Rules of the Hunt (35 page)

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Authors: Victor O'Reilly

Tags: #Fiction, #Thrillers, #Espionage

BOOK: Rules of the Hunt
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Despite his words, Adachi was uneasy about the tapes.
Tape was a reliable enough medium if you used
it yourself and kept the evidence chain intact, but where a third party was
involved he was cautious.
There were all
kinds of electronic tricks you could play these days.
Also, the fact that some tapes were genuine
did not mean all were.
The sheer number
of tapes would tend to suggest authenticity, but what better place, when you
thought about it, to hide a couple of fakes.
He resolved to check the tapes further with a speech analyst.
But that would take time.
Meanwhile, they would have to go with what
they had.

The prosecutor closed his eyes, lost in thought.
He was wearing a lapel pin, Adachi
miniature crossed silver
brooms; the sweeping out of corruption.
It had become associated with some of those who were working to clean up
Japanese politics.
So far, wearers were
in something of a select and extremely small minority.
The average voter knew the system was deeply
flawed but also knew the economic gains made by
and the steady progress of
individual well-being.
The system was
imperfect, but it worked.
So why change
Power would always be a money
That was human nature.

"Means, opportunity, and motive," said the prosecutor.
"I find it hard to believe that the
Namakas would turn on their

"But," said Adachi, "There is the matter
of the evidence."

"Quite so," said the prosecutor.
"And the evidence is quite

"Bring them in?" said Adachi.

The prosecutor shook his head.
"I think we should talk to the Namaka brothers fairly soon,"
he said, "but not quite yet.
Let us
see what we can turn up in the next couple of weeks.
The indicators are clear, but a successful
outcome will require more in the way of proof."

"We are working on it," said Adachi.
Despite some unease, which he did his best to
suppress, he could feel the case beginning to crack.
The feeling was that of exhilaration, the
lust of the hunter.
It would give him
the greatest pleasure to put the Namaka brothers behind bars.

"This is encouraging progress," said the prosecutor in
Adachi bowed
He felt tired but good.




Three days later, the Tokyo MPD forensic laboratory cracked the
encryption code which had prevented Hodama's security video from being viewed.

The encryption technology was similar to that used to prevent
unauthorized viewers from watching satellite TV without a decoder.
The principle was easy to understand.
Finding the key to the particular code used
by Hodama was another matter.
permutations seemed to be endless.
was a problem for a supercomputer, it seemed, the kind of thing that the
worldwide eavesdropping agency, the NSA, excelled at.

In the end, thinking laterally, old-fashioned police work rather than
technology was brought into play.
detailed examination of Hodama's business connections revealed a shareholding
in a company that manufactured decoders.
From then on, it was just a matter of talking persuasively to the
company president.
At first he was
unwilling to cooperate.
A trip to police
headquarters and a tour of some of the facilities for overnight guests worked

The lab sent over several unlocked copies of the tape which could be
played on an ordinary video machine.
Adachi had an initial viewing in the squad room,
took a copy back to his apartment to study at his leisure.
Besides, he wanted Chifune's input; and he
wanted Chifune.

Surprisingly, she was available.
She tended to be elusive.
said that unpredictability stimulated ardor.
Privately, Adachi thought his ardor for Chifune did not need any
He only had to think of Tanabu-
for his desire to become well-nigh
Other women no longer
interested him.
He had tried a few times
since he had started sleeping with Chifune, but the alternatives paled in
It was a damn nuisance.

He was accustomed to a robust and uncomplicated sex life enjoyed in much
the same physical way as a bout of
— and now his whole being was involved.
It was a marvelous, awful, terrifying feeling; and a bloody
Running any murder
investigation required absolute focus and concentration.
And the Hodama business was not just any old
slice of mayhem.

Hodama's security videos were linked to the cameras directly in front of
the house and inside the main reception area.
There were cameras elsewhere, but these were merely connected to
The lab had intercut the tapes
from the two cameras linked to recorders to give some chronological sense, but
had edited out nothing.

The video had a grim documentary quality about it.
There was no sound and the pictures were in black
and white, but nonetheless they were compelling.

Unfortunately, they appeared to be of little help.

"Dark business suits and ski masks," said
Adachi cheerfully, "and surgical gloves.
These are not particularly helpful
And note the license plates are
covered with black cloth or something similar.
Very professional and unfriendly."

His voice was relaxed.
Chifune had
no sooner entered his apartment than he had taken her on the
floor, or maybe she had taken
It was hard to know with
She now sat naked beside him,
the video controls in her hand.
were drinking chilled white wine and leaning back against beanbags.

It was a rather pleasant way, thought Adachi, to carry on an
He was not naked.
Almost everything had come off in the
encounter, but he was still wearing his tie — his Tokyo MPD tie at that.
He lifted the mangled thing off his head and
threw it like a ring at the door handle.
It hung perfectly on the first shot.

"We've got the make of the car, the number and build of the
assailants, and the makes of several of the weapons for starters," said
"Don't be lazy.
You can't expect them to wear name tags."

"Whiz it back," said Adachi.
He was pleased with his VCR.
Matsushita, he considered, had done him proud.
It featured all the latest gadgetry, not the
least of which was resolution enhancement, freeze frame, and variable-speed
slow motion.
If there was something to
be seen, they would see it.

Chifune reran the video, and again, and again, and again.
And then she noticed Adachi's revived
tumescent condition and decided they both could do with some attention.

Afterward, they ran the video twice more.
By now they were concentrating on the figure
seemed to be giving the orders.
His face
and neck were completely concealed; his suit gave off no clues, except to show
that the wearer was a tall, powerful man.

The camera had caught his outstretched arms as he waved his people to
surround the building.
Here there was an
interesting detail.
Through the thin
surgical glove on the left hand, the outline of a heavy ring could clearly be

"Kei Namaka?" said Adachi.
"The build is right, the body language is right, and he wears a
ring something like that — I'll get the lab to do some photo enhancement.
But hell, would he do a hit himself?
He would be insane to.
These people never do their own dirty work.
They're insulated."

"Hodama didn't die any old way," said Chifune.
"This was personal.
And I think it may well be political — which
is interesting."

"What do you mean?" said Adachi.

"A conventional killing gets harder to solve as time goes on,"
said Chifune.
"A hit like Hodama
brings the beneficiary out of the woodwork.
I don't think we're looking closely enough at who benefits.
Think about it.
Power abhors a vacuum.
Kill a
and who is likely to surface?"

said Adachi slowly.
puppetmaster — and his puppets."

"Killing Hodama may be about revenge," said Chifune, "but
I think it was mostly about power.
for a power shift."

Adachi stared at her.
do you know?" he said.

"More than you," said Chifune, "but neither of us knows
I'm working on it."

"Politics!" said Adachi disgustedly.

"Not just politics," said Chifune.
"There are linkages here."
She stroked Adachi's cheek and then kissed
interests, corruption, a lot of history, and terrorism.
This is a dangerous, bloody business, my
So keep wearing your

"‘My love’?" said Adachi, looking very pleased and rather like
a schoolboy.

Chifune ruffled his hair.
"Figure of speech," she said.
"Don't go getting ideas."

The rest of what Chifune had said slowly surfaced.
"Terrorism?" he said.
"What the hell is going on?
What ever happened to old-fashioned
He was quiet for a
"You know," he added,
"our killer may just have a sense of humor, and have made the most of the
moment when he found Hodama about to have his bath, but I don't think so.
I don't see this as a nice, clean political
I think Hodama was meant
to die in agony.
The thing may be
political — given who Hodama was,
be political — but I think the primary motive was revenge."

"Nonetheless," said Chifune, "look at the politics.
Look at the realignments, the new alliances in
the toy box.
Look at where the strings

Adachi whistled a few bars of an old Beatles song.
The Beatles had been big in
and, when still only a
he had once gone to see them in the Nippon
A memorable
He was not sure that the
present generation of much-hyped midadolescent pop stars could be defined as
Most Japanese singers had a
short shelf life and seemed to be considered geriatric by the time they were
He had a feeling they were
assembled by robots somewhere and were simply replaced when they wore out.
Flexible production:
cars one day; pop singers the next;
computer-controlled, using fuzzy logic.
Your every need provided by half a dozen vast corporations and the state
— or
business and the state one and the
It was a frightening thought and
not entirely fanciful.
homogeneity was all very well, but like food needed salt, there was a lot to be
said for a useful dash of individuality.

Speaking of which:
He rolled over
onto Chifune and, the weight of his upper body taken by his arms so he could
look down at her, entered her.
She drew
up her knees to bring him deeper and returned his gaze steadily, scarcely
Then she reached up and stroked
his face before pulling him down to her.




The meeting took place in the twenty-story
building of the electronics
The head office of the group was officially
, but the chairman and direct descendant
of the founder worked out of
so the facilities there were lavish.

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