Running with the Demon (3 page)

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Authors: Terry Brooks

BOOK: Running with the Demon
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“George needs to get an attitude adjustment,” Nest offered. “Everybody likes you, Ben Ben. Come on, let’s go find your mommy and talk to her about it. I’ll go with you. Hey, what about Spook? I’ll bet your kitty misses you.”

Bennett Scott’s moppet head shook quickly, scattering her lank, dark hair in tangles. “George took Spook away. He doesn’t like cats.”

Nest wanted to spit. That worthless creep! Spook was just
about the only thing Bennett Scott had. She felt her grip on the situation beginning to loosen. The feeders were weaving about Bennett like snakes, and the little girl was cringing and hugging herself in fear. Bennett couldn’t see them, of course. She wouldn’t see them until it was too late. But she could hear them somewhere in the back of her mind, an invisible presence, insidious voices, taunting and teasing. They were hungry for her, and the balance was beginning to shift in their favor.

“I’ll help you find Spook,” Nest said quickly. “And I’ll make sure that George doesn’t take him away again either. What do you say to that?”

Bennett Scott hugged herself some more and looked fixedly at her feet, thinking it over. Her thin body went still. “Do you promise, Nest? Really?”

Nest Freemark gave her a reassuring smile. “I do, sweetie. Now walk over here and take my hand so we can go home.”

The feeders moved to intervene, but Nest glared at them and they flinched away. They wouldn’t meet her gaze, of course. They knew what would happen if they did. Nevertheless, they were bolder than usual tonight, more ready to challenge her. That was not a good sign.

“Bennett,” she said quietly. The little girl’s head lifted and her eyes came into the light. “Look at me, Bennett. Don’t look anywhere else, okay? Just look right at me. Now walk over here and take my hand.”

Bennett Scott started forward, one small step at a time. Nest waited patiently, holding her gaze. The night air had turned hot and still again, the breeze off the river dying away. Insects buzzed and flew in erratic sweeps, and, not wanting to do anything that would startle the little girl, Nest fought down the impulse to brush at them.

“Come on, Ben Ben,” she cajoled softly.

As Bennett Scott advanced, the feeders gave way grudgingly, dropping down on all fours in a guarded crouch and skittering next to her like crabs. Nest took a deep breath.

One of the feeders broke away from the others and made a grab for Bennett. Nest hissed at it furiously, caught its eye, and
stripped it of its life with a single, chilling glance. That was all it took—one instant in which their eyes met and her magic took control. The feeder collapsed in a heap and melted into the earth in a black stain. The others backed off watchfully.

Nest took a deep, calming breath. “Come on, Bennett,” she urged in a tight whisper. “It’s all right, sweetie.”

The little girl had almost reached her when the headlight of the freight train swept across the bayou as the lead engine lurched out of the night. Bennett Scott hesitated, her eyes suddenly wide and uncertain. Then the train whistle sounded its shrill, piercing wail, and she cried out in fear.

Nest didn’t hesitate. She grabbed Bennett Scott’s arm, snatched the little girl from her feet, and pressed her close. For a moment she held her ground, facing down the feeders. But she saw at once that there were too many to stand against, so she wheeled from the cliffs and began to run. Behind her, the feeders bounded in pursuit. Already Pick was astride Daniel, and the barn owl swooped down on the foremost pursuers, talons extended. The feeders veered away, giving Nest an extra few yards head start.

“Faster, Nest!” Pick cried, but she was already in full stride, running as hard as she could. She clutched Bennett Scott tightly against her, feeling the child shake. She weighed almost nothing, but it was awkward running with her. Nest cleared the turnaround and streaked past the burial mounds for the picnic ground. She would turn and face the feeders there, where she could maneuver, safely away from the cliffs. Her magic would give her some protection. And Pick would be there. And Daniel. But there were so many of them tonight! Her heart thumped wildly. From the corner of her eye, she saw shadows closing on her, bounding through the park, yellow eyes narrowed. Daniel screeched, and she felt the whoosh of his wings as he sped past her, banking away into the dark.

“I’m sorry, Mommy, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Bennett Scott sobbed, a prayer of forgiveness for some imagined wrong. Nest gritted her teeth and ran faster.

Then suddenly she went down, arms and legs flying as she
tripped over a road chain she had missed vaulting. She lost her grip on Bennett Scott and the little girl cried out in terror. Then the air was knocked from Bennett’s lungs as she struck the ground.

Nest rolled to her feet at once, but the feeders were everywhere, dark, shadowy forms closing on her with wicked intent. She turned to mush the handful that were closest, the ones that were foolish enough to meet her gaze, ripping apart their dark forms with a glance. But the remainder converged in a dark wave.

Then Wraith materialized next to her, a massive presence, fur all stiff and bristling, the hairs raised like tiny spikes off his body. At first glance, he might have been a dog, a demonic German shepherd perhaps, colored an odd brindle. But he was deep-chested like a Rottweiler, and tall at the shoulders like a boxer, and his eyes were a peculiar amber within a mass of black facial markings that suggested tiger stripes. Then you recognized the sloped forehead and the narrow muzzle as a wolf’s. And if you looked even closer, which if you were one of the few who could see him you were not apt to do, you realized he was something else altogether.

Scrambling over each other in an effort to escape, the feeders scattered like leaves in a strong wind. Wraith advanced on them in a stiff-legged walk, his head lowered, his teeth bared, but the feeders disappeared as swiftly as shadows at the coming of full sun, bounding back into the night. When the last of them had gone, Wraith wheeled back momentarily to give Nest a dark, purposeful glance, almost as if to take the measure of her resolve in the face of his somewhat belated appearance, and then he faded away.

Nest exhaled sharply, the chill that had settled in the pit of her stomach melting, the tightness in her chest giving way. Her breath came in rapid bursts, and blood throbbed in her ears. She looked quickly to find Bennett. The little girl was curled into a ball, hiding her face in her hands, crying so hard she was hiccuping. Had she seen Wraith? Nest didn’t think so. Few people ever saw Wraith. She brushed at the grass embedded in
the cuts and scrapes on her knees and elbows, and went to collect her frightened charge. She scooped Bennett up and cradled her gently.

“There, there, Ben Ben,” she cooed, kissing the little girl’s face. “Don’t be frightened now. It’s all right. Everything’s all right.” She shivered in spite of herself. “It was just a little fall. Time to be going home now, sweetie. Look, there’s your house, right over there. Can you see the lights?”

Daniel winged past one final time and disappeared into the dark, bearing Pick with him. The feeders were scattered, so the owl and the sylvan were leaving, entrusting the return of Bennett Scott to her. She sighed wearily and began to walk through the park. Her breathing steadied and her heartbeat slowed. She was sweating, and the air felt hot and damp against her face. It was silent in the park, hushed and tender in the blanket of the dark. She hugged Bennett possessively, feeling the little girl’s sobs slowly fade.

“Oh, Ben Ben,” she said, “we’ll have you home in bed before you know it. You want to get right to sleep, little girl, because Monday’s the Fourth of July and you don’t want to miss the fireworks. All those colors, all those pretty colors! What if you fell asleep and missed them?”

Bennett Scott curled into her shoulder. “Will you come home with me, Nest? Will you stay with me?”

The words were so poignant that Nest felt tears spring to her eyes. She stared off into the night, to the stars and the half-moon in the cloudless sky, to the shadows of the trees where they loomed against the horizon, to the lights of the buildings ahead where the residences and the apartments began and the park came to an end. The world was a scary place for little girls, but the scariest things in it weren’t always feeders and they didn’t live only in the dark. In the morning she would talk with Gran about Enid Scott. Maybe together they could come up with something. She would look for Spook, too. Pick would help.

“I’ll come home with you, Ben Ben,” she whispered. “I’ll stay for a little while, anyway.”

Her arms were tired and aching, but she refused to put the little girl down. By the time she reached the crossbar blocking the entrance to the park and turned left toward the Sinnissippi Townhomes, Bennett Scott was fast asleep.


obert Roosevelt Freemark—“Old Bob” to everyone but his wife, granddaughter, and minister—came down to breakfast the next morning in something of a funk. He was a big man, three inches over six feet, with broad shoulders, large hands, and a solidity that belied his sixty-five years of age. His face was square, his features prominent, and his snow white hair thick and wavy and combed straight back from his high forehead. He looked like a politician—or at least like a politician ought to look. But Old Bob was a workingman, had been all his life, and now, in retirement after thirty years on the line at Midwest Continental Steel, he still dressed in jeans and blue work shirts and thought of himself as being just like everyone else.

Old Bob had been Old Bob for as long as anyone could remember. Not in his boyhood, of course, but shortly after that, and certainly by the time he came back from the Korean War. He wasn’t called Old Bob to his face, of course, but only when he was being referred to in the third person. Like, “Old Bob sure knows his business.” He wasn’t Good Old Bob either, in the sense that he was a good old boy. And the “old” had never been a reference to age. It was more a designation of status or durability or dependability. Bob Freemark had been a rock-solid citizen of Hopewell and a friend to everyone living there for his entire life, the sort of man you could call upon when you needed help. He’d worked for the Jaycees, the United Way, the Cancer Fund, and the Red Cross at one time or another, spearheading their campaign efforts. He’d been a member of
Kiwanis, the Moose, and the VFW. (He’d kept clear of Rotary because he couldn’t abide that phony “Hi, Robert” malarkey.) He’d been a member of the First Congregational Church, been a deacon and a trustee until after Caitlin died. He’d worked at the steel mill as a foreman his last ten years on the job, and there were more than a few in the union who said he was the best they’d ever known.

But this morning as he slouched into the kitchen he was dark-browed and weary-hearted and felt not in the least as if his life had amounted to anything. Evelyn was already up, sitting at the kitchen table with her glass of orange juice laced with vodka, her cigarette, her coffee, and her magazine. Sometimes he thought she simply didn’t go to bed anymore, although she’d been sleeping last night when he’d gotten up to look in on Nest. They’d kept separate bedrooms for almost ten years, and more and more it felt like they kept separate lives as well, all since Caitlin …

He caught himself, stopped himself from even thinking the words. Caitlin. Everything went back to Caitlin. Everything bad.

“Morning,” he greeted perfunctorily.

Evelyn nodded, eyes lifting and lowering like window shades.

He poured himself a bowl of Cheerios, a glass of juice, and a cup of coffee and sat down across from her at the table. He attacked the cereal with single-minded intensity, devouring it in huge gulps, his head lowered to the bowl, stewing in wordless solitude. Evelyn sipped at her vodka and orange juice and took long drags on her cigarette. The length of the silence between them implied accurately the vastness of the gulf that separated their lives.

Finally Evelyn looked up, frowning in reproof. “What’s bothering you, Robert?”

Old Bob looked at her. She had always called him Robert, not Old Bob, not even just Bob, as if some semblance of formality were required in their relationship. She was a small, intense woman with sharp eyes, soft features, gray hair, and a
no-nonsense attitude. She had been beautiful once, but she was only old now. Time and life’s vicissitudes and her own stubborn refusal to look after herself had done her in. She smoked and drank all the time, and when he called her on it, she told him it was her life and she could lead it any way she wanted and besides, she didn’t really give a damn.

“I couldn’t sleep, so I got up during the night and looked in on Nest,” he told her. “She wasn’t there. She’d tucked some pillows under the covers to make me think she was, but she wasn’t.” He paused. “She was out in the park again, wasn’t she?”

Evelyn looked back at her magazine. “You leave the girl alone. She’s doing what she has to do.”

He shook his head stubbornly, even though he knew what was coming. “There’s nothing she has to be doing out there at two in the morning.”

Evelyn stubbed out her cigarette and promptly lit another one. “There’s everything, and you know it.”

“You know it, Evelyn. I don’t.”

“You want me to say it for you, Robert? You seem to be having trouble finding the right words. Nest was out minding the feeders. You can accept it or not—it doesn’t change the fact of it.”

“Out minding the feeders …”

“The ones you can’t see, Robert, because your belief in things doesn’t extend beyond the tip of your nose. Nest and I aren’t like that, thank the good Lord.”

He shoved back his cereal bowl and glared at her. “Neither was Caitlin.”

Her sharp eyes fixed on him through a haze of cigarette smoke. “Don’t start, Robert.”

He hesitated, then shook his head hopelessly. “I’m going to have a talk with Nest about this, Evelyn,” he declared softly. “I don’t want her out there at night. I don’t care what the reason is.”

His wife stared at him a moment longer, as if measuring the strength of his words. Then her eyes returned to the magazine. “You leave Nest alone.”

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