Rosen & Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult (489 page)

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Authors: Jeffrey J. Schaider,Adam Z. Barkin,Roger M. Barkin,Philip Shayne,Richard E. Wolfe,Stephen R. Hayden,Peter Rosen

Tags: #Medical, #Emergency Medicine

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Pediatric Considerations

Trauma is the most common cause of acquired oculomotor nerve palsies


A careful history and physical exam are vital to narrow down the differential diagnosis


History is of utmost importance in determining cause:

  • Headache
  • Pupillary dilation
  • Eye pain
  • Diplopia
  • Blurry vision
  • History of long-standing diabetes mellitus
  • Head trauma, either recent or distant
  • Unintentional weight loss
  • Signs and symptoms of infection
  • Sudden onset of severe headache, meningeal signs, photophobia
  • Proptosis
  • Lid swelling
  • Ophthalmologic exam:
    • Extraocular movements
    • Fundoscopic exam for papilledema
    • Ipsilateral and contralateral pupillary reaction
    • Ptosis
    • Diplopia
    • Chemosis or conjunctival injection
    • Tenderness
    • Visual acuity
    • Exophthalmos
  • Pupil sparing lesion:
    • Ptosis
    • Globe is “down and out”
    • No elevation, depression, or adduction
    • Normal pupil exam
    • CN IV, V, VI intact
    • Usually no other neurologic signs/symptoms
    • Most commonly caused by ischemia in adults
    • Also consider giant cell arteritis and trauma
  • Pupil-involving lesion:
    • Anisocria is present with a dilated pupil on affected side
    • Need to rule out compressive aneurysm
  • Incomplete, 3rd CN palsy:
    • May have involvement of 1 or more extraocular muscle and may or may not involve pupil
  • Look for associated symptoms:
    • Extremity weakness
    • Changes in speech
    • Dysfunction of other CNs
    • Gait or coordination

CT/MRI of brain, orbit, sinuses


When indicated based on history and physical exam:

  • CBC with differential
  • ESR
  • Antinuclear antibodies, rheumatoid factor to evaluate for vasculitis
  • Lumbar puncture
  • MRI/MRA of brain and cerebral vessels particularly when pupil is involved
  • CT angiogram
  • Cerebral arteriogram: Has associated risk of neurologic morbidity and mortality
  • Doppler imaging for arteriovenous malformations, dural sinus thrombosis
Diagnostic Procedures/Surgery
  • Intraocular pressure to exclude glaucoma
  • Slit-lamp exam:
    • Observe structural abnormalities of iris or anterior chamber
  • Intracranial infections
  • Malignancy
  • Vasculitis
  • Aneurysms
  • Myasthenia gravis
  • Botulism
  • Orbital infections
  • Trauma
  • Lens pathology
  • Retinal pathology
  • Glaucoma
  • MS
Pediatric Considerations

Consider congenital oculomotor nerve palsy


Without associated trauma, no specific pre-hospital care issues exist

  • Initial stabilization of trauma patient should concentrate on underlying injuries
  • Any patient with evidence of herniation should have the following measures to control intracranial pressure:
    • Intubation using rapid-sequence induction and controlled ventilation to a PCO
      level of 35–40 mm Hg
    • Elevate head of bed 30°
    • Mannitol
  • Differentiation between incomplete and complete oculomotor or pupil-involving vs. pupil-sparing nerve palsy guides focus of ED treatment
  • All patients younger than 50 yr with any extent of 3rd nerve palsy should be evaluated for a compressive lesion
  • If pupil is involved, neuroimaging is indicated as well as consultation to determine cause
  • If pupil is spared and the patient has diabetes or other risk for an ischemic 3rd nerve, discharge is likely reasonable with outpatient follow-up:
    • If partial sparing or patient does not have these risk factors, consultation and neuroimaging is indicated
  • Medication regimen determined by cause:
    • Aneurysm:
      • Control severe HTN.
      • Decrease intracranial pressure
      • Controlled ventilation
      • Elevation of head
      • Mannitol
    • Intracranial tumor: Control increasing intracranial pressure
    • Inflammation and edema: Decrease with IV steroids.
    • Meningitis:
      • Rapid administration of IV antibiotics
      • IV steroids may be useful to decrease inflammatory response and edema
    • Vasculitis and collagen vascular diseases: Decrease inflammatory cell infiltration with IV steroids
    • Neuropathy: Myasthenia gravis—edrophonium chloride test
  • Neurosurgical consultation as appropriate
Pediatric Considerations

MRI/MRA is indicated for all children with a 3rd nerve palsy

  • Ceftriaxone: 1–2 g (peds: 50–100 mg/kg) IV
  • Dexamethasone: 10 mg IV (peds: 0.15–0.5 mg/kg IV single dose in ED)
  • Edrophonium chloride: 5–8 mg IV (peds: 0.15 mg/kg IV; 1/10 test dose given 1st)
  • Mannitol: 1 g/kg IV (peds: Not routinely recommended)
  • Methylprednisolone: Adults/peds: 1–2 mg/kg IV single dose in ED
Admission Criteria
  • Complete oculomotor nerve palsy of any cause requires admission and emergency neurosurgical evaluation
  • Incomplete oculomotor nerve palsy with abnormal CT or MRI, abnormal lab studies, or other focal neurologic or constitutional symptoms should receive prompt neurologic consultation and imaging
Discharge Criteria
  • Incomplete oculomotor nerve palsy with negative CT or MRI, normal lab studies, and no other symptoms can be referred for urgent outpatient neurologic evaluation
  • Complete pupil-sparing oculomotor palsy in patients with risk factors for microvascular disease (i.e., diabetic) can receive outpatient neurologic workup

If the patient is being discharged, prompt neurologic follow-up is required

  • Complete lesions must be assessed rapidly
  • Patients <50 yr old with any extent of CN III palsy should be evaluated for compressive lesions
  • If the pupil is involved, compressive lesions are often the cause and immediate MRI/MRA is indicated
  • Bruce BB, Biousse V, Newman NJ. Third nerve palsies.
    Semin Neurol
    . 2007;27:257–268.
  • Chen CC, Pai YM, Wang RF, et al. Isolated oculomotor nerve palsy from minor head trauma.
    Br J Sports Med
    . 2005;39:e34.
  • Woodruff MM, Edlow JA. Evaluation of third nerve palsy in the emergency department.
    J Emerg Med
    . 2008;35:239–246.
  • Yanovitch T, Buckley E. Diagnosis and management of third nerve palsy.
    Curr Opin Ophthalmol.
  • 378.51 Third or oculomotor nerve palsy, partial
  • 378.52 Third or oculomotor nerve palsy, total
  • H49.00 Third [oculomotor] nerve palsy, unspecified eye
  • H49.01 Third [oculomotor] nerve palsy, right eye
  • H49.02 Third [oculomotor] nerve palsy, left eye
Amy V. Kontrick

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