RULES OF LOVE (A Navy SEALs Romance) (14 page)

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“Keep doing that, and this won’t last as long as I want it to,” he muttered.

“Maybe I want to feel you… all of you.”

“Not yet,” he said tightly. “Not until you let go.”

His hand pressed harder and moved faster as he removed her hand carefully from him and placed it on her own breast. His hand covered hers and helped her massage the flesh. She moaned as pressure built within her and a sharp burst of pleasure shot forth, making her cry out as her body shook in his hands. Before it could end, he turned her around and picked her up, wrapping her legs around his waist as he pressed her back against the wall. She gripped his shoulders as he held her and his tip pressed against her folds.

“Are you sure?”

She stared at him, felt the desire in his eyes and in his hands as he held her. “Never been surer in my life.”

He kissed her and thrust inside her, slowly at first, stretching her and letting her adjust to him. She slid down him easily, and when he thrust again, she pushed her hips forward, taking all of him in to the hilt. He groaned, and she sighed at the feeling of being filled once again. This was on her terms, though, and her body shuddered with wanton desire at the contact.

Beau moved his hips, and they quickly found a rhythm as the pressure built inside her again. The first time he’d brought her to the edge, she thought she’d let go of all she could, but as he groaned with her, feeling his swollen cock inside her, she knew his words were true. After this night, she would never think of another man again. This was what love was about, what being in a man’s arms was supposed to be—her body ready to explode with passion and desire.

Not writhing in pain after being tortured for days.

“God, Naomi,” he muttered, and the next second, he groaned. Eddie followed barely a second later, draping herself over him as her body let go and the orgasm ripped through her, body and soul.

But as the water continued to pour down around them and she stared into his eyes, she knew the night was far from over.

They cleaned up quickly, and she shut off the water. She tossed him a towel, and they dried, not speaking as the need to be in one another’s arms grew until she couldn’t stand it any longer and let her towel fall to the floor. This moment in time, when nothing scared her, she wanted to be with him… Before those nightmares crept back into her life. She wanted this time with Beau.

She held his face in her hands and kissed him fiercely, their tongues dancing and warring against each other as he groaned deep in his chest. He picked her up and carried her to the bed. As he laid her out and stared at her naked body, Eddie couldn’t take her eyes off of his and his erection, hard again so quickly. She held out her hand and he took it, letting her pull him down beside her.

“I’ve never wanted anyone more,” he whispered between kisses.

Eddie pressed him against her, moaning when her sensitive nipples brushed against his chest hairs, tickling them. Everything throbbed with need for him to touch her again, fill her again. “I don’t think I can stop.”

“Then don’t,” he whispered. “I won’t stop you.” He lifted himself to look down at her, and a devilish grin crossed his lips. “But I will taste you again—all of you.”

Beau slid down the length of her body as she ran her hands through his hair. The second his tongue licked her folds and clit, her hips bucked and her back arched. Her senses were on fire, and every touch pushed her one step closer to the edge of oblivion. His fingers thrust inside her as he sucked her clit hard, and her vision blurred at the short burst of pleasure with each pull of his mouth.

“Beau, I can’t take much more of this,” she bit out as another moan escaped her lips. “God, I want you.”
He removed his mouth, and she whimpered at the loss of contact until he crawled up her body. His knee spread her legs apart so he could fit between them. “Still doing okay?”

She met his gaze and didn’t speak, bringing his lips down to hers as he thrust inside her. His tongue matched his hip’s movements, and her nails dug into his back, holding tighter with each deep plunge. Using what little strength remained in her bad leg and using her good leg more, Eddie managed to flip them over so he was on his back. With a wicked grin of her own, she straddled him, sinking all the way down to the hilt, and with his eyes locked on her body, she rode him hard, her need for control matching her need for him. His hands held her hips against him, each thrust deeper and harder than the last. When she couldn’t ride him any longer because of the pleasure exploding inside her, Beau moved for her, driving her even farther until she tumbled over the edge with Beau there to catch her.

They cried out as one, groaning as their sweat-slicked bodies came together on the bed and their chests heaved with the strain of trying to catch their breath.

“Well,” she gasped and looked over at him. “I’d say I’m making progress.”

He chuckled and pulled her into his arms, kissing her forehead. “I’d say that’s an understatement.”

“I think you cured me,” she told him. Her mind and soul seemed lighter than they had in years, free of the chains those horrid memories placed on her.

“I’ll agree with you when you can sleep through the night.”

She didn’t want to argue with him, but for her to do that would take more than forgetting about her fiancé. He was only part of the problem. They lay together for a while longer until she remembered the mess they’d left in the kitchen downstairs.

“I should go clean up our mess.” She groaned and sat up, but Beau leaned over and kissed her fiercely.

“Stay here and rest a while. I’ll take care of it.”

“All of it?”

“Why not? I’ll do another walk while I’m down there.” Something else glimmered in his eyes, but Naomi wasn’t sure what he was thinking. “Stay up here and get some sleep. Let someone else take care of you for once.”

He was going to spoil her. Coming from him, those words weren’t full of pity or sadness over what her life was like, but the tough threat that he wasn’t going to put up with her bullshit if she didn’t listen to him.

She agreed, and he gathered up his clothes, took another quick shower, and disappeared down to the kitchen. Then, Eddie returned to the real world and the business at hand of keeping his ass alive and figuring out what the hell was going on between them.



Eddie stretched in the bed, her body sore in places she didn’t think she’d ever feel again. Her hand brushed against a warm figure beside her. Beau. He’d come back up to bed, and she’d welcomed him. He’d wrapped her in his arms and held her all night.

If nothing else, Reinhart couldn’t say she wasn’t taking the keep-him-in-her-sights order to heart.

Careful not to wake him, she tiptoed to the bathroom, closed the door, and hopped into the shower, hoping her head was clear of any thoughts of the man who’d hurt her versus the man currently in her bed. But spending the night in Beau’s arms couldn’t work miracles, as she’d hoped.

By the time she got out, her mind was jumbled with what might happen if she did come face to face with the man from her nightmares. Could she handle him? No, but she could damn well pull the trigger and put a bullet through his brain. She wiped a hand across the steam covered mirror and stared at her reflection, looked at all the scars from her past, most from one incident. They’d been there two weeks, trapped like mice in a maze with one man down and two men turned traitor. Those days were worse than hell, but the three of them lived through it. Her, Ted, and Gareth. She still had nightmares, but Gareth had Jackie to bring him out of the dark, and Ted had his wife and kid. Eddie was alone after that. She’d lost the man she thought loved her. He was the worst traitor of them all.

She wrapped a towel around her body and returned to her room to find Beau standing in his jeans and nothing else. When his eyes met hers, he froze then narrowed at the sight of her near nakedness. She grinned, trying to forget the dark memories that were creeping closer.

“Should I put clothes on?”

“No, I’m enjoying the view,” he said, his voice husky, but he didn’t step any closer. His eyes said he wanted to, though, and when she shifted, hoping he could read the need in her eyes, he did. Eddie focused on his eyes again as voices and faces from her past threatened to overwhelm her, but through it all was Beau.

His hand stretched out for hers and she flinched, but instead of backing away, he held on tighter and pulled her against the full length of his body. His desire was evident through his jeans, and her body fought against the urge to push away and run. The second he learned the truth, he’d never look at her the same.

“Don’t,” he whispered harshly in her ear—not angry, but enough to shock her body so it stilled. “Be here in this moment, Naomi. You have to stop running.”

“I can’t help it,” she snapped.

“Yes, you can, damn it. Look at me and see me. You are not there anymore. You’re with me, so be with me.”

Her chest heaved as the fight continued inside her. Her nipples rubbed against the towel, and her breasts pushed into his chest. He moved her hand to his chest and let his fall to her hips. She flinched again and cursed, but not at him. She could do this… She was going to do this.

“Tell me again,” she rasped when she felt herself slipping. “Navy, tell me to stay with you.”

His arms circled around her back, encasing her in their warmth. The gentleness left his face, and in its place was the tough kick she needed. “You can’t leave me, you understand me, Naomi? You won’t think of him ever again, not when I’m finished with you.”

“I thought you already were,” she said, her voice shaking with need, fighting to stay in the moment with him.

“I’m just getting started.”

His mouth claimed hers fiercely, and Eddie was forced into the moment. The bedroom door was still open, and she told him that between breaths and kisses. When he turned to close it, she took the towel from around her body and let it fall to the floor. Beau turned back and cursed when he saw her standing naked for him. Not sure where the motions came from, she ran her hands up from her hips to her breasts, drawing in his eyes as the bulge in his jeans grew larger.

Every nerve in her body screamed for his touch, and when her fingers pinched her nipples, Beau closed the distance between them in a second.

“Damn it, woman,” he said as he took her mouth again and his hands closed around her hips.

Eddie’s hands wound into his hair, forcing his mouth harder against hers, the kiss deepening as she struggled to stay with him and not let her mind wander. With each movement of his fingers across her flesh, he chased away the memories holding her, and, bit by bit, she felt freer, lighter. He picked her up around the waist and carried her to the bed. She lay back as he moved over her, teasing her breasts with his beard stubble while his hand grazed her inner thigh, found her wet folds, and before she could think about it, penetrated her.

When his thumb pressed her clit, she sucked in a breath, bringing his head up so she could kiss him again, needing to taste him. His fingers were relentless, driving deep inside her. He caught her moan with his mouth as his tongue mimicked his fingers. Her hands clutched at his back, but it wasn’t enough. She needed him inside her to drive out the demons haunting her. He was the only one who could.

She undid his jeans and slid them open enough so she could slip her hands inside to hold him. The second she gripped him, he nibbled her lip, and his hand increased its pace. But she wanted her turn with him and forced him over. She pushed him back onto the bed as she tugged his jeans off until every bit of bare muscle and skin was exposed to her gaze. She licked her lips and lowered her mouth to him, taking in his tip and sucking it hard.

“Jesus Christ,” he groaned as his hips bucked.

Eddie licked up his length, holding him steady in her grasp as his hands gripped the quilt for leverage. Grinning wickedly at him, she pulled him farther into her mouth, and her need grew with each noise he grunted.

“If you keep that up, I won’t be able to go slow,” he growled.

Knowing she was ready for it this time, she lifted her head to look at his slightly hooded eyes, the pupils dilated with his arousal. “Then don’t.”

He was up and pulling her onto his lap barely a second later, hoisting her legs around his hips. With one smooth movement, he thrust inside her, the sudden pressure an ache and intense bliss at the same time. She grabbed his shoulders and shifted with him as he moved, driving into her while his mouth sucked her nipples until they were hard. She gripped the back of his head, and his mouth turned back to hers, claiming it as he claimed every part of her. Her breath caught, and her cry was harsh against his mouth. Agonizing euphoria washed over her body as she shuddered in his arms. In that moment, as their gazes locked on one another, Eddie knew she could not live without this damn man in her life.

If only she knew what would happen when he learned the truth.

“I didn’t… I didn’t hurt you, did I?” he asked quickly and she laughed, the sound husky as her lips found his again. “I’m going to take that as a no.”

“No, you didn’t.”

Reluctantly, they pulled away from each other. He kissed her as he helped her off the bed and picked up her towel, his hands caressing her sides until she stepped out of his reach. She had a job to do, and as delightful as staying in bed all day with Beau would be, eventually, Shane or Ted would come looking.

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