Room at the Edge (34 page)

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Authors: Jane Davitt,Alexa Snow

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Room at the Edge
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“Turn over.” Lost in a sensual haze, Jay was a fraction too slow to obey for Liam’s liking. He put the first flick of the whip on Jay’s cock, smiling as Jay, startled, cried out, curling in on himself instinctively. “Did you just break position?”

“I’m sorry!”

Liam let the two flaps at the end of the whip rest against all that aroused, hard thickness he planned to torment and tease. “I didn’t ask if you were sorry. I asked if you broke position.”

“Yes, Sir,” Jay whispered contritely enough, but there was a sparkle in his eyes. Jay loved being punished, enough to risk genuinely displeasing Liam to get it. That was a stumbling block in Liam’s opinion. He was more than willing to deal out the pain Jay craved, but on his own terms. Pleasing his Dom should rank higher than getting his itch scratched. “I’m sorry.”

“You will be,” Liam promised him, his voice even. “I can tie you down for this, but why should I make it easy for you? Arms out to the sides, palms up. Spread your legs. Open up for me.” He shook his head and slapped the insides of Jay’s thighs, a swift back-and-forth of his wrist, the smacks hard enough to have Jay wincing. “Wider than that. Let me see you.”

Jay edged his legs marginally wider, then swallowed hard, the ripple of his throat drawing Liam’s gaze, and spread himself. His arse came off the bed a bare inch or so, mutely offering his cock and balls up for whatever Liam wanted to do to them. As appeasing gestures went, it wasn’t bad.

Liam put his hand on Jay’s stomach and pushed him back down. “Stay. Don’t move. Not an inch. Show me your trust. Show me the obedient submissive we both know you want to be.”

Jay gave the smallest of nods and relaxed into the bed. Liam looked his fill, letting his eyes take in Jay’s long, slender legs, flat stomach, and rigid cock. Then, unable to wait anymore, he raised the whip again and brought it down in quick, sharp flicks, starting at Jay’s feet and working his way upward to his knees and thighs. Jay’s eyelids trembled; somehow, without moving, he seemed to strain toward each strike of the whip, welcoming it.

“You’re so beautiful like this. My pain slut. My Jay.” Liam struck the sensitive area along Jay’s pelvic bones to either side of his cock, loving the dark pink flush that rose to his skin almost immediately. He wanted to press his lips to that skin and feel the heat he’d put there.

Jay was holding position so well for him, but tonight was about pushing limits. Liam enjoyed punishing both his subs for infractions, relishing the discipline he handed out just as much as the quieter thrill of seeing them strive to obey him. But there was a difference between a genuine mistake or failure and a deliberate attempt to force him into doing something he hadn’t planned. Tonight he would make Jay break position and punish him for it, not with any anger or disappointment spurring him on, but purely and simply to show Jay who was in charge.

He raised his hand high enough to make Jay expect a blow with force behind it and brought the whip down on Jay’s balls, pulling back at the last second so that the lick of leather was just that.

Jay yelped and drew his hands in as if to shield his balls. He slammed them back onto the bed an instant later, his breath quickening as he stared up at Liam, shooting him a plaintive glance.

“Oh dear,” Liam said with a sympathetic grimace devoid of sincerity. “What a pity you couldn’t do as you were told.”

“I won’t do it again, Sir.

“Really?” The blow that followed was as hard as Liam could inflict with the light whip, landing on Jay’s thigh, inches away from his balls. “Let’s see.”

He peppered Jay’s torso and upper thighs with strong, sure strokes until Jay’s cock was framed by scarlet skin crossed with darker lines. Jay was panting, his chest rising and falling as he drew in shuddering gulps of air, holding still because moving was risky as hell.

Liam slowly eased back on the weight of the strokes, with Jay so lost to sensation that he didn’t notice. His eyes were closed, his hands, palms upward still, clenching and releasing in jerky, stuttering movements as he moaned.

“Open your eyes.”

He waited until he saw Jay’s gaze lock on to him, then let the ends of the whip taste Jay’s cock, light, quick taps, the sting mounting until Jay was straining every muscle to stay as he’d been placed.

“Sir, please! Oh God, it’s too much—”

Liam shook his head and made the next stroke harder. Jay’s cock was a deep, dark red, the crown flushed a shade darker still, beaded with clear fluid. Liam knew what it tasted like, not as intense a flavor as the acrid flood of spunk that would follow, but unmistakable against his tongue. “Not even close, but I think your arse needs more attention. Hook your legs up and back. Let’s get every inch smarting, shall we?”

With a sob Liam was sure Jay hated himself for letting slip, Jay did as he was told, exposing pale skin, tender, vulnerable, and behind his balls the hole Liam intended to fill with more than his cock.

Liam exhaled, his cock throbbing out a warning. He wanted to come, pump out his spunk into or onto Jay, marking him, possessing him, but the perfectionist side of him demanded he finish what he’d started. And whipping that shamefully neglected flesh was no hardship. It marked so well, and it was amusing to see Jay squirm without actually moving when his arsehole was struck.

Just a little bit longer, he told himself. He felt like an expert with this whip, although he’d only used it half a dozen times or so. It was light in his hand, simple to control—he was able to lick the leather over the spot he was aiming for so that every whimper and gasp of Jay’s belonged to him. None of it was accidental.

Jay was crying steadily now, tears tracking down his cheeks and into his hair. He was being so obedient, not moving at all. It occurred to Liam that at some point in time he might snap some photos of Jay in a state like this one so that he could enjoy them whenever he liked—Jay’s mouth turned down, his skin red, and his cock absurdly hard.

Liam stopped. He let his arm drop down at his side. He’d feel the strain in his shoulder tomorrow, but now it was just a minor ache, easy to ignore. After retrieving the bottle of lube he’d tucked between the mattress and the headboard, he slicked two fingers and pushed them into Jay’s arse without warning. Jay’s lips parted, and he inhaled sharply.

“There,” Liam said, rather inanely, distracted by the heat and clench of Jay’s body around his knuckles. “I think I’ll fuck you now.”

Even as he entertained the thought, his dick twitched. He wouldn’t last a minute like this. He needed to do something to take the edge off.

Making a decision, he moved to the head of the bed and ran his thumb across Jay’s lips. Jay sniffled and licked Liam’s hand tentatively, as if worried he’d be reprimanded but couldn’t resist the temptation. Christ, that was hot. “I’m going to straddle your face,” Liam said. “I think we should put this slut’s tongue of yours to better use.”

Jay’s lips parted at once, but fucking that hot mouth wasn’t what Liam had in mind. Not tonight, with Jay’s face wet with tears, his skin smarting from a whipping. He wanted to ask more of Jay, push them both. He positioned himself so that his arse was over Jay’s mouth, gripping the headboard with hands that yearned to touch Jay’s hot skin. He would’ve spent some minutes doing that, but the need to come was overwhelming. “Rim me. You don’t deserve my cock in you yet. Not after the way you couldn’t hold still. You’ll have to earn that.”

God, he was so cruel to them sometimes.

Jay choked out something that was probably another futile apology, but a moment later he was lapping eagerly, his hands against Liam’s arse, making it easier for him to reach his goal.

The first time they’d done this to him had been during lovemaking, not a session, with Liam facedown on the bed, Jay’s hands, as now, parting his cheeks, the dart and stab of Austin’s tongue so unbearably arousing that he’d come after less than a minute, muffling a groan against the sheets he’d soaked.

To do it like this, reclaiming control of an act that’d conquered him, felt good. With an arrogant grind of his hips, he forced Jay’s tongue deeper, trapping Jay’s head between his thighs, only rising to let Jay take in a ragged breath before urging Jay back to his task.

With his climax imminent, he moved backward and grasped his cock, needing the tight grip of his hand. Jay’s eyes were closed, his face hot and damp, tears and saliva staining his cheeks and lips. Liam grabbed a handful of Jay’s hair, jerking at it roughly. “You want a taste of me? Open up.”

Jay’s lips parted, and he tilted his chin up, his eyes open now. He gave a hopeful whine, his gaze on Liam’s cock, but Liam grinned tightly. “No, you don’t get to suck it. Just what comes out of it. Don’t worry; you’ll get it inside you later. I’m going to fuck your hole raw.”

He had no intention of waiting any longer. With impatient strokes Liam brought himself over the edge, painting Jay’s face with his spunk. Jay tried to catch as much of it with his tongue as he could, but Liam was still gripping his hair, and he couldn’t move very much. He had to lie there and take it—take what Liam was giving him, and he loved it if his blissed-out expression was any indication.

Letting go of Jay’s hair, Liam used that hand to brace himself as he recovered his breath. Jay was obeying, lying without moving, though his tongue still sought out what it could reach along his upper lip and the corners of his mouth.

“Turn over,” Liam said and got off the bed to retrieve the whip. He was turned on enough that he didn’t think he’d get fully soft before he was ready to give Jay the fucking he’d promised him, but he definitely needed a bit of time, and coloring Jay’s back and arse red with the whip ought to buy him just enough.

“I hope I don’t need to remind you not to come.”

“No, Sir,” Jay murmured, face pressed into the pillow.

“Good.” Liam rubbed Jay’s arse, then slapped it a few times, watching it move with the force of his blows, before raising his arm to apply the whip again. He found a rhythm and lost himself in it—sub space existed, and Liam was convinced Dom space did as well. Not always, but occasionally, he managed to slip into it, and this was one of those times, at least on some level. The steady motion of lifting his arm up and then bringing it down so the leather struck Jay’s skin was nearly hypnotizing.

“Enough,” he said eventually, more to himself than Jay. Placing the whip on the dresser, he took a moment to study Jay. God, he was stunning like this, relaxed, floating, but still so very much with Liam, mind and body. Liam got onto the bed and rolled Jay over, ignoring the bitten-off gasp as Jay’s well-whipped back and arse met the sheets.

He drew Jay up into his arms, kissing him, the raw scent of spunk clinging to Jay’s hair and skin, dried flecks of it patterning his face. Jay was a deliciously debauched and erotic sight, and Liam found himself growling as he nipped at Jay’s throat, nuzzling into that smooth, warm skin. Jay was pliant in his arms, returning Liam’s kisses with a fervency that verged on desperate, offering up his throat for Liam’s teeth to mark.

Liam lowered his head to catch a swollen nipple between his teeth, worrying at it until Jay screamed for him, the bruised, tortured scrap of flesh hot against his tongue. Jay clutched Liam’s shoulders, digging his nails in, babbling incoherently as Liam sucked mercilessly hard, alternating bites with licks. Then he pulled back and met Jay’s gaze, a moment of silent communication passing between them as he assessed Jay’s emotional state.

Jay caught his breath, tears spilling out of his eyes. “Hurts,” he said, his throat working, his voice cracking on the word. “God, you don’t know how much it hurts.”

“Yes, I do,” Liam told him, brushing the pad of his thumb over what he’d bitten to the point of agony. “You showed me with every sob, every scream. Good boy.” He moved his hand over and pinched Jay’s other nipple. “Now you get to show me again.”

He was braced for Jay to use his safe word, or for panic to flash through the tear-drenched eyes. What he got was a long sigh of pleasure and Jay swaying forward, arching his back and turning slightly, once again offering himself up without hesitation for Liam’s use.

Liam felt a rush of approval and lust and reached for the silk scarves he’d taken out earlier, glancing at the dildo he’d tucked between the mattress and the footboard. “Close your eyes.”

It didn’t take long to tie Jay securely to the bed, which might well have been designed for that purpose. He bound Jay’s wrists more tightly than his ankles, since he didn’t intend to hold back when fucking him and didn’t want to leave Jay with painful fabric burns, even if Jay wouldn’t have complained. Once it was done, Liam picked up the lube again and slicked his cock, then lined himself up and slid inside Jay’s arse in one smooth motion.

Jay could barely move, tied up as he was, but he trembled as his body clenched hard against the sudden intrusion, and Liam waited for him to relax before continuing. Jay didn’t mind pain, but that didn’t mean Liam was willing to cause damage.

There was enough play in the scarves for Jay to be able to raise his knees a little, but no more than that. The angle wasn’t ideal for a deep, hard fucking, but it didn’t need to be yet. This was Liam playing with his sub. There was a long way to go before it ended. He slid inside Jay, rocking in and out of the tight channel, feeling the heat of Jay’s body wrap around him. Then he paused, supporting himself on his elbow, and bent over, blowing teasingly at the tip of Jay’s cock.

Jay groaned as if he’d used the whip on it, a deep, animalistic sound wrenched out of him. Liam smiled. As aroused as Jay was, anything could bring him to the edge, and it was amusing to push him closer with the gentlest of touches.

“You’re not allowed to come.”

“I know. I won’t, Sir. I won’t.”

“Are you trying to convince me or yourself?” Liam wet his finger and drew it over the tight swell of Jay’s balls, following that with a swift thrust as deep as he could get, a forceful, jolting shove. God, he was going to make good on every promise he’d ever made Jay tonight. Take what was his, show Jay how completely he was owned—and needed.

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