Rose's Pledge (27 page)

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Authors: Dianna Crawford,Sally Laity

Tags: #Fiction, #Christian, #Romance

BOOK: Rose's Pledge
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Dear Heavenly Father, You promised never to leave me or forsake me. Please take away this fear I have inside. Help me to be brave. Please, give me rest. And please, please, bring back Nate

Something pulled Rose’s hair. She opened her eyes to see a smiling Jenny Ann with her tiny hand entwined in Rose’s night braid.

Remembering the uncertainty of the night before, Rose felt for the loaded musket lying on the dirt floor beside her pallet, where she’d tucked it beneath the edge of her top blanket for protection. She’d caught only short snatches of sleep, and from the brightness of the light seeping past the flapped opening, she must have overslept.

She got up quickly, noticing she still wore her clothes from the previous day. She’d been too nervous to change into her nightshift, but here she was, just as safe as before Mr. Smith passed away. The Susquehannock brothers proved to be honorable men.

Once she got the banked embers going to warm the wigwam, she changed the baby’s diaper layered with its crushed moss for a dry one while Jenny giggled and played with the braid dangling over Rose’s shoulder. Then she bundled the little one up and walked out with her into the cold morning.

Rose had hoped to find someone else up and about to take the baby while she took care of her own morning needs. But no one else was around. She gave a small grimace. It seemed once the trader was no longer present, his widow and her brothers didn’t see a necessity to rise early.

Rose sat Jenny in the little pen the child and Mr. Smith had played and napped in together the day before yesterday. In her mind, she could still hear the two of them laughing. The reminder of her and Jenny’s loss assaulted her with sorrow as she headed for the woods.

On her way back, Rose heard the chickens squawking to be let out of their coop. She looked past their crude hut to the corralled stock. Unless it was her imagination, there didn’t seem to be as many horses as there should be. She took a quick count. Sixteen—out of twenty-two! Six were missing—including a gelding Nate had left there for safekeeping.

She rushed to the brothers’ wigwam. “Running Wolf! Spotted Elk! Come out! We’ve been robbed!”

There was no response.

Rose grasped the flap and tore it aside. The wigwam was empty!

She then dashed to Fawn Woman’s wigwam and pushed that flap aside. The squaw—and most of her belongings—were gone. And Mr. Smith’s metal box lay open, emptied of his money.

The scuffling sounds that had disturbed her restless sleep last night hadn’t been forest animals scurrying about, after all. A quick check of the store revealed a number of items missing, the worst of which was the bundle of the best furs.

Rose stood seething for several moments. But gradually it dawned on her that Mr. Smith’s widow was probably due an inheritance. After all, she had stayed with the man for six years. Whatever money he’d saved was rightfully hers. Rose could do nothing about the rest.

Knowing it was now her responsibility to look after the animals, she put Jenny into the baby sling the trader had fixed for her and slipped it on. Grabbing the sack of feed, she headed for the chicken pen.

Walking outside, she noticed a group of Indians standing at the entrance of one of the longhouses a short distance away. All were staring at her. The dire reminder came again that she was here in this Shawnee village alone, with no protector, and nothing between her and them but a single-shot musket.

Chapter 23

fraid to let Jenny Ann out of her reach, Rose spent the morning with the child slung on her back while she took care of the chores. The entire time she worked, she kept one eye on the Shawnee in the village, aware of their furtive glances in her direction. What were they thinking, planning?

She alternated between praying for God’s protection and debating whether or not to take Jenny and some supplies and ride away. But she’d need help to cross the river …and the Shawnee hadn’t even tended Hannah Wright’s wounds. What were the chances they’d be willing to aid her and Hannah’s daughter?

Of course, there were plenty of goods available to pay for assistance, which might help. On the other hand, what would prevent the Indians from coming to the trading post at will and helping themselves to whatever they wanted?

Father, what should I do? Give me courage…. Please, God, please bring Nate back

But no answer was emblazoned across the sky, and no assurance of what action she should take brought peace to her heart.

As Rose cooked oats with dried fruit for her and Jenny’s noon meal, she spotted two Shawnee approaching. They carried no weapons, but considering she was a mere woman, would they even feel they needed them? Her pulse throbbed in her throat.

She glanced down at Jenny nearby, who was crawling after a bean-filled rattle Mr. Smith had made from a gourd. Then she checked to make sure her musket was still propped against the sitting log.

The two had warm fur robes wrapped around them against the cold. As they approached, Rose noted that along with the usual buckskin breeches most villagers wore, the round-faced older of the two sported an elaborate feather headdress adorned with an abundance of decorative beading. A necklace of bear claws peeked from an opening in the robe. She recognized him as one of the chiefs of the village. He raised a brown hand in greeting.

The action didn’t seem hostile, but still …Forcing herself to relax, she returned his greeting.

“Harwood woman,” the younger brave said.

She nodded, grateful that one of them spoke English. “Good afternoon.” She checked to see Jenny was still nearby then motioned to the sitting log not far from the fire, where the warmth from the flames along with the sunshine would keep them comfortable. “Please, sit down.” She’d learned early on that visitors were always invited to sit and always offered food or drink.

The two lowered themselves to the log, an indication they’d come to talk.

“Would you care for some tea?” She gestured toward the pot where she’d been brewing some for herself.

The young man spoke to the elder, then they both nodded.

. Rose managed a smile and rummaged through a sack for a pair of extra cups. There was no point in complicating things by asking if they wanted sugar or cream. She felt their eyes following her every movement as she removed the pan of cornmeal mush from the coals. She hoped the cooked mixture wouldn’t get too lumpy before they took their leave—assuming they left peaceably.

After pouring tea into the three cups, she handed each Indian one then took hers and sat across the fire from them, waiting for them to say something.

They didn’t. Not right away. They sat on the log, presumably enjoying their drink while steadily observing her.

Rose breathed a prayer for protection yet again while she took a sip and tried to appear calm. This time, however, she added a request for wisdom to her growing list of desperate needs.

At last the chief set his cup down and said something to the interpreter.

The younger man, elaborately tattooed, with earrings made from animal teeth dangling from his lobes, smiled. “Red Hawk say Susquehannocks no good. Steal horses. Run away. Shawnee no steal.”

The chief spoke to him again and he continued. “Smith know he die. Smith make you good trader. Red Hawk say stay. Is good store. Red Hawk give guards. Keep store safe.” He pointed to himself. “Cornstalk. Cornstalk stay. Fast Walker come, stay.” He nodded, his straight brows raised in question. “Good?”

Rose couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Not only were they not planning to harm her; they were going to protect her and the store. Astounded at God’s mercy, her heart all but burst from thankfulness as she nodded and smiled at both of them. At least she’d learned one word to say in trading, so she used it now.
“Oui-saw.” Good
. She hoped she pronounced it half as well as Cornstalk spoke English. Their languages were so different.

Jenny started fussing just then, and Rose immediately picked her up. She didn’t want the child to cry, since Shawnee considered that to be rude behavior. From what Mr. Smith had told her, if a Shawnee baby persisted in crying, it would be strapped in its cradleboard, taken into the woods, and left alone to hang in a tree until it learned crying would not get it any attention.

The Indians raised their cups and drained them then stood to their feet and raised a hand in farewell.

The tattooed one gave a nod. “Cornstalk get Fast Walker. Come here.”

Rose smiled with an answering nod. “Thank you.”

As they walked away, relief surged through her. Moments ago she’d felt abandoned by everyone she knew. Now her circumstances had taken the opposite turn, and she’d be under the protection of the Shawnee. Better still, if she stayed and traded with the Indians until all the supplies were gone, she might possibly be able to save up enough money to buy back her sisters—perhaps even secure passage for the three of them back home to England.

But before she could revel in that unexpected prospect, unbidden thoughts of Nate Kinyon crowded in …of his hearty laugh, his teasing smile, his concern for her. Was returning to England and life as a spinster what she truly wanted? “Nate, where are you?”

Rose drew her cloak around herself and Jenny on the log as she gazed across the wide river. All afternoon, distant banging sounds had carried from the other side. Someone across the way must be building a raft. She didn’t know whether to be glad or concerned. The only time a raft was used was to transport livestock, and Mr. Smith had mentioned that officials from the fur company sent men out every couple of years to check on the trading posts. Had the time come for that? Jenny squealed and grabbed at Rose’s arm.

“Forgive me, sweetheart. Mama stopped feeding you, didn’t she?” With a shake of her head at her carelessness, Rose spooned some smashed beans and squash into Jenny’s mouth and gazed lovingly at the child. How like a rosebud were the tiny lips that could smile so sweetly. No one could deny she was growing cuter by the day. And the little one’s nearly white-blond hair now curled about her ears. Whenever Indian squaws happened into the store, they could not resist fondling Jenny’s silky ringlets. All their babies had straight black hair.

Reaching for another spoonful of food, Rose realized she’d called herself “Mama” to the baby. She’d become far too attached to Jenny, which was not prudent since the day would soon come to hand her over to her grandparents. Rose tilted her head with a sigh and grinned at the infant. “But you’re mine for now.” She blew at one of those flaxen curls as she scooped in another bite.

A village dog began to bark. Then others joined in, and they loped down toward the water. Rose glanced across the river, where two men and four horses were making the crossing.

Mr. Smith’s employers, perhaps? Surely they’d insist upon her leaving. No way on earth would they allow a lone female to run one of their stores. But would they at least give her recompense for the profitable trading she’d conducted during the weeks since Mr. Smith had passed away? They probably wouldn’t be pleased by the small number of fur bundles that remained on hand or the amount of missing trade goods. Nate and Robert Bloom had taken a fully loaded canoe with them when they left, and the Susquehannocks had helped themselves to both goods and furs when they stole away in the dead of night. Fortunately she’d saved the remainder, pitiful lot though it was.

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