Roustabout (The Traveling #3) (6 page)

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Authors: Jane Harvey-Berrick

BOOK: Roustabout (The Traveling #3)
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“Hungry?” I asked, raising an ironical eyebrow.

Tucker looked almost guilty, as if I’d caught him doing something illicit.

“I just don’t like wasting food,” he said, with a casual shrug of his shoulders.

He grinned quickly, but his eyes darted away, another secret hidden behind his smile.

I hadn’t expected to find Tucker McCoy so intriguing.




I’d been surprised as hell when Tera had asked me to have dinner with her. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d done something as ordinary as eat a meal with a woman . . . other than Aimee.

I knew Tera was attracted to me, and I was definitely attracted to her, but that was the problem. She was Kes’s sister: she wasn’t someone I could fuck and forget. But I also suspected that she wasn’t a woman I’d be able to stop thinking about anyway, which made it doubly stupid for me to agree to have dinner with her.

I enjoyed her sass, the way she gave it back to me, and I admired her honesty, too. She wanted to have dinner with me so she just asked. No dropping heavy hints, no pouting and whining—just straight to the point.

Seeing her like this after all these months, it had knocked me off balance. I should have walked away, but I couldn’t ignore Kes’s sister completely. After all, I’d be seeing her several times a year for as long as I was a member of Hawkins’ Daredevils. It would make it easier if we could find a way to spend time together without me wanting to bend her over the Duke.

But talking to her, hearing her laugh, I wanted it even more.

Not good

Kissing Tera would be a mistake.

Dinner had been more than fun—it had been exciting. She teased me and challenged me. It had been a long time since a woman had given me the same rush as pulling stunts on my bike. Why the fuck did she have to be my best friend’s sister?

But every time I tried to push away from Tera, her laughter, the glint in her eyes, the intelligence she showed with every sentence, it all pulled me back.

It didn’t help that she was on her fourth beer.

“My, it’s warm in here,” she said, holding the chilled bottle against her neck.

I was mesmerized as droplets of water rolled down her chest, disappearing into the deep vee of her t-shirt. And she knew it, the witch, a small, cat-like smile tugging at the corners of her mouth as I yanked my thoughts out of the gutter.

A minute later she was moaning and groaning again, rolling that damn bottle over her throat before taking a long swallow.

It was getting harder to remember why I couldn’t have this woman. Yeah, and that wasn’t the only thing that was getting hard.

“It’s late,” I said, nodding at the streetlights outside.

As if we needed them to know that twilight had come and gone, and stars were sparkling in the sky like fireflies.

“I’ll walk you back,” I said decisively, standing to make my point.

Tera grinned up at me, her eyes a little unfocused. “All the way across the parking lot? What a gentleman!”

Then she leaned forward, her elbows resting on the table, giving me the money-shot view down her t-shirt.

God had given her beautiful tits—she could make a sucker out of me any time.

My eyes darted up to hers when she spoke again.

Damn, she could make jogging a spectator sport.

“Tucker, I like you, and I can tell you like me. We’re both single. I’m not asking you for a commitment—let’s just see how this goes.”

I sat down heavily. She was so damn fearless—just like Kes.

“TC, it’s not a good idea.”

She rounded the table and sat next to me, her thigh pressed to mine, leaning her head against my shoulder so her silky hair tickled my cheek.

So damn soft

I could feel the heat of her skin burning through my t-shirt and my dick swelled, trapped sideways, the seam pressing painfully. I’d had a chubbie all evening, but now it was trying to climb through the denim.

“I think it’s the best idea I’ve ever had,” she said, her voice quiet but clear.

“You didn’t think that at the bonfire last spring,” I reminded her. “You walked away from me then. Why aren’t you walking away from me now?”


I waited, but that seemed to be all the answer I was getting.

“Because what?” I prompted her.

“Because . . . because that’s what I’ve been taught to do. I’m supposed to wait for the right guy, then marry him and give up my career to make perfect little babies that my dad can kiss on his campaign trail.”

“Doesn’t sound so bad,” I hedged.

She shook her head fiercely.

“No, it doesn’t, but it’s not me either. I’ve met a lot of
men,” and she rolled her eyes, “but it seems as if it’s the wrong man that I’m attracted to. There’s something there, something between us.” Then she smiled brightly. “And I haven’t gotten laid in ages.”

My head dropped into my hands.

“You can’t say that to a guy!” I groaned.

Her arms wrapped around my neck, pulling my head down with a fierceness that surprised me. Her pink lips flattened against mine, demanding, insisting, until her tongue was in my mouth.

Stronger men couldn’t have resisted her, and dammit, I’d always been weak.

I kissed her back, stroking my tongue against hers, my hands tangling in that glossy hair the way they’d wanted to all night.

Tera’s hands were at my waist, tunneling under my t-shirt, tracing her nails over skin that was suddenly sensitized.

She hummed against my mouth, then nipped my lower lip.

“Let’s take this somewhere private,” she whispered.

I glanced up to see the servers whispering together in the corner, and Tera giggled.

I nodded quickly and tossed down a pile of bills onto the table. I stood up to leave, but Tera grabbed the money and shoved it back into my pocket. I would have argued, but my brain was numb from the moment she touched my ass.

“I invited
,” she said.

“And told me I was paying!” I called after her.

But she ignored me, walking away swinging her hips.

“Damn it,” I grumbled to myself.

I grabbed my leather jacket and held it in front of me so my boner was hidden.

Once she’d paid, I followed her outside, her heels clicking across the parking lot as she strode at a rapid pace. I had no idea how she walked so fast in heels that high after four beers. Maybe she practiced.

As we approached the entrance to the Inn, she suddenly veered left toward a stand of pine trees, until we were hidden from prying eyes.

“TC, I don’t think we . . .”

But then she shoved me hard in the chest so I flailed backward, the breath whooshing out of my lungs as I thudded against a broad trunk. She was on me before I could take a breath, her hands were everywhere—one hand pushing up under my shirt, the other was shoved down the back of my pants, gripping my ass.

My body felt like it was on fire, and every argument in my brain shut down, wanting only this moment with this woman.

I spun her around, pressing her into the rough bark as the thin wall of my control exploded apart.

Without needing to look down, I knew my dick had grown even harder and was pushing against her thighs like a greedy fucker, trying to get closer.

Her tits pressed against my chest, and my breath caught in my throat. She was all soft, all woman, but aggressively taking what she wanted. I was in heaven.

I was in hell.

I pushed away, taking a step back, breathing hard. It was just enough room for her to cup my dick over my jeans.

Her chest was rising and falling hypnotically and I damn near had to tear my eyeballs from my head to look away. This woman was turning me inside out, lust making me crazy.

“This can’t . . .” I began, waving my finger between us.

Her eyes turned glassy and for a horrible moment I thought she was going to cry. But then the blue turned to ice, and the temperature dropped a dozen degrees.

“Is it because of Kes?” she asked, her voice accusing. “That’s why you won’t let this happen?”

“Shit, Tera, he’s my

She pulled her clothes straight and tossed her long, shiny hair over her shoulder. “No, he’s not,” she snapped. “He’s
.” And she stamped away, her hair glowing silver in the moonlight.

Before two seconds had passed, she’d disappeared through the darkness and into the hotel’s wide, glass doors.

Wow, I really managed to fuck up that conversation.

My cock was so depressed I thought he was going to whimper. But instead I was left with one hell of a boner and only myself to blame.

Fuck it!
I had two really good things going on in my life: Hawkins’ Daredevils and now Tera. Of all the fucking luck that I couldn’t have both.

I rubbed the back of my neck, the tension from the last twenty minutes leaving me with a motherfucker of a headache.

I headed back toward where I’d parked the Duke then remembered that I’d left my helmet in the diner. Cursing myself for being such a dumbass, I walked back inside, smiling at the server who was clearing our old table.

I pointed at the helmet still laying on the bench seat in the booth.

“Any excuse to come back and see you,” I said, grinning.

“Oh, get on with it!” she laughed.

I winked at her and strolled back outside, allowing my smile to slip.

After this evening’s clusterfuck, I was looking forward to going back to the RV and having a quiet beer with Zef before . . .

“Nice bike. I always appreciated Italian design.”

I ground to a halt, staring at the beautiful blonde smirking at me from the Duke’s pillion seat.

“TC, what are you doing? We already had this conversation.”

She looked at me seriously.

“I know you think I’m a little princess, Tucker, but I’m not a virgin. There have been quite a few guys. In fact more than a few—maybe even a lot.”

She underlined her words with a swift look. A sliver of jealousy speared through my gut. I didn’t like the idea of that
at all

She raised her eyebrows. “But I’ve never been kissed the way you kissed me. And you know? I’ve been thinking what Kes would say if knew about this . . .
. . . between us . . .”

My stomach twisted.

“ . . . he’d say life is too short. You really want to spend the rest of your life wondering ‘what if’? Because I don’t. Maybe I’m wrong. In fact, why don’t you tell me I’m wrong? Tell me that life is easy, and that second chances are a dime a dozen; that third chances are more common than pennies. Go on, Tucker—tell me what you think I should hear.”

Her crystal blue eyes sparked with defiance and the words I should have said dried in my throat.

She leaned forward, hooking her fingers into my belt loops and pulling me forward until her lips were on mine again.

This kiss was soft, sensual, and the wanting and needing that I’d been pushing away all evening flooded open. I crushed her body against mine, almost lifting her out of the saddle.

“Are you finally agreeing with me?” she gasped.


I opened my mouth in a gasp. Tucker didn’t need a further invitation. His tongue slid in and he was no longer gentle.

One strong hand gripped my hip and the other was on the nape of my neck, controlling my body as his mouth angled over mine, his greater height and strength pulling me up from the seat of his bike.

Then he tore his lips from mine, panting against my neck, his warm breath fanning my hair.

“One night,” he grit out. “One night and then . . .”

“Shh, don’t say it. You don’t need to. You’re on the road and I live in California. I get it.”

“Kes will fucking kill me,” he groaned.

“Kes will never know,” I whispered, stroking my hands over his butt and the back of his thighs.

The moan that came out of his mouth was more animal than human, and God help me, I wanted to hear that sound again.

“Let’s go to my room,” I said, my voice urgent.

He shook his head softly. “We can’t be seen together. If word gets out that the Senator’s daughter . . .”

“We’ll go in separately. Room 837¸” I said. “I want you to tuck me in, Tucker. Now give me your bike keys.”


“I said give me your bike keys—I’m not giving you the chance to wimp out on me again.”

He choked on a laugh and shook his head. “You are something else.”

“So you said,” I agreed, pushing my hand into his jeans pocket and pulling out his keys.

His smile was heated and amused as I grinned at him over my shoulder.

I was 27—not a teenage virgin on her first date. Although I had somewhat exaggerated my experience to Tucker: I’d had three serious boyfriends, all long-term. The sex had been nice, pretty good in one case, but nothing that had turned me on as much as kissing Tucker. Nothing that burned.

I am in so much trouble

I reached my room in a couple of minutes. And then I had a metaphorical stumble. Should I wait by the door? Should I wait in the bed? No, I had to open the door to him. Should I leave the door ajar? Oooh, bad, bad idea. Should I . . . ?

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