Rylie Cruz 2 - How to Date a Vampire (15 page)

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Authors: Rose Pressey

Tags: #paranormal romance vampire romance vampires werewolves rylie cruz rose pressey paranormal romance paranormal mystery

BOOK: Rylie Cruz 2 - How to Date a Vampire
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“What do they want to buy vegetables? Maybe
sit at Café Du Monde?” Jennifer asked.

“I don’t know what kind of connection there
could possibly be. I’d think they’d want to go somewhere with less
people,” I said.

“Perhaps with more people there’s more of a

“Maybe.” I shrugged.

“I’m sorry, Rylie, but your plan doesn’t
sound like a great one. You can’t just walk around and hope to find

“I plan on asking people if they saw him. I
don’t have any other options. It’s what everyone does when someone
is missing. They go around to the places they think the person may
be and ask others about them.”

“I wish there was a better way. I shouldn’t
let you go alone.”

“No, I don’t want you to come. Honest. I’m
not trying to be mean, but I’ve involved you enough.”

She waved her arms. “But that’s what friends
are for? I can’t just leave you alone.”

“You don’t have a choice because I won’t let
you come.”

She frowned.

“Besides, I know Stephen wouldn’t let you
come, either.”

Her eyes fixed on mine.
wouldn’t tell him.”

“He’d probably follow you. All stalker

“Hey, maybe that wouldn’t be a bad idea,
then we’d have a police escort.”

“No, he’d probably kidnap you and tell you
to stay away from the crazy werewolf.”

“He really is a nice guy, Rylie. I know you
two didn’t get off to a great start, but I hope you’ll give him a

I sighed. “I’ll give him a chance. For you,
of course. But just one chance.” I held up my finger.

She smiled.

“You really like him, huh?” I asked.

“I think he’s hot,” she said.

“All right then. I kind of guessed that by
the way you two were doing the tongue tango within the first five
minutes of meeting each other.”

She blushed. “Yeah, I’m still a little
embarrassed by that. I guess we just got a little carried

“It’s okay. I guess he is kind of hot. But
he’d better not be a jerk.”

She beamed. “He’s not a
jerk. Honest. So
do you want to walk with me down to my car?
I left something in there. We can chat while Stephen finishes.”

“What’s Stephen doing? Is he sleeping?” I
looked down the hallway.

“He’s in the bathroom taking a shower. He
came by to see me after work. Our place was closer than if he went
all the way home and took a shower first. We may go to a movie, and
then who knows what.” She gave an evil grin.

“Who knows what, huh? I think I can guess
what. So things are done with Todd?” Jennifer had dated Todd for
years and he hadn’t been ready to truly commit. I wouldn’t blame
Jen if she finally dumped him.

“Yes, I told him we needed time apart. He
didn't seem too heartbroken over the prospect. So good riddance,

“You don't need him.” Not that she needed
this other guy, but who was I to make that decision? Just a little
ol' matchmaker who thought he was the wrong guy for her. Far be it
from me to get involved.

“That’s exactly what I told myself.”

“Sure, I’ll walk downstairs with you.” I was
anxious and wanted to start my search for Jack, but I didn’t want
to scare Jennifer by being overly panicky. She’d insist on coming
with me then, and she didn’t need to be involved in this mess. As
we made our way down the stairs, I asked. “Are you sure you’re
ready to live with Stephen? You haven’t known him very long.”

“It’s not permanent, remember? If it doesn’t
work out, well, nothing lost.”

I nodded. “Fair enough.”

As we made our way around the corner to
Jennifer’s car, movement caught my attention and I looked up. Lily
was on creepy neighbor guy’s balcony. They were all hands. Did they
really enjoy the whole world witnessing their make-out sessions? I
didn’t need to see it—no matter if they were in love.

“Rylie.” She waved and I couldn’t find any
place to duck away to—I was trapped and had no choice but talk to

“What now?” I snapped. Now was not the time
to hassle me again.

“Are you still messing around with the
vampires? You’re going to get your ass kicked and make us all look
stupid. Then I’ll have to kick your ass.”

I knew I should ignore her, but she made it
so difficult. I wanted to climb up on that balcony and wring her
little neck. I’d show her an ass-kicking that she wouldn’t soon
forget. But my mama had taught me manners, so I smiled through
gritted teeth.

Jennifer grabbed a bag from her car and
slammed the door. “I’ve never met anyone so annoying in all my
life. And what does she see in Phil? He has a terrible personality
and he is so ugly he looks like he’s dead but refuses to lie

I snorted. “Where do you come up with these
things, Jen?”

She giggled. “Lily is pretty, but I guess
the nastiness inside doesn’t make up for that, huh?”

Jennifer glanced back at Lily. Lily growled
at her.

“Lily, why don’t you mind your own business?
I’m not messing with vampires. Now have a nice day.” I turned and
started to walk away.

She snorted. “I had better not have to come
save your ass. Do you understand?”

I didn't turn around. Not giving her the
satisfaction was the best revenge.

“Oh, wait,” Jennifer said. “I forgot
something else.” She hurried back to her car.

“Hurry up so we can get away from that mangy
mutt and her ogre boyfriend.”

When Jennifer reached in her car and got a
small cosmetics bag out, she pulled a piece of paper and held it
up. “Rylie, look at this. It’s a map of the French Quarter. It
looks just like the one Isabella brought for you.”

“Let me see that.” I moved over beside her
and she handed me the paper. “It is just like it. The same paper
and everything. It doesn’t look like a photocopy, though. Maybe it
was printed from the same file?”

“Well, what the heck is it doing in my car?”
Jennifer looked around.

“I don’t know. Did you lock your car?” I
stepped closer to the car and peered in.

“Yes, I always lock it. I don’t know how
anyone could have gotten in.”

“I don’t know, Jen. It’s really strange. Why
would it be there? You’re right. It is just like the one that
Isabella gave me.”

“Do you think she put it there?”

“I don’t know. How could she? And why
doesn’t it say anything?”

“Maybe it was an extra that they made.”

“I guess it could have been.”

“Have they been handing out these things all
over town?” she asked.
Another piece adding to the puzzle and I was no closer to solving
it. None of the pieces seemed to fit. Nothing made sense. The only
thing that made sense was that my life was cursed and no amount of
voodoo would chance that.

Jennifer frowned as she studied the paper. I
felt Lily’s eyes on us. Soon she’d be down there messing in our
business. At least she had kept her trap shut for the moment.

“I am so sorry,” I said.

“I don’t know what to say other than this
really freaks me out. I don’t like the idea that someone was
messing around my car. Maybe I should tell Stephen about this?”
Jennifer waved the paper in the air.

“I’m not so sure you should. He’s already
protective. How much more protective can he be without completely
smothering you? You know you don’t like that.”

She nodded. “You are right, I don’t like

“If anything else happens you should
definitely tell him, but let’s just keep this quiet. After all, it
is just a piece of paper.”

Albeit a paper just like the one I got
wanting me to bring Jack to the vampire’s trap, but whatever.

“Are there any signs on the paper? Maybe
some kind of clue?” she asked.

“There’s no writing on it.” I flipped the
page over. “Nothing on the back.”

“Maybe there’s something else in the car. We
should look.”

Jennifer moved over to the driver’s side, so
I made my way to the passenger side. I opened the door and looked
on the floor, then checked under the seat, running my hand up under
it to make sure I didn’t miss anything.

I pulled out a hamburger wrapper and a box
of half-eaten French fries. “Are you saving this for a rainy day?”
I asked.

Jennifer laughed. “I need to clean my

“Did you find anything?” I asked, looking up
from the car.

She shook her head. “No, nothing. It doesn’t
look as if anything has been touched in here.”

I peered into the back seat. There was
nothing back there but an umbrella. I stood and looked at the car,
blowing out a deep breath. “This is one of the strangest things
I’ve ever encountered and I’ve seen a lot of strange things in my

“You should call Isabella and ask her if she
left the paper in my car.”

“That’s a good idea, although I’m sure
she’ll just say no. But at least I’ll probably be able to sense if
she’s lying. I’ll hear it in her voice. I have her number inside in
the office. I’ll call her now. Maybe this map will give us a clue
as to where Jack is.”

“I’ll check the trunk. Why don’t you go get
her number?”

“Okay, I’ll be right back,” I said as I made
my way back toward the building. Once inside, I grabbed the file
and punched her number into my cell phone.

While it was ringing, I went back outside to
check on Jennifer. I covered the bottom of my phone with my hand
and asked, “Did you find anything else?”

She shook her head. “Nothing.”

“She’s not answering, by the way,” I said.
“I’ll leave a message.”

“She’s probably guilty, that’s why she’s not
answering,” Jennifer whispered.

I nodded. “Isabella, this is Rylie Cruz from
Get a Mate. Could you please call be as soon as possible? I have a
question for you.”

Isabella would think I had a question about
her match up. That was probably the only way she’d call back.

“I can’t believe she wants you to find her a
mate. She’s another version of Lily.”

“Yes, just what I need.” I stuffed my phone
in my pocket. “Did you look under the car?” I asked, as I crotched
down beside the door.

“I didn’t think of that.” Jennifer hurried
around to the other side.

“I don’t see anything,” I said, as I looked
along the bottom of the car.

“What did you lose, Jennifer? Your
personality?” Lily yelled from the balcony.

“No, but you’re going to lose your teeth if
you don’t mind your own business, Lily.” Jennifer shouted back.

I snickered. Jennifer wasn’t afraid of Lily,
either. “Come on. Let’s get back upstairs.”

When we rounded the corner of our building,
I felt eyes on me, as if a presence was staring at me. As I reached
the steps, I glanced to my right and saw the voodoo priestess
watching me.

Chapter Twenty-One

How to Date a Vampire, Rule #21:

Beware: your vampire lover may be able to
read your mind.


She smiled a half-grin and nodded. I
attempted a grin. She still made me nervous. I’d visited her shop
at Jennifer’s urging when my ex-client was stalking me. She’d
helped me by giving me an amulet.

Thank goodness, Jennifer hadn’t noticed her.
She’d want me to go in there for sure. I still wasn’t sure about
the whole voodoo thing; it reminded me of zombies. I didn’t do

The priestess waved her arm. Uh-oh. I rushed
Jennifer toward the door, but the priestess called out.

“I can help you,” she said.

I thought about continuing through the door,
acting as if I hadn't heard her call to me, but curiosity won out.
It always did. I wanted to know what she meant. Suddenly everyone
claimed to have advice for me. I stopped and turned to face her. I
felt Jennifer leaning in close, breathing over my shoulder.

“You can help me?” I asked. “Help with

“I think you know what. Why don't you come
inside the shop?”

“Go in.” Jennifer pushed me on the back and
I stumbled forward.

“How would you like a knuckle sandwich?” I

“Who says that? I haven’t heard anyone say
that since I was in grade school.” She snorted.

I rolled my eyes. “Okay, okay, but don't
push. I'm going.”

“Don't make me carry you in there.” She
wiggled her finger at me.

The priestess had disappeared back inside in
shop. She had no time for our silly bickering. I couldn't say that
I blamed her. I moved forward, forcing my legs to progress, but
they stopped after a few steps. I turned around and moved back
toward my building.

Before I could move more than a few steps,
Jennifer grabbed my arm, pulling me forward. “You have to see what
she says. Aren’t you curious? Walk into the shop. It didn’t hurt
you last time, did it?”

“No, I guess not,” I mumbled.

“What did I tell you last time? Voodoo
shops, jazz music, Cajun food… they are all a part of this
magnificent place we call home.”

“Cajun food… voodoo… jazz music… voodoo,” I

“You’re a werewolf and your boyfriend is
most likely a vampire, for heaven’s sake. What’s the

“Well, it still gives me the heebie-jeebies.
I can’t take a chance on anything else happening. I’m on
supernatural overload right now. Do I really need to keep adding
paranormal things to my life? One more might be the one that
finally makes it all come crashing down.”

“I think it all came crashing down a long
time ago.”

“Well, that might be so, but I don’t need to
add another,” I snorted.

“Like I said last time, voodoo is a
religion, it’s not supernatural.” She held my arm again. “Rylie,
you of all people should know these things. It’s your job.”

“Is that right? Since when did you learn so
much about voodoo?” She knew as much about voodoo as I knew about
football. Well, you’re the paranormal one in this scenario. “Please
forgive me for not knowing all the paranormal details.” I pulled
free from her tight grasp. That was the second time she’d
questioned my expertise.

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