Rory (18 page)

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Authors: Julia Templeton

BOOK: Rory
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“You as well, Lady Anna. I am sure that I shall be seeing more of you now that Marilyn is back in London.”

Anna smiled, her gaze falling on Marilyn. “You can count on it.”

By the time Marilyn took her seat, the majority of the other guests had been seated and were already conversing, including Lady Anna’s companion.

The handsome young man with auburn hair flashed her a warm smile. “Good evening.”

“Good evening. I am Lady Marilyn, Lady Graston’s niece.”

“Ah, yes, my friend Lady Anna talked about you. I am Clinton O’Connor.”

Her pulse skittered and she wondered exactly what Anna had told him about her. Feeling trapped by his gaze, she reached out, grabbed her drink, and lifted it to her lips. “O’Connor. Are you Irish?”

“Indeed, I am.”

“How long have you known her? Lady Anna, that is. Have we met before?”

“I think not. I only arrived in London this last week. I met Lady Anna at a soiree and she was kind enough to take me under her wing and introduce me to some of her friends, including your aunt’s brother-in-law, Lord Ambrose.”

“How very kind of her.”

She was saved from having to make further conversation when the door opened from the kitchen and servants appeared dressed in formal black, carrying silver trays with steaming bowls.

Among the servants was Shannon, her platinum hair twisted in a knot. Even dressed in simple attire, her beauty could not be ignored. Marilyn glanced at Rory, and though he tried to keep from staring, he was struggling, and Lady Kinkade had noticed.

The widow had pulled out all the stops, wearing expensive jewelry and dressed in a stunning scarlet and gold silk dress that put everyone else’s gowns to shame.

You wouldn’t know it, though, by Rory’s lack of interest.

Apparently Shannon had caught more than just Rory’s eye. Beside Marilyn, Clinton sat up straighter as he stared directly at Shannon.

She, in turn, glanced in Clinton’s direction and very nearly walked right into the back of the servant who was in front of her.


hannon was stunned. The last person she had expected to see at the dinner party was her cousin. And yet there he sat, directly beside Lady Marilyn, looking every bit at ease as any of the many bluebloods at the table.

The murdering wretch.

Trembling, she forced herself to calm down and tightened her grip on the wine carafe.

“Are ye all right, lass?” Johnny asked beside her, and she nodded.

Her worst fears had been realized. Clinton had indeed found them, and he had them cornered. There was nowhere to go.

Even more, she had not forewarned her brother of the impending danger. Had Zachary seen Clinton already, or had he been too busy? She would not get a break for the rest of the evening and by then it would be too late. Clinton would be leaving and would possibly see Zachary, and then what would he do? Kill him right there and flee? Certainly he wouldn’t when there were so many other people here. What did he plan, then?

Oh dear God, what had she done? She had not been honest with her brother, and all because she had been afraid that he would insist they leave, and she could not bear to leave Rory.

Rory, the man who made her blood burn, the man she loved. She could feel his stare burning into her, but she could not look at him for fear of what he would see in her eyes.

Fear. And Lord knows he could read her easily enough as it was. He would know in an instant that something was horribly wrong.

She glanced at her cousin. Clinton’s face showed no emotion whatsoever. Just cold indifference.

Someone snapped their fingers and she realized that a guest was trying to gain her attention.

“Stay alert, lass,” Johnny said, looking genuinely concerned about her.

It was Shannon’s duty to keep wine in each of the guests’ glasses, and she approached the portly man who had snapped at her.

Shannon steadied her hands enough to pour the wine without getting any on the table. The man watched her the entire time, his odd body odor making her hold her breath.

She kept an eye on the glasses, and saw that her cousin gulped down his wine. Thankfully, she was assigned to serve the guests on the opposite side of the table, but that did not stop Clinton from taunting her.

He sat back in his seat watching her closely, as though he was daring her to meet his gaze.

Shannon’s gaze skipped to Marilyn. The young woman glanced at her and then looked to Clinton. She reached for her wineglass and took a drink.

Soon enough the carafe was empty, and Shannon was heading back into the kitchen. On the other side of the door she released the breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding.

She didn’t want to go back in there. She had to get to her brother before Clinton did.

Candice walked in. “Are you all right, Shannon?” she asked again. “You’re trembling like a leaf.”

“I need to see my brother.”

She frowned. “All right. I suppose I can cover for you, but do not be long.”

“Thank you, I’ll hurry.”

Rory’s fingers tightened around the goblet as he watched Anna’s dinner companion, the over-friendly Clinton O’Connor, stare at Shannon. His sharp interest seemed to be bothering her, too, because she was much more nervous than usual.

“Your friend is being incredibly rude,” Rory said to Anna, wiping his lips with his napkin. “I am two seconds away from knocking his nose into his skull.”

Anna laughed under her breath. “You noticed his interest in your little lover, I see,” she said, a wicked smile on her lips that slowly faded when she saw he was serious about his threat.

“Oh dear, you do like this one. It is not like you to be intimidated by any man.”

His feelings for Shannon ran deep, and he need not be reminded of his sudden insecurities.

Rory thought of the mysterious man following her in London the other day and wondered if there might be a connection.

Shannon knew Clinton. That much was certain by her reaction. But who was he to her? A jilted betrothed, he thought with a sickening feeling to his stomach. Or perhaps an ex-employer who had been swindled by her brother?

No, the two hardly appeared to be thieves. Plus, he couldn’t envision any employer following servants across an ocean.

He feared of what the connection might be, and given Shan
non’s reaction, it was probably the first. A jilted betrothed who had been cast aside.

A myriad of emotions rushed through him at the thought of another man laying claim to her. She belonged to him, and he would fight for her.

Shannon found Zachary leaning against a post, smoking a cheroot. Obviously shocked to see her, he dropped the tobacco and crushed it with his heel. “Shannon, what are ye doin? I thought you were serving tonight.”

“Clinton is here.”

His eyes widened in alarm and he made a strange, strangling sound. He looked toward the house and raked a hand through his hair. “Oh my God. He is attending the dinner party?”


“How could this have happened?”

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

“What are ye not telling me, Shannon?” He gripped her arms. “You knew he was here all along?” His voice was incredulous.

“Aye, I saw him while I was in London … while we were shopping the other day.”

“You saw him and ye said nothing?” He released her as though her touch had burned him. “What the hell? We could have been long gone from here.”

“I’m sorry, Zach.”

“Sorry will not save us now, will it? He will find us, to be sure. I’ve no doubt.”

Dear God, what had she done?

“What if we tell Lord Graston? Certainly he will protect us.”

“Lord Graston is a good man, but Clinton is one of them now. He has managed to claw his way into Society, and who do
you think they will believe? Us, a couple of servants on the run, or him, a rich businessman?”

“He is rich from our father’s wealth.”

“Do you think it matters to any of those people in there where his money comes from?” he said, motioning toward the manor.

“I’m sorry,” she said again, but Zachary shook his head.

“Bloody hell, what is wrong with ye? Have you lost all sense of self?” His eyes narrowed. “Dear God, it’s because of Lord Ambrose. You didn’t tell me because ye did not want to leave him.”

There was no sense in denying the accusation. “It’s not just Lord Ambrose. I was tired of running. I was happy here. I
happy here.”

“As am I, but for God’s sake, Shannon, I would have at least liked the opportunity to have survived this. Instead, my own sister betrays me.”

He may as well have slapped her. “Then let us leave now,” she whispered.

“We are not prepared, and he would follow. No, we must outwit him.” He ran a hand down his face. “Return to the dining room. Do not let on that anything is amiss. Stay where everyone can see ye, particularly Lord Ambrose. He will not let anything happen to ye.”

“And what of you?”

“I can look after myself. I will stay near Floyd and Johnny.”

“Can you not have another groom step in and take your place?”

“He knows I am here, Shannon. What sense does it make in hiding? He will find me no matter what. Remember, there is safety in numbers.”

“We can leave,” she said again, but he shook his head.

“He would only have us followed. He has others out watching us. I’ve little doubt that someone is watching now.”

She swallowed hard.

“We will wait and see what he does.”

“I fear for you. You sleep in the stables.”

“The door is kept locked at night.”

But she would not put it past her cousin to break the lock. Or what if he set fire to the stables? she thought, feeling sicker by the minute. “Ye had better return before your absence is noted.”

She nodded and started back toward the house, tears clogging her throat. Her selfishness might have caused her own demise, and that of her brother’s too.

“Shannon,” he shouted, and she turned back to look at him.

“Be careful.”

She nodded. “You too.”

Her heart pounded in time with her steps as she approached the servants’ entrance. She reached for the door handle when a hand reached out and grabbed her.

Oh dear God.

“What are you doing, Shannon?”

She released an unsteady breath. “Rory, you scared me.” She had not seen him all day and could not help the feelings of guilt that raged through her now. Last night Johnny had been so kind to her, and she had enjoyed his company, but she could not help but feel like she was being unfaithful to Rory.

“I couldn’t help but notice your replacement at dinner. I was worried.”

“I had to talk to Zachary.”

His brows furrowed and his eyes searched hers. “It must have been urgent if it couldn’t wait until after dinner.”

She hated lying to him and wished more than anything she
could be honest. “I heard he was not feeling well, so I went to see for myself.”

“And how is he faring?”

“He is going to speak to Floyd and see if he can take the rest of the night off.”

“A good idea. Perhaps you should take the rest of the night off as well.”

She nodded. “Perhaps.”

His eyes were so intense it was difficult to keep his gaze. He tilted his head slightly. “Who is Clinton O’Connor to you, Shannon?”

She did her best to school her features. “Who?”

“The redheaded gentleman seated beside Marilyn. The man who makes you so nervous. You clearly know him from somewhere.”

She shifted on her feet. “The only reason I am nervous is because he stares … and that makes me uncomfortable.”

His eyes narrowed. “Why do I feel you are keeping something from me?”

She dropped her gaze to his cravat. Why did she feel like they were not only speaking about Clinton?

“Tell me, Shannon.”

It was difficult to remind herself that she hadn’t known Rory for all that long, and that he could be out of her life as easily as he had come into it.

With a muttered curse, he pulled her into the house; then he kissed her, deeply, his mouth relentless. Her arms slid around his strong shoulders and she clung to him. He made all her senses go awry.

His hands moved down her back, over her buttocks, where he pulled her tight against his huge erection. It had been twenty-four hours since they’d last made love, and yet it felt like an eternity.

Moaning against her mouth, he pulled away the slightest bit. “I wish I could stay here with you, but I must return.”

“As do I.”

“No, I will tell Lillith and Victor that you retired for the night. Go there and do not leave. Come to my room at midnight.”

She melted against him, wishing more than anything that he could take her far, far away from here. She knew that time was ticking, that she and Zachary would have to leave soon.


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