Read Rule's Obsession Online

Authors: Lynda Chance

Rule's Obsession (19 page)

BOOK: Rule's Obsession
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And there was only one way he was going to get it.

So, he'd start work on that problem tomorrow. But for now, it had been four days since he'd had her alone. Four days since he'd held her naked. Four days since he'd pushed inside and demanded her complete surrender.

Fuck yeah
. Everything else could wait. He wanted what he wanted and he wanted it now.


He was acting like he was still pissed but Angie didn't think he was. But he was definitely behaving differently.

She'd expected him to follow her up to her apartment and lay down his ultimatum that she move in with him. She knew that was what he wanted, but that wasn't what he seemed interested in at the moment.

Granted, it had been four days since they'd seen each other.

She had a clear view from where she stood at the dinette as he shut and bolted the front door. He reached down and pulled the polo over his head and tossed it aside. Her eyes dropped to the ridges of his abdomen and she sucked in a breath.
He kept getting hotter every freakin' day

He pushed off his shoes and socks, and pulled the belt from around his waist, letting it drop to the floor. Without taking his eyes from her, he crossed the few steps until he was in standing directly in front of her. Encircling her wrist with his fingers, he pulled her into the bedroom and over to the bed.

Angie licked her lips as fire swept through her body. "You've got a one-track mind tonight, don't you?"

"I don't know, do I?" he asked softly, almost dangerously.

She swallowed deeply and nodded her head.

Reaching for her hips, he lifted her dress to her waist and pulled her panties down and off. Tossing them aside, he tipped her chin up with one finger. "Let's talk about what you did tonight. We'll start with the good shit." His eyes held hers as he ran his fingers into her hair, in a clasp that held her captive. "I've thought this through and I realize you were alone with him because of what my mother did. She'd been throwing women at him the entire night, right?"

When Angie nodded her head, he continued, "So you were comforting him, because you were the only one who knew he was gay, is that right?"

She cleared her throat. "Yeah, pretty much. I was also telling him that his father already knows about his sexuality. I sort of figured out that Caiden didn't think his father knew he was gay and I was, you know, breaking the news to him."

"Well, that was a compassionate thing to do," he said, after a pause, but in a monotone voice.

"I think so," she said with a hint of defensiveness. "I had to debate about it for a bit."

Damian continued, "So I want you to know that I appreciate how sweet you are. What a good person you are--"

Angie could feel it coming. "But?"

"But, the thing is, I don't give
a rat's ass if he's gay
. Granted, the fact that he's gay is the only thing that saved him from going to the emergency room tonight, but as far as you're concerned, you can't be alone with him. Him or any other gay man. You got that?"

"Why?" she questioned.

he asked as if he hadn't heard her correctly.

"Yes, why?"

His fingers tightened in her scalp. "Because gay men have penises. They have balls." His voice hardened, "Too many of them are bisexual. Trust me, if any woman in the world could turn a gay man straight, it would be you, baby."

Angie stood within his grasp and listened in amazement. It was obvious to her that his opinion came from a heterosexual viewpoint
A very hetero viewpoint.
hetero that he was unable to see that gay men were just that, gay. She could
to explain it to him, she could argue that just as he wasn't sexually interested in other men, gay men weren't sexually interested in women. But the problem was, Angie knew it would go in one ear and out the other. Damian wouldn't get it. Not because he wasn't intelligent, but because he was so

She remained silent as all of that ran through her head and he continued, "Besides, let's talk about the party for a minute." His mouth flattened. "Suppose a straight man saw you walk off with him, undoubtedly to be alone. Suppose that straight man didn't know the guy was gay. You know what he would think?"

"What would he think?" she asked, wondering at the depth of how Damian's mind worked.

"He'd think that you were up for grabs. He'd think that maybe he had a chance at you, too." His expression clouded in anger. "So, next thing you know, you've got straight men hitting up on you because they think you're available."


Be careful, Angie,"
he warned softly.

"You're taking this a little too far," she argued.

"Am I?"

She nodded her head.

"I don't think so." His chin jutted out. "I'm telling you how I feel, I'm telling you what I expect." He pushed forward, his torso aligning with hers in a sharp movement. "And I'm telling you that you can't be alone with
any man
. Not one. Not a single fucking man is acceptable.

"My father--"

. Your father," he spit out. "If I ever meet him, I'll have to trust him not to be a perverted fuck. But nobody else. Gay is not an excuse to be alone with a man, already married is for damn fucking sure not an excuse.
gets to be alone with you, understand me?"

She stared at him and he kept talking. "If I catch you alone with a man again, I'm going to beat the living shit out of him, and you--"

"What about me, Damian?" She questioned him without moving a muscle. She was absolutely enthralled but she wasn't going to admit it. "What would you do?"

"You're about to find out, baby."

With the threat hanging between them, Angie didn't have long to wait for Damian's next move. He reached down, and with one fell swoop, he peeled her sundress over her head and dropped it to the floor. As the dress was lined and he'd already taken her underwear, she stood naked except for her high heels. Her pulse quivered and picked up speed as he stared down at her bare skin. A rush of blood tinged his face as a tic began beating erratically in his cheek.

His hands fell to her waist and he pulled her hips into his with a quick show of aggression. "You know what four fucking days without you does to me?"

As his hands slid down and bit into her hips, a rush of wet heat pooled between her thighs. "Turns you into a mad man?" she managed.

His hands moved back up, following the curve of her waist, and then caressed back down again. "You think it's funny, but I'm telling you it's unacceptable." As he spoke, his nostrils flared and he let go of her with one hand to begin removing the rest of his clothing. He pushed his pants and boxers down with one quick motion and stepped out of them. Completely naked now, his hands fell back to her hips and his erection sprang up between them.

Reaching up with one strong hand, he wrapped it around the back of her neck and squeezed, pulling her hair and pressing her chin up so he could reach her lips. He stared down into her eyes with burning need. "You don't have a fucking clue how I feel about you, do you?"

Her lungs seized up and her heart almost stopped beating. She became paralyzed with anticipation and need.

"There's a reason I get so crazy." His pupils dilated. "There's a reason I'm so fucked-up about you."

Angie's breath hitched as she continued to stare into his eyes while she tried not to faint. His words stalled and her pulse beat loudly in her ears as she waited.

His hands clenched around her and with a sudden growl from deep in his chest, he picked her up, dropped her to the bed and came over her, pushing his legs between her thighs and pressing his torso against hers. Grabbing her hands in his, he spread his fingers through hers until their palms were pressed together. He raised them over her head and held her hands to the mattress. A wave of dizzy delight rushed down her spine. He transferred both hands to one of his and brought the other down between them, where he guided his penis to her wet opening.

His erection pulsed threateningly between them, right at the very core of her as he held her eyes. As he watched her, and as she waited with breathless anticipation, he pressed forward until the head of his erection was inside. Pleasure screamed through her bloodstream and she began to close her eyes.

He nudged her hands and pushed his hips, bringing him further inside by another degree. "Open your eyes."

Her lids flew open and she panted, waiting, breathless.

"Why do you drive me so fucking crazy, Angie?"

She shook her head against the pillow. "I don't know."

He growled and pushed inside another inch, bringing him to the point in her channel where he stretched her the most. "Yes, you do," he asserted.

His voice lowered and his expression almost gentled. "You know why I'm insane around you." His eyes dropped but they didn't close all the way as he pulled his hips back and with one long, steady stroke, he impaled her. The depth of his pleasure was there for her to see as his eyes rolled to the back of his head. His reaction was involuntary and it sent a reflexive answer through her.

A hot fierce ache blossomed inside, easing his way.

He shuddered and then seemed to find his control as he began moving his hips back and forth, plunging inside and out again in a rhythm that was utterly intoxicating to her already sensitized nerve endings.

His eyes stayed hot on hers as her orgasm began to build. He was absolutely beautiful as primitive hunger filled his expression.
It was for her. She knew it was.
She could feel it.

As sexual and emotional pleasure invaded her senses, she couldn't stand it anymore. She began going over the edge as passion built and she began to see an explosion of colors. She let out a soft wail, and as she began climaxing within his embrace, he stiffened against her and began pumping with stronger, more heated strokes.

He released her hands and lifted her chin as he thrust in and out. He gripped her chin and bared his teeth as he hissed out in a tone of reverence, "It's because I love you."

Her world exploded and his did the same as his seed shot out and erupted within her. Waves of pleasure rushed over her as his words penetrated her brain. They rode out the rest of their orgasm, and then he fell on top of her, just barely holding himself up enough so that she could breathe.

She concentrated on inhaling and exhaling, while stars danced in her head and a thrilling rush of delight pounded through her veins.

After a minute or so, he raised himself back up and over her. His eyes clashed with hers and he studied her intently. He examined her thoroughly, and at her silence, any residual pleasure in his expression began to dissolve. Before that could happen, Angie locked her hands around his neck and held him in place.

Holding his eyes with hers, she took a leap of faith and said, "I love you, too."

A shudder racked his frame as he took a deep breath. He closed his eyes and muttered, "Thank God."

He opened his eyes again and began nodding his head with a look of satisfaction. "Okay. That's good."

An arrow of delight pierced her heart. "Yeah, it is."

He reached down and kissed her, long and leisurely, and then he raised his head and looked at her with a new gleam in his eye. "Time for round two, baby."

Her eyes flared and she smiled spontaneously, giving him all the permission he needed.


When Angie woke up, she anticipated a lazy Sunday morning. But when she reached her hand out, Damian wasn't there. He'd kept her awake until almost dawn punishing her in the most pleasurable way possible, just as he'd threatened, and now, she almost freaked when she saw the time.

It was noon already.

Pushing the covers aside to get out of bed, she saw his note.
Went to grab us something to eat
. She had no idea what time he'd left, but she hurried through her shower. She was just finishing putting on her clothes when she heard him walk back in. Wishing she'd had time for at least a touch of make-up, she walked out to the living room.

She stood in the doorway as he dropped his keys and the take-out containers on the kitchen counter. Glancing up, he studied her in silence for a moment. "Hey."

"Hey," she said softly. The words they'd spoken last night hadn't been repeated, but she didn't think that meant the feelings had disappeared.

"I brought food," he said with a hesitant tone in his voice that she couldn't ever remember hearing from him before.

She nodded her head and then cleared her throat. "I read your note."

His eyes never left hers as he came around the counter and leaned against it. He crossed his arms over his chest and studied her.

As she stood across the space that divided them, the look on his face make the blood rush to her head, making her dizzy. She swallowed and locked her knees.
Something was about to happen.
Was he about to lay down an ultimatum about her moving in with him?

BOOK: Rule's Obsession
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