Rooftops of Tehran

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Authors: Mahbod Seraji

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Praise for
Rooftops of Tehran

Rooftops of Tehran
is a richly rendered first novel about courage, sacrifice, and the bonds of friendship and love. In clear, vivid detail, Mahbod Seraji opens the door to the fascinating world of Iran and provides a revealing glimpse into the life and customs of a country on the verge of a revolution. A captivating read.”
—Gail Tsukiyama, author of
The Street of a Thousand Blossoms
The Samurai’s Garden
“In his haunting debut novel, Mahbod Seraji brings humor and humanity to a story of secret love in the brutal last days of the Shah. Set against the background of repression that launched the Iranian revolution, Pasha and Zari’s story shows that love and hope among the young thrive even in the most oppressive of times. Seraji is a striking new talent.”
—Sandra Dallas, author of

Rooftops of Tehran
combines a coming-of-age love story with a compelling tale of struggle against dictatorship. You learn a lot about Iranian culture while coming to understand characters with universal appeal. This would make a great movie.”
—Reese Erlich, author of
The Iran Agenda: The Real Story of U.S. Policy and the Middle East Crisis

Rooftops of Tehran
evoked many memories, along with tears and smiles, of starry nights on rooftops, long-lost loves, and intense, passionate feelings of anger at the injustices and the absurd excesses of the Pahlavi regime.”
—Nahid Mozaffari, editor of
Strange Times, My Dear: The PEN Anthology of Contemporary Iranian Literature

Rooftops of Tehran
takes an uncommon and refreshing view of Iran and reveals how an American immigrant is born out of a young foreigner’s desperation for self-determination and social freedom.”
—Susanne Pari, author of
The Fortune Catcher
“What a profound pleasure to discover such solid storytelling and splendid prose in a debut novel. With the voice of a poet, Seraji has told a universal tale of love, loss, and ultimately of hope. It is this hope, most of all, that will linger long after the last page is turned. Thank God for authors like Seraji, who show us that no matter how distant apart our worlds may be, in the humanness of our hearts, we are all united.”
—William Kent Krueger, author of
Red Knife
and the Cork O’Connor series
“A stirring story about the loss of innocence,
Rooftops of Tehran
reveals a side of Iran understood by few Westerners. An ambitious first novel—full of humor, originality, and meaning.”
—John Shors, author of
Beneath a Marble Sky
Beside A Burning Sea
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First published by New American Library,
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First Printing, May 2009
Copyright © Mahbod Seraji, 2009
Readers Guide copyright © Penguin Group (USA) Inc., 2009
All rights reserved
Seraji, Mahbod.
Rooftops of Tehran/Mahbod Seraji. p. cm.
eISBN : 978-1-101-04661-6
1. Tehran (Iran)—Fiction. I. Title.
PS3619.E7356R66 2009
813’.6—dc22 2008031902
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Thank you to Marian Clark, Tim and Sue Ellen Kane, Sudi Rafian, Kevin Daniels, Kim Levin, Nancee McVey, Laura Hubber, Mojgan Seraji, Mehri Safari, Kamran Heydarpour, Donnell Green, Debbie Shotwell, Nancy Fallah, and Mauni Seraji for your enthusiastic cheers during the course of my writing this book. Each of you, in your own unique way, made me believe that I had a story worth sharing.
Stephanie Howse: my heartfelt gratitude for your keen perspectives and insights, and for the ways in which you keep helping.
My dear Sepi: Your insight helped me unravel Pasha better than I ever could by myself. And thanks for cheering me on all the away to the end.
Thank you to my agents, Danielle Egan-Miller and Joanna Mac-Kenzie of Browne & Miller Literary Associates, for your faithful determination, for never giving up, and for being the catalysts for a life-changing experience. Thanks, too, to Alec McDonald for your editorial help and to Mariana Fisher for your early enthusiasm.
And finally, to Ellen Edwards, my gifted and diligent editor: Thank you for taking a chance on me, and for taking on the responsibility of sharing my book with the rest of the world. Working with you has been the ultimate learning experience.

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