Russian Mafia Billionaire’s Secretary (17 page)

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Shaking her head, “I don’t so much see it as a new family. More like an extension of what we already have. But I have to say, I am enjoying it. And Roman is just eating it up. Did you know he asked if he could call Alexander, daddy?”

“I heard. It made me cry, sis.”

“Me, too,” she confessed. “I’m so happy everything seems to be working out. I hope it stays that way.”

As everyone ate, Alanna enjoyed watching their interactions, as she laughed at Roman’s attempts to entertain Alexander who was eating it up. After breakfast, she leaned back in her chair, content to sit there a while after everything she had consumed. Knowing that she had too much to eat, she ignored that little voice in her head reminding herself that she was eating for two.

The maid arrived, quickly cleared the table, bringing out more coffee for everyone and juice for Roman. Amelia stood up to excuse herself and offered to take Roman outside to play. As Alyssa stood up to join her, Alexander stopped her.

“Alyssa, there are some things to discuss and I would like it if you stayed.” Looking from her sister to Alexander, she nodded her head and poured herself another cup of coffee before sitting back down.

Taking a deep breath, “I have good news. When I spoke with my attorney last night, he informed me that the FBI had dropped all inquests into Denisov International and me, entirely.”

“That’s great news!” Alyssa chimed in as she smiled at both of them. “I’ve been wanting to bring something up and now might be the best time.” She paused before taking a deep breath and then continued. “As you know, I am presently on my break from school. I will need to be back in New York before the end of the month so that I can find a place to live before school starts.”

“No, you won’t. You’ll live with us, won’t she Alexander?”

“But of course. There is plenty of room at the apartment for all of us and it will be easier for you to go to and from school since you won’t need to work anymore.”

“Wait, what? I don’t understand.”

“I’ve taken the liberty of covering your next semester’s tuition and since it would be in your best interest academically to find an internship early, you will not have time to work. So…I must insist that you come live with us. We’ve spent so much time together; I must say that I can’t imagine what it would be like not having you around all the time.”

Before he could finish, the sisters jumped up to hug him as he laughed. “Well, at least until you graduate and become a high-priced attorney.”

Both sisters began talking at once as Alexander interrupted them laughing. “Enough. For the longest time, it was only my sister and me. To have you and Roman a part of this family has made me very happy. Besides, I don’t know how often we will be there….”

His voice trailed off at Alanna’s sudden silence. “Alanna?” He looked at her with concern, as she grew more thoughtful.

Alanna sat back in her chair looking from Alexander to her sister. She opened her mouth a couple times, starting to speak before stopping.

“Alanna?” he repeated.

“I know we talked about living here in Moscow, but now that the FBI has completely backed off, we could return to New York. Or anywhere, really, since you’re no longer restricted on travel.” Alanna’s mind was bouncing in different directions, as she thought about all the new options suddenly available to them.

Turning, she took Alexander’s hand. “Would it be possible to split our time here and in New York?” she asked, as she held her breath.

A slow smile spread across his face as he lifted her hand up and kissed it. “Alanna, my wife. I love you with all my heart and anywhere you are is home to me. There’s just one thing…”

“I’d like the baby to be born in New York,” she blurted out before he could finish speaking.

Laughing, “Okay, two things. I was going to say that no matter what, I didn’t want to spend another winter here, in Moscow.”


“How long now, mommy? How long?” Roman’s insistent question had her blowing out air as she fought the pain to answer.

“What your mom is trying to say is she doesn’t know, but she wishes it was soon,” Alexander told the little boy as he stared at Alanna panting from pain while in the hospital bed.

“Young man, you really shouldn’t be in here,” the nurse scolded as Roman pouted.

“But I want to see my new baby brother.”

“Soon, little man, your mom isn’t quite finished with him,” the nurse told him as she smiled.

“When, mommy?” he demanded again.

Suddenly, Alanna gasped, scaring Roman and he started to cry. Scooping him up, Alyssa leaned over the hospital bed to give her sister a kiss.

“Wish mommy luck, Roman. We’ll be in the children’s waiting room,” she told them before quickly taking him from the room.

After she left, Alexander sat down next to Alanna and stroked her head. When another contraction hit her, she clutched his arm causing him to wince.

“Might not want to sit so close, future dad,” the nurse told him laughing, as he tried to shift on the bed, but Alanna cried out.

“Well, that’s a bit closer together than expected. Let me go get the doctor,” she added before leaving the room.

When the nurse returned with the obstetrician, he checked her dilation and suddenly things were moving quickly, as she was rolled into the birthing room. Alexander stayed close to her, holding her hand.

As the doctor told her to push several times…soon a wail was heard, as Alanna collapsed against the bed in relief. After a few minutes, a tiny bundle wrapped in a blanket was placed in her arms and she and Alexander met Mathew Vella Venisov for the first time.

“He’s beautiful,” she crooned, as she smiled down at her son.

Reaching his hand out, Alexander stared at the tiny baby as he rubbed his finger against his little hand.

“We made this,” he said in awe.

“We did,” she answered tiredly.

“Okay, parents. Time to get him checked out,” the nurse told them. “The doctor will finish up here and we’ll get you back to your room to rest. When you wake up, little Mathew will be ready to eat.”

Nodding their heads, they handed the baby over while the doctor finished up. Alanna was so exhausted that she fell asleep and didn’t wake until after she had been returned to her room. The nurse helped her into a clean gown and she promptly fell asleep again and didn’t wake until she heard whispers growing louder.

“Did anyone see who brought these flowers?” she heard a male voice ask.

“The volunteer brought it in. She said she got the order from the gift shop,” a female voice answered.

“But this is my brother’s handwriting. He was here.”

Slowly opening her eyes, she saw Alexander and her sister in a heated discussion.

“What’s wrong?” she finally managed to ask as they looked at her with concern. Turning to look at each other, they appeared to have a silent conversation. “Somebody, please tell me what is going on. Where’s Roman?”

“Roman is with my sister,” Alexander immediately answered, as he went to sit by her side.

Nodding her head, Alanna knew there was something else. “Okay, so what’s wrong?” she asked again.

Biting her lip, her sister handed her the card as she pointed to a large bouquet of flowers.

“Oh, pretty,” Alanna commented as she stared at the card. “Wait, I don’t…you said…isn’t he dead?” she finally asked. Staring at the card, her spine began to tingle.

Congratulations to my brother and sister-in-law on the birth of your child.


“Evidently, not,” Alyssa answered dourly as she glared at Alexander.

Shaking his head, “You didn’t see the photos from the accident. There’s no way anyone could have survived it. Someone is merely trying to scare us,” Alexander told them forcefully.

At that moment, Roman came running in with Amelia behind him. He was carrying a small koala. Seeing the bassinette, he slowed down and took small steps over to it. Peeking over the top, he introduced himself to his new little brother as he set the small koala down in the corner by his feet. Turning, he smiled broadly at Alanna.

“Hi, mommy. Are you feeling better now?” he asked in his little voice.

“Yes, baby, I am. Where did you find the koala? In the gift shop?”

Shaking his head, “No, Uncle Anton gave it to me.”

“What?” everyone shouted at once.

As Roman looked as though he was going to be upset, Alanna held her hand out to him. “It’s okay, baby. We just want to make sure we heard you right. Who did you say gave it to you?”

“Uncle Anton,” he whispered as his lower lip trembled. “He said to tell you that he never left.”

There was a sudden flurry of activity as Alyssa ran to Alanna and Amelia moved to Alexander, as he reached for his phone. Within the hour, Agent Franklin was in the room speaking with everyone.

After much discussion, he was able to calm everyone down when he agreed to arrange for a police officer to be stationed outside her room.

By the time, Alanna was ready to go home, the manhunt for Anton had been successful thanks to his unsuccessful attempt to access Alexander’s safe deposit box by impersonating him.

With Anton behind bars, Alanna felt as though she could safely come home to their West Park Avenue apartment. Roman and her sister had finished decorating the apartment for her welcome along with assistance from the housekeeper and she smiled at all the balloons.

She laughed, watching Roman chase Alexander around the room as Amelia looked on.

“My brother is his carefree self again, thanks to you,” Amelia confided, as she crooned quietly to her new nephew.

“It was always in him, he just never let it out,” Alanna told her confidently.

“Dah, it took your love for each other for him to realize it was still there.”

Suddenly, Alexander looked up at them, seeming to realize they were talking about him. Whispering something to Roman, they both advanced on the two women just as Alyssa stepped out from the kitchen carrying refreshments. Setting them down on the table, she reached for her phone and handed it to the housekeeper. Coming up behind her sister, she put her arms around her and Amelia.

“All right everyone, first family picture with everyone in it. Say, cheese,” Alyssa instructed as everyone looked up to smile at the camera.

“And many more to come,” Roman called out, as they all laughed.

The End



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Russian Mob Boss’s Prisoner

(Mikail Crime Family Book 3)

By: Leona Lee

Russian Mob Boss’s Prisoner

(Mikail Crime Family Book 3)


By: Leona Lee




All Rights Reserved.
Copyright 2016 Leona Lee

To avoid spoilers, please read book 2 in the series. Click below to read instantly!

 “Russian Mob Boss’s Innocent Love”

Chapter 1

Tanya flashed a clear bag of white powder at a security guard at the gate. He reached his hand out to take it, but she smacked his hand away before tucking the bag back in her pocket. “Only Sergei can sample the product,” she informed him.

“What did you say your name was?” one of the guards asked her. Before she could reply, another man interrupted the conversation.

“What do you want with my brother?” His deep voice almost intimidated her, but she was not going to allow him to throw her off as she slowly turned to face him. Briefly, her brain registered his good looks with his short, wavy, dark hair, day-old beard, solid build, and impressive height. He looked more like a model than a member of the Russian mob.

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