Royce (33 page)

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Authors: D. Hamilton-Reed

BOOK: Royce
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Joy met Michael at his office, he was all smiles and charm as he hugged her and kissed her cheek.  He smiled big and sat across from her at the conference room table, “I’m so glad you could come Joy.  I think working this thing out between us is best for everyone.” Joy hoped so, she wanted to be free of him, she didn’t know what would happen with Royce, but she knew she didn’t want Michael anymore.  Being with Royce had shown her one thing these past weeks and that is she deserved to be loved better and if Michael couldn’t do that then it was best she and he move on.

“Okay let’s get started then, what amount of child and spousal support are you willing to pay?”  Joy asked, she wanted to get to the nuts and bolts, she didn’t have all day.  He looked at her all smiles and charm gone, “You misunderstood Joy, I didn’t invite you here to talk about a divorce. I invited you to talk about getting back together,” her mouth dropped.  “Michael at this point that’s impossible, too much has happened between us now.”  “Joy think about it, don’t throw in the towel so quickly, I screwed up, I messed up bad, but look at us, our history, we can’t throw that away so easily,” he said trying to sway her. 

“I know you’re right, but I’ve moved on now, I’ve moved on to the next part of my life…”  “You mean with Royce don’t you…He plays a role in your decisions too doesn’t he?”  Joy looked at him and she could see the slight tightening around his mouth and she knew she had to be honest, “No Michael, Royce does not.  It wasn’t Royce who didn’t forgive me for not wearing a condom, it wasn’t Royce who came to my bed and brutalized me for months, it wasn’t Royce who said awful things to me and it wasn’t Royce who had an affair on me, that was you Michael.  Is Royce in my life yes, where my relationship with him will go I don’t know, it may last another month or it may last a year.  I don’t know but it wasn’t Royce who broke my heart it was you Michael and that’s why I can’t be with you anymore, because of what you did! What you did!” She said her eyes tearing and her pain clear. 

He looked at her, “It looks like we both caused each other some pain doesn’t it?”  He said softly.

“Well, where do we go from here?” 

“I don’t know Joy, I only know I want us to try again.  I don’t want to end it now, I want to try again.  Can you think of that, can you consider trying again?” 

She looked him square in the eye, “No Michael I can’t.”

Royce took a few pictures from the envelope and put them in another orange envelope and wrote, “Michael,” on the outside in bold black letters.  He drove to Michael’s office and up into his parking garage and parked near Michael’s car, it was about lunch time and according to Jameson’s information Michael always went to lunch.  He either met clients, business associates or Amanda,  Jameson had said pointing to Amanda’s picture, “She’s his day time lover.”

Royce still couldn’t believe Amanda and Gina Spot were having an affair with Michael, that blew his mind, not Gina Spot so much.  He only knew her through The Club, other than that he didn’t have any interaction with her, but he knew she was married. But Amanda was so quick to judge him, always glaring at him and giving him a hard time at the games.  Always having something smart to say, especially, “It’s about loyalty Royce, a word I know you’re not familiar with.”  He was just as sick of her as he was of Tammy.

Royce sat in his car and waited for Michael and after a few minutes he saw him walking out the elevator and he got out of his car and walked to the trunk and leaned against it waiting for Michael.  Michael saw him and kept walking towards him, and when he got closer, “I don’t have time for your bullshit today,” Michael said and walked past him with his keys in his hand. 

“I’m just the messenger, I thought you’d like to see these,” he handed the envelope to Michael.  Michael opened his car door and took the envelope and tossed it in the passenger seat. “Give her the divorce Michael you know she deserves better.”  “And I’m sure you think that’s you!”  Michael said angrily getting in his car.  “Tell Amanda I said hello next time would you,” and Michael angrily eyed him, “I see someone’s been doing his homework.”  “Give her the divorce she’ll never forgive you for this if she knew.”  Michael backed out and he glared at Royce, “Is that a threat?”  “No, I don’t make threats I’m a messenger and this message is going straight to the one who deserves better,” and Michael screeched off. 

Michael drove out the parking garage and at the first stop light he opened the large orange envelope.  He knew it was pictures before he opened it, and sure enough there it was candid shots of him with all his lovers, Amanda, Gina Spot or Maria as he called her now, and the other was Tanya, “In my home! The fucker got pictures of me in my home!”  He was pissed, he had to pull himself together he was meeting one of their most important clients today, “And I know the bastard is going to tell Joy.  Hell I would and he’s right she won’t forgive me for this, acting like I love her and want her back while I’m fucking three women!  Fuucckkkk!”

The only good thing that came out of his discovering Royce was in her life was Michael started seeing his children on a regular basis.  After Joy’s outright refusal Monday, and the bastard Royce giving him the pictures Wednesday he was at her door Friday nervous as hell she was going to let him have it about the women he was seeing.  She let him in and he was glad Royce wasn’t around.  “Hey Joy,” he was trying to be nice.  She’d cut him deep when she didn’t even have to think about taking him back, “No Michael I can’t,” hung in the air and hung in his mind.  “You all ready?”  He said to his children.   She didn’t mention the pictures and he sure wasn’t.

“Okay, let’s go,” he led the kids and all their stuff to the car.  He’d bought a little three bedroom house in Oak Cliff just outside of downtown, it was old, built in the 1920’s, but it had been completely refurbished and remodeled by some young couple who’d outgrown it, it was close to his office and he loved it.  It reminded him of the house he grew up in in Cleveland, not these high ceilinged can’t clean up there to save your life big houses in Texas. 

“Okay kids, I’ll get some dinner on the way okay,” he stopped and ordered Pappadeaux’s, his favorite Cajun restaurant.  “Let’s eat,” he said when the kids came back to the table after dumping their bags in their rooms.  They dove into their food, “Daddy are you and mommy getting back together?” Lindsey asked between spoons full of gumbo, “I hope so… but she won’t let me back in,” he said taking a sip of his sweet tea, “Why won’t she let you back in?”  She chewed and said, “Is it because she likes Mr. Royce now?”  And he looked at her and he saw the innocence in her eyes.  She just wanted to know the truth, he looked at Deon who was looking at him the same, innocent and looking for the truth, and Joy’s words came to him,
Royce isn’t the reason I’m not coming back to you, it’s what you did Michael, what you did,
and in that moment looking in their eyes he knew they deserved the truth and he said, “No, it isn’t because she likes Mr. Royce, it’s because daddy wasn’t very nice to your mother.  It’s because of the things I did and she deserves better,” and he knew what he had to do.

That Sunday when he took the children home, “Give this to your mother and tell her I’m sorry, and this is a Valentine from me, Happy belated Valentine’s Day.”

Lindsey handed Joy the envelope, “Daddy said give this to you and that he’s sorry, and happy lated or unlated Valentine’s Day or something… I can’t remember the word mommy.” Royce was there and he saw the envelope, it was just like the one he’d given Michael, his heart raced.  He hadn’t told Joy yet, he wasn’t sure how to explain he’d hired a private investigator to follow Michael.  His heart pounded in his chest that Michael had given Joy the information to use against him now.

Joy opened the envelope and pulled out divorce papers and he almost had a heart attack, “He signed!  He signed!”  She said happily and Royce ran to her and scooped her up in his arms and the children joined in, Justin dancing and Lindsey and Deon happy because their mother was so happy. “It’s for the best kids, that’s why mommy is so happy,” she explained to them, “It’s time we move on with our lives,” she said giving further explanation and Royce’s enthusiasm.  Now they could be together, they could get married, they could live, just live and be happy, and he was happy the rest of the day and he wondered was it the pictures that changed Michael’s mind?  He didn’t know it was the innocent question of a little girl that deserved the truth that got to Michael, and he didn’t care he just knew she was free.

And he loved her long that night, he went to her time and time again to have her, to touch her, and each time he reached for her, his lips kissing her, his body against hers she said, “Oh baby, oh baby yes, love me baby, love me,” and she came to him and opened for him and he took her high, to her highest depths.  Nothing could beat their happiness and that Friday he picked up Karen and Dillon.  Joy had planned Mexican night and they were making tacos, fajitas and she made homemade guacamole and queso, “What time is your game tomorrow Karen?” Joy asked as they either crunched on tacos, chips and salsa or piled meat, peppers and onions high on a tortilla, “Two o’clock, it’s an afternoon game.” “Oh good, good luck, I can keep Justin if you like Royce we’ll be home by then,” Joy said biting into her fajita.

“You can come to my game then!” Karen said excitedly, and Royce saw a look cross Joy’s face, “Are you sure honey you want me to come?”  “Yeah, you’ve never been to any of my games, you’ll love it, we’re really a good team,” Karen said excitedly, “Aren’t we daddy?”  “Yeah, they are, these girls can really play,” he said through a mouthful.  “Okay, then we’ll all come, I can’t wait to see you play. I’ve wanted to go and cheer you on,” Joy said smiling, and Karen was all smiles and happy.  And that night Joy brought out hoola hoops and they had a rip roaring time, none of them except Joy and Lindsey could hoola hoop and he finally got it when she whispered in his ear, “Move your hips like you did last night,” and he burst out laughing and after he regained his composure he moved his hips and thought of being inside Joy and his hoop kept going around and around.

But that night in bed he said, “That was fun Joy and I’m glad you’re coming to Karen’s game but I want you to know Tammy will be there and she’s not going to be happy, I just want you to be aware of that.”  “Okay, you think I shouldn’t then?”  “Oh no, not on your life, did you see how happy Karen was?” Joy smiled, “Yeah, I did.” “I just wanted you to know that’s all, I mean we can’t stop living because it’ll make Tammy unhappy.  We’d have a pretty short miserable life if that were the case,” he said and Joy laughed.  He pulled her in his arms and snuggled into her and they went to sleep happy and content in each other’s arms.

The next day they woke to a glorious, bright, sunny and perfect day for soccer and being outdoors.  Excitedly they packed Joy’s big SUV with lawn chairs, and Justin’s stroller.  Two o’clock was his nap time, so he was already showing signs of getting sleepy.  Joy had no doubt he’d be knocked out by the time they got there.  “I’ll drive,” Royce said, “Okay,” she tossed him the keys.  He was happy and ecstatic that Karen invited Joy, that she involved her in their life and Karen had been playing exceptional for months now.  She was back on track and stopped blaming Justin; it was a beautiful day and it raised Royce’s spirits.  He looked over at Joy, she looked so good in jeans, he always wanted to grab her behind, he smiled everything was perfect. 

He maneuvered the SUV to find a parking space, at this time of day it was already crowded, cars coming and going, it took longer than normal, he waited for someone to pull out and he pulled in, and as Joy predicted Justin was already asleep. “I’ve got to go, I’ll see ya’ll over there,” Karen said happily.  She ran off and he opened the trunk, “Okay Dillon, Deon take your chairs and Dillon set up where we normally do,” he handed each of them a chair, “Here Lindsey, can you take yours or do you want me to take it?”  “I can take it Mr. Royce,” she said smiling and happy.  She wanted to see Karen play too, they all did, since that’s what Royce did practically every weekend, and Karen talked nonstop about soccer it sounded so exciting they wished they’d been there.  Lindsey left and followed the boys. 

“Okay babe, let’s see how we can manage this with a sleeping baby we don’t want to wake up,” he said smiling at her. They placed Justin gently in his stroller and laid him back and raised the canopy and zipped it up, closing him in hoping to keep out as much noise as possible.  He strolled carefully to the sideline trying not to wake Justin or tumble the chairs and as they got closer...

Tammy had seen Dillon, Deon and Lindsey, “Oh my god! Oh my god, he didn’t bring her!”  She said shocked.  “No, I can’t believe it,” Amanda said and the women were starting to buzz.  Bobby felt his heart leap, and Sarah came over to his side, “I don’t think I’m going to like it over there today,” she said under her breath.  “I hear ya,” the men were looking a little nervous, and Tammy was getting herself worked up, “Oh my god, look at that, he has no decency to flaunt it in my face like this!”  “Just ignore it Tammy,” Laura said trying to calm the situation, “Yeah, Tammy just ignore it,” Becky agreed.

Tammy sat in her chair wearing a pink jogging suit, the kind made out of parachute material, her hair all done up.  It was brand new and she’d picked it just for Royce, pink looked gorgeous with her sunny blonde hair.  She always wanted to look extra cute at Karen’s games,  she wanted him to see what he was missing, but somehow trying to get his attention she always made him angry or his ignoring her made her angry.  She crossed her legs, her foot bouncing up and down, up and down, “The nerve, the got damn nerve,” she muttered under her breath.  “He’s an asshole Tammy and you know it,” Amanda said.  Tammy wiped hard at a few angry tears, “And a god damn liar,” and she kept sitting and bouncing her foot.

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