Rumor Has It: A Bad Boy Romantic Comedy (23 page)

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Red light danced across the room. When it fell on Genevieve it cast shadows over her face, deepening the gulf below her cheekbones and giving her a strangely exotic look. It was amazing the girl hadn’t been snatched up by a modeling agency. Even in a strip club full of naked girls, she stood out.

Men stopped to consider her tight jeans and sweater. She was tall and thin, but had a nice round ass and high tits. She was a stunning girl. Dressed down she looked more restrained, almost as if she was playing coy.

I knew she was hiding an amazing body beneath her conservative clothes. It was like she was trying to tease me with a secret. Somehow, she looked sexier dressed conservatively than in her revealing cocktail dress from last night.

Distracted by my thoughts, I hadn’t realized I’d been holding her hand. Without thinking, I let go and sat back. Genevieve looked hurt. I hadn’t meant it as a sign of rejection. Things were moving fast. I had to figure out how to stay in control.

Nearly knocking her barstool over, she suddenly rose. I grabbed the seat to keep it from tipping over.

“Maybe we should call it a night,” she said.

My mind raced. How could I convince her to stay without looking desperate? Trent always says you don’t want to make yourself look too available. Women see it as desperation. It’s a huge turnoff.

Of course, I had no idea why I was taking advice from Trent. After sending that ridiculously, idiotic message to Genevieve I was going to kill him. Besides, he knew nothing about relationships. I don’t think he’d ever been with a girl for longer than two months.

I finished the rest of the whiskey in my glass.

Was I seriously thinking about this girl in relationship terms? I barely knew her. And she came with a lot of baggage. Her mother was not going to sit idly by while I dated her daughter. Maybe it was best for the both of us if I let her go.

She stood before me for an awkward second. She wanted me to say something, to ask her to stay. I knew I shouldn’t, but I couldn’t help myself. I didn’t want to see her leave.

“The ring,” I said. “I, uh, need it back.”

It was a convenient excuse to keep her around longer. Still, she looked disappointed. She tried to hide it with a smile, but it somehow made her look even sadder. She looked around nervously. Her eyes narrowed as she focused on something behind me.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” she said.

I turned and for a horrifying second expected to see Val. To my relief, she was nowhere in sight. Genevieve was staring directly at someone on the far side of the club. At first I couldn’t see what she was looking at, then the crowd parted. It was the guy from her Instagram account- the ex-boyfriend, I assumed. He was sitting next to a girl with a deep tan and bleach blonde hair. She was half undressed and drinking champagne directly from the bottle. At first I thought she was a stripper, but she was getting a lap dance from one of the girls.

Genevieve glared at him. If looks could kill, he’d by lying on the floor in a million pieces. Her anger made me laugh for some reason. I didn’t want her to be mad, but it was better than seeing her sad.

“Do you know him?” I asked.


I waited for her to elaborate, but she didn’t.

“Who’s Michael?”

“My boyfr- my

Her slip up led me to two conclusions: first, the breakup had been recent; second, she still had feelings for him.

I took a hard look at the guy. I didn’t think it was possible, but he actually looked smugger in person than in his pictures. He shoved a dollar bill into the g-string of a stripper, then slapped her ass; the blonde girl sitting beside him laughed and high-fived him. They made quite the pair.

Genevieve crossed her arms in front of her chest and cocked her hip to the side. She was clearly jealous. My hatred for this douche boiled to a fever pitch.

“Let’s go say hi,” I said.


She looked startled by the idea. I wanted to talk to Michael and see what it was Genevieve saw in him. The guy looked pathetic, but maybe he had an amazing personality. As I watched him shoo away a drink girl with a flick of his wrist, I seriously doubted it. If this guy was charming or charismatic I would be shocked.

“Let’s go make him jealous,” I offered.

Before she could protest, I took her hand and led her over to where Michael was sitting. Genevieve tried to hide behind me. It was no use; he saw her quickly. Michael wasn’t the only guy who stopped to consider Genevieve as she walked by. She was hard to miss.

Michael jumped out of his seat, like a little kid who’d been caught stealing red-handed. Watching him squirm made me smile. I held out my hand.

“You must be Genevieve’s ex-boyfriend.”

He looked at me, then Genevieve, then at my hand. Finally, he took my hand. His grip was weak and clammy. I squeezed hard as I shook it. He winced.

“What are you doing here?” he stammered to Genevieve.

“I, um…”

She slid behind me, trying to hide. I wrapped an arm around her and squeezed her tight. Pressed against me, her body felt soft and warm. I rested my hand on the curve of her hip. She relaxed a bit and leaned into me, resting her hand on my chest. Her touch made me stiffen. She was supposed to be the nervous one and here I was acting like a guy on his first date with a girl. Was this a date? In a twisted way, it felt like it had turned into one.

“Genevieve thought it would be fun to check this place out,” I lied. “I’m not really into these kinds of places, but she insisted.”

Playfully, I squeezed her side. She smiled and shrugged shyly. Watching her face light up with a genuine smile stirred something inside me.

Michael narrowed his eyes; his mouth became a straight line.

“Since when are you into strippers?” he asked Genevieve.

She clung to me tightly. This douche was doing everything in his power to make her feel small and unworthy. Unworthy of what? That was the real question. Of him? Did he think he was too good for Genevieve? Or was this just his way of showing off in front of his new girl?

“Gigi’s full of all kinds of surprises,” I said.

I pulled her closer and ran my hand up and down her side suggestively. Michael’s face turned bright red.

“‘Gigi?’ You hate being called Gigi,” he said.

“Do you?” I asked.

Genevieve shrugged. “I like it when you say it. It has a way of rolling off your tongue. Don’t you think so?” she said turning to Michael’s date.

The girl gave me a crooked smile as her eyes scanned my body. The look wasn’t lost on Michael. It was time to go. It was best to leave him full of questions.

“I think it’s time we head back to my place,” I said to Genevieve.

I pulled out my wallet and laid a hundred dollar bill on the table. Michael eyed it suspiciously.

“You kids have fun,” I said. “My treat.”

Michael’s girlfriend snatched up the hundred before he could protest. He didn’t look like he could afford to drop a hundred dollars in a strip club. It was douche-y to flaunt my money, but I couldn’t help myself. The way he’d tried to make Genevieve feel like she wasn’t worthy of him made me want to punch him in the face. He needed to be humbled. Maybe now he’d realize he wasn’t at the top of the food chain.

I kissed Genevieve on the forehead. Michael took a deep breath. He looked like a child on the verge of a temper tantrum. I cleared my throat in an attempt to fight the urge to laugh.

“Let’s go, sweetheart. Unless you wanted to get a private dance?”

For a fraction of a second, Genevieve looked frightened by the possibility, but she quickly picked up on the act.

“Would you like to see me get a lap dance?” she asked coyly.

“I don’t know. I might get jealous.”

“I think I’d like to see you get a lap dance.”

“You want to watch me with another girl?”

I laughed. Genevieve played her part beautifully. I understood she was only saying these things to make weasel-faced Michael upset, but her words were turning me on. She had this kittenish way of purring as she spoke. Her voice had gone a bit hoarse.

“Is that too much? Am I being naughty?” she asked.

My cock stirred to life at her question. I needed to get her out of here. She was making me hard and if she kept talking like a bad girl I wouldn’t be able to resist the urge to fuck her.

“Go on,” Michael said smugly. “Act

I could tell he wasn’t buying Genevieve’s act. He was calling her bluff. Michael grabbed the arm of a drink girl as she passed by. She regarded his hand on her elbow with icy contempt. Girls do not like getting manhandled, especially by a guy like Michael. Why this was so hard for douchebags like him to understand was a mystery to me. Maybe he just didn’t care. He saw women as objects and nothing more.

“My friends want a private dance,” he said with more authority than he had. “Show them a good time.”

He took the hundred dollar bill from his girlfriend and shoved it down the bra of the drink girl. She frowned and took a step back.

“That’s what you want, isn’t it?” he asked, daring Genevieve to back down.

“We should be going,” I said, trying to save Genevieve from an awkward situation. “I don’t want to share. I want you all to myself.”

“No,” she said, glaring at Michael. “I want to go to a private room. It’ll be fun. We can go back to your place after.”

Michael laughed as if he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

“Lead the way,” Genevieve said to the drink girl.

“Follow me,” she said.

Genevieve grabbed my hand and pulled me along behind her. The drink girl showed us to a private room in the back.

“How many girls to you want?” she asked.

Genevieve looked flustered.

“Um, just one to start with, I guess,” she replied.

I pulled her aside confidentially. “Sweetheart, we don’t have to do this. Your asshole ex-boyfriend can’t see us back here. We can just slip out the back. He’ll never know that we didn’t get a private dance, and even if he did find out, who cares? He’s a loser. You’re too good for him.”

Genevieve chewed on her lip as she considered her options.

“I know this all-night restaurant that has amazing pho. We can go, eat, talk, have some coffee… What do you say?” I asked.

It occurred to me that I’d neglected to mention the ring. It didn’t seem important anymore. It had been less than thirty-six hours since the disastrous dinner with Val and it already felt like ages ago. It was a problem to worry about later.

There was a knock at the door. A girl entered. She wore a bikini covered in shiny sequins. She had long blonde hair that was dyed pink on the end. Her face curled into a Cheshire grin of pink lip gloss and perfect white teeth.

“Couples are my favorite,” she cooed. “Who’s first?”

“Actually-” I started only to be cutoff by Genevieve.

“He is,” she said.

“Are you sure about this?” I whispered.

“Yeah, let’s do it.”





“Are you sure about this?” Luke asked.

I rolled my eyes. Why does everyone treat me like a little girl or worse: an uptight prude? I know how to have fun.

“Yeah, let’s do it.”

“Awesome!” the girl said. “I’m Cinnamon.”

Cinnamon? Was she for real with that name?

“Why don’t you sit down and relax,” she said to Luke.

He was staring at me, like he wasn’t sure what to do. I had a hard time believing this was his first lap dance. He was obviously nervous because of me. I found it cute. Luke comes across so self-possessed. The way he marched up to Michael and humiliated him was amazing. Watching him squirm as Cinnamon ran her hands down his chest made me giggle.

She pushed him hard and he sat down with a thud. She straddled his lap, her long, tan legs trapping him beneath her. She glanced at me over her shoulder, then patted the seat beside Luke.

“Come sit,” she said sweetly, as if we were in a casual setting and not a strip club.

Timidly I sat down next to Luke, leaving a couple feet of space between us. I wanted to be close enough to see everything, but I didn’t want to get in the way.

Luke looked a bit out of his element. He would glance at me, then Cinnamon, then back at me again. He didn’t seem to know what to do with his hands until she grabbed them and placed them on her ass.

“Do you like that Daddy?” she asked.

Luke didn’t respond; he simply swallowed hard and glanced at me for approval. Was he afraid of pushing me away? He didn’t need to be. I was fascinated by the scene.

Cinnamon sat down on Luke’s lap and started to move her hips in slow circles. Luke winced like he’d been stung. The girl smiled and started to grind on his cock faster.

“Help me,” she said, turning to me.

I swallowed hard. She turned her back to me and indicated the string on her bikini top. She wanted me to remove it. I stayed where I was and reached across the distance between us. For some reason I was afraid to get too close. I pulled the knot on her top free, then quickly took my seat in the shadows.

The girl’s breasts fell free. They were huge and obviously fake, but they were round and firm. They looked nice.

Luke only glanced at them. I had the impression he was afraid of enjoying the moment too much. My presence made him uncomfortable. I smiled and tried to catch his eye. Cinnamon grabbed my hand pulled me closer.

“Don’t be shy, baby.”

She took Luke’s hands and placed them on her breasts.

“Is this your boyfriend?” she asked me.

I didn’t respond. I wasn’t sure what to say. Luke wasn’t my boyfriend; but strangely, I liked the idea of pretending he was. Somehow, it made the experience feel naughtier.

“Do you like it when your boyfriend touches me?” she asked. “Do you like it when I touch him?”

Suddenly, she jumped up and turned around. She threw her back against Luke and slid down, rubbing against his cock as she moved over his body. She stood up and bent over, gazing at Luke over her shoulder. He watched closely as she pulled off her g-string. Her pussy was shaved bare and her whole body was perfectly tanned.

She flipped her pink hair around dramatically, then sat on his lap. She took Luke’s hands and placed them on her tits. Cinnamon looked at me expectantly. What did she want me to do? I had no idea where to start.

“Do you want to touch me?” she asked.

I couldn’t read Luke’s expression. Did he want me to touch her? Would it turn him on?

“I just want to watch,” I said, feeling disappointed in myself. I’ve never done anything like this before. It was a bit scary. I didn’t want Luke to think I was a boring prude, but the truth was that I was in over my head.

Cinnamon giggled and turned around on Luke’s lap. She pushed her breasts in his face, bouncing them off his head. I laughed; I couldn’t help myself. They looked ridiculous, like two overinflated beach balls punching him in the face.

“That’ll do, sweetheart,” he said to Cinnamon.

I frowned. I didn’t like it when he called her ‘sweetheart.’

Luke pulled out his wallet and handed her a stack of hundreds. A smile spread across her face as she counted the money. Deep dimples appeared on her cheeks, making her look younger than her years.

“Why don’t you give us some alone time?” Luke said.

“You got it.”

Cinnamon collected her discarded sparkly bikini and headed out the door.

“Room’s yours for the next forty-five minutes,” she said, as she closed the door behind her.

Luke sighed and looked at me. My pussy pulsed hot and wet between my legs. I rubbed my thighs together and considered Luke. Was he hard? It was too dark to tell.

“You don’t have to sit so far away,” he said.

I inched closer. Watching Luke with the stripper had turned me on, but the experience left me feeling shy. I wasn’t as hot as her. I could never turn Luke on the way she did. I twisted the engagement ring around my finger nervously. The low-light reflected off the diamond, sending an array of light across Luke’s face. He took my hand. I thought he’d try to pry the ring off again, but he only held my hand in his. He ran his fingers over my palm and stared at me.

His intense stare forced me to look away. Luke was a man with years of experience. He was rich and handsome; he’d had dozens, if not hundreds of women. Who was I? A dumb little girl who thought she was entitled to a guy that was hotter than she deserved.

Luke brushed my hair out of my eyes and ran his hand over my cheek and across the curve of my jaw. Our eyes met; tension radiated through him. He looked as if he was battling with some inner turmoil. Then his expression cleared. He’d come to a decision about an unspoken question.

What went on behind those intense green eyes? What was it that had him so conflicted? I soon got my answer.

Luke leaned in and kissed me. His mouth was firm and soft against mine. My lips parted. I felt his tongue briefly press against mine. We kissed for what felt like ages. When we broke apart, I exhaled and swallowed hard. I hadn’t realized I’d been holding my breath until our kiss was broken.

Luke pulled me closer and kissed my face and neck. I climbed on top of him and sat on his lap. I could feel his cock, hard and thick through his pants. I moaned. Without thinking, I started to grind against him.

Luke inhaled sharply. He bit my earlobe and pulled off my sweater. His lips moved down my chest leaving a trail of kisses over my breasts. One handed, he unhooked my bra and tossed it to the floor.

Luke flipped me over onto my back. I stretched out beneath him on the long couch. Deep bass hummed through the room as Luke unbuttoned my jeans. He slid them off my legs quickly. I laid before him in nothing more than my underwear.

He stared down at me, taking in my form.

My heart beat quickly with fear and anticipation. Did he like what he saw? Would he change his mind?

He took off his jacket and threw it behind him. Then he was on top of me, kissing my breasts and biting them playfully. I ran my fingers through his hair and pulled.

He kissed my stomach, making me giggle. Then he moved lower. Heat pulsed inside me with such intensity I was convinced he could feel it too.

Luke slid my underwear off and buried his face between my legs. When his tongue touched my clit, I hissed like I’d been burned. My body reacted violently. My hips swayed; I arched my back. I cried out with sharp bursts of energy.

As he sucked on my clit, he ran his tongue over my g-spot in a quick circular motion. I ran my fingers through his hair, twisting and pulling.

Luke’s strong hands gripped my ass. He squeezed, pulling me towards him as he went down on me.

Heat radiated through my body as if an electrical current was dancing across my skin. Wet with desire, my pussy throbbed as he slid his tongue inside me. Suddenly, Luke was positioning himself between my legs. He leaned over me, staring into my eyes.

Something was missing. He still wore his shirt. I wanted to see what he looked like beneath it.

I grabbed his collar and pulled. Buttons flew as his shirt tore open. His chest was more muscular than I’d imagined. I ran my fingers through his chest hair and over his six-pack. I traced the rise and fall of his abs with my fingertips. I wanted more time to explore his muscles, but a fierce urgency possessed me. My body ached to feel him inside me.

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