Ryder: #4 (Allen Securities)

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Authors: Madison Stevens

Tags: #romantic suspense allen securities

BOOK: Ryder: #4 (Allen Securities)
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Table of Contents


Title Page

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

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Author Bio

Also By

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations, and incidents depicted in this work are of the author’s imagination or have been used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, locations, or events is entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved.


Copyright 2014 Madison Stevens


No portion of this book may be transmitted or reproduced in any form, or by any means, without the prior written permission of the author.


Ryder (Allen Securities #4)



Madison Stevens



Irene wants to believe all she needs to heal after an emotionally abusive relationship are her friends and bakery, but Ryder Allen keeps intruding into her thoughts. Something about the huge man calls to her heart and body. Afraid to even think about loving again, she does her best to convince him that his affections are better directed elsewhere.

Security contractor Ryder has lived for years choked with bitterness and anger about a bad job that left both his heart and face scarred. His attraction to the shy Irene has left him determined to be with her, despite her insistence they just wouldn’t work together.

When a local biker gang recruits new help and begins making waves around town, neither Ryder nor Irene worry it’ll be much of a problem for her bakery other than some vandalism. Not thinking much about the trouble, Irene decides to take a camping trip with some friends, leading to unexpected terror in the woods that’ll require some skilled protection, which Ryder is more than ready to deliver.




Chapter One



Irene moved quickly around the kitchen, grateful she’d put her long blond hair up that morning. Despite the crisp autumn air outside, it was always warm in the kitchen, especially when she was baking. Zipping back and forth only added to the heat, not that it bothered her. She knew her way around the kitchen. She frowned slightly as her ass bumped into the table.

Maybe she knew her way around the kitchen just a little too well, but who was she trying to impress? A name, Ryder, jumped into her mind, but she pushed it back down as quickly as it came up. This was no time for daydreams and fantasies, even if the man in her daydreams kissed like sin and made her insides quiver.

She jumped when her cell rang on the counter. Two more minutes in the oven, and she would be fine. Irene picked up the phone.


“What’s on the menu today?” Jess, her long-time friend, said over the line.

Irene smiled. She loved that she could always count on Jess to love her creations as much as she did.

“Death by chocolate.”

“Oh, God,” Jess cried. “That’s not the one where the centers are all gooey and the frosting is a ganache, is it?”

“That’s it.” She laughed and swiped a cloth over the metal work station in the middle of the room.

“I don’t know why you bother making anything else,” Jess said.

“Because not everyone likes chocolate.”

The gasp that followed wasn’t all that surprising to her.

“Well, they should,” Jess huffed over the phone. “No accounting for taste.”

Irene shook her head. “Don’t you have some packing to do?”

“Yes,” Jess said grudgingly. From the sound of it, she was lying down on the bed, likely surrounded by said clothes.

“I don’t think calling me constitutes as packing.” She laughed.

“Have you been talking to Kace?” Jess grumbled, and Irene could almost hear the nose wrinkle through the phone.

The timer beeped, and she pulled the cupcakes from the oven. Perfect. After thousands of these, she could make them in the dark. She pulled them off the hot pan and set them on the tray to cool. The already cooled last batch was ready for the ganache topping. It really was a chocolate lover’s dream.

“You’re putting the topping on aren’t you?” Jess said in her ear.

Irene snorted when she heard Kace in the background. “Would you quit talking dirty to her over chocolate?”

“Just a second,” Jess said.

Irene could hear muffled conversation as she carefully frosted the cupcakes, giving a swoop of the hand so the last bit fell nicely. She nearly jumped as Jess came back on the line.

“Kace said he would really like it if you’d send over two of your cupcakes,” Jess said seductively.

The frosting on the cupcake she was working on went lopsided as she nearly choked on her laughter.

“Thanks, but my cupcakes are not for defiling.”

“Party pooper,” Jess groaned.

“Vegas,” Irene reminded her.

She placed the last cupcake in a pretty little paper holder and smiled. There was nothing quite like a finished product. All ready for the front, Irene picked up the tray and carried them to the front. She loved baking, but it always gave her immense satisfaction seeing the cupcakes all lined up inside the case.

She blinked at the sight of Ryder. The subject of her fantasies sat outside the shop on his bike. She nearly tripped over her own feet trying to get away.

Irene had to put the cupcakes in the display box, and it was like he knew she didn’t have a choice.

She adjusted her apron. It was a frilly little thing covered in pastels and white polka dots. It matched her outfit perfectly with her light pink top and white Capri pants, so she really didn’t care. Well, she didn’t care before he came around, but somehow, it seemed silly with him there. Hell, just about everything she did seemed silly with him around. He was just so…focused.

Irene took a few breaths as she watched Ryder on the sidewalk outside. His large body moved with purpose and rippled in the light. There would be no escape. She was all alone with the one man who she’d done everything in her power to avoid over the last few weeks.

“You still there?” Jess buzzed in her ear.

Irene took a deep breath. “Yeah.”

The door chimed as he stepped in. She felt her heart stop a little. Despite being surrounded by sugar, the breeze blew in his male smell of leather and spice. Irene felt her throat run dry as he stopped to stare at her. His black t-shirt and jeans clung to him like a second skin, and she wondered if he did that on purpose or if it was just hard finding his size. Where did a guy like him shop? The Big and Burly store?

“So, this trip is going to be a little different than we originally thought,” Jess went on, oblivious to the trouble that had just walked through the door.

“Oh,” Irene said absently.

She ducked behind the counter as Ryder took a seat far too close to her and started to load the cupcakes. Their eyes clashed through the case. She broke contact and looked down.

“I’m pregnant,” Jess said clearly through the line.

“You’re what?” Irene jumped up. She barely heard the clatter of the tray as it hit the bottom of the case. Cupcakes bounced away from the tray, spreading their deliciousness and a mess.

“We didn’t want to say anything because of the wedding, but we’re just going to elope while we’re in Vegas,” Jess continued.

“Elope?” she swallowed.

That was it. She was the last one. First Olivia and now Jess. She knew it was only a matter of time, but it hadn’t occurred to her that they might want to have children so soon in their relationship. Then again, most people weren’t as emotionally stunted as her.


She jumped when both Jess and Ryder called her back to reality. His face was close to hers as she spoke on the phone.

“Did you know about the baby?” she asked.

His dark brown eyes widened.

Jess laughed. “Well, I’m going to guess that Ryder knows now.”

Irene frowned, and then it dawned on her. “Oh, I’m so sorry,” she said. “I didn’t even think. It just sort of came out.”

“It’s fine,” Jess giggled. “So, is he right there, looming over you?”

Irene looked up and found his piercing gaze fixed on her. She took in a breath. It was amazing how well he seemed to suck out all the oxygen in the room.

“Yeah,” she said, far more breathy than she intended.

His eyes seemed to zero in on her mouth. With her back to the case, it was hard not to think of what they could be doing or had been just a few weeks ago. As if sensing it, Ryder leaned in slightly. She could feel the warmth from his body and shivered at the way it made her feel inside. Not wanting to look at his eyes any longer, she looked at the scar on his face. She knew it bothered him when people looked at it, but she couldn’t help it sometimes. The long, jagged line just called for her to run her fingers over the surface.

“I don’t know why you don’t just fuck his brains out,” Jess said to her.

Irene narrowed her eyes. “You know why,” she said.

“Oh, honey,” Jess said. “You’ve got to get over this.”

Irene turned away from Ryder and his amazing looks and back to the display case. Cupcakes lay scattered in the case.

“I don’t want to talk about it,” she said quietly.

Jess fell silent on the phone for a moment, and guilt ate at Irene. It wasn’t as if her friend wasn’t right. She’d just been screwed over by a guy, same as about a million other women. The only problem was that when Todd screwed her over, he made sure to do it in such a way that he took everything away from her.

“I’m so happy for you and Kace,” Irene said.

It was easy to say because she meant it. Despite the twinge of regret, there wasn’t a part of her that didn’t want to see her friends happy. Jess had been through so much, with a rough childhood and a criminal for a father who was still in prison up to his death, albeit a relatively recent death from an accident.

“I want to hear all about the trip,” Irene said. What does Marilyn think about all this?”

“Oh, God,” Jess groaned. “Tell Ryder not to tell Marilyn. She’s going to flip when she finds out, but we just didn’t want to announce things too soon considering Olivia and Reed just got married.”

Irene glanced over her shoulder to Ryder and sighed. “I’ll tell him.”

“Thanks,” she said. “And thanks for letting Vic come stay with you while we’re gone. I know she’s an adult, but she hates being here by herself.”

Irene smiled. “No problem. She’s over here most of the time with Taylor anyways. It’s not much different from any other day.”

She glanced at the clock. Her cousin Taylor and Victoria, Jess’s sister, would be just getting out of class, and it wouldn’t be long before they would get to the shop.

“Okay, I’ve got to pack now,” Jess said, cutting into her thoughts. “I’ll call you when we get back.”

“Have a good time.”

“Oh, you can count on it,” Jess said. A devilish laugh followed.

Irene placed her phone on the top of the case and stepped back. The aftermath below wasn’t as bad as she initially thought, but it wasn’t pretty.

“Do you want some help?” Ryder rumbled from behind her.

She’d nearly forgotten about him as she got lost in her own world.

“I, um, no,” she fumbled and blushed. His hot gaze fixed her in place.

Ryder sighed and shook his head.

“Why do you have to make everything so difficult?” he mumbled.

Irene opened her mouth but quickly closed it when he leaned past her to pick up the towel behind the counter. Not wanting to be pinned by his massive frame, she dipped down quickly out of his way and gathered the cupcakes back from the case. There were only a few chocolate smudges on the display case glass. She was surprised when he squatted next to her and wiped down the interior. His muscular arms strained against the t-shirt.

She blushed when he looked at her. She shot up, and not bothering to look back, Irene walked into the kitchen and set the tray on the counter. When she reached the sink, a large hand appeared and pulled her hand back.

“What—” she looked to Ryder.

Her heart froze when he brought her hand to his mouth and sucked the two chocolate-coated fingers in. Her fingers swirled around his tongue. When he moaned, her eyes widened with shock. Irene felt her nipples tighten. When his tongue slipped between her fingers, she felt a flutter deep inside and nearly came at the sensation.

Ryder pulled her fingers from his mouth with a pop and gave a lopsided smile.

“It would have been a shame to waste it,” he said.

Irene sucked in a shaky breath.

“What are you doing?” she whispered.

Ryder stepped in closer. She could feel the warmth of his body, and all the memories of the wedding came flooding back. Hot kisses in the changing room of the reception hall. How he’d felt next to her. How her body had responded to his. But most of all, how much she wanted him.

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