Rosen & Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult (23 page)

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Authors: Jeffrey J. Schaider,Adam Z. Barkin,Roger M. Barkin,Philip Shayne,Richard E. Wolfe,Stephen R. Hayden,Peter Rosen

Tags: #Medical, #Emergency Medicine

BOOK: Rosen & Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult
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Elder abuse may include the following:

  • Emotional abuse:
    • Insults
    • Humiliation
    • Threats to institutionalize or abandon
  • Physical and/or sexual abuse:
    • Hitting
    • Slapping
    • Pushing
    • Burning
    • Inappropriate restraining
    • Forced sexual activity
  • Material exploitation:
    • Stealing or coercion involving patient money or property
  • Neglect:
    • Behaviors by a patient or caregiver that compromise the patient’s health or safety
    • Failure to provide adequate food, shelter, hygiene, and/or medical attention
Incidence and Prevalence Estimates
  • In the US., 1–2 million cases age 65 or older mistreated by someone on whom they depend (these numbers likely will increase in the near term as US age demographics shift):
    • 55% neglect
    • 14.6% physical mistreatment
    • 12.3% financial exploitation
    • 7.7% emotional mistreatment
    • 0.3% sexual abuse
    • 6.1% all other types
    • 4% unknown
  • Family members, including partners and adult children, are perpetrators in approximately 90% of cases
  • For every case of financial exploitation reported, 25 cases likely unreported
  • Elder abuse (even modest abuse) is associated with a 300% greater risk of death as well as increased rates of additional health problems such as chronic pain, bone/joint, digestive or psychological disorders (compared to the non-abused)
  • Caregiver stress, dependency, or psychopathology
  • Victim dependency or diminishment of ability to perform activities of daily living

Variable, possibly inconsistent, history or physical findings

  • Not willing or able to obtain adequate food/clothing/shelter
  • Not providing for personal hygiene/safety
  • Delay in obtaining medical care/previously untreated medical condition
  • Vague (or implausible/inappropriate) explanations
  • Disparities between histories given by patient and caregiver
  • Caregiver who insists on giving the patient’s history
  • Medication difficulties:
    • Incorrect doses
    • Lost medications
    • Unfilled prescriptions
  • Altered interpersonal interactions:
    • Withdrawn
    • Indifferent
    • Demoralized
    • Fearful
    • Substance abuse
  • Caregiver with:
    • Financial dependence on patient
    • Substance abuse or psychiatric or violence history
    • Controlling behavior (may refuse to leave elder alone with physician) or poor knowledge
    • Significant life stressors
    • Relationship issues
    • Financial difficulties
    • Legal problems
  • Inconsistent findings:
    • Patterns or variable-age bruises, burns, lacerations/abrasions
    • Unusual sites of bruising (inner arm, torso, buttocks, scalp)
    • Poor hygiene (inadequate care of skin, nails, teeth)
  • Unexplained injuries:
    • Bruised or bleeding genital or rectal area
    • Wrist or ankle lesions suggestive of restraint use
  • Findings that may be consistent with neglect or delay in seeking/obtaining medical attention:
    • Dehydration
    • Weight loss
    • Decubitus ulcer
    • Malnutrition

Perform any exam and lab or radiographic studies as indicated by the patient’s condition.

  • Obtain history without family members/caregivers present:
    • Abused elders may fear institutionalization if they report caregivers.
    • Many may feel embarrassment and responsibility for abuse.
    • Frequently will not volunteer information
    • Ask patient specifically about abuse or neglect (in private)
  • Patient’s medical condition may influence quality of history obtained
  • Obtain history from caregivers/other relatives/friends/neighbors
  • Document a clear and detailed description of findings including the following:
    • Statements of the patient as they pertain to the abuse
    • Psychosocial history:
      • Family and other social relationships
      • Caregiver burdens/coping mechanisms
      • Drug/ethanol (Etoh) use
      • Prior adult protective services reports
    • Skin and other physical findings:
      • Photographic documentation
      • Safety assessment

As appropriate for medical condition(s)


As appropriate for medical condition(s)

Diagnostic Procedures/Surgery

As appropriate for medical condition(s)

  • Patient may present with any chief complaint:
    • Potential differential diagnosis is nonspecific.
    • Abuse best identified by asking patient directly in a setting apart from caregivers/family and correlating with risk factors and provider findings
  • Differentiate findings consistent with other disease entities from abuse/neglect:
    • Dehydration
    • Ill-fitting dentures
    • Burns
    • Ecchymosis
    • Insomnia
    • Medication noncompliance
    • Dementia
    • Depression

Observe details of the patient’s environment that may not be immediately available to the hospital care team, including the following:

  • Interpersonal interactions at the scene:
    • Embarrassment
    • Shame
    • Fear of reprisal, abandonment, and/or institutionalization
  • Conditions in the physical environment that present a potential danger
  • ABCs
  • Treat life-threatening medical/traumatic conditions as appropriate.
  • May require separation of the patient and the caregiver or family member
  • Social work referral:
    • Safety planning
    • Respite planning for caregiver
    • Adult protective services referral
  • Competent elder patients are free to accept or decline treatment or disposition despite risks they may incur.
  • General measures appropriate to the medical/traumatic conditions identified, including:
    • Fluids
    • Medications
    • Surgery
    • Diet
    • Activity
    • Nursing care
    • Physical therapy
Admission Criteria

Disposition determined by medical condition and home environment:

  • Medical condition requiring admission
  • Abuse or neglect renders home conditions unsafe.
  • Need for more information or time to enhance objective decision making and patient management
Discharge Criteria
  • Medical condition(s) addressed
  • Safe environment available
  • Abuse or neglect successfully countered by social services and/or law enforcement
Issues for Referral
  • Many states have mandatory reporting requirements:
    • Comply with area legal requirements.
  • Alcohol/drug treatment as appropriate
  • Notify adult protective services.

As appropriate for medical condition(s)

  • Entertaining the possibility of abuse or neglect in an elder patient offers the best possibility of diagnosis and successful intervention.
  • Only ∼1/3 of healthcare providers identified a case of elder abuse in the past year.
  • Current data are inconclusive about the effectiveness of interventions for diminishing recurrence of elder abuse.
  • Obtain the aid of social worker, physicians trusted by the patient, even an ethics consultant, should a vulnerable competent elder seek to decline an elder abuse/neglect investigation.

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