Rosen & Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult (505 page)

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Authors: Jeffrey J. Schaider,Adam Z. Barkin,Roger M. Barkin,Philip Shayne,Richard E. Wolfe,Stephen R. Hayden,Peter Rosen

Tags: #Medical, #Emergency Medicine

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Admission Criteria

Disposition determined by medical condition and persistence of pain.

  • Medical condition requiring admission.
  • Uncontrolled pain.
Discharge Criteria
  • Medical condition(s) addressed
  • Pain relief defined as a final evaluation of pain ≤3/10, or a decrease of pain ≥50% from the baseline, or if the acceptable level of pain is reached for an individual patient.
  • Physicians may control pain well in the ED with IV titration, but risk poor pain control after discharge with oral opioids:
    • Be aware of conversion rates between opioids.
    • Be aware of conversion from IV to oral dosing.
    • Opioids should be prescribed at fixed intervals to control pain, with additional as-needed doses as required.
Issues for Referral

Recurrence of pain despite adequate analgesic treatment or new unexpected pain requires a reassessment of the diagnosis and consideration of alternative causes for the pain.


As appropriate for medical condition(s).

  • In case of severe pain, initiate pain relief simultaneously with the primary assessment.
  • Regular assessment of pain leads to improved pain management.
  • Nonpharmacologic measures are effective in providing pain relief and should always be considered and used when possible.
  • Titrating relatively high doses of opioid provides the best chance of delivering rapid and effective analgesia.
  • Albrecht E, Taffe P, Yersin B, et al. Undertreatment of acute pain (oligoanalgesia) and medical practice variation in prehospital analgesia of adult trauma patients: A 10 yr retrospective study.
    Br J Anaesth.
  • Guéant S, Taleb A, Borel-Kühner J, et al. Quality of pain management in the emergency department: Results of a multicentre prospective study.
    Eur J Anaesthesiol.
  • Todd KH, Ducharme J, Choiniere M, et al. Pain in the emergency department: Results of the pain and emergency medicine initiative (PEMI) multicenter study.
    J Pain.
  • 338.19 Other acute pain
  • 338.29 Other chronic pain
  • 780.96 Generalized pain
  • G89.4 Chronic pain syndrome
  • G89.29 Other chronic pain
  • R52 Pain, unspecified
Stephen R. Hayden
  • Direct epigastric blow compressing pancreas against vertebral column resulting in blunt trauma
  • Injury to pancreas from penetrating object
Pediatric Considerations
  • Trauma affects proportionately larger areas, leading to multisystem injuries.
  • Children have less protective muscle and SC tissue.
  • Malpositioned seat belts and child abuse need to be considered in small children.
  • Children will less often present with hypotension.
  • Penetrating trauma: Most common mechanism
  • Blunt trauma: Deep location of pancreas requires significant force to cause injury:
    • Steering wheel, seat belts, or bicycle handlebars to abdomen
    • In children, evaluate for nonaccidental trauma

90% of pancreatic injuries associated with injuries to adjacent structures:

  • Liver, stomach
  • Major arteries and veins
  • Spleen, kidney
  • Duodenum, colon, small bowel
  • Common bile duct, gallbladder
  • Spine: Chance fracture

Extent of pancreatic injury may not be apparent on initial evaluation.

  • Abdominal pain:
    • Diffuse or epigastric
    • Often out of proportion to physical exam and vital signs
  • Soft-tissue contusion in upper abdomen
  • Injury to lower ribs or costal cartilage
  • Acute abdomen, often associated with other intra-abdominal injuries
  • Concomitant splenic injury can present initially as dull back pain
  • Hypotension
  • Grey Turner sign:
    • Flank ecchymosis
  • Cullen sign:
    • Periumbilical ecchymosis

Concise; details of incident especially important for blunt trauma

  • Inspect for abrasions, contusions, penetrating wounds:
    • Must log roll patient for full inspection.
    • Look for seat belt–related injuries.
  • Auscultate for presence or absence of bowel sounds.
  • Palpate to determine location and severity of pain, presence of guarding, and rebound tenderness.
  • Rectal exam for occult blood, vaginal exam, or penile exam
  • Serial physical exams and vital signs for unidentified injuries

Vascular injury is the most common cause of mortality related to pancreatic injury. Suspicion necessitates immediate evaluation and possible surgical exploration.

  • Pace of workup is dictated by patient condition and other injuries.
  • Abdominal CT with IV contrast is essential to evaluate for pancreatic trauma.
  • MRCP is being used more frequently in trauma centers to better evaluate ductal injury.
  • Blood type, screen, or cross-match
  • Hematocrit, WBC with differential, complete metabolic profile
  • Amylase:
    • Not a reliable indicator of pancreatic trauma
    • Serial levels may increase sensitivity, but specificity still poor.
    • Elevated amylase may be early indicator of potential pancreatic injury.
    • Normal amylase does not rule out pancreatic injury.
    • More sensitive and specific if detected in diagnostic peritoneal lavage (DPL) fluid
  • Lipase:
    • No more specific for pancreatic injury
  • Urinalysis
  • Pregnancy test
  • Alcohol and drug screening if indicated
  • Prothrombin time/partial thromboplastin time, BUN, and creatinine
  • Note that all imaging tests may miss pancreatic injury.
  • Cervical spine, CXRs, and pelvis films as for all blunt trauma patients
  • Bedside US/FAST scan
  • CT scan with IV contrast, helical/MDCT if available:
    • Shows better contrast enhancement of pancreatic parenchyma than standard scanning
    • MDCT is particularly useful in pediatric populations
  • Magnetic retrograde cholangiopancreatography:
    • Noninvasive evaluation of injury to ductal components
  • Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography:
    • Useful for patients with persistent hyperamylasemia
    • Unexplained abdominal symptoms
    • Some advocating early use to minimize complications
  • Operative exploration and intraoperative cholangiogram remains the ideal diagnostic modality, particularly if patient is unstable.
Diagnostic Procedures/Surgery

DPL to identify intraperitoneal injuries:

  • Check fluid for amylase level.
  • May still miss significant pancreatic injury

Other or associated abdominal traumatic injuries


Transport to closest trauma center.

  • Airway management, resuscitation as indicated with crystalloids, colloids, or blood products
  • Nasogastric-tube suction may be especially helpful in the setting of pancreatic trauma.

Follow standard trauma treatment for blunt abdominal trauma:

  • Penetrating trauma:
    • Tetanus prophylaxis and broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy
  • Intra-abdominal injury requiring operative intervention:
    • Broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy
  • Must cover for colonic bacteria:
    • Aerobic:
      Escherichia coli, Enterobacter, Klebsiella, Enterococcus
    • Anaerobic:
      Bacteroides fragilis, Clostridium, Peptostreptococcus

Follow ABCDE of trauma and resuscitate unstable patient with emergent surgical consultation or transfer to trauma center as indicated:

  • Evaluate for associated abdominal injury.
  • Choose imaging modality for rapid evaluation (CT and/or MRCP).
  • Early identification of ductal injuries has been shown to reduce morbidity and mortality.
  • Surgical: Pancreaticoduodenectomy, distal pancreatectomy, endoscopic stent (controversial), sump/closed suction drainage
  • East Trauma Guidelines 2009
  • Level III evidence: Grade I and II injuries: Drainage Grade III–V injuries: Resection and drainage

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