Run (Nola Zombies Book 1) (5 page)

BOOK: Run (Nola Zombies Book 1)
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We were lost in each other for what seemed like hours, and then his body was jerking, his shout loud as he emptied into me. In response I came, shouting my own pleasure and pushing back just as hard onto him as he was thrusting into me.

He fell next to me and pulled me close to him, our bodies sticky with sweat and come. He trailed kisses up my neck and pressed his hard body against my back in a very sweet lovers’ embrace. I don’t know who it was that pulled the covers over us, my brain was muddled from exhaustion and sex, all I knew at that moment was I was in a place I really wanted to be in, which was funny considering the state of things. I might have laughed aloud because he pulled me closer and nuzzled his face into my hair. After only a few moments, our breaths evened out and we slipped into sleep. The last words I heard might have been my imagination, but I thought I heard him whisper, “Perfect.”

FIVE | Reality Sucks Ass

We both awoke hours later, his hard length pressed against me as we lay spooning. It seemed natural for me to move my body along his sensually, enticing him for more sex. I was already wet for him and as his arms came around my body, his fingers pinching my hard nipples, his lips sucking on my neck and ear, I reached back and gripped his rigid shaft. He flipped me over so that I was on my knees and my body was tensed in anticipation of being taken this way. I wanted it before. I wanted it even more now.

His fingers slid over my folds, spreading my wetness over my inner lips. In a surprising motion, he moved his fingers to my tight ass and carefully probed the tight hole. I gasped at this and he stopped immediately.

“Do you like me playing with your ass, baby?”

“I don’t know,” I said honestly.

“You’ll like when I play with your ass.” His fingers dipped into my wetness and spread the moisture on my ass, this time he pressed in a tiny bit. I couldn’t suppress the moan that escaped from my lips and he chuckled in a very alpha male way at my response. He knew my body was his in any way he wanted it, and he took it. With one quick stroke he entered me, his finger still continuing to probe my ass.

“I want to take you here so bad, but we’ll work up to it, later baby...right now just my finger.” And he pressed it in deeper, in rhythm with his thrusts into me. In and out, the sensation was something I had never felt before, both painful but highly sexual and enjoyable. It didn’t take long for my orgasm to explode around us. When my shaking subsided Blake’s finger left my ass, but he began an intense onslaught on my body as he pounded me from behind, gripping my hips and slamming me back into him over and over again. The slap of my wet rear on his lower abdomen was a very sexy noise that matched our hectic pace.

He gripped my long hair in his hand, and he pulled me up, by the hair, toward him placing me in a kneeling position in front of him. It was so unbelievably sexy, his hand continued to grip my hair, its long length wrapped around his wrist, gripped tightly, pulling me with it, as he pushed inside me.
Again that feeling that I was his possession. That he could do whatever he wanted with my body. I didn’t have any issue with this feeling. I would be more than willing. If Blake touched me, it would bring me pleasure. This was so very different for me. I was used to being the one in charge, pushing not being pulled. The men I went for were strong, but willing to step back and let a woman take control. Being with Blake was like nothing I had experienced before.

It didn’t take long for us both to end our little middle of the night romp in a loud and powerful orgasm. Blake was shuddering at my back, kissing my neck and shoulders, squeezing my breasts and pulling at my nipples gently as we fell apart panting as if we had run a grueling sprint.

His hands disengaged from my body and a sudden chill overwhelmed me, my body missed his warmth.

“I want to go check on things. Do you want to stay down here and get some more sleep?”

“Mmm,” was all I could mumble and he leaned over and kissed me with a chuckle.

“Sleep it is,” he pulled the covers over me, but I pushed them back and reached up to grab at him. I didn’t want him to go.

“No. More.” I pouted.

“I can’t, Lex,” he pushed away, “We probably shouldn’t have done many times. We need all the strength we can muster.”

“Don’t say that.” Suddenly fully awake. I sat up and faced him, “What we just did gives me the strength to face this bullshit. Unless you regret it?” It was a very insecure statement, but I couldn’t help it.
Did he regret what we did already?

“Oh God, no.” He pulled me to him and his lips met mine. “I don’t regret one moment. You are amazing and the sex was amazing. The fact that I found you on today of all days is either a curse or a blessing. I haven’t figured it out yet.” I frowned at his statement and when he saw my confusion he tried to explain.


“Us...together...well we could be strong, we could protect each other. Or it could distract us. If I lose you it could make this world so much worse. I don’t know, I want to keep you safe, I don’t want to be the reason we screw up.
I just want us to be strong, calories are going to be a precious commodity and we just used up a lot of calories and it’s all my fault. I should have restrained myself, I just can’t help myself around you.”

“All about you,” I chuckled. Making light of his dark thoughts. “I seem to remember myself having a leading role in our little drama. And, it was worth it.” I smiled as he kissed me and I couldn’t help myself, my hands found his dick and wrapped around it. I delighted in the fact that it hardened immediately under my touch.

“Alexis, you are going to kill me.” But he kissed me harder and I continued to pump his length, my hand slick with his pre-come. Already my sex was flooding in readiness. I couldn’t believe how my body reacted to him. It craved him and it needed him. It was my turn to take control. I pushed him back on the bed and climbed over his body, I used my hand to guide the head of his rigid length to my wet entrance. I aligned myself and sat down on him. We both sighed in pure pleasure as our bodies became one. His hands found my breasts and his strong fingers began to work them as I rose and fell over him. I rode him hard, just like he had taken me from behind, I took him from above. He pulled me close to him, his lips replacing his fingers, sucking on my breasts, one at a time he gave them the attention they craved.

My domination didn’t last long as he used his strength to flip me over and took the control away from me. We kissed, lots of tongue and teeth, as we came together. He stayed inside of me, still kissing, still petting as his dick softened. I whimpered as it withdrew from me. I wanted it back, I wanted to just stay here, touching and groping and kissing. I didn’t want to face what was out there. But, I knew I had to.

When Blake finally pushed off the bed and slipped on his jeans, tucking himself away, I wanted to pout and beg him to get back in the bed and make me come some more, but I didn’t. I got up and found my panties and jeans. I got dressed with him. I got quiet and I got ready. We had to face reality even though reality sucked ass.

SIX | Amazing is as Amazing Does

When we crawled out from below deck, the humidity of the morning was the first thing we felt, the summer fog was pressing against the boat and painting the sky a dull gray-orange. The dark waters of the Mississippi lapped at the hull and the sight of its muddy waters calmed me. I had lived on the river my entire life. There was no movement, even above us on the Huey P. Long Bridge that is usually teeming with traffic. Nothing. It was so surreal. Even during Katrina there had been constant noise. The steady thrum of helicopter blades, the rev of boat motors or an occasional gun shot. Now, there was nothing, not even the sound of the cicadas in the trees or call of a gull. New Orleans was still, waiting. I just hope it wasn’t waiting to eat us.

“You know the area. How do you think we should tackle this?” He asked and the sudden sound of his voice made me jump.

“Just around that area of trees is a boat repair facility. They have a lot of service vehicles. I think we can pull up there and commandeer one of the trucks, use that to get to my house and retrieve the supplies and my dog. I thought I would stay in my house at first, just bug-in, but there is no protection there. We need high, reinforced walls, or at least on the boat we have water. I don’t think they can swim. We need a long-term plan and I think we should stick together, it’s safer. If you want that, of course.” Again that insecurity came out and I regretted voicing it. Of course he would want to stick together, isn’t that what you did in an apocalypse? I was looking like some needy chick asking for reassurance. I didn’t want to look needy.

“Yeah, that’s my aim too. We are much better together than apart.
But, are you sure about your dog? I hate to be an asshole, but I don’t know how safe to us a barking dog will be and it’s also another mouth to feed.”

“Charlie is a trained German Shepard. He only barks once if he spots danger or an intruder. He’s also trained to attack and hunt. He’s an asset, trust me, this isn’t some yippy, codependent lap dog.”

“I shouldn’t have expected any less.” He leaned down and kissed me quickly on the lips. That little kiss stirred things up inside me, things that the hours of sex the night before hadn’t even touched. I was such a sap. No matter how much I was all “tough-girl no love for you”, the moment a boy gave me a compliment I got all fluttery inside. Lame. But fuck it, it felt awesome.

“I also noticed there is an inflatable dinghy in one of the compartments up here. I think that might be a better option than moving the boat and docking it. It can be stolen by other survivors or boarded by those things. This way we can hide the inflatable in the woods and keep the boat safe. A boat might be a hot commodity to survivors, since driving isn’t much of an option.”

“You’re right, the roads will be blocked. New Orleans is hard to escape during a normal day with only a few roads and bridges out of the area, I can’t imagine what it will be like now. Mostly blocked by stalled cars, I’m assuming. Though, we don’t even know if the disease spread, it might have been contained or the majority of the people evacuated, maybe we missed any assistance by being on the boat.”

“I doubt it. Most likely in these sorts of situations the feds will come in and quarantine the city. They won’t let anyone in or out. They might try to evacuate the non-infected, but I doubt that too. Chances are we are on our own and a big city isn’t exactly optimal for staying safe.”
He dug in the storage compartments on deck and pulled out what looked like a tarp. He motioned for me to step back and then yanked on a cord. The dinghy instantly inflated and there seemed to be plenty of room for the two of us. He went back into the storage compartment and pulled out a small outboard motor and a gas tank that appeared to be full.

“I hope this works, I don’t see paddles.”

“Fantastic.” He tied the line to the back of the boat, got the inflatable into the water and attached the motor, filling it with a small amount of gas. Two pulls had it sputtering to life.
We were in business.

It was time for us to go ashore.

I hurried below deck to get ready and located my pack. I pulled a long-sleeve shirt over my tank top even though it was sweltering. Next I clipped on the belt holster that Blake had the foresight to grab from the harbor police and slipped the M9 into it. I picked up the ax from the meeting in the galley and tired to wipe some of the blood off the blade. I would use the ax first and hopefully wouldn’t have to resort to the gun because I didn’t want to waste ammo and attract attention with the noise.

“You ready?” He called from above. He had slipped on a shoulder holster over the too tight tee he had found in the storage area. He looked sexy as hell. I wanted to say, ‘screw it’ and get my hands on him again. But I knew we had to do this to survive. And I missed Charlie.

I made my way up to the deck and he helped me into the small boat. It was a quick jaunt from the boat to the banks of the river.
Blake kept it close to the rocky shore until we neared the industrial dock that I recognized from my morning walk.
Luckily there was nothing docked in the vicinity. It might have gotten really sticky if we had a bunch of undead sailors milling about trying to eat us. We didn’t head for the dock, since it was high and meant for larger ships, but the area underneath it, which was wooded and overgrown.

“Right here,” I whispered and he pulled in close to shore, jumped out and stuck his hand out to help me onto a big broken cement slab.
The large slabs were common in this area of the Mississippi river, they were a little tricky to navigate though. Some were unstable and some even had sharp, rusted pieces of rebar sticking out from them. We pulled the dinghy ashore, trying to avoid the metal stakes and pushed it into the brush so it couldn’t be spotted unless you were right on top of it.

“This’ll work.” I nodded, noting there was a wooden stake in the ground with a pink plastic strip at the end so I could remember the location.

“All right, let’s try to go as silent as we can from this point. I don’t know what we’ll find when we get to the shipyard. It’s the weekend, so hopefully it will be relatively empty of living or dead.”

When we entered the service area of the yard, it did seem Blake was right, no one was home. There were a few trucks parked by the main building, but there was no activity. We came in fast and hard and headed for the front door. When Blake tried to open it, the latch stuck, it was locked. He broke the window with my ax and we didn’t think twice as we let ourselves in. This was a new world where a bit of B&E was survival not stealing.

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