ROYAL BRIDE (A Billionaire Bad Boy Romance) (2 page)

BOOK: ROYAL BRIDE (A Billionaire Bad Boy Romance)
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Only an unseen veil of air separated their lips as he moved closer to her. Her delicate pink tongue poked out of her mouth, running along her lip, showing him how much she anticipated his kiss. She could use words to hide behind, but her body, her mannerisms, told him the truth about her desires and needs. When he finally lowered his mouth over hers, she moaned softly. His tongue brushed against hers, sending a current of electricity through his body. His cock, already firmly aware of its proximity to her body, hardened even more, almost painfully so.

Antonio released her mouth. “You will be with me every day, and every night you’ll be in my bed.” He scooped her from the couch and carried her, with little resistance, to the large bed. “Starting tonight. You are mine, Isabella. No man will ever touch you, will ever have the pleasure of knowing your body the way I will know your body.” He put her on her feet and spun her around to get to the zippers and ties at the back of the gown.


“Not one word, Isabella. I want silence from you until I’ve undressed you. Once you’re naked and laying beneath me, only then will you speak—and I promise you, it won’t be to protest.”

He tilted her head to the side and began to kiss and nuzzle her neck while his fingers worked the buttons of the dress. Once the gown was open, he pushed it over her shoulders and her hips, letting it pool in a big mess on the floor.

Her hands moved to cover her bosom, but he pulled her arms down and behind her. “Keep them here, for me. You had no trouble showing my entire kingdom your breasts while in your wedding garb, so you’ll be even more on display for me now.”

“You didn’t like my gown?” she asked with a fake pout.

He grinned behind her, safe in the knowledge she couldn’t see him. “I loved the gown, but it was too low-cut. You knew that when you went to the seamstress to have the neckline lowered.” He opened the clasp on the blue satin bra she wore. “Twice. You had it lowered twice.”

He could feel her smirk as he pulled the straps down her arms and threw the bra across the room. “I was trying to make the dress more modern.”

He spun her back around to face him, capturing her mouth with his. Not in a gentle kiss, but a more demeaning, more punishing one. When he pulled away, her lips were slightly swollen, the rest of her lipstick smeared. “Take off your panties. I want to see all of you.” He stepped back from her, letting her know he would not help. She would undress herself for him.

Isabella’s eyes locked on his as she hooked her thumbs into the blue panties and yanked them down. She stepped out of them and tossed them at him, laughing when they landed on his shoulder. “There you are, Your Highness. Now you can tell all your friends that you’ve won your conquest.”

With the back of his hand, he brushed the panties from his shoulder and closed the small gap between himself and Isabella. He didn’t speak a word to her, only reached out and cupped her breasts. They were heavy in his hands, and he used his thumbs to roll her nipples. Fight as she may have wanted to, her eyes rolled upward. She moaned with pleasure as he leaned down and took one nipple into his mouth. Flicking the hardened peak with the tip of his tongue, he continued to massage her.

“Do you think that was appropriate behavior for a wife?” he asked when he pulled back. Glazed eyes met his, and she shook her head.

“Probably not.” Her grin told him she had more sass in her than he should probably allow, but his goal at the moment was not to frighten her. She was apprehensive about their marriage. He wanted her to come to his bed willingly and find as much pleasure there as he was sure to.

He stood at his full height, nearly a head taller than her, and released her breasts. Sliding his hand down her torso, he found the small nest of curls just above her pussy. “Never shave all of this off. I like this.” He tugged on the curls just enough to get her attention and released, sliding his hand further down. Her legs spread for him, and he kissed her forehead. “There’s a good girl. Let me have my fill of you.”

“Antonio.” She groaned his name when his fingers danced over her clit and moved even lower, gliding through her wet folds. He thrust two fingers into her passage and felt her flesh grip him. “Oh, fuck.”

“No. Never use that word.” He pulled his fingers out, letting them linger at the entrance.

“Fine.” As an agreement it was lacking, but he could see the torment in her eyes. She wanted her way but wanted what he was offering her at the same time.

“Get on the bed for me.” He released her and stripped out of his suit. He didn’t miss the way her eyes never left him as each piece of clothing exposed more of his body. Spending several hours a day working out and training didn’t go unnoticed by the previous women he’d taken to his bed, but her appreciative glances meant more to him than the others. Which made no sense to him at all.

He climbed on the bed. Spreading her legs with his hands, he watched her expression. Her lips were parted, her tongue pinched between her teeth. Stretching out on top of her, he pressed his lips to hers again, running his tongue over her lower lip before nipping it softly. “You taste so good,” he murmured against her lips. “But I have a taste for something else. Be a good girl for me and lay still.”

She gave him a puzzled look as he slithered down her body until he rested on his elbows, his mouth hovering over her wet folds. He inhaled sharply, taking in the scent of her arousal. Wrapping his hand around her right knee, he brought her thigh to his mouth and trailed soft kisses down her leg until he ended where he had begun.

Using his thumbs, he spread her lips apart, exposing her swollen clit. Her sharp intake of breath suggested to him that the cool air increased her sensitivity. Leaning forward, he pressed his mouth against her pussy, licking it before he flicked her clit.

“Aaah, Antonio.” Her hands flew into his hair, gripping him and holding him to her sex as she arched up and tried to rub against his mouth.

He pried her hands off him and put them on her legs. “Hold your legs open for me, but do not move your hips again. If you do, I will stop and just take you. Do you understand?”

“If I don’t do what you say, you’ll just have sex with me and not let me have any fun?” Her eyes widened. “I won’t let you.”

“You’re my wife now, Isabella. You won’t allow or not allow me to do anything.” He held her gaze, hoping she would not back down too easily or too far.

She responded with silence and looked away from him. He took her answer as a positive one. Isabella moaned loudly when he gave her several long, firm licks, tasting her and feeling with his fingers where he was about to put his cock. She did her best to hold still for him, but when he thrust a third finger into her heated passage while sucking on her clit, she lifted her hips again, wiggling and groaning. He smiled against her pussy, delighted with her free spirit.

“Oh. Oh. I have to come. Please… harder, Antonio. Please.” She begged him in much the same way a starving person begs for food.

“Come for me, Isabella, come for me now.” He thrust harder into her and licked with more force at the swollen clit.

She screamed into the room when her orgasm hit her. He could feel her body clench around his fingers, could hear every syllable of the words she yelled into the air. She had quite a foul mouth when she was orgasming, but he wouldn’t deny her the outlet during her release. When her thighs stopped trembling and her hands unclenched from the bed, he slowed his tongue and removed his fingers from her gently.

Isabella’s face was flushed and her lips more swollen from biting when he moved to cover her body again. He wasn’t sure how he’d managed to wait as long as he had, but any resolve he still had disappeared when she smiled up at him. He held himself up on his arms, staring down at her and wondering why he could ever consider her an unruly brat while she looked up at him with such wide-eyed innocence.

“More,” she whispered and gripped his hips, trying to lower him to her body.

He laughed. “Greedy girl.” He pushed the tip of his dick to her entrance, rubbing it up and down her folds to gather her juices. In one fast push, he entered her to his balls.

She cried out as though she were in pain, and he stilled his movements to appraise her. He felt it at that moment. The tightness of her passage gripping his cock. He had noticed when his fingers were inside of her, but he had not thought she would be so tight when he entered her. Surely she wasn’t a virgin? She couldn’t have been. The stories he’d heard of her partying ways indicated looser morals.

A tear slid from her eye down her cheek, landing on his hand just below her head. “I didn’t mean to scream like that,” she whispered, looking at him with worry.

“Isabella, I want the truth. Are you a virgin?” Speaking to her coherently while his cock was buried inside her was almost beyond his ability.

“Not anymore.” She smiled hesitantly. “Are you angry? That’s a stupid reason to be angry.” Her brows furrowed, and she looked as though she was warming herself up for a fight.

“No. I’m not angry. Just surprised.” He winced when she wiggled beneath him. The urge to thrust into her over and over again was becoming unbearable with each movement she made. “If you don’t stop moving like that, I won’t be able to be gentle.” He imagined she thought he was angry because he was gritting his teeth, but it had nothing to do with her confession.

“You assumed I wasn’t a virgin? Why?”

Not wanting to embark on the fight she seemed insistent on beginning, he reached between them and slowly began rubbing her clit. Within a few seconds, she no longer looked at him with such accusing eyes.

He leaned further down and flicked the nipple of her perky breast with the tip of his tongue, urging it to a taut peak before taking it into his mouth and sucking hard on it. “Oh!” she sighed.

His fingers moved more nimbly around her clit, and soon, her hips were arching off the bed, making his cock move within her. “There you go, that’s right. Fuck yourself with my cock.” He sounded desperate, even to himself. If he didn’t get to plow into her soon, he was going to explode before either of them found full pleasure.

Once he felt her sex begin to relax around his shaft, he stretched up her body and kissed her lips, taking in her moan when he pulled out and thrust back into her harder. She responded by pulling her legs back, opening herself more to him.

“Oh, fuck. I mean… damn… I mean… ah, God.” He wanted to laugh over her loss of control. Knowing he would need to address her foul mouth sooner or later, he chose later. When he could think straight again.

Her pussy clenched around him, pulling him into her, taking every inch of him. Her fingers dug into his shoulders, but she wasn’t struggling to fight him off. When their eyes met, he saw nothing but lust and desire shining back at him. He pulled out again, lining up the head of his cock with her pussy. “I’m not sure I can be very gentle.” He’d never had to be gentle. All of the women he bedded knew him as a rough lover, and they all came back for another ride. But she was his wife. He needed to be respectful and careful with her.

“Then don’t be. I’m not a damn piece of glass. I won’t break.” Her retort pushed him over the edge. He plowed into her hard, taking her cry into his mouth when he slammed his lips over hers. Her moans and grunts were like a beautiful melody playing in his mind.

Her fingernails dragged down his arms, and she was arching up to him, wanting more. “Fuck.” She groaned again and didn’t apologize.

Feeling his balls begin to tighten, he started to fondle her clit once more. “Come for me, Isabella, come for your husband.” He sank into her as far as her body would allow and pulled back only to thrust forward harder again.

She unraveled in his arms. She screamed out her orgasm, and another string of curses flew out of her mouth. The tight contractions of her pussy around his cock dragged him to a point from which he couldn’t return, and he found his own release. He released his own line of curses as the most powerful orgasm he’d ever experienced ripped through his body.

He rolled over to her side and pulled her up against him. Nuzzling her neck, he inhaled the sweet smell of her perfume. “Now you are mine,” he whispered into her ear.

She stiffened in his hold. “I’m slipping in my negotiation strategy, I think,” she grumbled. “I wasn’t supposed to sleep with you until after you agreed to let me live in the city.” His muscles tensed. “What?”

She turned halfway over and gave him an impish grin. “Women use sex all the time to get what they want.”

“You were going to withhold your body from me—your husband—until I agreed to let you live alone in the city?” His hand was wrapped round her arm, and he had to mentally tell himself to release her before he did more than feel the urge to smack her bottom.

“I suppose I shouldn’t have confessed that, but no matter what you think of me, I am honest to a fault.”

He decided his original thought was right. She was completely addle-brained. He rolled out of bed and reached for the robe draped over a nearby chair. Punching his arms through the sleeves, he jerked the belt around his waist and tied it. “You are my wife. You will live with me. You will travel with me, and you will sleep with me. I will use your body whenever I see fit. Your permission is not needed.” He heard his words and regretted them as soon as they were out of his mouth, but then she opened hers.

“If you think I will follow behind you like some little lost puppy, you will be poorly disappointed! I’m no one’s lapdog.” She sat up in the bed, pulling the comforter up to her neck to hide her body.

“You have two jobs as my wife, as my princess and, one day, as my queen.” He checked his temper well enough to flatten his voice. The woman was driving him to scream, but he needed to remember that he was in charge. It was time she understood it as well. “One is to obey me. The second is to bear me children. So until you have conceived and given birth to my heir, you’ll lay flat on your back with your thighs spread for me whenever I deem it right to do so.”

Needing to get away before he changed his mind about throttling her on their wedding night, he turned on his bare heel and headed for the door. Just as he flung the door open, he heard an unladylike grunt and felt a slipper hit his back.

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