received a phone call that not only disturbed her moment of serenity, but would shake the very foundation of her world. It was one of those calls that froze time and space. A phone call which would be forever engrained on her heart, one she would never forget her entire life.

“Is this Miss Kingsbury?”  A lady’s calm but solemn voice on the phone greeted Grace. The moment she heard the lady’s voice she instinctively knew something bad had happened.

And when the lady on the phone identified herself as a nurse from a nearby hospital, it only confirmed her apprehensions, and she braced for the bad news. 

“Ms. Kingsbury; Grace, your father has suffered a massive heart attack. I am afraid his condition is rather precarious. You must come here as soon you can.” Mr. Kingsbury, a generous benefactor of the hospital was well known by the staff and although it unusual for a nurse to go onto detail over the phone, Grace was also like family to the head nurse that made the call.

Grace stood motionless as she listened to the nurse explain that while the chauffeur was driving her father to his office, he was struck with a searing pain that ripped across his chest. He had struggled for breath and a heavy sweat had broken out on his forehead.

“Mr. Kingsbury knew something was terribly wrong and ordered his chauffeur to take him straight to the hospital.  He was well acquainted with many of the doctors here and knew this would be the place to get expert care.  Your father was such a fine man Miss Kingsbury…”and her well controlled voice trailed off.

such a fine man? Why was the nurse talking about her father in past tense? Grace wondered angrily. Was it possible that her father had… No it couldn’t be!

Grace was even scared to
about her father in that way.  And she was much too frightened to ask the nurse. So she put down the phone – her hands trembling.

The last moments of Sherman Kingsbury had been as dramatic as his life itself. While he was on the way to the office, where Grace was waiting for him, he had suffered a massive heart attack. In what seemed like the longest ride of his life, Kingsbury’s steel like demeanor was reduced to that of a helpless child.  He knew something bad was happening to him, something life threatening. His thoughts turned almost instantaneously to his most precious possession, Grace!  What about his Grace?  But even before Kingsbury could arrive at the hospital, he had lapsed into unconsciousness and by the time a doctor could see him, he was already dead.


    Kingsbury, who had never lost to a business rival, was no match for the deadly heart attack which claimed his life in a matter of minutes, leaving his grief-stricken daughter to take care of herself along with the vast and flourishing business he had left behind.

Her father’s death was the second major tragedy that had accosted Grace Kingsbury, turning her life upside down and thrusting her into the throngs of a business empire and a huge legacy.

Although Grace was deeply affected by her mother’s unexpected death, it was her father’s death that hit Grace real hard. She suddenly realized she was all alone!   She was in great awe of her father. She didn’t just love and admire him, she simply adored the man. He was the ultimate hero in the eyes of his beautiful daughter. Everything about him was perfect to her. Sherman Kingsbury was admired by many for his business skills, his vision, and foresightedness. But it was not her father’s business triumphs or skills that Grace revered, but it was his humility, kindness and unpretentiousness which Grace really adored. The man was humble to the bone—despite his prominence.

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