Rough Riders (6 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver

BOOK: Rough Riders
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Chapter 8

"Ma, do something." She
rolled her eyes at me as I sat on the bed next to a groaning Lydia.

"Travis she has cramps she's not dying."

"I called you over here to help you're not

"Boy if you can't handle a
little cramping I hope you two never plan on having kids or you'll be a basket

"I don't care about that she's
in pain, make it stop."

"Give the pills some time to take effect, here hold
this Lydia."

"Gimme that." I took
the hot water bottle she'd picked up from the pharmacy on her way over, and
placed it on my baby's stomach. This shit was scaring the piss out of me, but I
was man enough to hide that shit.

When I’d
finally forced the truth out of her and she told me she was having her period
I’d called in the master, ma always knows what to do. I was clueless as fuck
when it came to that shit.

The only thing
I knew about a pussy was how to eat it, finger it or fuck it. This shit was way
over my head, but there was no way I could leave her like this. I held the
bottle against her tummy while mom moved around the room cleaning up the mess
I’d made while trying to take care of her until mom arrived. I have to talk to
her about throwing shit at me when she was feeling better.

At least she’d stopped that
groaning shit that was freaking me the fuck out. “Travis I have to get back to
the house, your dad is on a tear about something and I have to go make sure he
doesn’t tear the town down brick by brick.” If my girl wasn’t acting like she
was at death’s door I would’ve found that shit funny. It was true that mom was
the only one who could calm dad down when he went into one of his moods. Who
knows what had set him off this time. Lydia seemed to be dosing off now anyway
so I guess the crisis was over.


"Travis stop glaring, I said I
was fine."

"You sure?
ten minutes
ago you were acting like you were about to die."

"I'm fine now I
promise." I got in the bed with her, being careful not to shake it too
much and upset her poor little tummy; ma had left me with a million
instructions before heading back home.

"So what did it the pills or
the hot water bottle?" I needed to know this shit for the next time she
decided to give me a heart attack.

"Both, thank you for taking such good care of me;
before, I just used to wait it out because nothing helped."

I put my hand over her lower
stomach and she sighed.

"That feels just as good as
the hot water bottle." Her eyes were drooping; poor thing had tired

"Go to sleep sweet baby
I'll stay in here with you okay." She's turned me into a real sap in just
a few short weeks, even the kid at the store had shook his head at me when I
checked out the box of tampons earlier; it's almost as if he was thinking look
how the mighty have fallen. If I were thinking I would’ve let mom pick that
shit up, but Lydia said she needed them right then and there so I had to go do
what I had to. Never a fucking gain!

I was pretty much a hostage in my own house
because there was no way I was leaving her like this, so everything had to be
put on hold. I had the guys patrolling her town just in case there was any
backlash from the whole
thing. I wasn’t sure what
the repercussions were of going cold turkey from that drug he was dishing the
kids, so I had the men keep an eye out for anyone who looked like they were
about to lose their fucking minds and start eating people or trying to off

I needed to listen to Nate’s recording and
see what information had been given up, so I would know if I needed to get the
law involved. If it was just Wayne I could handle the shit myself, but if there
were other unknowns involved, then it might make more sense to get them on the


I held her until she finally fell asleep and
then eased out of the bed. Mom had said to give her soup so I got some started
while I made the rounds on the phone.

Everything seemed quiet on all fronts so
I told the guys to go do their own thing, since I had nothing else for them
that night. Usually we would make the rounds of my clubs and make sure shit was
going as it should, but with me out of commission I figured I could give some
of them the rest of the night, while the others were on duty.

I spent the rest of that night and the next
taking care of her. I’d never seen her sick before, and it was a sure bet that
I wasn’t a fan. I spent two days carting her around and spoiling her, because
she was weepy and needy as fuck. Every little thing set her off and she cried
if I even looked at her wrong.

By the time she was back to normal, I was
ready to shoot myself. “You feeling human again?” She’d rolled out of bed all
smiles and bouncing around, so I guess the evil entity that had taken
possession of her for the past three days was gone.

“Yes, I feel great; oh we need to do
something tonight I’ve been cooped up in this house for three days I want out.”
She stretched her arms above her head before leaning over me and pecking me on
the lips. Get the fuck outta here; that is some scary shit.

I watched her twitch her ass into the
bathroom and looked down at my cock. I hadn’t had her in three days and it felt
like a lifetime had gone by. Somehow I couldn’t just go jump on her now though,
she’d been really sick, so I figured I’d give her until tonight at least before
acting like the animal that I am.


I did join her in the shower though, so I
could at least touch her. I needed that much to get me through the rest of the
day. We were
have to figure some shit out for
the next time, because she’d brought my whole operation to a screeching halt.

No one had seen Wayne in days and Slim
had signed out of the hospital and disappeared. “If you wanna go out later
we’ll go to the club, but I have shit to do today so your ass is staying here,
unless you want me to run you to mom and dad’s until I get done.”

She pouted over her shoulder at me while I
was running the washcloth over her back down to her ass. I saw the change in
her eyes right before she dropped to her knees in front of me, and smiling up
at me, took my cock into her mouth.


“Shh, let me.”

She licked all around my cockhead taking away the pre-cum that was already
gathered there. Her teasing ass went after my ball sac next, as she took me in
deeper. “This isn’t gonna last long babe, he’s been starved for you for the
last three days and he’s ready to pop.”

She grinned around my cock before sucking me
into her throat. To think, just a few short months ago, she’d never even seen a
real cock.

I grabbed the sides of her head and fucked
her face. My balls felt like they would explode from being backed the fuck up;
that was something else we were
have to work on
for next time too. Though I can’t see making her do anything to make me feel
good while she was feeling like shit. I guess I’ll just have to deal.

“I’m cumming babe where do you want it?”
She’s such a nasty freak my girl, she let me out of her throat and held her
head back for me to cum on her tongue first, before palming her tits and
holding them up for me to spray.

I jerked my meat all over her chest and face,
while she moaned and swallowed. When I was drained she sucked me back into her
mouth and cleaned me off. “Thanks baby I’ll take care of you later, no way I’m
getting anywhere near your pussy until you’re all squared away down there.
Don’t wanna fuck around and get that shit on my tongue or my dick.”

“You’re such an ass Travis, I wouldn’t want to anyway.”

“So it’s all cleared
up, no drips or nothing?”

“No I’m usually light the second day and by the end of the third it’s
all gone.”

“Good deal, I don’t think I could take five
days of this shit, I was about ready to fuck a knot in the bedpost.” I knew
that shit would make her laugh. “All kidding aside baby, I’m glad you’re
feeling better, but first chance we get we’re taking you to see a doctor. I
don’t like that pain shit and there’s no way you’re supposed to go through that
each and every time.”

“I think it’s normal, lots of people go through it.”

“I give a fuck, we’re seeing a doctor; I’ll ask mom.” She just shrugged
and dropped it because she knew there was no point in arguing.

Chapter 9

I left her
home with a shit load of girlie flicks and some magazines that mom had dropped
off for her, when she’d been at death’s door. Dad had called and said he didn’t
have any news for Colt, so I had to put in a call before I went to see about my
own shit. That shit bothered me though, because I know my boy had his hands
full with the new baby and the shop finally getting the recognition it
deserved, now this nut whoever the fuck she is, was making trouble. The way we
roll, you always have to have each other’s backs, so I’m gonna have to do
something, just as soon as I clean up my own shit with these fucks.

My boys were already waiting when I
showed up at the shop. I did a walk through to make sure things were as they
should be before calling a meet in my office. It felt like weeks instead of
days since I’d sat in that chair, another way in which she had changed my life.
Before her, I’d never missed a day. “So what do we got?”

in the wind and
Potter is M.I.A, no one has seen or heard shit from him in days.”

Where the fuck could he be?
He’s lived here his whole life as far as I know, but then again I’ve never had
too much interest in his comings and goings so I could’ve missed something.
Still, it was a bit worrying that he had just upped and ghosted in the middle
of this shit.

“I’m not too
worried about Slim, I made some calls to Seattle, chances are he’s gone home
with his tail between his legs, I’ll know in a few hours if that’s the case. But
I don’t trust that Potter fuck; on top of that, he owes me money. What about
that other kid from the school? Anybody hear anything from him since we busted
his shit up?”

“Nah, he’s
been laying low, we threatened to get the cops on his ass, plus we told his old
man what he’s been up to and let’s just say, dude is even bigger than his son,
and was not amused by the news that his boy was slinging dope instead of
getting an education. We also threatened to spill the beans to his coach, which
would get him kicked off the football team, so I’m pretty sure he’s done; I
think the only loose canon is Potter. By the way, your girl’s father came
around just before you got here.”

“What the fuck did he want?” I’m in
no mood for anymore of his shit if he keeps this up I’m
have to see about putting him in his fucking place. Something I’ve been holding
off on because I know it would upset my woman and I don’t really
deal with her shit.

“He asked some questions about
the day she got jumped, I think he seriously thought you’d worked her over

“Uh huh,
whatever, I got more important shit to deal with than his dumb ass. We’re going
to the club tonight. Anything else I need to look into while I’m here?”

“Nah boss, everything’s been quiet
we got the new shipment in today though.”

“I’ll deal with that later, I
gotta go…” Just then her dad walked in looking sheepish and shit, with his hat
in his hand. I nodded to the guys in dismissal and they filed out one by one
leaving me alone with him.


“Something I
can do for you?” I don’t really have a problem with this guy, outside of the
fact that he tried to come between me, and something I wanted. As far as I can
tell he did the best he knew how when it came to raising his daughter, though
in my book, he leaves a lot to be desired. I wasn’t in his shoes so I can’t
judge. But I don’t do too well with thorns in my side; they usually get burnt.

“I uh, ahem; I just wanted to say
thanks for looking out for her.”

Say what now? I didn’t say
anything, just looked him in the eye as I reclined in my seat. He walked around,
back and forth in front of my desk.

“I know you
don’t think much of me, but you have to understand, when my wife passed it was
just me and Lydia, she was only three years old then and I had no one. I worked
my butt off to make it on the force, to make a better living so I could give
her the life she deserves.” He was working that hat so hard I thought he would
tear it in two.

“I may not
have been the most affectionate, I was too busy earning a living and making sure
she survived. But I’ve always loved my daughter, she might not think so either,
but it’s true. I love her more than anything in this world. I just wanted her
to get a good education and make something of herself. So when I found out she
was seeing you, no I wasn’t too pleased.” He looked at me head on then and I
just quirked my brow at him, the fuck did he want me to say?

“We both know
why I might have a problem with that. You don’t exactly have the most stellar
reputation and well…anyway, when the school called and said she was hurt, I
wanted it to be you. That’s a horrible thing to say, but I just wanted my
little girl back.”

“Then I asked around and found out
that you actually looked out for her after that asshole messed her over. By the
way is he still breathing?”

Who the fuck is this guy? “He

“Huh, I
buried the fuck out in the woods. Anyway, I just wanted to come by and tell you
thanks, and maybe you might let her come by some time.”

He turned to leave and I wasn’t
sure what the fuck I was supposed to do next. My only interactions with this
guy have been hostile so this was a complete turnaround and totally out of left
field. But one thing I do know, my girl is always mooning around about her two
best guys getting along, fucking pain in the ass.

“Why don’t you give her a call?
she’s home today.” I scribbled her number on piece a paper and passed it to him
hoping I was doing the right thing and not opening myself up for more bullshit.
Oh well, only time will tell.

“Thanks son; maybe you can give
her a heads up and let her know it’s okay.” He seemed embarrassed and I felt a
little bad for the idiot so I threw him a bone.

“You know, she got her acceptance
letters back from a few of those colleges she sent out to.”

“Yeah, well that’s good; so she’s gonna finish school then?”

“That’s the plan.”

“Good, that’s good. So maybe I’ll see ya around.”

! “You know what Warren,
maybe one day we can all get together, I’ll talk to Lydia.”

He seemed happy enough with
that and that was that. Weird fucking morning; what’s next, the invasion?

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