Rowena Through the Wall: Expanded Edition (5 page)

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There was a lot of passing of goblets back and forth, and chanting in a language that sounded very old and primitive. I didn't actually have to say or do anything, except drink the wine when it was passed to me. I knew my wedding was over when Ivan pulled me to him and kissed me.

Grandfather exhaled with relief. "We'll go back to the hall to sup and I'll make the announcement."

Duke whined beside me. I stroked his soft head.

A great commotion sounded from the square outside. The chapel door burst open, slamming into the stone wall behind. An enormous hulk of a man with long copper hair strode inside. He wore an angry scowl and full warrior gear.

Did I mention he didn't look happy?

"You bastard," the stranger hissed as he approached. "I'll kill you for this."

Ivan stepped in front of me. "You can try."

"I'd be happy―"

"Cedric!" Grandfather yelled. "It's done. Accept it."

"I don't accept it! I wouldn't even have known if Jon's groom hadn't ridden to tell me. So when were you going to tell me, Sire?" Sarcasm dripped from his voice. "Or did you plan it this
way when you sent me off on a fool's errand to the south?"

"Cedric, stop this!"

"I'm the eldest. She should be
. You always favor him. You and mother. I should have killed him at birth."

Cedric's whole body shook. In front of me, Ivan stood stone-still. It occurred to me that I was witnessing a perfect demonstration of hot anger versus cold fury.

"You will still rule here after I'm gone, Cedric," Grandfather said, touching the man's sleeve. "You'll rule until you die. That doesn't change."

"But Ivan's offspring will take over then." He spat the words. "I won't have any prodigy."

"Progeny," I said automatically. "The word is progeny."

God help me, where did that come from?

Everyone stared at me. I think it was the first time Cedric actually saw me. I met his eyes and the world seemed to pause for a minute. I heard a sharp intake of breath. Cedric reached out to touch my hair, but Ivan slapped his hand away.

This didn't go down well.

Cedric hissed like a snake. "Stupid old man! Why didn't you let me challenge? Why didn't you wait the ceremony for me?"

Grandfather gazed at the floor. He was so solemn it almost broke my heart. "Ivan made it necessary."

Oh crap.

I saw the dawn of understanding cross Cedric's face. A swift movement and a dagger materialized in his hand. Ivan backed away, pushing me behind Grandfather. They circled each other, one armed, one defenseless.

"Stop!" Grandfather ordered. "If you do this, I'll have you quartered."

Cedric glared at him. Then he flung the dagger with all his might across the room. It hit the back of the door and stuck there.

"I'll see you in Hell," he roared, storming out of the chapel.


But that didn't last long. Ivan tore out after Cedric.

"Gods above," Grandfather said. "Richard, go after them."

Richard charged outside, the old man following slowly. Even the priest shuffled to the door, not wanting to miss the action.

Alone with Duke, who was mentally exhausted by yet another family fight, I called out to an empty room. "Hello! I'm still here, people. Does anyone care?"

Apparently, they didn't.

Men! They're all nuts.

I could hear yelling from the courtyard. I was curious, but my dress was bothering me and I couldn't breathe. I reached around to loosen the back laces. Rrrrip.

Bloody hell.

Maybe if I could slip off to the castle, I could change and get back here before anyone noticed.

Since nobody was watching me, I was able to sneak out the door and hide behind a pillar. Men were on their feet, stomping and cheering, while Ivan and Cedric duked it out in the middle. Cedric's nose was clearly broken, while Ivan's ceremonial tunic was torn and bloody.

As I slipped around the side of the chapel, I saw both brothers hit the ground in a wrestling clench. It was a full bare-knuckle fight. I hoped it wasn't to the death.

I picked up my skirt and prepared to run. Unfortunately, I neglected to turn at the sound behind me and a heavy black cloth was thrown over my head and shoulders. I cried out as strong arms swung me over a wide shoulder.

"Don't scream," a deep voice said. "They won't hear you anyway."

"Go to hell," I shot back.

A hand whacked me hard on the butt. I struggled, but my arms were caught up in the fabric.

"She's a hellcat," my captor said with a chuckle.

Another voice said, "Good luck to you, brother."

They laughed.

I was flung across a horse, my hands tied in front and roped at the waist to something firm. My captor mounted the horse and settled in behind me. Then we were off at a gallop, my dress lifting in the wind.

It was
comfortable. The cloth over my head was hot and stuffy. Riding on my stomach left me no room for air, not to mention it made me nauseous. I tried to read the horse, but it wouldn't open its mind to me.

We rode hard for several minutes. I spent the time trying to get one hand free. When I succeeded, I reached out and jabbed my captor's leg, trying to get his attention.

"Hold up, Janus," he yelled.

He nudged me. "What's the matter?"

"Can't breathe."

"You have to promise not to scream."

"I promise." My fingers were crossed.

Instantly, three things happened. The suffocating cloth was removed from my head, the rope around my waist was loosened and I began to slide down the side of the horse. I landed on the ground in a heap.

At least I could breathe. Glorious air. I tried to stand up, but dizziness swept over me. I stumbled.

"Whoa there." A hand caught my arm. Then an arm reached around to hold me steady.

I gazed into ice blue eyes. "Tunic-man."


My captor's friend pulled alongside us. "What did she say?"

"She called me 'tunic-man,' Janus."

I took a deep breath. "You came to my classroom. Twice."

"Did I?"

He seemed to be preoccupied with something on my dress.

I glanced down. Oh hell.

Sometime during the ride, the bodice lace had broken. A deep V of skin ran to my waist.

"Gareth, we need to move on," Janus said.

"Right," Gareth said, drawing his eyes away.

Finally. The identity of my captor was known. But who was this Gareth anyway? And why had he kidnapped me?

"I can ride," I said. "The normal way."

Gareth frowned. "As you please."

"Cup your
hand. I'll mount my way."

That puzzled him, but he did it.

I pulled my skirt up above my knees, used his hand to balance and then swung my leg over the beast. To hell with modesty. It felt good―really good―to feel the horse between my legs.

Gareth's eyes
widened. "You ride like a man?"

"Of course." I gestured with my hand. "Come up."

Janus laughed, while Gareth shook his head in disbelief. He mounted easily, put his arms around me and we were off again.

It was a wild ride. I leaned forward, holding the palomino's mane. My hair whipped behind me, probably blinding my captor. We galloped along the river's edge for many miles, then Janus took the lead and we followed him up a hill. There was a forest ahead. I recognized it from my first dream. We slowed to a walk as the palomino picked its way through a narrow trail.

Finally, we arrived at a small camp in a clearing.

Gareth dismounted first. He helped me down and roped the horse to a tree.

"We'll be safe here," he said, more to Janus than to me.

"I'll meet with Roderick," Janus said, looking from Gareth to me and back again. He pitched back his blond head and roared with laughter, then disappeared into the night.

"So what happens now," I said sharply.

Gareth's eyes went to my chest. "You're hanging out."

"Oops." I straightened my bodice. "All fixed."

"Not that it matters, because that's coming off."

Oh brother, not again. Okay, I was definitely getting the theme of these dreams. Too little love in my real life, so my subconscious mind was making up for it at night.

Gareth's expression was determined. He didn't have a bad face. And he had let me ride freely. Besides, this was a dream. Wasn't it? I mean, do you need to be worried about your own behavior in a dream?

"Shouldn't we at least exchange names or something?" I said.

Gareth smiled. "I'm Gareth and you're Rowena, granddaughter to the Earl of Huel. I'm the Earl of Norland. My castle is north of Huel. You'll see it tomorrow."

When he moved closer, I backed away.

"So...where are all the rest of your men?" I asked, stalling.

He crossed his arms. "I sent most of them north, so that Ivan's men will follow the trail. They'll expect me to head north toward my own land. We went southwest. They won't expect that. It will take them at least two days to figure out where we went. We'll be gone by then." He gave a smug chuckle. "A small band of my men are in the trees here, keeping guard."

Got to admit, Gareth was well organized. But I was still sort of miffed at being kidnapped.

"I'm married, you know. I was married to Ivan this morning."

"It wasn't consummated."

Not if you don't count that little episode last night, I thought.

"And besides," he continued, "we don't recognize the laws of Huel. We have our own laws."

I sighed. "Then I must obey them." The laws of dream land.

I headed for the tent. Gareth followed.

"This damned dress," I said, floundering. "Help me with the back."

He moved behind me, unhooking the laces. "Are you always this pragmatic?"

"Well, if it's gonna happen, it's gonna happen. Dreams are funny things. Doesn't seem to be much I can do about it, so why fight."

"What an extremely wise lass you are. And lovely too."

Gareth reached out, ripping my dress down to my waist.

"Wait!" I cried.

His mouth was on my breast. I gasped in shock. He worked my skirt free and it slid down my hips. He whipped off his belt and tunic, and undid his britches. His body was covered in fine white-gold hair. He was magnificent.

We slid to the bed of fur on the floor of the tent and I reached up with both hands to touch his massive chest.

"First time, gently," he said.

He covered my mouth with his. It was a deep, slow kiss. My legs opened automatically for him. He was over me, then on me and in me so gently that it felt like a caress. He balanced on one hand, holding me up with the other.

I groaned in pleasure and grabbed his shoulders. His mouth licked my ear and I started to move. Sweet waves of pleasure washed over me.

Then Gareth fell on top of me.

"Damn." I could feel him inside me. "I really like this dream."


"Yes. Why is sex is always better in dreams?"

Gareth's long blond hair lay across my face in a tangle.

"Off," I said. "You're too heavy."

He chuckled and moved away.

We shared the bed, his arm draped across my waist, until darkness came. Then we slept.

Chapter 6


I aw
oke―still in the tent in the twin moon world―with one thought on my mind. "God, I'm hungry."

Gareth was already dressed and on his feet. He smiled down at me. "Come on, lady-mine. We have a feast to go to."

He flipped back the tent flap as I searched for m
y bodice and skirt. We managed to get the laces tied loosely at the back. For the front, I found that the broken lace was enough to do up the top. If it gapped a bit, so be it. There was nothing I could do about the ripped shoulders, so I tucked the loose pieces into the bodice.

Gareth stepped outside first. He said something to someone, then turned back to the tent and gestured for me. When I emerged, he took my hand.

Six men stood around a campfire. Something roasted on a spit. It smelled wonderful.

is my lady, Rowena," Gareth said.

The men nodded.

"Janus is my brother," Gareth added. He pointed to a dark-haired man. "My cousin Roderick." He introduced three red-haired men―more cousins―also tall, but of slender build. "And this is Collin." Collin was
an older man with curly gray-blond hair and a beard.

An elite team, I surmised. The group closest to Gareth.

Somebody shoved a tankard in my hands and told me to drink. I sipped immediately. Rough ale, but not unpleasant. I gulped it back with gusto. God, I was starving.

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