Rose Victory - Eagle Series (27 page)

BOOK: Rose Victory - Eagle Series
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As Roydon and Roslyn dutifully followed the
king, Henry glanced back, completely failing to keep the amusement from his face.  “This time, Eagle, please do not crush my favourite goblet with your hand!”

sighed; King Henry did not need him to
to court to start enjoying himself at his expense.  He was squeezing all he could from this visit before he left too.



The End <><>



Read on
for a short excerpt of the sequel to EAGLE LADY.

the second book in the Eagle series tells the story of Aguilus…

Eagle Knight


Rose Victory





In the year of our Lord 1185 Henry II rules England.  A strong and capable King, Henry brought peace and prosperity, law and order to a kingdom over which he had already reigned for 30 years at the start of this story.  Richard (subsequently known as ‘Lion Heart’) was one of his sons, as was Prince John, both were also to rule England in later years.  Princess Elizabeth is a fictional daughter to King Henry created especially for this tale.  



A fictional country located on the north-eastern shores of the Mediterranean Sea.  Salmonia is a small but prosperous kingdom whose capital city, Lonlit, is a thriving centre for trade in the region.  The port city of Tuamssun is one of the most important seaports in the whole region attracting commerce from both the east and west.  King Soren rules Salmonia, his royal line has reigned for hundreds of years without interruption.  They have always succeeded in keeping the country’s borders intact in spite of the sporadic attempts at annexation from its northern neighbour Kremland.



Gibel is a small country situated at the entrance to the Mediterranean Sea and which extends up into the Iberian Peninsula.  King Nestor rules his kingdom from his citadel on the royal island fortress located at the south most tip of his kingdom.  Nestor is also the leader of the Eagle Clan, a secret tribe of eagle shifters that has its largest settlement in Gibel.  The eagle king is father to twins, both with the ability to transform.  Paz, his son and heir
, and Roslyn (Eagle Lady) who is married to Roydon de Mountroi, Earl of Eagle Rock.  Lord Roydon rules an extensive holding located in northern England.

Chapter One





The reflection of the flames danced across the walls of the chamber as they licked and devoured the logs in the fireplace.  The man sitting on a high backed chair by the hearth stared unseeingly at the burning wood, his thoughts as far removed from the present as his lofty ambitions were from his current reality.  The only illumination in the chamber came from the crackling flames, one moment highlighting his dark, uncompromising features and the next throwing grotesque shadows across his face.

A second, louder knock at the door finally roused the man from his thoughts.  An angry frown marred his face as he turned his eyes away from the flames.  “Come.”

A faint glimmer of torchlight from the passage outside the chamber spilled into the room as the heavy oak door swung slowly, almost hesitantly, inwards.  A slight figure stood on the threshold of the chamber, partially blocking out the extra light and leaving the man by the fire in half shadow. 

“Our men have returned, Highness.  They slipped in just before we closed the main gate.”  The newcomer paused as if unsure if he should continue in view of the heavy silence that greeted his words.  Unable to stand the tension and the brooding stare that he felt sure were being directed at him, he quickly finished his report.  “They completed their task.  The woman is dead.”

“They just killed her?”  The man by the fireplace spoke softly but the deadly menace in his tone caused a cold shiver to run down the spine of the man in the doorway.

“No!  No, sir!  They took her from her protectors and then killed her, just as you ordered, Highness.  They swear they hid her body so well that it will never be found.”

“I hope, for their sakes, that it is so.”  The quiet words needed no further enhancement to convey what would be the fate of those selfsame men, or any others, who dared to disobey or oppose him.  For a moment orange firelight swept across the seated man’s face making his dark eyes glitter, the next moment the figure was again covered in shadow.

“Your plan to hide the body will give us time while they search for the woman.”  The slim man tried to hide his anxiety by toadying to the Prince.  “He will not be able to look for, or acquire another bride until they are sure that the first one is not going to suddenly appear.  That was great thinking, sir.  It will give us more time to get to him.”

The Prince said nothing, but the other man sensed more than saw a slight movement in the darkness, a nod of his head, maybe.  A question seemed to hung in the air.

“Our men also brought news of our agent, Highness.”

“Did he get the position, Sukis?”  For the first time a thread of concern could be heard in the Prince’s voice.

“Yes, sir!” Sukis replied quickly.  “We now have someone at court to do our bidding.”

“My bidding.” The assertion cut across the chamber like a whip lash.

For a moment the only sound in the room came from the crackling fire and the sudden uneasy, rapid breathing of the man by the door.

“Of course, Highness.  Of course.  I only meant…”  Sukis moistened his dry lips with the tip of his tongue, but his words had also dried up.

“I want no contact made with him whatsoever.  He must be ready and above all suspicion when I require his services.”

“It shall be as you order, Highness.”  Sukis licked his lips nervously again.  “It will be a long time before he gains a position of sufficient trust at court so that you can use him, sir.” On this occasion Sukis clearly saw the curt nod that acknowledged his words.

“I am a patient man, Sukis, but I will achieve my destiny




Eagle Rock



The young man gazed at the flames dancing and leaping among the logs in the fireplace.  A smile teased his lips as the sounds of revelry coming from the Great Hall penetrated even this high
, remote chamber.  He had thought the feast to be at its height when he had left just over an hour ago, he smiled, apparently not.  Even though he was fasting, his presence at the celebration had been mandatory.  Not that he would have missed it anyway.  The light-hearted teasing and good-natured prodding from his friends and family on this, the eve of one of the most important days of his life, had been continuous and vastly entertaining until he had left for his cleansing ritual at sunset.

Now bathed and dressed in black hose and the white long sleeved tunic symbolis
ing purity that tradition demanded, he waited by the fire.   Slowly his eyes roamed the chamber.  This room would be his sanctuary and refuge from tomorrow, a place to call his own.  Smaller than his father’s chamber a floor below, it was nevertheless big enough to accommodate a large bed, several clothes and weapons chests and still leave enough space in front of the hearth for a chair.  There would be even more space when the big tub he had used for bathing had been removed.  The suite even boasted a small ante-chamber outside this room, just like that of his parent’s chambers downstairs. 

The young man
’s face softened in nostalgic recollection.  His father’s ante-chamber had been his sleeping quarters for the last nine years, ever since he had come home at the age of nine.  As his father’s squire it had been his duty and honour to be always available to his lord should his services be required at any time during the day or night.  But now, after tomorrow, he would be entitled to a place of his own and he had chosen these chambers.  They would both keep him near his lord should his presence be needful, and he would also have direct access to the roof of the tower via a staircase in the ante-chamber.  His smile widened.  Direct access to the tower’s battlements from his chambers would come in very useful indeed.

Leaving the fireside the squire walked over to the oversized bed.  For a moment his hand trailed along the green velvet bed curtains.  The curtains, bed cover and light tapestries that covered the two narrow windows had been a present from his mother and sisters.  The small golden eagles embroidered on the cloth glittered in the light of the myriad candles
that burned around the room.  Even his little sister Jaydene, just five summers old last week, had helped with the stitching.  His golden eyes darkened with affection as his fingers caressed one of the misshapen little motifs.  He could tell, without a single doubt, which of the birds had been sewn by his little sister.  Embroidery and needlework were definitely not something the girl excelled at.  Never to be found where she should be, continually under everyone’s feet, she was still the family’s little angel. 

A soft knock at the door herald the arrival of Lord Roydon de Mountroi
; the Earl of Eagle Rock and the squire’s lord and father.  The son was a near mirror image of his father.  Both had the same strong jaw, high cheekbones and firm, uncompromising lips under the large aquiline nose that made it impossible to deny the close blood relationship between the two men.  A score and ten years separated them in age and only the dusting of silver at the older man’s temples and the lines of experience and maturity etched into his face marked the difference between father and son.  Except for the eyes.  Whereas the Earl’s eyes were a deep black, his son had inherited his from his mother; the bright golden eyes of his mother’s people.

“You are ready, Aguilus?”  The
Earl looked at his son, unconcealed pride in his eyes as he studied the strapping young man.  Tall, and already well on his way to achieving the heavy muscle and physique that would mark him as a formidable adversary on the battlefield, it was nevertheless his strength of purpose and loyalty that would mould him into the strong and capable man that would one day rule this Holding that they both loved so much.   

“Yes, Father.”  Aguilus did not have to raise his eyes too far up to meet his father’s gaze. 
Two inches separated them in height and he had high hopes of attaining his sire’s six foot six inch stature before he stopped growing.  The Earl’s wide shoulders and heavy musculature was something else altogether.  Those could only be achieved through daily training and gruelling exercises with sword, battle axe and other weapons.   At two score and eight, his father remained undefeated on either battle or training field.  The only exception was his long time friend and commander of the castle garrison.  Only Sir Stefan was his equal in strength and skill at arms, on occasion they would agree to a draw or concede the field to each other.

“Let us proceed to the Chapel then.  Your sponsors await you in the Hall.”  The
Earl stood aside to allow his son to precede him and then just as the young man stepped by, he stopped him with a hand on his shoulder.  “Are you nervous, son?”

“No, sir.”  Aguilus grinned, “Well, maybe just a little.”

Lord Roydon pointed to the red cloak lying forgotten on the bed and smiled.  “It’s alright to feel apprehensive, Aguilus.”  The Earl picked up the floor length cloak and arranged it over the squire’s shoulders.  Its colour symbolised nobility and his son certainly did not fall short in that respect.  “It is a big step that you will be taking on the morrow.  The oaths you swear will be your driving force and guiding light for the rest of your life.  They are not to be taken lightly and your concern is a sign of your understanding of what lies before you.

“Know this too,” the
Earl paused and his dark eyes looked deeply into the young man’s golden ones.  “You are my son, my first born and I would have you no other way.  You are but ten and eight but I am proud of you and of what you have achieved.  You are more than ready to take on the mantle of knighthood, never for a moment doubt that.”

“My lord
…Father!”  Totally unselfconsciously Aguilus fell on one knee before the Earl, his head bowed in respect and gratitude.  “Thank you, Father.”

Roydon looked down at his son’s bent head and felt a wave of emotion grip his heart. 
A moment passed before he could speak.  “You have my blessing, Aguilus.”  The nobleman laid a gentle hand on the bowed head.  “As you have always had it since the day you appeared in my Hall with no manners to speak of and an unstoppable tongue.  But you also showed courage, loyalty and an inner nobility that surrounds you to this day.  I am very well satisfied with my heir.”

    Aguilus rose to his feet, his eyes suspiciously moist, he fisted his hands tightly at his sides. 
Now he suddenly felt self-conscious of what he wished, no, needed to do.

Roydon smiled ruefully as his gaze rested on the boy and he tried to ease the emotionally charged situation.  “If Stefan were here, he would be endangering his life at this very moment by suggesting that what I need right now is a hug.”

Then Aguilus realised that his father’s need seemed to be as urgent and necessary as his own.  His diffidence fell away and returning the rueful smile Aguilus opened his arms and walked into his sire’s embrace.  “Uncle Stefan is a very intelligent man.  I will never be too old to show you my love or to receive your love and protection in return, Father.”

“God, Aguilus!”  Roydon held his son tightly for a moment and then stepped back, trying to regain his composure.  “Stefan and Ivan are

“Aguilus!  Aguilus!”  The high pitched cry reverberated around the chamber before a small whirlwind of a child erupted into the squire’s room.  The moment she saw the
Earl the girl came to an abrupt stop, her eyes opening wide in alarm and one hand coming up to cover her mouth in dismay.

“What, may I ask
, are you doing here at this hour?  And in your nightclothes!”  Roydon pinned his five year old daughter in place with a stern look, his eyebrows raised in query.

“Father!  I
…I didn’t know you were here.”  The child looked up at the Earl, a tentative smile breaking through her expression of surprised shock at being caught out in her transgression, and by her father no less.  “Good evening, Father,” she curtseyed prettily and then lifting her long, white nightgown she prepared to dash from the room.   

Half a heart beat later the girl found herself raised up off the floor, her legs dangling in the air, as the Earl held her at arm’s length her small face level with his eyes.  “That much is obvious, young lady.  Now answer my question.  Why are you running around the castle at this hour and barefoot no less, when you should have been in bed long ago?”  Roydon gave his daughter a little shake.  “Haven’t I told you before that it is dangerous to wander the halls at night?”  The Earl shook his head in exasperation as he drew the child to him and held her with one arm as he rubbed her cold feet with his other hand.  “Why are you so disobedient, Jaydene?”

The girl hung her head at the displeasure she heard in her father’s voice.  “I am sorry, Father.”  Jayd
ene peeked up at the Earl, her brilliant green eyes awash in tears.  “I won’t do it again, I promise.”

And the problem was that the
Earl knew that the girl was sincere in her apology and her promise, until the next time.  The child was an unstoppable bundle of energy, her maids and ladies forever running in her wake or searching her out.  He relaxed his stern expression but did not relent from his questioning.  “Why are you here, Jaydene?”

“I just wanted to
…”  Jaydene lifted a hand and for the first time Roydon noticed the wooden doll that his daughter held in her grasp.  The girl glanced shyly at her brother and then quickly away as if too embarrassed to continue.

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